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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/classes/PHPFusion/OutputHandler.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: OutputHandler.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
namespace PHPFusion;

OutputHandler {
     * Additional tags to the html head
     * @var string
public static $pageHeadTags = "";
     * Additional contents to the footer
     * @var string
public static $pageFooterTags = "";
     * Additional javascripts
     * @var string
public static $jqueryCode = "";
     * Additional css
     * @var string
public static $cssCode = "";
     * The title in the "title" tag
     * @var string
public static $pageTitle = "";
     * Associative array of meta tags
     * @var string[]
private static $pageMeta = [];
     * PHP code to execute using eval replace anything in the output
     * @var callback[]
private static $outputHandlers = [];

     * Set the new title of the page
     * @param string $title
public static function setTitle($title = "") {
self::$pageTitle = $title;

     * Append something to the title of the page
     * @param string $addition
public static function addToTitle($addition = "") {
self::$pageTitle .= $addition;

     * Set a meta tag by name
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $content
public static function setMeta($name, $content = "") {
self::$pageMeta[$name] = $content;

     * Append something to a meta tag
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $addition
public static function addToMeta($name, $addition = "") {
        if (empty(
self::$pageMeta)) {
$settings = fusion_get_settings();
self::$pageMeta = [
'description' => $settings['description'],
'keywords'    => $settings['keywords']
        if (isset(
self::$pageMeta[$name])) {
self::$pageMeta[$name] .= ",".$addition;

     * Add content to the html head
     * @param string $tag
public static function addToHead($tag = "") {
        if (!
stristr(self::$pageHeadTags, $tag)) {
self::$pageHeadTags .= $tag."\n";

     * Add content to the footer
     * @param string $tag
public static function addToFooter($tag = "") {
        if (!
stristr(self::$pageFooterTags, $tag)) {
self::$pageFooterTags .= $tag."\n";

     * Add javascript source code to the output
     * @param string $code
public static function addToJQuery($code = "") {
        if (!
stristr(self::$jqueryCode, $code)) {
self::$jqueryCode .= $code;

     * Add css code to the output
     * @param string $code
public static function addToCss($code = "") {
        if (!
stristr(self::$cssCode, $code)) {
self::$cssCode .= $code;

     * Replace something in the output using regexp
     * @param string $target    Regexp pattern without delimiters
     * @param string $replace   The new content
     * @param string $modifiers Regexp modifiers
public static function replaceInOutput($target, $replace, $modifiers = "") {
self::$outputHandlers[] = function ($output) use ($target, $replace, $modifiers) {
preg_replace('^'.preg_quote($target, "^").'^'.$modifiers, $replace, $output);

     * Add a new output handler function
     * @param callback $callback The name of a function or other callable object
public static function addHandler($callback) {
        if (
is_callable($callback)) {
self::$outputHandlers[] = $callback;

     * Get Current Page Title
public static function getTitle() {
        if (!empty(
self::$pageTitle)) {


     * Execute the output handlers
     * @param string $output
     * @return string
     * @global array $locale
public static function handleOutput($output) {
$locale = fusion_get_locale();
$settings = fusion_get_settings();

        if (!empty(
self::$pageHeadTags)) {
$output = preg_replace("#</head>#", self::$pageHeadTags."</head>", $output, 1);

        if (!empty(
self::$cssCode)) {
            if (
$settings['devmode'] == 0) {
$minifier = new Minify\CSS(self::$cssCode);
$css = $minifier->minify();
            } else {
$css = self::$cssCode;

$output = preg_replace("#</head>#", "<style>".$css."</style></head>", $output, 1);

        if (
self::$pageTitle != $settings['sitename']) {
self::$pageTitle = self::$pageTitle.(self::$pageTitle ? $locale['global_200'] : '').$settings['sitename'];
$output = preg_replace("#<title>.*</title>#i", "<title>".self::$pageTitle."</title>", $output, 1);

        if (!empty(
self::$pageMeta)) {
            foreach (
self::$pageMeta as $name => $content) {
$output = preg_replace("#<meta (http-equiv|name)='$name' content='.*'(.*?)>#i", "<meta \\1='".$name."' content='".$content."'>", $output, 1);

        foreach (
self::$outputHandlers as $handler) {
$output = $handler($output);
