namespace XF\Service\User;
use XF\Entity\User;
use function count, is_array;
class Merge extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
use \XF\MultiPartRunnerTrait;
* @var User
protected $source;
* @var User
protected $target;
protected $steps = [
public function __construct(\XF\App $app)
// not passing in the source/target here to make the code explicit as to which is which
public function setSource(User $source)
$this->source = $source;
return $this;
* @return User
public function getSource()
return $this->source;
public function setTarget(User $target)
$this->target = $target;
return $this;
* @return User
public function getTarget()
return $this->target;
protected function getSteps()
return $this->steps;
public function merge($maxRunTime = 0)
if (!$this->source)
throw new \LogicException("No source user provided");
if (!$this->target)
throw new \LogicException("No target user provided");
if ($this->source->user_id == $this->target->user_id)
// no work to do
return \XF\ContinuationResult::completed();
$result = $this->runLoop($maxRunTime);
return $result;
protected function stepPreMerge()
protected function stepDeleteSelfReactions($lastOffset, $maxRunTime)
$start = microtime(true);
// Find cases where the source/target have reacted to each other. These would become self reactions, so remove them.
$finder = $this->finder('XF:ReactionContent')
['reaction_user_id', $this->source->user_id],
['content_user_id', $this->target->user_id]
['reaction_user_id', $this->target->user_id],
['content_user_id', $this->source->user_id]
if ($lastOffset !== null)
$finder->where('reaction_content_id', '>', $lastOffset);
$maxFetch = 1000;
/** @var \XF\Entity\ReactionContent[] $reactions */
$reactions = $finder->fetch($maxFetch);
$fetchedReactions = count($reactions);
if (!$reactions)
return null; // done or nothing to do
foreach ($reactions AS $reaction)
$lastOffset = $reaction->reaction_content_id;
if ($maxRunTime && microtime(true) - $start > $maxRunTime)
return $lastOffset; // continue at this position
if ($fetchedReactions == $maxFetch)
return $lastOffset; // more to do
return null;
protected function stepDeleteSelfContentVotes($lastOffset, $maxRunTime)
$start = microtime(true);
// Find cases where the source/target have voted for each other. These would become self votes, so remove them.
$finder = $this->finder('XF:ContentVote')
['vote_user_id', $this->source->user_id],
['content_user_id', $this->target->user_id]
['vote_user_id', $this->target->user_id],
['content_user_id', $this->source->user_id]
if ($lastOffset !== null)
$finder->where('vote_id', '>', $lastOffset);
$maxFetch = 1000;
/** @var \XF\Entity\ContentVote[] $votes */
$votes = $finder->fetch($maxFetch);
$fetchedVotes = count($votes);
if (!$votes)
return null; // done or nothing to do
foreach ($votes AS $vote)
$lastOffset = $vote->vote_id;
if ($maxRunTime && microtime(true) - $start > $maxRunTime)
return $lastOffset; // continue at this position
if ($fetchedVotes == $maxFetch)
return $lastOffset; // more to do
return null;
protected function stepMergeUserData()
protected function combineData()
// it's possible for some of these values to be changed earlier in the request (such as via vote clean up),
// so grab the latest DB values and use them instead
$sourceData = $this->db()->fetchRow("
SELECT message_count, question_solution_count, reaction_score, vote_score
FROM xf_user
WHERE user_id = ?
", $this->source->user_id);
$this->target->message_count += $sourceData['message_count'];
$this->target->question_solution_count += $sourceData['question_solution_count'];
$this->target->reaction_score += $sourceData['reaction_score'];
$this->target->vote_score += $sourceData['vote_score'];
$this->target->conversations_unread += $this->source->conversations_unread;
$this->target->alerts_unviewed += $this->source->alerts_unviewed;
$this->target->alerts_unread += $this->source->alerts_unread;
$this->target->warning_points += $this->source->warning_points;
$this->target->register_date = min($this->target->register_date, $this->source->register_date);
$this->target->last_activity = max($this->target->last_activity, $this->source->last_activity);
$this->app->fire('user_merge_combine', [$this->target, $this->source, $this]);
protected function stepReassignContent($lastOffset, $maxRunTime)
/** @var \XF\Service\User\ContentChange $contentChanger */
$contentChanger = $this->service('XF:User\ContentChange', $this->source);
if (is_array($lastOffset))
list($changeStep, $changeLastOffset) = $lastOffset;
$contentChanger->restoreState($changeStep, $changeLastOffset);
$result = $contentChanger->apply($maxRunTime);
if ($result->isCompleted())
return null;
$continueData = $result->getContinueData();
return [$continueData['currentStep'], $continueData['lastOffset']];
protected function stepFinalizeMerge()
protected function postMergeCleanUp()
/** @var \XF\Repository\Trophy $trophyRepo */
$trophyRepo = $this->repository('XF:Trophy');
// anything left over is where both users were in the same conversation so we can remove the old records
$this->db()->delete('xf_conversation_recipient', 'user_id = ?', $this->source->user_id);
// prevent situations where a user can be following/ignoring themselves
'user_id = ? AND (follow_user_id = ? OR follow_user_id = ?)',
[$this->target->user_id, $this->target->user_id, $this->source->user_id]
'user_id = ? AND (ignored_user_id = ? OR ignored_user_id = ?)',
[$this->target->user_id, $this->target->user_id, $this->source->user_id]
// if we moved ignore records over, we need to update those users' ignore caches
/** @var \XF\Repository\UsernameChange $usernameChangeRepo */
$usernameChangeRepo = $this->repository('XF:UsernameChange');