namespace XF\Service\Post;
use XF\Entity\Post;
use XF\Entity\Thread;
use function array_key_exists, intval, is_array;
class Mover extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
* @var Thread
protected $target;
protected $existingTarget = false;
protected $alert = false;
protected $alertReason = '';
protected $prefixId = null;
protected $log = true;
* @var Thread[]
protected $sourceThreads = [];
* @var Post[]
protected $sourcePosts = [];
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, Thread $target)
$this->target = $target;
public function getTarget()
return $this->target;
public function setExistingTarget($existing)
$this->existingTarget = (bool)$existing;
public function setLog($log)
$this->log = (bool)$log;
public function setSendAlert($alert, $reason = null)
$this->alert = (bool)$alert;
if ($reason !== null)
$this->alertReason = $reason;
public function setPrefix($prefixId)
$this->prefixId = ($prefixId === null ? $prefixId : intval($prefixId));
public function move($sourcePostsRaw)
if ($sourcePostsRaw instanceof \XF\Mvc\Entity\AbstractCollection)
$sourcePostsRaw = $sourcePostsRaw->toArray();
else if ($sourcePostsRaw instanceof Post)
$sourcePostsRaw = [$sourcePostsRaw];
else if (!is_array($sourcePostsRaw))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Posts must be provided as collection, array or entity');
if (!$sourcePostsRaw)
return false;
$db = $this->db();
/** @var Post[] $sourcePosts */
/** @var Thread[] $sourceThreads */
$sourcePosts = [];
$sourceThreads = [];
$target = $this->target;
foreach ($sourcePostsRaw AS $sourcePost)
if ($sourcePost->thread_id == $target->thread_id)
$sourcePost->setOption('log_moderator', false);
$sourcePosts[$sourcePost->post_id] = $sourcePost;
/** @var Thread $sourceThread */
$sourceThread = $sourcePost->Thread;
if ($sourceThread && !isset($sourceThreads[$sourceThread->thread_id]))
$sourceThread->setOption('log_moderator', false);
$sourceThreads[$sourceThread->thread_id] = $sourceThread;
if (!$sourcePosts)
return false; // nothing to do
$sourcePosts = \XF\Util\Arr::columnSort($sourcePosts, 'post_date');
$this->sourceThreads = $sourceThreads;
$this->sourcePosts = $sourcePosts;
$target->setOption('log_moderator', false);
if (!$target->thread_id)
$firstPost = reset($sourcePosts);
$target->user_id = $firstPost->user_id;
$target->username = $firstPost->username;
$target->post_date = $firstPost->post_date;
if ($this->alert)
return true;
protected function isTargetFirstPost(\XF\Entity\Post $post)
return (!$this->existingTarget || $post->post_date <= $this->target->post_date);
protected function moveDataToTarget()
$db = $this->db();
$target = $this->target;
$sourcePosts = $this->sourcePosts;
$sourcePostIds = array_keys($sourcePosts);
$sourceIdsQuoted = $db->quote($sourcePostIds);
// we need to keep the original thread/state references locally, but we want the global/cached
// versions of the entities to reflect their new status, so we'll update the local versions
// to be a clone and then we'll update $sourcePosts (which will share references with the global ones)
$this->sourcePosts = \XF\Util\Arr::cloneArray($sourcePosts);
['thread_id' => $target->thread_id],
"post_id IN ($sourceIdsQuoted)"
foreach ($sourcePosts AS $sourcePost)
$sourcePost->setAsSaved('thread_id', $target->thread_id);
$firstPost = reset($sourcePosts);
if (
$firstPost->message_state != 'visible'
&& $this->isTargetFirstPost($firstPost)
$firstPost->message_state = 'visible';
// this used to clone, but we've already done that above
if (!$this->existingTarget)
$db->update('xf_bookmark_item', [
'content_type' => 'thread',
'content_id' => $target->thread_id
], 'content_type = ? AND content_id = ?', ['post', $firstPost->post_id]);
protected function updateTargetData()
$target = $this->target;
$firstPost = reset($this->sourcePosts);
if ($this->prefixId !== null)
$target->prefix_id = $this->prefixId;
if ($this->isTargetFirstPost($firstPost))
$target->discussion_state = $firstPost->message_state;
/** @var \XF\Repository\Thread $threadRepo */
$threadRepo = $this->repository('XF:Thread');
protected function updateSourceData()
/** @var \XF\Repository\Thread $threadRepo */
$threadRepo = $this->repository('XF:Thread');
foreach ($this->sourceThreads AS $sourceThread)
$sourceThread->save(); // has to be saved for the delete to work (if needed).
if (array_key_exists($sourceThread->first_post_id, $this->sourcePosts) && $sourceThread->reply_count == 0)
$sourceThread->delete(); // first post has been moved out, no other replies, thread now empty
if (!$sourceThread->FirstPost->isVisible())
$sourceThread->discussion_state = $sourceThread->FirstPost->message_state;
$sourceThread->FirstPost->message_state = 'visible';
protected function updateUserCounters()
$target = $this->target;
$targetMessagesCount = (
$target->Forum && $target->Forum->count_messages
&& $target->discussion_state == 'visible'
$targetReactionsCount = ($target->discussion_state == 'visible');
$sourcesMessagesCount = [];
$sourcesReactionsCount = [];
foreach ($this->sourceThreads AS $id => $sourceThread)
$sourcesMessagesCount[$id] = (
$sourceThread->Forum && $sourceThread->Forum->count_messages
&& $sourceThread->discussion_state == 'visible'
$sourcesReactionsCount[$id] = ($sourceThread->discussion_state == 'visible');
$reactionsEnable = [];
$reactionsDisable = [];
$userMessageCountAdjust = [];
/** @var \XF\Repository\NewsFeed $newsFeedRepo */
$newsFeedRepo = $this->repository('XF:NewsFeed');
foreach ($this->sourcePosts AS $id => $post)
if ($post->message_state != 'visible')
continue; // everything will stay the same in the new thread
$sourceMessagesCount = !empty($sourcesMessagesCount[$post->thread_id]);
$sourceReactionsCount = !empty($sourcesReactionsCount[$post->thread_id]);
if ($post->reactions)
if ($sourceReactionsCount && !$targetReactionsCount)
$reactionsDisable[] = $id;
else if (!$sourceReactionsCount && $targetReactionsCount)
$reactionsEnable[] = $id;
$userId = $post->user_id;
if ($userId)
if ($sourceMessagesCount && !$targetMessagesCount)
if (!isset($userMessageCountAdjust[$userId]))
$userMessageCountAdjust[$userId] = 0;
else if (!$sourceMessagesCount && $targetMessagesCount)
if (!isset($userMessageCountAdjust[$userId]))
$userMessageCountAdjust[$userId] = 0;
if (!$this->existingTarget)
// if moving to a new thread (which will publish a new feed entry)
// unpublish the original reply to prevent a duplicate entry.
$newsFeedRepo->unpublish('post', $post->post_id, $post->user_id, 'insert');
if ($reactionsDisable)
/** @var \XF\Repository\Reaction $reactionRepo */
$reactionRepo = $this->repository('XF:Reaction');
$reactionRepo->fastUpdateReactionIsCounted('post', $reactionsDisable, false);
if ($reactionsEnable)
/** @var \XF\Repository\Reaction $reactionRepo */
$reactionRepo = $this->repository('XF:Reaction');
$reactionRepo->fastUpdateReactionIsCounted('post', $reactionsEnable, true);
foreach ($userMessageCountAdjust AS $userId => $adjust)
if ($adjust)
UPDATE xf_user
SET message_count = GREATEST(0, message_count + ?)
WHERE user_id = ?
", [$adjust, $userId]);
protected function sendAlert()
$target = $this->target;
/** @var \XF\Repository\Post $postRepo */
$postRepo = $this->repository('XF:Post');
foreach ($this->sourcePosts AS $sourcePost)
if ($sourcePost->Thread->discussion_state == 'visible'
&& $sourcePost->message_state == 'visible'
&& $sourcePost->user_id != \XF::visitor()->user_id
$targetPost = clone $sourcePost;
$targetPost->setAsSaved('thread_id', $target->thread_id);
$alertExtras = [
'sourceTitle' => $sourcePost->Thread->title,
'targetLink' => $this->app->router('public')->buildLink('nopath:posts', $sourcePost)
$postRepo->sendModeratorActionAlert($targetPost, 'move', $this->alertReason, $alertExtras);
protected function finalActions()
$target = $this->target;
$postIds = array_keys($this->sourcePosts);
if ($postIds)
$this->app->jobManager()->enqueue('XF:SearchIndex', [
'content_type' => 'post',
'content_ids' => $postIds
if ($this->log)
$this->app->logger()->logModeratorAction('thread', $target, 'post_move_target' . ($this->existingTarget ? '_existing' : ''),
['ids' => implode(', ', $postIds)]
foreach ($this->sourceThreads AS $sourceThread)
$this->app->logger()->logModeratorAction('thread', $sourceThread, 'post_move_source', [
'url' => $this->app->router('public')->buildLink('nopath:threads', $target),
'title' => $target->title