* L I C E N S E
* Because nobody have time to read all that public licenses etc... this are the rules you have to obey
* when you use this class.
* You can do anything with this class, you can sell it, change it, even put your name insted of mine
* if you feel it is the right way.
* There is only one condition. If you find this class usefull, please sent an email (empty or with comment)
* to my email mikolajj@op.pl with subject [ConvertCharset].
* <code>
* To: mikolajj@op.pl
* Subject: [ConvertCharset] I really like your... blah blah blah ;-)
* </code>
* @copyright Copyright Mikolaj Jedrzejak (c) 2003-2007
* @version 1.1 2007-10-30 00:34