namespace XF\Payment;
use XF\Entity\PurchaseRequest;
use XF\Mvc\Controller;
use XF\Purchasable\Purchase;
use XF\Util\Arr;
use function count;
class PayPal extends AbstractProvider
public function getTitle()
return 'PayPal';
public function getApiEndpoint()
return $this->getPayPalUrlPrefix() . 'cgi-bin/webscr';
public function getPayPalUrlPrefix(): string
if (\XF::config('enableLivePayments'))
return 'https://www.paypal.com/';
return 'https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/';
public function verifyConfig(array &$options, &$errors = [])
if (empty($options['primary_account']))
$errors[] = \XF::phrase('you_must_provide_primary_paypal_account_email_to_set_up_this_payment');
return false;
$emails = [];
if (!empty($options['alternate_accounts']))
$emails = Arr::stringToArray($options['alternate_accounts'], '#\r?\n#');
$emails[] = $options['primary_account'];
$validator = \XF::app()->validator('Email');
foreach ($emails AS $email)
if (!$validator->isValid($email))
$errors[] = \XF::phrase('value_x_is_not_valid_email_address', ['email' => $email]);
if ($errors)
return false;
return true;
protected function getPaymentParams(PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest, Purchase $purchase)
$paymentProfile = $purchase->paymentProfile;
$purchaser = $purchase->purchaser;
$params = [
'business' => $paymentProfile->options['primary_account'],
'currency_code' => $purchase->currency,
'item_name' => $purchase->title,
'quantity' => 1,
'no_note' => 1,
// 2 = required, 1 = not required, 0 = optional
'no_shipping' => !empty($paymentProfile->options['require_address']) ? 2 : 1,
'custom' => $purchaseRequest->request_key,
'charset' => 'utf8',
'email' => $purchaser->email,
'return' => $purchase->returnUrl,
'cancel_return' => $purchase->cancelUrl,
'notify_url' => $this->getCallbackUrl()
if ($purchase->recurring)
$params['cmd'] = '_xclick-subscriptions';
$params['a3'] = $purchase->cost;
$params['p3'] = $purchase->lengthAmount;
switch ($purchase->lengthUnit)
case 'day': $params['t3'] = 'D'; break;
case 'week': $params['t3'] = 'W'; break;
case 'month': $params['t3'] = 'M'; break;
case 'year': $params['t3'] = 'Y'; break;
default: $params['t3'] = ''; break;
$params['src'] = 1;
$params['sra'] = 1;
$params['cmd'] = '_xclick';
$params['amount'] = $purchase->cost;
return $params;
public function initiatePayment(Controller $controller, PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest, Purchase $purchase)
$params = $this->getPaymentParams($purchaseRequest, $purchase);
$endpointUrl = $this->getApiEndpoint();
$endpointUrl .= '?' . http_build_query($params);
return $controller->redirect($endpointUrl, '');
public function renderCancellationTemplate(PurchaseRequest $purchaseRequest)
$data = [
'purchaseRequest' => $purchaseRequest,
'endpoint' => $this->getPayPalUrlPrefix()
return \XF::app()->templater()->renderTemplate('public:payment_cancel_recurring_paypal', $data);
* @param \XF\Http\Request $request
* @return CallbackState
public function setupCallback(\XF\Http\Request $request)
$state = new CallbackState();
$state->business = $request->filter('business', 'str');
$state->receiverEmail = $request->filter('receiver_email', 'str');
$state->payerEmail = $request->filter('payer_email', 'str');
$state->transactionType = $request->filter('txn_type', 'str');
$state->parentTransactionId = $request->filter('parent_txn_id', 'str');
$state->transactionId = $request->filter('txn_id', 'str');
$state->subscriberId = $request->filter('subscr_id', 'str');
$state->paymentCountry = $request->filter('residence_country', 'str');
$state->costAmount = $request->filter('mc_gross', 'unum');
$state->taxAmount = $request->filter('tax', 'unum');
$state->costCurrency = $request->filter('mc_currency', 'str');
$state->paymentStatus = $request->filter('payment_status', 'str');
$state->requestKey = $request->filter('custom', 'str');
$state->testMode = $request->filter('test_ipn', 'bool');
if (\XF::config('enableLivePayments'))
// explicitly disable test mode if live payments are enabled
$state->testMode = false;
$state->ip = $request->getIp();
$state->_POST = $_POST;
return $state;
public function validateCallback(CallbackState $state)
$params = ['form_params' => $state->_POST + ['cmd' => '_notify-validate']];
$client = \XF::app()->http()->client();
if ($state->testMode)
$url = 'https://ipnpb.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$url = 'https://ipnpb.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr';
$response = $client->post($url, $params);
if (!$response || $response->getBody()->getContents() != 'VERIFIED' || $response->getStatusCode() != 200)
$host = \XF\Util\Ip::getHost($state->ip);
if (preg_match('#(^|\.)paypal.com$#i', $host))
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Request not validated';
$state->logType = false;
$state->logMessage = 'Request not validated (from unknown source)';
return false;
catch (\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Connection to PayPal failed: ' . $e->getMessage();
return false;
return true;
public function validateTransaction(CallbackState $state)
if (!$state->requestKey)
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'No purchase request key. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
if ($state->legacy)
// The custom data in legacy calls is <user_id>,<user_upgrade_id>,<validation_type>,<validation>.
// We only need the user_id and user_upgrade_id but we can at least verify it's a familiar format.
if (!preg_match(
&& count($itemParts) !== 3 // full match + 2 groups
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid custom field. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
$user = \XF::em()->find('XF:User', $itemParts['user_id']);
if (!$user)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Could not find user with user_id ' . $itemParts['user_id'] . '.';
return false;
$state->purchaser = $user;
$state->userUpgrade = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgrade', $itemParts['user_upgrade_id']);
if (!$state->userUpgrade)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Could not find user upgrade with user_upgrade_id ' . $itemParts['user_upgrade_id'] . '.';
return false;
if (!$state->getPurchaseRequest())
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid request key. Unrelated payment, no action to take.';
return false;
if (!$state->transactionId && !$state->subscriberId)
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'No transaction or subscriber ID. No action to take.';
return false;
$paymentRepo = \XF::repository('XF:Payment');
$matchingLogsFinder = $paymentRepo->findLogsByTransactionIdForProvider($state->transactionId, $this->providerId);
if ($matchingLogsFinder->total())
$logs = $matchingLogsFinder->fetch();
foreach ($logs AS $log)
if ($log->log_type == 'cancel' && $state->paymentStatus == 'Canceled_Reversal')
// This is a cancelled transaction we've already seen, but has now been reversed.
// Let it go through.
return true;
$state->logType = 'info';
$state->logMessage = 'Transaction already processed. Skipping.';
return false;
return true;
public function validatePurchaseRequest(CallbackState $state)
// validated in validateTransaction
return true;
public function validatePurchasableHandler(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$purchasable = \XF::em()->find('XF:Purchasable', 'user_upgrade');
$state->purchasableHandler = $purchasable->handler;
// For legacy payments, all we can do is get the user upgrade handler. We don't have
// a purchase request or anything so no other validation can be done.
return true;
return parent::validatePurchasableHandler($state);
public function validatePaymentProfile(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$finder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProfile')
->where('provider_id', 'paypal');
foreach ($finder->fetch() AS $profile)
if (!empty($profile->options['legacy']))
$state->paymentProfile = $profile;
return parent::validatePaymentProfile($state);
public function validatePurchaser(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
// validated in validateTransaction
return true;
return parent::validatePurchaser($state);
public function validatePurchasableData(CallbackState $state)
$paymentProfile = $state->getPaymentProfile();
$business = strtolower($state->business);
$receiverEmail = strtolower($state->receiverEmail);
$payerEmail = strtolower($state->payerEmail);
$options = $paymentProfile->options;
$accounts = Arr::stringToArray($options['alternate_accounts'], '#\r?\n#');
$accounts[] = $options['primary_account'];
$matched = false;
foreach ($accounts AS $account)
$account = trim(strtolower($account));
if (!$account)
if ($business == $account || $receiverEmail == $account)
$matched = true;
if ($state->transactionType == 'adjustment' && $payerEmail == $account)
$matched = true;
if (!$matched)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid business or receiver_email.';
return false;
return true;
public function validateCost(CallbackState $state)
if ($state->legacy)
$upgrade = $state->userUpgrade;
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->findOne('XF:UserUpgradeActive', [
'user_upgrade_id' => $upgrade->user_upgrade_id,
'user_id' => $state->purchaser->user_id
if (!$upgradeRecord && $state->subscriberId)
$logFinder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProviderLog')
->where('subscriber_id', $state->subscriberId)
->order('log_date', 'DESC');
foreach ($logFinder->fetch() AS $log)
if (is_numeric($log->purchase_request_key))
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgradeExpired', $log->purchase_request_key);
if ($upgradeRecord)
$state->userUpgradeRecordId = $upgradeRecord->user_upgrade_record_id;
if (!$upgradeRecord && $state->parentTransactionId)
$logFinder = \XF::finder('XF:PaymentProviderLog')
->where('transaction_id', $state->parentTransactionId)
->order('log_date', 'DESC');
foreach ($logFinder->fetch() AS $log)
if (is_numeric($log->purchase_request_key))
$upgradeRecord = \XF::em()->find('XF:UserUpgradeExpired', $log->purchase_request_key);
if ($upgradeRecord)
$state->userUpgradeRecordId = $upgradeRecord->user_upgrade_record_id;
$cost = $upgrade->cost_amount;
$currency = $upgrade->cost_currency;
$upgradeRecord = false;
$purchaseRequest = $state->getPurchaseRequest();
$cost = $purchaseRequest->cost_amount;
$currency = $purchaseRequest->cost_currency;
switch ($state->transactionType)
case 'web_accept':
case 'subscr_payment':
$costValidated = (
round(($state->costAmount - $state->taxAmount), 2) == round($cost, 2)
&& $state->costCurrency == $currency
if ($state->legacy && !$costValidated && $upgradeRecord && $upgradeRecord->extra)
$cost = $upgradeRecord->extra['cost_amount'];
$currency = $upgradeRecord->extra['cost_currency'];
$costValidated = (
round(($state->costAmount - $state->taxAmount), 2) == round($cost, 2)
&& $state->costCurrency == strtoupper($currency)
if ($costValidated)
// the upgrade's cost has changed, but we need to continue as if it hasn't
$state->extraData = [
'cost_amount' => round($state->costAmount, 2),
'cost_currency' => $state->costCurrency
if (!$costValidated)
$state->logType = 'error';
$state->logMessage = 'Invalid cost amount. PayPal may be erroneously adding additional shipping and handling charges';
return false;
return true;
public function getPaymentResult(CallbackState $state)
switch ($state->transactionType)
case 'web_accept':
case 'subscr_payment':
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Completed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_RECEIVED;
case 'adjustment':
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Completed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REVERSED;
if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Refunded' || $state->paymentStatus == 'Reversed')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REVERSED;
else if ($state->paymentStatus == 'Canceled_Reversal')
$state->paymentResult = CallbackState::PAYMENT_REINSTATED;
public function prepareLogData(CallbackState $state)
$state->logDetails = $state->_POST;
protected function getSupportedRecurrenceRanges()
return [
'day' => [1, 90],
'week' => [1, 52],
'month' => [1, 24],
'year' => [1, 5]