* @brief Letter photo generator for member accounts
* @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
* @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/
* @package Invision Community
* @since 3 Feb 2017
namespace IPS\Member;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
* Letter photo generator for member accounts
class _LetterPhoto
* @brief File storage class to use
protected $fileStorageClass = 'core_Profile';
* @brief Member object
protected $member = NULL;
* @brief Text size
protected $textSize = 75;
* Create a new photo object
* @param \IPS\Member $member Member object
* @return void
public function __construct( $member )
$this->member = $member;
* Create the photo
* @param int $maxWidth Max width
* @param int $maxHeight Max height
* @param int $letterCount How many letters to use
* @return \IPS\Http\Url|NULL
public function create( $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $letterCount=1 )
/* If we don't have any sizes, we can't generate a proper image */
if( !$maxWidth OR !$maxHeight )
return NULL;
/* Set the font size to 1/2 of the $maxWidth and $maxHeight (which should be the same value) */
$this->textSize = ( ( $maxWidth / 2 ) / $letterCount );
/* If we don't have a name, there's nothing to create */
if( !$this->member->name )
return NULL;
/* Get the first character of the name...if we can't detect it, there's again nothing to convert */
$letters = $this->getLetters( $letterCount );
if( $letters === NULL )
return NULL;
/* Now we have to generate the background color we will be using */
$rgbColor = $this->generateColorCode();
/* Create the image */
$image = \IPS\Image::newImageCanvas( $maxWidth, $maxHeight, $rgbColor );
/* Draw the text on the image */
$image->write( $letters, $this->getFont( $letters ), $this->textSize );
/* Save the image and return it */
return \IPS\File::create( $this->fileStorageClass, $letters . '_member_' . $this->member->member_id . '.png', (string) $image, NULL, TRUE, NULL, FALSE );
catch( \Exception $e )
\IPS\Log::debug( $e, 'letter_photo' );
return NULL;
* Return the first X non-punctuation characters of the name
* @param int $letters Number of letters to return
* @return string|NULL
protected function getLetters( $letters=1 )
$name = str_replace( array( '<', '>', '=', '-', '+', '"', "'" ), '', $this->member->name );
$name = preg_replace( "/(\pP)+/u", '', trim( $name ) );
return $name ? mb_strtoupper( mb_substr( $name, 0, $letters ) ) : NULL;
* @brief Color saturation to use for HSV colors
protected $colorCodeSaturation = .45;
* @brief Color value to use for HSV colors
protected $colorCodeValue = 0.575;
* @brief If we have just generated a hue on this page load, store it to better randomize the next color
protected static $lastHue = NULL;
* Return a unique color code based on the name.
* @return array (RGB value)
public function generateColorCode()
/* If we've already generated a hue on this page load, use the golden ratio to find a number sufficiently distinct */
if( static::$lastHue )
$hue = static::$lastHue + 0.618033988749895;
if( $hue > 1.0 )
$hue -= 1.0;
static::$lastHue = $hue;
return $this->convertHsvToRgb( $hue, $this->colorCodeSaturation, $this->colorCodeValue );
$hue = ( ( ord( \mb_strtolower( $this->member->name ) ) - 97 ) / 25.0 ) + 0.25;
$hue *= 1.61803398875;
$hue *= (float) ( '1.' . rand() ) / 1;
if( rand( 0, 1 ) )
$float = (float) ( "1." . ord( array_rand( range( 'a', 'z' ) ) ) );
$hue = abs( $float - $hue );
while( $hue > 1.0 )
$hue -= 1.0;
static::$lastHue = $hue;
return $this->convertHsvToRgb( $hue, $this->colorCodeSaturation, $this->colorCodeValue );
* Convert the HSV value to RGB
* @param float $h Hue
* @param float $s Saturation
* @param float $v Value
* @return array
protected function convertHsvToRgb( $h, $s, $v )
$rgb = array( $v, $v, $v );
$diff = ( $v <= 0.5 ) ? ( $v * ( 1.0 + $s ) ) : ( $v + $s - $v * $s );
if( $diff )
$m = $v + $v - $diff;
$sv = ( $diff - $m ) / $diff;
$h *= 6.0;
$fract = $h - floor( $h );
$vsf = $diff * $sv * $fract;
$mid1 = $m + $vsf;
$mid2 = $diff - $vsf;
switch( floor( $h ) )
case 0:
$rgb = array( $diff, $mid1, $m );
case 1:
$rgb = array( $mid2, $diff, $m );
case 2:
$rgb = array( $m, $diff, $mid1 );
case 3:
$rgb = array( $m, $mid2, $diff );
case 4:
$rgb = array( $mid1, $m, $diff );
case 5:
$rgb = array( $diff, $m, $mid2 );
return array_map( function( $value ) { return round( $value * 256.0 ); }, $rgb );
* Return a font file path to use
* @param string $string String we are going to write
* @return string
protected function getFont( $string='' )
$codePointMap = array(
'NotoSansArmenian-Regular.ttf' => array( 0x0530, 0x058F ),
'NotoSansHebrew-Regular.ttf' => array( 0x0590, 0x05FF ),
'NotoNaskhArabic-Regular.ttf' => array( 0x0600, 0x06FF ),
'NotoSansGeorgian-Regular.ttf' => array( 0x10A0, 0x10FF ),
'NotoSansThai-Regular.ttf' => array( 0x0E00, 0x0E7F ),
'NotoSansDevanagari-Regular.ttf' => array( 0x0900, 0x097F ),
'BMDOHYEON.ttf' => array(
array( 0xAC00, 0xD7A3 ),
array( 0x1100, 0x11FF ),
array( 0x3130, 0x318F ),
array( 0xA960, 0xA97F ),
array( 0xD7B0, 0xD7FF )
'HanaMinA.ttf' => array(
array( 0x4E00, 0x9FFF ),
array( 0x3400, 0x4DB5 ),
array( 0x3040, 0x309F ),
array( 0x30A0, 0x30FF ),
array( 0xFF00, 0xFFEF ),
array( 0xF900, 0xFAD9 ),
array( 0x20000, 0x2A6D6 ),
array( 0x2A700, 0x2B734 ),
array( 0x2B740, 0x2B81D ),
array( 0x2B820, 0x2CEA1 ),
array( 0x2F800, 0x2FA1D )
/* Get all characters */
$characters = preg_split( '//u', $string, null, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
/* Loop over all characters. If any character is in a range defined above, use that font.
Technically you could have a Korean character and an Arabic character in the same string, but the probability of that occurring
is sufficiently rare that we will use the first font defined above which support latin ranges already */
foreach( $characters as $character )
$decValue = unpack( 'N', mb_convert_encoding( $character, 'UCS-4BE', 'UTF-8' ) );
$decValue = $decValue[1];
foreach( $codePointMap as $fontFile => $range )
if( is_array( $range[0] ) )
foreach( $range as $subRange )
if( $decValue > ( $subRange[0] ) AND $decValue < ( $subRange[1] ) )
return \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/system/3rd_party/Fonts/' . $fontFile;
if( $decValue > ( $range[0] ) AND $decValue < ( $range[1] ) )
return \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/system/3rd_party/Fonts/' . $fontFile;
/* Fallback for the majority of languages */
return \IPS\ROOT_PATH . '/system/3rd_party/Fonts/NotoSans-Regular.ttf';