Seditio Source
Root |
 * @brief        Number input class for Form Builder
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        12 Apr 2013

namespace IPS\Helpers\Form;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Text input class for Form Builder
class _Node extends FormAbstract
     * @brief    Default Options
     * @code
         $defaultOptions = array(
             'url'                => \IPS\Http\Url::internal(...)    // The URL that this form element will be displayed on
             'class'                => '\IPS\core\Foo',                // The node class
             'permissionCheck'    => 'add',                        // If a permission key is provided, only nodes that the member has that permission for will be available. Alternatively, can be a callback to return if node can be selected.
             'zeroVal'            => 'none',                        // If provided, a checkbox allowing you to receive a value of 0 will be shown with the label given. Default is NULL.
             'zeroValTogglesOn'    => array( ... ),                // Element IDs to toggle on when the zero val checkbox is checked
             'zeroValTogglesOff'    => array( ... ),                // Element IDs to toggle on when the zero val checkbox is unchecked
             'multiple'            => TRUE,                        // If multiple values are supported. Defaults to FALSE
             'subnodes'            => TRUE,                        // Controls if subnodes should be included. Defaults to TRUE
             'togglePerm'        => 'edit',                        // If a permission key is provided, nodes that have this permission will toggle the element IDs in toggleIds on/off
             'toggleIds'            => array(),                        // Element IDs to toggle on/off when togglePerm is reached
             'forceOwner'        => \IPS\Member::load(),            // If nodes are 'owned', the owner. NULL for currently logged in member, FALSE to not limit by owner
             'where'                => array(),                        // where clause to control which results to display
             'disabledIds'        => array(),                        // Array of disabled IDs
             'noParentNodes'        => 'Custom'                        // If a value is provided, subnodes of this class which have no parent node will be added into a pseudo-group with the title provided. e.g. custom packages in Nexus do not belong to any package group
             'autoPopulate'        => FALSE                        // Whether or not to autopopulate children of root nodes (defaults to TRUE which means the children are loaded, use FALSE to only show the parent nodes by default until they are clicked on)
             'clubs'                => TRUE,                        // If TRUE, will also show nodes inside clubs that the user can access. Defaults to FALSE.
     * @endcode
protected $defaultOptions = array(
'url'                => NULL,
'class'                => NULL,
'permissionCheck'    => NULL,
'zeroVal'            => NULL,
'multiple'            => FALSE,
'subnodes'            => TRUE,
'togglePerm'        => NULL,
'toggleIds'            => array(),
'zeroValTogglesOn'    => array(),
'zeroValTogglesOff'    => array(),
'forceOwner'        => NULL,
'where'                => array(),
'disabledIds'        => array(),
'noParentNodes'        => NULL,
'autoPopulate'        => TRUE,
'clubs'                => FALSE
     * Constructor
     * @return    void
public function __construct()
call_user_func_array( 'parent::__construct', func_get_args() );
        if ( !
$this->options['url'] )
$this->options['url'] = \IPS\Request::i()->url();
$this->options['url'] = $this->options['url']->setQueryString( '_nodeSelectName', $this->name );
        if (
$this->options['clubs'] and ( !\IPS\Settings::i()->clubs or !\IPS\IPS::classUsesTrait( $this->options['class'], 'IPS\Content\ClubContainer' ) ) )
$this->options['clubs'] = FALSE;
     * Get HTML
     * @return    string
public function html()
$nodeClass = $this->options['class'];
$permCheck = is_string( $this->options['permissionCheck'] ) ? $this->options['permissionCheck'] : NULL;
$disabledCallback = is_callable( $this->options['permissionCheck'] ) ? $this->options['permissionCheck'] : NULL;
        if ( !
$permCheck and \IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance() and \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation === 'front' )
$permCheck = 'view';

/* Are we getting some AJAX stuff? */
if ( isset( \IPS\Request::i()->_nodeSelectName ) and  \IPS\Request::i()->_nodeSelectName === $this->name )
$disabled = null;
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->_disabled ) )
$disabled = json_decode( \IPS\Request::i()->_disabled, true );
$disabled = ( $disabled === FALSE ) ? array() : $disabled;
            switch ( \
IPS\Request::i()->_nodeSelect )
$node = $permCheck ? $nodeClass::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->_nodeId, 'view' ) : $nodeClass::load( \IPS\Request::i()->_nodeId );
/* Note - we must check 'view' permissions here, so that the list can properly populate even if we do not have the original permission
                         * - subsequent children may eventually have those permissions, so if the actual permCheck fails, add the node to the disabled list
                         * - where $permCheck is null, we need to keep it null for areas such as the AdminCP where view permissions should not be set.
$children = $node->children( $permCheck === NULL ? NULL : 'view', NULL, $this->options['subnodes'], $disabled, $this->options['where'] );

$permCheck !== NULL )
$children AS $child )
                                if ( !
$child->can( $permCheck ) )
$this->options['disabledIds'][] = $child->_id;
                    catch ( \
Exception $e )
IPS\Output::i()->json( NULL, 404 );

IPS\Output::i()->json( array( 'viewing' => $node->_id, 'title' => $node->_title, 'output' => \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->nodeCascade( $children, FALSE, $permCheck, $this->options['subnodes'], $this->options['togglePerm'], $this->options['toggleIds'], $disabledCallback, FALSE, NULL, $this->options['class'], $this->options['where'], $this->options['disabledIds'] ) ) );
$node = $permCheck ? $nodeClass::loadAndCheckPerms( \IPS\Request::i()->_nodeId, 'view' ) : $nodeClass::load( \IPS\Request::i()->_nodeId );
$parent = $node->parent();
$children = $parent ? $parent->children( $permCheck, NULL, $this->options['subnodes'], $disabled, $this->options['where'] ) : $nodeClass::roots( NULL, NULL, $this->options['where'] );
                    catch ( \
Exception $e )
IPS\Output::i()->json( $e->getMessage(), 404 );
IPS\Output::i()->json( array( 'viewing' => $parent ? $parent->_id : 0, 'title' => $parent ? $parent->_title : \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $nodeClass::$nodeTitle ), 'output' => \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->nodeCascade( $children, FALSE, $permCheck, $this->options['subnodes'], $this->options['togglePerm'], $this->options['toggleIds'], $disabledCallback, FALSE, NULL, $this->options['class'], $this->options['where'], $this->options['disabledIds'] ) ) );
$results = array();
$_results = $nodeClass::search( '_title', \IPS\Request::i()->q, '_title' );
                    foreach (
$_results as $node )
                        if ( ( !
$permCheck or $node->can( $permCheck ) ) AND ! in_array( $node->_id, $disabled ) )
$id = ( $node instanceof $nodeClass ? $node->_id : "s.{$node->_id}" );
$results[ $id ] = $node;
IPS\Output::i()->sendOutput( \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->nodeCascade( $results, TRUE, $permCheck, $this->options['subnodes'], $this->options['togglePerm'], $this->options['toggleIds'], $disabledCallback, FALSE, NULL, $this->options['class'], $this->options['where'], $this->options['disabled'] ) );
/* Get initial nodes */
$nodes        = array();
$children    = array();
$noParentNodes = array();
        if( isset(
$nodeClass::$ownerTypes ) and $nodeClass::$ownerTypes !== NULL and $this->options['forceOwner'] !== FALSE )
$nodes = $nodeClass::loadByOwner( $this->options['forceOwner'] ?: \IPS\Member::loggedIn(), $this->options['where'] );
            if (
$this->options['clubs'] )
$nodes = array_merge( $nodes, $nodeClass::clubNodes( $permCheck, NULL, $this->options['where'] ) );
/* Recurse three levels in to allow for discoverability */
if ( $this->options['clubs'] )
$nodes = $nodeClass::rootsWithClubs( 'view', NULL, $this->options['where'] );
$nodes = $nodeClass::roots( 'view', NULL, $this->options['where'] );
$nodes AS $node )
$this->_populate( $nodes, $disabled, 0, $node, $children, 3 );
            if (
$this->options['noParentNodes'] )
$subnodeClass = $nodeClass::$subnodeClass;
$noParentNodes = iterator_to_array( new \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecordIterator( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', $subnodeClass::$databaseTable, $subnodeClass::$databasePrefix . $subnodeClass::$parentNodeColumnId . '=0' )->setKeyField( $subnodeClass::$databasePrefix . $subnodeClass::$databaseColumnId ), $subnodeClass ) );

        if ( isset(
$this->options['disabled'] ) and is_array( $this->options['disabled'] ) )
$this->options['url'] = $this->options['url']->setQueryString( '_disabled', json_encode( $this->options['disabled'] ) );
$this->options['disabled'] as $id )
                if ( isset(
$nodes[ $id ] ) )
$nodes[ $id ] );
/* What is selected? */
if ( $this->options['zeroVal'] !== NULL and $this->value === 0 )
$selected = 0;
$selected = array();

            if (
is_array( $this->value ) )
                foreach (
$this->value as $node )
$title = isset( $node::$titleLangPrefix ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $node::$titleLangPrefix . $node->_id, FALSE, array( 'json' => TRUE, 'escape' => TRUE, 'striptags'=> TRUE ) ) : $node->_title;
$selected[ !( $node instanceof $nodeClass ) ? "{$node->_id}.s" : $node->_id ] = array( 'title' => $title, 'parents' => array_values( array_map( function( $val ){
                        return isset(
$val::$titleLangPrefix ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $val::$titleLangPrefix . $val->_id, FALSE, array( 'json' => TRUE, 'escape' => TRUE, 'striptags'=> TRUE ) ) : $val->_title;
iterator_to_array( $node->parents() ) ) ) );
            elseif (
$this->value instanceof \IPS\Node\Model )
$class = get_class( $this->value );
$title = isset( $nodeClass::$titleLangPrefix ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $class::$titleLangPrefix . $this->value->_id, FALSE, array( 'json' => TRUE, 'escape' => TRUE, 'striptags'=> TRUE ) ) : $this->value->_title;
$selected[ !( $this->value instanceof $nodeClass ) ? "{$this->value->_id}.s" : $this->value->_id ] = array( 'title' => $title, 'parents' => array_values( array_map( function( $val ){
                    return isset(
$val::$titleLangPrefix ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( $val::$titleLangPrefix . $val->_id, FALSE, array( 'json' => TRUE, 'escape' => TRUE, 'striptags'=> TRUE ) ) : $val->_title;
iterator_to_array( $this->value->parents() ) ) ) );
$selected = json_encode( $selected );

/* Do we need the no-JS fallback? We only do this if we know JS is disabled as it's intensive and may cause memory exhaustion if there are lots of nodes - it's a last resort */
$noJS = NULL;
        if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->_noJs ) )
$options = array();
$_children = array();
$disabled = ( isset( $this->options['disabled'] ) and is_array( $this->options['disabled'] ) ) ? $this->options['disabled'] : array();
            foreach (
$nodeClass::roots( 'view', NULL, $this->options['where'] ) as $root )
$this->_populate( $options, $disabled, 0, $root, $_children, NULL, NULL, TRUE );
$value = NULL;
            if (
$this->value !== 0 )
                if (
$this->options['multiple'] )
$value = array();
                    if (
is_array( $this->value ) )
$value = array_keys( $this->value );
                    elseif (
is_object( $this->value ) )
$value = array( $this->value->_id );
                    if (
is_numeric( $this->value ) )
$value = $this->value;
                    elseif (
is_object( $this->value ) )
$value = array( $this->value->_id );
$noJS = \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core' )->select( $this->name . ( $this->options['multiple'] ? '[]' : '' ), $value, $this->required, $options, $this->options['multiple'], '', $disabled );

/* Display */
return \IPS\Theme::i()->getTemplate( 'forms', 'core', 'global' )->node( $this->name, $selected, $this->options['multiple'], $this->options['url'], $nodeClass::$nodeTitle, $nodes, $this->options['zeroVal'], $noJS, $permCheck, $this->options['subnodes'], $this->options['togglePerm'], $this->options['toggleIds'], $disabledCallback, $this->options['zeroValTogglesOn'], $this->options['zeroValTogglesOff'], $this->options['autoPopulate'], $children, $this->options['class'], $this->options['where'], is_array( $this->options['disabledIds'] ) ? $this->options['disabledIds'] : array(), $this->options['noParentNodes'], $noParentNodes, $this->options['clubs'] );
     * Populate array options
     * @param    array                    $options    The list of nodes
     * @param    array|boolean            $disabled    Disabled options
     * @param    int                        $depth        The current depth
     * @param    \IPS\Node\Model            $node        The node
     * @param    int|NULL                $depthLimit    How deep the recursion should go
     * @param    \IPS\Node\Model|NULL    $parent        If we are recursing on a child, this should be the parent node. Otherwise NULL if in the root.
     * @return    void
protected function _populate( &$nodes, &$disabled, $depth, $node, &$children, $depthLimit = NULL, $parent = NULL, $noJS = FALSE )
        if ( ( !
$this->options['permissionCheck'] OR $node->can('view') ) and ( empty( $this->options['disabled'] ) or !in_array( $node->_id, $this->options['disabled'] ) ) and !$node->deleteOrMoveQueued() )
            if (
$noJS )
$nodes[ $node->_id . ( !( $node instanceof $this->options['class'] ) ? '.s' : '' ) ] = str_repeat( '- ', $depth ) . $node->_title;
                if (
$parent === NULL )
$nodes[ $node->_id ] = $node;
$children[ $parent->_id ][ $node->_id ] = $node;
            if (
$this->options['permissionCheck'] )
                if (
is_string( $this->options['permissionCheck'] ) )
                    if ( !
$node->can( $this->options['permissionCheck'] ) )
$disabled[] = $node->_id;
                elseif (
is_callable( $this->options['permissionCheck'] ) )
                    if ( !
call_user_func( $this->options['permissionCheck'], $node ) )
$disabled[] = $node->_id;
            if (
$depthLimit === NULL OR $depth < (int) $depthLimit )
$node->children( 'view', NULL, $this->options['subnodes'], NULL, $this->options['where'] ) AS $child )
$this->_populate( $nodes, $disabled, $depth + 1, $child, $children, $depthLimit, $node, $noJS );
     * Get Value
     * @return    string|int
public function getValue()
$zeroValName = "{$this->name}-zeroVal";
        if (
$this->options['zeroVal'] !== NULL and isset( \IPS\Request::i()->$zeroValName ) )
     * Format Value
     * @return    \IPS\Node\Model|array|NULL
public function formatValue()
$nodeClass = $this->options['class'];
$permCheck = $this->options['permissionCheck'];
        if (
$this->value and !( $this->value instanceof \IPS\Node\Model ) )
$return = array();
            foreach (
is_array( $this->value ) ? $this->value : explode( ',', $this->value ) as $v )
                if (
$v instanceof \IPS\Node\Model )
$return[ !( $v instanceof $nodeClass ) ? "s{$v->_id}" : $v->_id ] = $v;
$v )
$exploded = explode( '.', $v );
$node = call_user_func( array( ( isset( $exploded[1] ) and $exploded[1] === 's' ) ? $nodeClass::$subnodeClass : $nodeClass, 'load' ), $exploded[0] );
                        if ( !
$permCheck or ( is_string( $permCheck ) and $node->can( $permCheck ) ) or ( is_callable( $permCheck ) and call_user_func( $permCheck, $node ) ) )
$return[ isset( $exploded[1] ) ? "s{$node->_id}" : $node->_id ] = $node;
                    catch ( \
Exception $e ) {}
            if ( !empty(
$return ) )
$this->options['multiple'] ? $return : array_pop( $return );

     * Validate
     * @throws    \InvalidArgumentException
     * @return    TRUE
public function validate()
/* We return a NULL value instead of an empty string, so we need to check that if field is required */
if( ( $this->value === NULL OR ( is_array( $this->value ) AND empty( $this->value ) ) ) and $this->required )
            throw new \

     * String Value
     * @param    mixed    $value    The value
     * @return    string
public static function stringValue( $value )
        if (
is_array( $value ) )
implode( ',', array_keys( $value ) );
        elseif (
is_object( $value ) )
        return (string)