namespace XF\Mail;
use function intval, is_array;
class Mailer
* @var Templater
protected $templater;
* @var \Swift_Transport
protected $defaultTransport;
* @var Styler|null
protected $styler;
* @var Queue|null
protected $queue;
protected $defaultFromEmail;
protected $defaultFromName;
protected $defaultReturnPath;
protected $defaultUseVerp;
protected $mailClass = 'XF\Mail\Mail';
public function __construct(Templater $templater, \Swift_Transport $defaultTransport, Styler $styler = null, Queue $queue = null)
$this->templater = $templater;
$this->defaultTransport = $defaultTransport;
$this->styler = $styler;
$this->queue = $queue;
public function getMailClass()
return $this->mailClass;
public function setMailClass($class)
$this->mailClass = $class;
public function setDefaultFrom($email, $name = null)
if ($email)
$this->defaultFromEmail = $email;
$this->defaultFromName = $name;
$this->defaultFromEmail = null;
$this->defaultFromName = null;
public function getDefaultFromEmail()
return $this->defaultFromEmail;
public function getDefaultFromName()
return $this->defaultFromName;
public function setDefaultReturnPath($email, $useVerp = false)
if ($email)
$this->defaultReturnPath = $email;
$this->defaultUseVerp = $useVerp;
$this->defaultReturnPath = null;
$this->defaultUseVerp = null;
public function getDefaultReturnPath()
return $this->defaultReturnPath;
public function getDefaultUseVerp()
return $this->defaultUseVerp;
* @return \XF\Mail\Mail
public function newMail()
$mailClass = $this->mailClass;
$mail = new $mailClass($this);
return $mail;
public function applyMailDefaults(Mail $mail)
if ($this->defaultFromEmail)
$mail->setFrom($this->defaultFromEmail, $this->defaultFromName);
if ($this->defaultReturnPath)
$mail->setReturnPath($this->defaultReturnPath, $this->defaultUseVerp);
public function calculateBounceHmac($toEmail)
return substr(hash_hmac('md5', $toEmail, \XF::config('globalSalt')), 0, 8);
public function generateTextBody($html)
if ($this->styler)
return $this->styler->generateTextBody($html);
return '';
public function renderMailTemplate($name, array $params, \XF\Language $language = null, \XF\Entity\User $toUser = null)
if (!$language)
$language = \XF::language();
$templater = $this->templater;
$output = $this->renderPartialMailTemplate($name, $params, $language, $toUser);
$parts = $this->pullComponentsFromTemplateOutput($output);
if (!$parts['text'] && !$parts['html'])
throw new \LogicException("Template mail:$name did not render to anything. It must provide either a text or HTML body.");
$containerTemplate = $templater->pageParams['template'] ?? 'MAIL_CONTAINER';
if ($containerTemplate)
if (!strpos($containerTemplate, ':'))
$containerTemplate = 'email:' . $containerTemplate;
$containerParams = array_replace($templater->pageParams, $parts);
$containerOutput = $templater->renderTemplate($containerTemplate, $containerParams);
$containerParts = $this->pullComponentsFromTemplateOutput($containerOutput);
$containerParts = ['subject' => '', 'html' => '', 'text' => ''];
$subject = $parts['subject'] && $containerParts['subject'] ? $containerParts['subject'] : $parts['subject'];
$html = $parts['html'] && $containerParts['html'] ? $containerParts['html'] : $parts['html'];
$text = $parts['text'] && $containerParts['text'] ? $containerParts['text'] : $parts['text'];
if ($this->styler)
$html = $this->styler->styleHtml($html, $containerTemplate ? true : false, $language);
if (isset($templater->pageParams['headers']) && is_array($templater->pageParams['headers']))
$headers = $templater->pageParams['headers'];
$headers = [];
return [
'subject' => $subject,
'html' => $html,
'text' => $text,
'headers' => $headers
public function renderPartialMailTemplate($name, array $params, \XF\Language $language = null, \XF\Entity\User $toUser = null)
if (!$language)
$language = \XF::language();
$defaultParams = $this->getDefaultTemplateParams($language, $toUser);
$templater = $this->templater;
$templater->addDefaultParam('xf', $defaultParams);
$templater->pageParams = [];
return $templater->renderTemplate("email:$name", $params);
protected function getDefaultTemplateParams(\XF\Language $language, \XF\Entity\User $toUser = null)
return [
'language' => $language,
'isRtl' => $language->isRtl(),
'options' => \XF::options(),
'toUser' => $toUser
protected function pullComponentsFromTemplateOutput($output)
if (preg_match('#<mail:subject>(.*)</mail:subject>#siU', $output, $match))
$subject = trim(htmlspecialchars_decode($match[1], ENT_QUOTES));
$output = preg_replace('#<mail:subject>.*</mail:subject>#siU', '', $output);
$subject = '';
if (preg_match('#<mail:text>(.*)</mail:text>#siU', $output, $match))
$text = trim(html_entity_decode($match[1], ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML401, "utf-8"));
$output = preg_replace('#<mail:text>.*</mail:text>#siU', '', $output);
$text = '';
if (preg_match('#<mail:html>(.*)</mail:html>#siU', $output, $match))
$html = trim($match[1]);
$html = trim($output);
if (!$text && $html)
$text = $this->generateTextBody($html);
return [
'subject' => $subject,
'html' => $html,
'text' => $text
public function send(\Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage $message, \Swift_Transport $transport = null, array $queueEntry = null, $allowRetry = true)
$to = $message->getTo();
$toEmails = $to ? implode(', ', array_keys($to)) : '[unknown]';
if (!$transport)
$transport = $this->defaultTransport;
if (!$transport->isStarted())
catch (\Throwable $e)
if ($this->queue && $allowRetry)
$this->queue->queueForRetry($message, $queueEntry);
\XF::logException($e, false, "Email to {$toEmails} failed:");
return 0;
$sent = 0;
$sent = $transport->send($message, $failedRecipients);
if (!$sent)
throw new \Swift_TransportException('Unable to send mail.');
catch (\Throwable $e)
if ($this->queue && $allowRetry)
$this->queue->queueForRetry($message, $queueEntry);
\XF::logException($e, false, "Email to {$toEmails} failed:");
// Any error may put us in an inconsistent state, so we need to reset the connection.
// Ideally this shouldn't throw anything but it could happen so we just want to swallow
// all errors and continue on.
catch (\Throwable $null) {}
return $sent;
public function queue(\Swift_Mime_SimpleMessage $message)
if (!$this->queue)
// Queue object not passed in (may be disabled in config.php) so skip straight to send
return $this->send($message);
return $this->queue->queue($message);
public function getDefaultTransport()
return $this->defaultTransport;
public function setDefaultTransport(\Swift_Transport $transport)
$this->defaultTransport = $transport;
public static function getTransportFromOption($type, array $config)
switch ($type)
case 'smtp';
$transport = new \XF\Mail\SmtpTransport($config['smtpHost']);
if (!empty($config['smtpPort']) && intval($config['smtpPort']) != 0)
if (!empty($config['smtpAuth']) && $config['smtpAuth'] != 'none')
!empty($config['smtpLoginUsername']) ? $config['smtpLoginUsername'] : ''
if (!empty($config['oauth']))
!empty($config['smtpLoginPassword']) ? $config['smtpLoginPassword'] : ''
if (!empty($config['smtpEncrypt']) && $config['smtpEncrypt'] != 'none')
$transport->registerPlugin(new \Swift_Plugins_AntiFloodPlugin(99));
return $transport;
case 'file':
$transport = new \XF\Mail\FileTransport(
if (!empty($config['path']))
return $transport;
case 'sendmail':
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) == 'WIN')
$iniSmtpHost = ini_get('SMTP');
$iniSmtpPort = ini_get('smtp_port');
$transport = new \XF\Mail\SmtpTransport($iniSmtpHost ?: 'localhost', $iniSmtpPort ?: 25);
$sendmailPath = \XF::app()->config('sendmailPath');
if (!$sendmailPath)
$sendmailPath = ini_get('sendmail_path');
if ($sendmailPath && !preg_match('# -(t|bs)#', $sendmailPath))
// SwiftMailer requires -t or -bs, so if there isn't one, add -t automatically to prevent errors
$sendmailPath .= ' -t';
if (preg_match('/(.*)-f\s?[^@]+@[^\s]+(.*)$/', $sendmailPath, $matches))
// if the sendmail path already contains the -f parameter, SwiftMailer won't override it in which
// case, we should remove it by default so it can be set automatically to the appropriate value
$sendmailPath = trim(rtrim($matches[1]) . $matches[2]);
if (!$sendmailPath)
$sendmailPath = '/usr/sbin/sendmail -t -i';
$transport = new \Swift_SendmailTransport($sendmailPath);
return $transport;