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/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )

cms_hook_Output extends _HOOK_CLASS_
     * Display Error Screen
     * @param    string             $message             language key for error message
     * @param    mixed                 $code                 Error code
     * @param    int                 $httpStatusCode     HTTP Status Code
     * @param    string             $adminMessage         language key for error message to show to admins
     * @param    array                 $httpHeaders         Additional HTTP Headers
     * @param    string             $extra                 Additional information (such backtrace or API error) which will be shown to admins
     * @param    int|string|NULL        $faultyAppOrHookId    The 3rd party application or the hook id, which caused this error, NULL if it was a core application
public function error( $message, $code, $httpStatusCode=500, $adminMessage=NULL, $httpHeaders=array(), $extra=NULL, $faultyAppOrHookId=NULL )
        if ( ! isset( \
IPS\Settings::i()->cms_error_page ) or ! \IPS\Settings::i()->cms_error_page )
parent::error( $message, $code, $httpStatusCode, $adminMessage, $httpHeaders, $extra, $faultyAppOrHookId );

/* When we log out, the user is taken back to the page they were just on. If this is producing a "no permission" error, redirect them to the index instead */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->_fromLogout ) )
// _fromLogout=1 indicates that they came from log out. To make sure that we don't cause an infinite redirect (which
            // would happen if guests cannot view the index page) we need to change _fromLogout, but we can't unset it because _fromLogout={anything}
            // will clear the autosave content on next load (by Javascript), which we need to do on log out for security reasons... so, _fromLogout=2
            // is used here which will clear the autosave, but *not* redirect them again
if ( \IPS\Request::i()->_fromLogout != 2 )
$this->redirect( \IPS\Http\Url::internal('')->stripQueryString()->setQueryString( '_fromLogout', 2 ) );
/* If we're in an external script, just show a simple message */
if ( !\IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance() )

$this->sendOutput( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( $message ), $httpStatusCode, 'text/html', $httpHeaders, FALSE );
        if ( \
IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation !== 'front' )
parent::error( $message, $code, $httpStatusCode, $adminMessage, $httpHeaders, $extra );
/* Work out the title */
$title = "{$httpStatusCode}_error_title";
$title = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->checkKeyExists( $title ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $title ) : \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'error_title' );

/* Which message are we showing? */
if( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->isAdmin() and $adminMessage )
$message = $adminMessage;
        if ( \
IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->checkKeyExists( $message ) )
$message = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $message );
/* Replace language stack keys with actual content */
\IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->parseOutputForDisplay( $message );
/* Log */
$level = intval( \substr( $code, 0, 1 ) );
        if( !\
IPS\Session::i()->userAgent->spider )
$code and \IPS\Settings::i()->error_log_level and $level >= \IPS\Settings::i()->error_log_level )
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_error_logs', array(
'log_member'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ?: 0,
'log_date'            => time(),
'log_error'            => $message,
'log_error_code'    => $code,
'log_ip_address'    => \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress(),
'log_request_uri'    => $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
                    ) );

            if( \
IPS\Settings::i()->error_notify_level and $level >= \IPS\Settings::i()->error_notify_level )
IPS\Email::buildFromTemplate( 'core', 'error_log', array( $code, $message ), \IPS\Email::TYPE_LIST )->send( \IPS\Settings::i()->email_in );
/* If this is an AJAX request, send a JSON response */
if( \IPS\Request::i()->isAjax() )
$this->json( $message, $httpStatusCode );
/* Send output */
\IPS\cms\Pages\Page::errorPage( $title, $message, $code, $httpStatusCode, $httpHeaders );
