namespace XF;
use Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider;
use function intval, is_string, strlen, strval;
class PageCache
const CACHE_VERSION = 1;
* @var Http\Request
protected $request;
* @var CacheProvider
protected $cache;
protected $lifetime = 300;
protected $cacheId;
protected $recordSessionActivity = true;
protected $sessionActivity;
* @var \Closure|null
protected $cacheIdGenerator = null;
public function __construct(Http\Request $request, CacheProvider $cache, $lifetime = 300)
$this->request = $request;
$this->cache = $cache;
public function getRequest()
return $this->request;
public function getLifetime()
return $this->lifetime;
public function setLifetime($lifetime)
$this->lifetime = max(10, intval($lifetime));
public function setRecordSessionActivity($record)
$this->recordSessionActivity = (bool)$record;
public function getRecordSessionActivity()
return $this->recordSessionActivity;
public function setSessionActivity(array $activity = null)
$this->sessionActivity = $activity;
public function setCacheIdGenerator(\Closure $generator = null)
if ($this->cacheId)
throw new \LogicException("Cannot change the cache ID generator after one has been created");
$this->cacheIdGenerator = $generator;
public function isDefinitelyGuest()
$sessionCookie = $this->request->getCookie('session');
$userCookie = $this->request->getCookie('user');
return (!$sessionCookie && !$userCookie);
public function isRequestCacheable()
if (!$this->request->isGet() || $this->request->isXhr())
return false;
if ($this->request->getCookie('dbWriteForced'))
return false;
return true;
public function routeMatchesPrefixes(array $prefixes)
$route = $this->request->getRoutePath();
foreach ($prefixes AS $prefix)
if (!$prefix)
// allow an empty prefix to match the index route
if (!$route)
return true;
if ($prefix[0] == '#')
if (preg_match($prefix, $route))
return true;
else if (strpos($route, $prefix) === 0)
return true;
return false;
public function getCachedPage(\XF\App $app)
$cacheId = $this->getCacheId();
$result = $this->cache->fetch($cacheId);
if (!$result)
return null;
if (!empty($result['sessionActivity']))
$activity = $result['sessionActivity'];
/** @var \XF\Repository\SessionActivity $activityRepo */
$activityRepo = $app->repository('XF:SessionActivity');
\XF::visitor()->user_id, $this->request->getIp(),
$activity['controller'], $activity['action'], $activity['params'], $activity['viewState'],
$response = $app->response();
$response->contentType($result['contentType'], $result['charset']);
$response->header('Expires', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $result['expires']) . ' GMT');
$response->header('X-XF-Cache-Status', 'HIT');
$now = \XF::$time;
$body = str_replace($result['csrfToken'], $app['csrf.token'], $result['body']);
$body = str_replace("now: $result[date],", "now: $now,", $body);
// accept that some dates might be slightly off
return $response;
public function saveToCache(Http\Response $response, \XF\App $app)
if (!$this->isResponseSaveable($response))
return false;
$cacheId = $this->getCacheId();
$data = [
'date' => \XF::$time,
'expires' => \XF::$time + $this->lifetime,
'contentType' => $response->contentType(),
'charset' => $response->charset(),
'headers' => $response->headers(),
'body' => strval($response->body()),
'csrfToken' => $app['csrf.token']
if ($this->recordSessionActivity && $this->sessionActivity)
$data['sessionActivity'] = $this->sessionActivity;
$this->cache->save($cacheId, $data, $this->lifetime);
return true;
public function isResponseSaveable(Http\Response $response)
if ($response->httpCode() !== 200)
return false;
if ($response->contentType() != 'text/html')
return false;
if ($response->getCookiesExcept(['session', 'csrf', 'from_search'], true))
// if we are setting a cookie other than the session/csrf/from_search, this is likely to be user specific
return false;
$body = $response->body();
if (!is_string($body) || strlen($body) >= 800 * 1024)
// don't cache files or bodies over 800KB
return false;
return true;
public function getCacheId()
if (!$this->cacheId)
$this->cacheId = $this->generateCacheId();
return $this->cacheId;
protected function generateCacheId()
if ($this->cacheIdGenerator)
$generator = $this->cacheIdGenerator;
$cacheId = $generator($this->request);
$options = \XF::options();
$request = $this->request;
$styleId = intval($request->getCookie('style_id', 0));
if (!$styleId)
$styleId = $options->defaultStyleId;
$languageId = intval($request->getCookie('language_id', 0));
if (!$languageId)
$languageId = $options->defaultLanguageId;
$uri = $request->getFullRequestUri();
$uri = preg_replace('#(\?|&)_debug=[^&]*#', '', $uri);
$cacheId = 'page_' . sha1($uri) . '_' . strlen($uri) . "_s{$styleId}_l{$languageId}_v" . self::CACHE_VERSION;
\XF::app()->fire('page_cache_id', [&$cacheId, $this->request]);
return $cacheId;
public function hasCacheId()
return $this->cacheId ? true : false;