* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 3.0.0
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Cake\ORM;
use ArrayObject;
use Cake\Collection\Collection;
use Cake\Database\Expression\TupleComparison;
use Cake\Database\Type;
use Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface;
use Cake\Datasource\InvalidPropertyInterface;
use Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany;
use RuntimeException;
* Contains logic to convert array data into entities.
* Useful when converting request data into entities.
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::newEntity()
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::newEntities()
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::patchEntity()
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::patchEntities()
class Marshaller
use AssociationsNormalizerTrait;
* The table instance this marshaller is for.
* @var \Cake\ORM\Table
protected $_table;
* Constructor.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Table $table The table this marshaller is for.
public function __construct(Table $table)
$this->_table = $table;
* Build the map of property => marshalling callable.
* @param array $data The data being marshalled.
* @param array $options List of options containing the 'associated' key.
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException When associations do not exist.
* @return array
protected function _buildPropertyMap($data, $options)
$map = [];
$schema = $this->_table->getSchema();
// Is a concrete column?
foreach (array_keys($data) as $prop) {
$columnType = $schema->getColumnType($prop);
if ($columnType) {
$map[$prop] = function ($value, $entity) use ($columnType) {
return Type::build($columnType)->marshal($value);
// Map associations
if (!isset($options['associated'])) {
$options['associated'] = [];
$include = $this->_normalizeAssociations($options['associated']);
foreach ($include as $key => $nested) {
if (is_int($key) && is_scalar($nested)) {
$key = $nested;
$nested = [];
// If the key is not a special field like _ids or _joinData
// it is a missing association that we should error on.
if (!$this->_table->hasAssociation($key)) {
if (substr($key, 0, 1) !== '_') {
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(sprintf(
'Cannot marshal data for "%s" association. It is not associated with "%s".',
$assoc = $this->_table->getAssociation($key);
if (isset($options['forceNew'])) {
$nested['forceNew'] = $options['forceNew'];
if (isset($options['isMerge'])) {
$callback = function ($value, $entity) use ($assoc, $nested) {
/** @var \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity */
$options = $nested + ['associated' => [], 'association' => $assoc];
return $this->_mergeAssociation($entity->get($assoc->getProperty()), $assoc, $value, $options);
} else {
$callback = function ($value, $entity) use ($assoc, $nested) {
$options = $nested + ['associated' => []];
return $this->_marshalAssociation($assoc, $value, $options);
$map[$assoc->getProperty()] = $callback;
$behaviors = $this->_table->behaviors();
foreach ($behaviors->loaded() as $name) {
$behavior = $behaviors->get($name);
if ($behavior instanceof PropertyMarshalInterface) {
$map += $behavior->buildMarshalMap($this, $map, $options);
return $map;
* Hydrate one entity and its associated data.
* ### Options:
* - validate: Set to false to disable validation. Can also be a string of the validator ruleset to be applied.
* Defaults to true/default.
* - associated: Associations listed here will be marshalled as well. Defaults to null.
* - fieldList: (deprecated) Since 3.4.0. Use fields instead.
* - fields: A whitelist of fields to be assigned to the entity. If not present,
* the accessible fields list in the entity will be used. Defaults to null.
* - accessibleFields: A list of fields to allow or deny in entity accessible fields. Defaults to null
* - forceNew: When enabled, belongsToMany associations will have 'new' entities created
* when primary key values are set, and a record does not already exist. Normally primary key
* on missing entities would be ignored. Defaults to false.
* The above options can be used in each nested `associated` array. In addition to the above
* options you can also use the `onlyIds` option for HasMany and BelongsToMany associations.
* When true this option restricts the request data to only be read from `_ids`.
* ```
* $result = $marshaller->one($data, [
* 'associated' => ['Tags' => ['onlyIds' => true]]
* ]);
* ```
* @param array $data The data to hydrate.
* @param array $options List of options
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::newEntity()
* @see \Cake\ORM\Entity::$_accessible
public function one(array $data, array $options = [])
list($data, $options) = $this->_prepareDataAndOptions($data, $options);
$primaryKey = (array)$this->_table->getPrimaryKey();
$entityClass = $this->_table->getEntityClass();
/** @var \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity */
$entity = new $entityClass();
if (isset($options['accessibleFields'])) {
foreach ((array)$options['accessibleFields'] as $key => $value) {
$entity->setAccess($key, $value);
$errors = $this->_validate($data, $options, true);
$options['isMerge'] = false;
$propertyMap = $this->_buildPropertyMap($data, $options);
$properties = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($errors[$key])) {
if ($entity instanceof InvalidPropertyInterface) {
$entity->setInvalidField($key, $value);
if ($value === '' && in_array($key, $primaryKey, true)) {
// Skip marshalling '' for pk fields.
if (isset($propertyMap[$key])) {
$properties[$key] = $propertyMap[$key]($value, $entity);
} else {
$properties[$key] = $value;
if (isset($options['fields'])) {
foreach ((array)$options['fields'] as $field) {
if (array_key_exists($field, $properties)) {
$entity->set($field, $properties[$field]);
} else {
// Don't flag clean association entities as
// dirty so we don't persist empty records.
foreach ($properties as $field => $value) {
if ($value instanceof EntityInterface) {
$entity->setDirty($field, $value->isDirty());
return $entity;
* Returns the validation errors for a data set based on the passed options
* @param array $data The data to validate.
* @param array $options The options passed to this marshaller.
* @param bool $isNew Whether it is a new entity or one to be updated.
* @return array The list of validation errors.
* @throws \RuntimeException If no validator can be created.
protected function _validate($data, $options, $isNew)
if (!$options['validate']) {
return [];
$validator = null;
if ($options['validate'] === true) {
$validator = $this->_table->getValidator();
} elseif (is_string($options['validate'])) {
$validator = $this->_table->getValidator($options['validate']);
} elseif (is_object($options['validate'])) {
/** @var \Cake\Validation\Validator $validator */
$validator = $options['validate'];
if ($validator === null) {
throw new RuntimeException(
sprintf('validate must be a boolean, a string or an object. Got %s.', getTypeName($options['validate']))
return $validator->errors($data, $isNew);
* Returns data and options prepared to validate and marshall.
* @param array $data The data to prepare.
* @param array $options The options passed to this marshaller.
* @return array An array containing prepared data and options.
protected function _prepareDataAndOptions($data, $options)
$options += ['validate' => true];
if (!isset($options['fields']) && isset($options['fieldList'])) {
'The `fieldList` option for marshalling is deprecated. Use the `fields` option instead.'
$options['fields'] = $options['fieldList'];
$tableName = $this->_table->getAlias();
if (isset($data[$tableName])) {
$data += $data[$tableName];
$data = new ArrayObject($data);
$options = new ArrayObject($options);
$this->_table->dispatchEvent('Model.beforeMarshal', compact('data', 'options'));
return [(array)$data, (array)$options];
* Create a new sub-marshaller and marshal the associated data.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association $assoc The association to marshall
* @param array $value The data to hydrate
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface|\Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[]|null
protected function _marshalAssociation($assoc, $value, $options)
if (!is_array($value)) {
return null;
$targetTable = $assoc->getTarget();
$marshaller = $targetTable->marshaller();
$types = [Association::ONE_TO_ONE, Association::MANY_TO_ONE];
if (in_array($assoc->type(), $types, true)) {
return $marshaller->one($value, (array)$options);
if ($assoc->type() === Association::ONE_TO_MANY || $assoc->type() === Association::MANY_TO_MANY) {
$hasIds = array_key_exists('_ids', $value);
$onlyIds = array_key_exists('onlyIds', $options) && $options['onlyIds'];
if ($hasIds && is_array($value['_ids'])) {
return $this->_loadAssociatedByIds($assoc, $value['_ids']);
if ($hasIds || $onlyIds) {
return [];
if ($assoc->type() === Association::MANY_TO_MANY) {
return $marshaller->_belongsToMany($assoc, $value, (array)$options);
return $marshaller->many($value, (array)$options);
* Hydrate many entities and their associated data.
* ### Options:
* - validate: Set to false to disable validation. Can also be a string of the validator ruleset to be applied.
* Defaults to true/default.
* - associated: Associations listed here will be marshalled as well. Defaults to null.
* - fieldList: (deprecated) Since 3.4.0. Use fields instead
* - fields: A whitelist of fields to be assigned to the entity. If not present,
* the accessible fields list in the entity will be used. Defaults to null.
* - accessibleFields: A list of fields to allow or deny in entity accessible fields. Defaults to null
* - forceNew: When enabled, belongsToMany associations will have 'new' entities created
* when primary key values are set, and a record does not already exist. Normally primary key
* on missing entities would be ignored. Defaults to false.
* @param array $data The data to hydrate.
* @param array $options List of options
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[] An array of hydrated records.
* @see \Cake\ORM\Table::newEntities()
* @see \Cake\ORM\Entity::$_accessible
public function many(array $data, array $options = [])
$output = [];
foreach ($data as $record) {
if (!is_array($record)) {
$output[] = $this->one($record, $options);
return $output;
* Marshals data for belongsToMany associations.
* Builds the related entities and handles the special casing
* for junction table entities.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany $assoc The association to marshal.
* @param array $data The data to convert into entities.
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[] An array of built entities.
* @throws \BadMethodCallException
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException
* @throws \RuntimeException
protected function _belongsToMany(BelongsToMany $assoc, array $data, $options = [])
$associated = isset($options['associated']) ? $options['associated'] : [];
$forceNew = isset($options['forceNew']) ? $options['forceNew'] : false;
$data = array_values($data);
$target = $assoc->getTarget();
$primaryKey = array_flip((array)$target->getPrimaryKey());
$records = $conditions = [];
$primaryCount = count($primaryKey);
$conditions = [];
foreach ($data as $i => $row) {
if (!is_array($row)) {
if (array_intersect_key($primaryKey, $row) === $primaryKey) {
$keys = array_intersect_key($row, $primaryKey);
if (count($keys) === $primaryCount) {
$rowConditions = [];
foreach ($keys as $key => $value) {
$rowConditions[][$target->aliasField($key)] = $value;
if ($forceNew && !$target->exists($rowConditions)) {
$records[$i] = $this->one($row, $options);
$conditions = array_merge($conditions, $rowConditions);
} else {
$records[$i] = $this->one($row, $options);
if (!empty($conditions)) {
$query = $target->find();
$query->andWhere(function ($exp) use ($conditions) {
/** @var \Cake\Database\Expression\QueryExpression $exp */
return $exp->or($conditions);
$keyFields = array_keys($primaryKey);
$existing = [];
foreach ($query as $row) {
$k = implode(';', $row->extract($keyFields));
$existing[$k] = $row;
foreach ($data as $i => $row) {
$key = [];
foreach ($keyFields as $k) {
if (isset($row[$k])) {
$key[] = $row[$k];
$key = implode(';', $key);
// Update existing record and child associations
if (isset($existing[$key])) {
$records[$i] = $this->merge($existing[$key], $data[$i], $options);
$jointMarshaller = $assoc->junction()->marshaller();
$nested = [];
if (isset($associated['_joinData'])) {
$nested = (array)$associated['_joinData'];
foreach ($records as $i => $record) {
// Update junction table data in _joinData.
if (isset($data[$i]['_joinData'])) {
$joinData = $jointMarshaller->one($data[$i]['_joinData'], $nested);
$record->set('_joinData', $joinData);
return $records;
* Loads a list of belongs to many from ids.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association $assoc The association class for the belongsToMany association.
* @param array $ids The list of ids to load.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[] An array of entities.
protected function _loadAssociatedByIds($assoc, $ids)
if (empty($ids)) {
return [];
$target = $assoc->getTarget();
$primaryKey = (array)$target->getPrimaryKey();
$multi = count($primaryKey) > 1;
$primaryKey = array_map([$target, 'aliasField'], $primaryKey);
if ($multi) {
$first = current($ids);
if (!is_array($first) || count($first) !== count($primaryKey)) {
return [];
$filter = new TupleComparison($primaryKey, $ids, [], 'IN');
} else {
$filter = [$primaryKey[0] . ' IN' => $ids];
return $target->find()->where($filter)->toArray();
* Loads a list of belongs to many from ids.
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association $assoc The association class for the belongsToMany association.
* @param array $ids The list of ids to load.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[] An array of entities.
* @deprecated Use _loadAssociatedByIds()
protected function _loadBelongsToMany($assoc, $ids)
'Marshaller::_loadBelongsToMany() is deprecated. Use _loadAssociatedByIds() instead.'
return $this->_loadAssociatedByIds($assoc, $ids);
* Merges `$data` into `$entity` and recursively does the same for each one of
* the association names passed in `$options`. When merging associations, if an
* entity is not present in the parent entity for a given association, a new one
* will be created.
* When merging HasMany or BelongsToMany associations, all the entities in the
* `$data` array will appear, those that can be matched by primary key will get
* the data merged, but those that cannot, will be discarded. `ids` option can be used
* to determine whether the association must use the `_ids` format.
* ### Options:
* - associated: Associations listed here will be marshalled as well.
* - validate: Whether or not to validate data before hydrating the entities. Can
* also be set to a string to use a specific validator. Defaults to true/default.
* - fieldList: (deprecated) Since 3.4.0. Use fields instead
* - fields: A whitelist of fields to be assigned to the entity. If not present
* the accessible fields list in the entity will be used.
* - accessibleFields: A list of fields to allow or deny in entity accessible fields.
* The above options can be used in each nested `associated` array. In addition to the above
* options you can also use the `onlyIds` option for HasMany and BelongsToMany associations.
* When true this option restricts the request data to only be read from `_ids`.
* ```
* $result = $marshaller->merge($entity, $data, [
* 'associated' => ['Tags' => ['onlyIds' => true]]
* ]);
* ```
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $entity the entity that will get the
* data merged in
* @param array $data key value list of fields to be merged into the entity
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface
* @see \Cake\ORM\Entity::$_accessible
public function merge(EntityInterface $entity, array $data, array $options = [])
list($data, $options) = $this->_prepareDataAndOptions($data, $options);
$isNew = $entity->isNew();
$keys = [];
if (!$isNew) {
$keys = $entity->extract((array)$this->_table->getPrimaryKey());
if (isset($options['accessibleFields'])) {
foreach ((array)$options['accessibleFields'] as $key => $value) {
$entity->setAccess($key, $value);
$errors = $this->_validate($data + $keys, $options, $isNew);
$options['isMerge'] = true;
$propertyMap = $this->_buildPropertyMap($data, $options);
$properties = [];
foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
if (!empty($errors[$key])) {
if ($entity instanceof InvalidPropertyInterface) {
$entity->setInvalidField($key, $value);
$original = $entity->get($key);
if (isset($propertyMap[$key])) {
$value = $propertyMap[$key]($value, $entity);
// Don't dirty scalar values and objects that didn't
// change. Arrays will always be marked as dirty because
// the original/updated list could contain references to the
// same objects, even though those objects may have changed internally.
if (
(is_scalar($value) && $original === $value) ||
($value === null && $original === $value) ||
(is_object($value) && !($value instanceof EntityInterface) && $original == $value)
) {
$properties[$key] = $value;
if (!isset($options['fields'])) {
foreach ($properties as $field => $value) {
if ($value instanceof EntityInterface) {
$entity->setDirty($field, $value->isDirty());
return $entity;
foreach ((array)$options['fields'] as $field) {
if (!array_key_exists($field, $properties)) {
$entity->set($field, $properties[$field]);
if ($properties[$field] instanceof EntityInterface) {
$entity->setDirty($field, $properties[$field]->isDirty());
return $entity;
* Merges each of the elements from `$data` into each of the entities in `$entities`
* and recursively does the same for each of the association names passed in
* `$options`. When merging associations, if an entity is not present in the parent
* entity for a given association, a new one will be created.
* Records in `$data` are matched against the entities using the primary key
* column. Entries in `$entities` that cannot be matched to any record in
* `$data` will be discarded. Records in `$data` that could not be matched will
* be marshalled as a new entity.
* When merging HasMany or BelongsToMany associations, all the entities in the
* `$data` array will appear, those that can be matched by primary key will get
* the data merged, but those that cannot, will be discarded.
* ### Options:
* - validate: Whether or not to validate data before hydrating the entities. Can
* also be set to a string to use a specific validator. Defaults to true/default.
* - associated: Associations listed here will be marshalled as well.
* - fieldList: (deprecated) Since 3.4.0. Use fields instead
* - fields: A whitelist of fields to be assigned to the entity. If not present,
* the accessible fields list in the entity will be used.
* - accessibleFields: A list of fields to allow or deny in entity accessible fields.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[]|\Traversable $entities the entities that will get the
* data merged in
* @param array $data list of arrays to be merged into the entities
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[]
* @see \Cake\ORM\Entity::$_accessible
public function mergeMany($entities, array $data, array $options = [])
$primary = (array)$this->_table->getPrimaryKey();
$indexed = (new Collection($data))
->groupBy(function ($el) use ($primary) {
$keys = [];
foreach ($primary as $key) {
$keys[] = isset($el[$key]) ? $el[$key] : '';
return implode(';', $keys);
->map(function ($element, $key) {
return $key === '' ? $element : $element[0];
$new = isset($indexed[null]) ? $indexed[null] : [];
$output = [];
foreach ($entities as $entity) {
if (!($entity instanceof EntityInterface)) {
$key = implode(';', $entity->extract($primary));
if ($key === null || !isset($indexed[$key])) {
$output[] = $this->merge($entity, $indexed[$key], $options);
$conditions = (new Collection($indexed))
->map(function ($data, $key) {
return explode(';', $key);
->filter(function ($keys) use ($primary) {
return count(array_filter($keys, 'strlen')) === count($primary);
->reduce(function ($conditions, $keys) use ($primary) {
$fields = array_map([$this->_table, 'aliasField'], $primary);
$conditions['OR'][] = array_combine($fields, $keys);
return $conditions;
}, ['OR' => []]);
$maybeExistentQuery = $this->_table->find()->where($conditions);
if (!empty($indexed) && count($maybeExistentQuery->clause('where'))) {
foreach ($maybeExistentQuery as $entity) {
$key = implode(';', $entity->extract($primary));
if (isset($indexed[$key])) {
$output[] = $this->merge($entity, $indexed[$key], $options);
foreach ((new Collection($indexed))->append($new) as $value) {
if (!is_array($value)) {
$output[] = $this->one($value, $options);
return $output;
* Creates a new sub-marshaller and merges the associated data.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface|\Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[] $original The original entity
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association $assoc The association to merge
* @param array $value The data to hydrate
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface|\Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[]|null
protected function _mergeAssociation($original, $assoc, $value, $options)
if (!$original) {
return $this->_marshalAssociation($assoc, $value, $options);
if (!is_array($value)) {
return null;
$targetTable = $assoc->getTarget();
$marshaller = $targetTable->marshaller();
$types = [Association::ONE_TO_ONE, Association::MANY_TO_ONE];
if (in_array($assoc->type(), $types, true)) {
return $marshaller->merge($original, $value, (array)$options);
if ($assoc->type() === Association::MANY_TO_MANY) {
return $marshaller->_mergeBelongsToMany($original, $assoc, $value, (array)$options);
if ($assoc->type() === Association::ONE_TO_MANY) {
$hasIds = array_key_exists('_ids', $value);
$onlyIds = array_key_exists('onlyIds', $options) && $options['onlyIds'];
if ($hasIds && is_array($value['_ids'])) {
return $this->_loadAssociatedByIds($assoc, $value['_ids']);
if ($hasIds || $onlyIds) {
return [];
return $marshaller->mergeMany($original, $value, (array)$options);
* Creates a new sub-marshaller and merges the associated data for a BelongstoMany
* association.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $original The original entity
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association $assoc The association to marshall
* @param array $value The data to hydrate
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[]
protected function _mergeBelongsToMany($original, $assoc, $value, $options)
$associated = isset($options['associated']) ? $options['associated'] : [];
$hasIds = array_key_exists('_ids', $value);
$onlyIds = array_key_exists('onlyIds', $options) && $options['onlyIds'];
if ($hasIds && is_array($value['_ids'])) {
return $this->_loadAssociatedByIds($assoc, $value['_ids']);
if ($hasIds || $onlyIds) {
return [];
if (!empty($associated) && !in_array('_joinData', $associated, true) && !isset($associated['_joinData'])) {
return $this->mergeMany($original, $value, $options);
return $this->_mergeJoinData($original, $assoc, $value, $options);
* Merge the special _joinData property into the entity set.
* @param \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface $original The original entity
* @param \Cake\ORM\Association\BelongsToMany $assoc The association to marshall
* @param array $value The data to hydrate
* @param array $options List of options.
* @return \Cake\Datasource\EntityInterface[] An array of entities
protected function _mergeJoinData($original, $assoc, $value, $options)
$associated = isset($options['associated']) ? $options['associated'] : [];
$extra = [];
foreach ($original as $entity) {
// Mark joinData as accessible so we can marshal it properly.
$entity->setAccess('_joinData', true);
$joinData = $entity->get('_joinData');
if ($joinData && $joinData instanceof EntityInterface) {
$extra[spl_object_hash($entity)] = $joinData;
$joint = $assoc->junction();
$marshaller = $joint->marshaller();
$nested = [];
if (isset($associated['_joinData'])) {
$nested = (array)$associated['_joinData'];
$options['accessibleFields'] = ['_joinData' => true];
$records = $this->mergeMany($original, $value, $options);
foreach ($records as $record) {
$hash = spl_object_hash($record);
$value = $record->get('_joinData');
// Already an entity, no further marshalling required.
if ($value instanceof EntityInterface) {
// Scalar data can't be handled
if (!is_array($value)) {
// Marshal data into the old object, or make a new joinData object.
if (isset($extra[$hash])) {
$record->set('_joinData', $marshaller->merge($extra[$hash], $value, $nested));
} elseif (is_array($value)) {
$joinData = $marshaller->one($value, $nested);
$record->set('_joinData', $joinData);
return $records;