* @brief Legacy Text Parser
* @author <a href='https://www.invisioncommunity.com'>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
* @copyright (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
* @license https://www.invisioncommunity.com/legal/standards/
* @package Invision Community
* @since 12 Jun 2013
namespace IPS\Text;
/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );
* Legacy Text Parser
class _LegacyParser
* Maximum number of embeds we will try.
* @note Attempting to pull too many during the rebuild process can easily time out
public $maxEmbeds = 10;
* Parse statically
* @param string $value The value to parse
* @param \IPS\Member|null $member The member posting. NULL will use currently logged in member.
* @param bool $allowHtml Allow HTML
* @param string $attachClass Key to use for attachments
* @param int $id1 ID1 to use for attachments
* @param int $id2 ID2 to use for attachments
* @param int|NULL $id3 ID3 to use for attachments
* @param string $itemClass The *item* classname (e.g. IPS\forums\Topic)
* @return string
* @see __construct
public static function parseStatic( $value, $member=NULL, $allowHtml=FALSE, $attachClass=null, $id1=0, $id2=0, $id3=NULL, $itemClass=NULL )
$obj = new self( $member, $allowHtml, $attachClass, $id1, $id2, $id3, $itemClass );
return $obj->parse( $value );
* @brief BBcodes
public $bbcodes = NULL;
* @brief Emoticons
public $emoticons = NULL;
* Can use plugin?
* @param \IPS\Member $member The member
* @param string $bbcode BBCode
* @return bool
public static function canUse( \IPS\Member $member, $bbcode )
foreach( static::$bbcodes as $code )
if( $code['bbcode_tag'] == $bbcode OR ( $code['bbcode_aliases'] AND in_array( $bbcode, explode( ',', $code['bbcode_aliases'] ) ) ) )
if( $code['bbcode_groups'] == 'all' )
return true;
if( $member->inGroup( explode( ',', $bbcode['bbcode_groups'] ) ) )
return true;
return false;
* @brief Member
protected $member = NULL;
* @brief Allow HTML
protected $allowHtml = FALSE;
* @brief Parser object
protected $parser = NULL;
* @brief Key for attachments
protected $attachClass = NULL;
* @brief Item classname
protected $itemClass = NULL;
* @brief ID1 to use for attachments
protected $idOne = 0;
* @brief ID2 to use for attachments
protected $idTwo = 0;
* @brief ID3 to use for attachments
protected $idThree = 0;
* Constructor
* @param \IPS\Member|null $member The member posting. NULL will use guest.
* @param bool $allowHtml Allow HTML
* @param string $attachClass Key to use for attachments
* @param int $id1 ID1 to use for attachments
* @param int $id2 ID2 to use for attachments
* @param int|NULL $id3 ID3 to use for attachments
* @param string $itemClass The *item* classname (e.g. IPS\forums\Topic)
* @return void
public function __construct( $member=NULL, $allowHtml=FALSE, $attachClass=null, $id1=0, $id2=0, $id3=NULL, $itemClass=NULL )
/* Get member */
$this->member = $member === NULL ? \IPS\Member::load(0) : $member;
/* Remember if we allow HTML */
$this->allowHtml = $allowHtml;
/* Set attachment data */
$this->attachClass = $attachClass;
$this->idOne = $id1;
$this->idTwo = $id2;
$this->idThree = $id3;
/* And item class */
$this->itemClass = $itemClass;
/* Grab legacy custom bbcodes */
$this->bbcodes = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'custom_bbcode' )->setKeyField( 'bbcode_tag' ) );
catch( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )
$this->bbcodes = array();
/* Grab emoticons */
$this->emoticons = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_emoticons' )->setKeyField( 'typed' ) );
catch( \IPS\Db\Exception $e )
$this->emoticons = array();
/* Grab a new parser object */
\IPS\Text\Parser::$requestTimeout = 1;
$this->parser = new \IPS\Text\Parser( TRUE, $this->idOne ? array( $this->idOne, $this->idTwo, $this->idThree ) : NULL, $this->member, $this->attachClass, TRUE, ( $this->allowHtml ? FALSE : TRUE ), NULL );
$updatedBbcodeTags = array_keys( $this->parser->bbcodeTags( $this->member, TRUE ) );
foreach( $updatedBbcodeTags as $tag )
if( isset( $this->bbcodes[ $tag ] ) AND $tag != 'media' )
unset( $this->bbcodes[ $tag ] );
* Parse
* @param string $value Text to parse
* @return string
public function parse( $value )
/* We have to fix up newlines a little bit */
$codeBlocks = array();
$value = str_replace( array( "\r\n", "\r" ), "\n", $value );
if ( ! \strstr( $value, "\n" ) && ( \stristr( $value, '<br>' ) || \stristr( $value, '<br />' ) ) )
$value = \str_ireplace( array( '<br>', '<br />' ), "\n", $value );
if ( \stristr( $value, '<br>' ) || \stristr( $value, '<br />' ) || \stristr( $value, '<p>' ) )
/* Protect code tags first... */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/\[(?:code|codebox|sql|php|xml|html).*?\](.+?)\[\/(?:code|codebox|sql|php|xml|html)\]/ims", function( $match ) use ( &$codeBlocks ) {
$hash = md5( $match[0] . mt_rand() );
$codeBlocks[ $hash ] = ( \stristr( $match[0], '<br>' ) || \stristr( $match[0], '<br />' ) || \stristr( $match[0], '<p>' ) ) ? \str_replace( "\n", "", $match[0] ) : $match[0];
return $hash;
}, $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/\<pre\s+?class=[\"']_prettyXprint(?:.*?)[\"']\>(.+?)\<\/pre\>/ims", function( $match ) use ( &$codeBlocks ) {
$hash = md5( $match[0] . mt_rand() );
$codeBlocks[ $hash ] = ( \stristr( $match[0], '<br>' ) || \stristr( $match[0], '<br />' ) || \stristr( $match[0], '<p>' ) ) ? \str_replace( "\n", "", $match[0] ) : $match[0];
return $hash;
}, $value );
$value = \str_replace( "\n", "", $value );
/* If we allow HTML we have to swap out entities - codeblocks are already protected at this point */
if( $this->allowHtml )
/* Fixes an issue with legacy posts */
$value = str_replace( '"', '"', $value );
$value = str_replace( '<', '<', $value );
$value = str_replace( '>', '>', $value );
$value = nl2br( $value );
/* If we had any code blocks, put them back now */
foreach( $codeBlocks as $hash => $code )
$value = \str_replace( $hash, $code, $value );
/* In case the content rebuild has ran or partially ran on this content... */
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(href|src)=(\'|")<fileStore\.([\d\w\_]+?)>/#i', '<\1\2=\3%7BfileStore.\4%7D/', $value );
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(href|src)=(\'|")<___base_url___>/#i', '<\1\2=\3%7B___base_url___%7D/', $value );
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(data-fileid)=(\'|")<___base_url___>/#i', '<\1\2=\3%7B___base_url___%7D/', $value );
/* Start with legacy emoticon parsing */
$value = str_replace( "<#EMO_DIR#>", "<#EMO_DIR>", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#(\s)?<([^>]+?)emoid=\"(.+?)\"([^>]*?)".">(\s)?#is", "\\1\\3\\5", $value );
preg_match_all( "#(<img(?:[^>]+?)class=['\"]bbc_emoticon[\"'](?:[^>]+?)alt=['\"](.+?)[\"'](?:[^>]+?)?>)#is", $value, $matches );
if( is_array($matches[1]) AND count($matches[1]) )
foreach( $matches[1] as $index => $match )
$value = str_replace( $match, $matches[2][ $index ], $value );
/* Parse emoticons */
usort( $this->emoticons, function( $a, $b ){
if ( mb_strlen( $a['typed'] ) == mb_strlen( $b['typed'] ) )
return 0;
return ( mb_strlen( $a['typed'] ) > mb_strlen( $b['typed'] ) ) ? -1 : 1;
foreach( $this->emoticons as $emoticon )
$code = str_replace( '<', '<', str_replace( '>', '>', $emoticon['typed'] ) );
if( !$code or !\stristr( $value, $code ) )
if ( ! \IPS\File::isFullyQualifiedUrl( $emoticon['image'] ) )
$emoticon['image'] = \IPS\File::getClass('core_Emoticons')->baseUrl() . '/' . $emoticon['image'];
$quotedCode = preg_quote( $code, '/' );
$value = preg_replace( "/(^|[^a-zA-Z0-9\'\"\/]){$quotedCode}($|[^a-zA-Z0-9\'\"\/])/i", "$1<img src='" . $emoticon['image'] . "' alt='" . $code . "'>$2", $value );
/* Old char conversions */
$value = str_replace( " ", " ", $value );
$value = str_replace( "'", "'", $value );
$value = str_replace( ":", ":", $value );
$value = str_replace( "&", "&", $value );
/* The macro is not replaced out at runtime in 4.x and if we've made it to this point it is because the direct URL is still present
and the emoticon was not properly embedded. When trying to parse a URL with this macro in it, an error is thrown and the image will
always be broken, so our best option is to swap the macro out with the default folder ("default") as this will work for most users
and there is no other option to look up the emoticon at this point */
$value = str_replace( "<#EMO_DIR>", "default", $value );
/* Unconvert code */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#<!--sql-->(.+?)<!--sql1-->(.+?)<!--sql2-->(.+?)<!--sql3-->#is", array( $this, '_parseOldCode'), $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#<!--html-->(.+?)<!--html1-->(.+?)<!--html2-->(.+?)<!--html3-->#is", array( $this, '_parseOldCode'), $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#<!--Flash (.+?)-->.+?<!--End Flash-->#", array( $this, '_parseOldFlash'), $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--c1-->(.+?)<!--ec1-->#", '[code]', $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--c2-->(.+?)<!--ec2-->#", '[/code]', $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<div class=[\"']codetop['\"]>(.+?)</div><div class=[\"']codemain['\"] style=[\"']height:200px;white\-space:pre;overflow:auto['\"]>(.+?)</div>#is", "[code]\\2[/code]", $value );
/* Capital inconsistency */
foreach( array_keys( $this->parser->bbcodeTags( $this->member, TRUE ) ) as $bbcode )
$value = str_replace( '[' . mb_strtoupper( $bbcode ), '[' . $bbcode, $value );
$value = str_replace( '[/' . mb_strtoupper( $bbcode ), '[/' . $bbcode, $value );
/* Preserve code data */
$codeboxes = array();
preg_match_all( "/\[(code|codebox|sql|php|xml|html)(.*?)\](.+?)\[\/(code|codebox|sql|php|xml|html)\]/ims", $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $k => $m )
$c = count( $codeboxes );
$codeboxes[ $c ] = $m;
$replacement = '<!--codeboxes{' . $c . '}-->';
$value = str_replace( $m, $replacement, $value );
preg_match_all( "/\<pre\s+?class=[\"']_prettyXprint(?:.*?)[\"']\>(.+?)\<\/pre\>/ims", $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $k => $m )
$c = count( $codeboxes );
$codeboxes[ $c ] = $m;
$replacement = '<!--codeboxes{' . $c . '}-->';
$value = str_replace( $m, $replacement, $value );
/* Nested spoilers do not parse correctly, so just do that manually here for now */
$value = str_replace( "[spoiler]", '</p><div class="ipsSpoiler" data-ipsSpoiler><div class="ipsSpoiler_header"><span></span></div><div class="ipsSpoiler_contents"><p>', $value );
$value = str_replace( "[/spoiler]", "</p></div></div><p>", $value );
/* Just remove this - our new parser doesn't need (or like) it */
$value = str_replace( "[/*]", '', $value );
/* URL bbcode tags that didn't have a scheme specified would get fixed automatically in 3.x */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/\[url\](.+?)\[\/url\]/i", function( $matches ){
if( mb_substr( $matches[1], 0, 7 ) !== 'http://' AND mb_substr( $matches[1], 0, 8 ) !== 'https://' AND mb_substr( $matches[1], 0, 6 ) !== 'ftp://' )
return 'http://' . $matches[1];
return $matches[1];
}, $value );
/* Convert some old HTML back into bbcode to be properly parsed */
$value = preg_replace( "#<a href=[\"']index\.php\?automodule=blog(&|&)showentry=(.+?)['\"]>(.+?)</a>#is", "[entry=\"\\2\"]\\3[/entry]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<a href=[\"']index\.php\?automodule=blog(&|&)blogid=(.+?)['\"]>(.+?)</a>#is", "[blog=\"\\2\"]\\3[/blog]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<a href=[\"']index\.php\?act=findpost(&|&)pid=(.+?)['\"]>(.+?)</a>#is", "[post=\"\\2\"]\\3[/post]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<a href=[\"']index\.php\?showtopic=(.+?)['\"]>(.+?)</a>#is", "[topic=\"\\1\"]\\2[/topic]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<a href=[\"'](.*?)index\.php\?act=findpost(&|&)pid=(.+?)['\"]><\{POST_SNAPBACK\}></a>#is", "[snapback]\\3[/snapback]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--blog\.extract\.start-->(.+?)<!--blog\.extract\.end-->#is", "[extract]\\1[/extract]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<span style=[\"']color:\#000000;background:\#000000['\"]>(.+?)</span>#is", "[spoiler]\\1[/spoiler]", $value );
/* Unconvert quotes */
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--QuoteBegin-->(.+?)<!--QuoteEBegin-->#" , '[quote]' , $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--QuoteBegin-{1,2}([^>]+?)\+([^>]+?)-->(.+?)<!--QuoteEBegin-->#" , "[quote name='\\1' date='\\2']" , $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--QuoteBegin-{1,2}([^>]+?)\+-->(.+?)<!--QuoteEBegin-->#" , "[quote name='\\1']" , $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#<!--QuoteEnd-->(.+?)<!--QuoteEEnd-->#" , '[/quote]' , $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#\[quote=(.+?),(.+?)\]#i" , "[quote name='\\1' date='\\2']" , $value );
$value = preg_replace( "#\[quote=(.*?)\[url(.*?)\](.+?)\[\/url\]\]#i" , "[quote=\\1\\3]" , $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#<!--quoteo([^>]+?)?-->(.+?)<!--quotec-->#si" , array( $this, '_parseOldQuote' ) , $value );
/* Unconvert indent tag */
while( preg_match( "#<blockquote>(.+?)</blockquote>#is", $value ) )
$value = preg_replace( "#<blockquote>(.+?)</blockquote>#is" , "[indent]\\1[/indent]", $value );
/* Convert quote tag */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#<blockquote\s+?class=['\"]ipsBlockquote[\"']([^>]*?)>#si", array( $this, '_parseOldBlockquote' ) , $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#\[quote([^>]*?)\]#si" , array( $this, '_parseOldQuoteBbcode' ) , $value );
$value = str_replace( "</blockquote>", "</div></blockquote>", $value );
$value = str_replace( "[/quote]", "</div></blockquote>", $value );
/* Fix download manager embedded screenshot URLs */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "#<img src=['\"]" . preg_quote( rtrim( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url, '/' ), '#' ) . "/index\.php\?app=downloads(?:&|&)module=display(?:&|&)section=screenshot(?:&|&)id=(\d+?)['\"]([^>]*?)>#si", array( $this, '_fixDownloadsScreenshots' ), $value );
/* These were auto-replacements previously */
$value = str_ireplace( "(c)" , "©" , $value );
$value = str_ireplace( "(tm)" , "™" , $value );
$value = str_ireplace( "(r)" , "®" , $value );
/* Convert PHP tags if necessary */
$value = str_ireplace( "<?php" , "<?php", $value );
$value = str_ireplace( "?>" , "?>" , $value );
/* Fix bbcode attributes */
preg_match_all( "/\[([^\]]+?)=(\"|'|'|'|")([^\]]+?)(\"|'|'|'|")\]/", $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $bbcodeTag )
$newBbcodeTag = preg_replace_callback( "/\[([^\]]+?)=(\"|'|'|'|")([^\]]+?)(\"|'|'|'|")\]/", function( $tagMatches ) {
/* We strip the enclosing quotes and we strip any trailing ';' */
return "[" . $tagMatches[1] . "=" . rtrim( $tagMatches[3], ';' ) . "]";
}, $bbcodeTag );
$value = str_replace( $bbcodeTag, $newBbcodeTag, $value );
/* Convert bbcode tags, but only those our new parser doesn't handle */
foreach( $this->bbcodes as $code )
/* If we don't have a regex replacement, probably because we used to use a plugin, we can't do this automatically */
if( !$code['bbcode_replace'] )
/* Build the regex */
$regex = "/\[(?:{$code['bbcode_tag']}" . ( $code['bbcode_aliases'] ? '|' . str_replace( ',', '|', $code['bbcode_aliases'] ) : '' ) . ")" .
( $code['bbcode_useoption'] ? ( $code['bbcode_optional_option'] ? "(?:=(.+?))?" : "=(.+?)" ) : '' ) . "\]" .
( $code['bbcode_single_tag'] ? '' : ( "(.+?)\[\/(?:{$code['bbcode_tag']}" . ( $code['bbcode_aliases'] ? '|' . str_replace( ',', '|', $code['bbcode_aliases'] ) : '' ) . ")\]" ) ) .
/* Now actually perform the replacement */
$depth = 0;
while( preg_match( $regex, $value ) )
/* We want to allow nested BBCodes, but we don't want an infinite loop */
if ( $depth > 20 )
$value = preg_replace_callback( $regex, function( $matches ) use ( $code ) {
$replacement = $code['bbcode_replace'];
if( $code['bbcode_single_tag'] )
if( $code['bbcode_useoption'] )
$replacement = str_replace( '{option}', $matches[1], $replacement );
if( $code['bbcode_useoption'] )
$replacement = str_replace( '{option}', $matches[1], $replacement );
$replacement = str_replace( '{content}', $matches[2], $replacement );
$replacement = str_replace( '{content}', $matches[1], $replacement );
return $replacement;
}, $value );
/* Figure out what attachments are missing so we can add them at the end */
if( $this->attachClass !== NULL AND $this->idOne !== 0 )
$embeddedAttachments = array();
preg_match_all( "/\[attachment=(.+?):(.+?)\]/ims", $value, $matches );
if( count( $matches[1] ) )
foreach( $matches[1] as $id )
$embeddedAttachments[ $id ] = $id;
$where = array( array( 'location_key=?', $this->attachClass ), array( 'id1=?', $this->idOne ) );
if( $this->idTwo !== 0 )
$where[] = array( 'id2=?', $this->idTwo );
$mappedAttachments = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_attachments_map', $where )->setKeyField( 'attachment_id' ) );
foreach( $mappedAttachments as $attachmentId => $map )
if( !in_array( $attachmentId, $embeddedAttachments ) )
$value .= '<p>[attachment=' . $attachmentId . ':name]</p>';
/* Now fix shared media */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/\[sharedmedia=(.+?):(.+?):(.+?)\]/ims", function( $matches ) {
switch( $matches[1] )
case 'calendar':
$event = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'calendar_events', array( 'event_id=?', (int) $matches[3] ) )->first();
$url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=calendar&module=events&controller=event&id={$event['event_id']}", 'front', 'calendar_event', $event['event_title_seo'] );
return "<p><a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a></p>";
catch( \Exception $e )
return "";
case 'gallery':
/* Make sure gallery is enabled first */
if ( \IPS\Application::appIsEnabled( 'gallery' ) === FALSE )
return "";
if( $matches[2] == 'images' )
$image = \IPS\gallery\Image::constructFromData( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'gallery_images', array( 'image_id=?', (int) $matches[3] ) )->first() );
return "<p><a href='{$image->url()}'><img src='{$image->embedImage()->url}' alt='{$image->caption}'></a></p>";
catch( \Exception $e )
return "";
$album = \IPS\gallery\Album::constructFromData( \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'gallery_albums', array( 'album_id=?', (int) $matches[3] ) )->first() );
return \IPS\Text\Parser::embeddableMedia( \IPS\Http\Url::createFromString( $album->url(), FALSE, TRUE ) );
catch( \Exception $e )
return "";
case 'downloads':
$file = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'downloads_files', array( 'file_id=?', (int) $matches[3] ) )->first();
$url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=downloads&module=downloads&controller=view&id={$file['file_id']}", 'front', 'downloads_file', $file['file_name_furl'] );
return "<p><a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a></p>";
catch( \Exception $e )
return "";
case 'core':
/* We'll just let the attachment parsing next take care of this */
return "[attachment={$matches[3]}:string]";
case 'blog':
$entry = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'blog_entries', array( 'entry_id=?', (int) $matches[3] ) )->first();
$url = \IPS\Http\Url::internal( "app=blog&module=blogs&controller=entry&id={$entry['entry_id']}", 'front', 'blog_entry', $entry['entry_name_seo'] );
return "<p><a href='{$url}'>{$url}</a></p>";
catch( \Exception $e )
return "";
/* Could be a third party app - just return original embed code if we are still here */
return $matches[0];
}, $value );
/* Some people may have tried to embed the direct youtube video...tsk tsk */
preg_match_all( '#youtube.com/v/([^ \[]+?)#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $idx => $m )
$value = str_replace( $m, "youtube.com/watch?v=" . $matches[1][ $idx ], $value );
/* We previously supported multiple types of 'media' tags which we need to convert now */
foreach( array( 'youtube', 'blogmedia', 'flash', 'movie', 'video' ) as $tagname )
$value = str_replace( array( '[' . $tagname . ']', '[/' . $tagname . ']' ), array( '', ' ' ), $value );
/* Media */
$urls = array();
/* Parse [URL]url[/URL] bbcode */
preg_match_all( '#\[url]([^\[]+?)\[\/url\]#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $idx => $m )
$value = str_replace( $m, "<a href='" . $matches[1][ $idx ] . "'>" . $matches[1][ $idx ] . "</a>", $value );
/* Parse [URL=url]text[/URL] bbcode */
preg_match_all( '#\[url=(?:\'|"|&\#039;)?(.+?)(?:\'|"|&\#039;)?\](.+?)\[\/url\]#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $idx => $m )
$value = str_replace( $m, "<a href='" . $matches[1][ $idx ] . "'>" . $matches[2][ $idx ] . "</a>", $value );
/* Parse img bbcode */
preg_match_all( '#\[img\](.+?)\[\/img\]#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $idx => $m )
$image = basename( $matches[1][ $idx ] );
$value = str_replace( $m, "<img src='" . $matches[1][ $idx ] . "' alt='{$image}'>", $value );
/* Get rid of empty hyperlinks, which can be present from bugs in older versions of IPB */
preg_match_all( '#<a(?:[^>]+?)href=[\'"]["\'](?:[^>]*?)>(.+?)\<\/a\>#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $k => $v )
$value = str_replace( $v, $matches[1][ $k ], $value );
/* Get rid of nested iframes if they exist */
preg_match_all( "/<iframe src=['\"]<iframe(.+?)>[\"'].+?>/", $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[1] as $k => $m )
$realUrl = preg_replace( "/^.*?src=['\"]([^'\"]+?)[\"'].*?$/", "$1", $m );
$value = str_replace( $matches[0][ $k ], $realUrl, $value );
/* Fix hrefs missing the wrapping " or ', but first protect <fileStore...> */
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(href|src)=(\'|")<fileStore\.([\d\w\_]+?)>/#i', '<\1\2=\3%7BfileStore.\4%7D/', $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( '#<a (.+?)>#is', function( $matches ){
if( mb_strpos( $matches[1], 'href="' ) !== FALSE OR mb_strpos( $matches[1], "href='" ) !== FALSE )
return $matches[0];
$params = explode( ' ', $matches[1] );
foreach( $params as $_idx => $attribute )
$attribute = trim( $attribute );
if( mb_strpos( $attribute, 'href=' ) === 0 )
$params[ $_idx ] = "href='" . str_replace( 'href=', '', $attribute ) . "'";
return "<a " . implode( ' ', $params ) . '>';
}, $value );
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(href|src)=(\'|")%7BfileStore\.([\d\w\_]+?)%7D/#i', '<\1\2=\3<fileStore.\4>/', $value );
/* Store links */
preg_match_all( '#<a.+?href=[\'"](.*?)["\'].*?>(.+?)\<\/a\>#is', $value, $matches );
/* Embeds */
$embedCount = 0;
foreach( $matches[0] as $k => $m )
$url = $matches[1][ $k ];
if( mb_strpos( $url, '#entry' ) !== FALSE )
$sep = '?';
if( mb_strpos( $url, '?' ) )
$sep = '&';
$url = preg_replace( "/#entry(\d+)/", $sep . "do=findComment&comment=$1", $url );
$c = count( $urls );
$urls[ $c ] = str_replace( $matches[1][ $k ], $url, $m );
$replacement = '<!--url{' . $c . '}-->';
/* In 3.x, hyperlinked YouTube URLs did replace as long as a data attribute wasn't present */
if( ! mb_strpos( $matches[1][ $k ], \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url ) AND ( mb_strpos( $matches[0][ $k ], 'youtube.co' ) OR mb_strpos( $matches[0][ $k ], 'youtu.be' ) ) and ! mb_strpos( $matches[0][ $k ], 'nomediaparse' ) AND $response = \IPS\Text\Parser::embeddableMedia( \IPS\Http\Url::createFromString( $matches[1][ $k ], FALSE, TRUE ) ) )
$urls[ $c ] = $response;
catch( \UnexpectedValueException $e ){}
$value = str_replace( $m, $replacement, $value );
/* Store images */
preg_match_all( '#<img[^>]+?src=[\'"](.+?)["\'].*?>#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[0] as $m )
$c = count( $urls );
$urls[ $c ] = $m;
$value = str_replace( $m, '<!--url{' . $c . '}-->', $value );
/* Media URLs such as [media]http://site.com/something (data).mp3[/media] will not match the next regex, so fix them first */
preg_match_all( "/\[media\](.+?)\[\/media\]/is", $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[1] as $k => $m )
$c = count( $urls );
$urls[ $c ] = "<a href='{$m}'>{$m}</a>";
$value = str_replace( $matches[0][ $k ], '<!--url{' . $c . '}-->', $value );
/* Parse standard URLs */
preg_match_all( '#(?:^|\s|\)|\(|\{|\}|/>|>|\]|\[|;|href=\S)((http|https|news|ftp)://(?:[^<>\)\[\"\s]+|[a-zA-Z0-9/\._\-!&\#;,%\+\?:=]+))#is', $value, $matches );
foreach( $matches[1] as $k => $m )
$me = null;
/* If this was an image URL that was not already embedded, we shouldn't try to embed it now - also this causes timeouts in
many cases as the images that were linked in old posts are no longer available. Also don't try to embed 50 youtube videos in one post. */
if( !preg_match( "/(.+?)\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif)$/i", $m ) AND $embedCount < $this->maxEmbeds )
$url = $m;
if( mb_strpos( $m, '#entry' ) !== FALSE )
$sep = '?';
if( mb_strpos( $m, '?' ) )
$sep = '&';
$url = preg_replace( "/#entry(\d+)/", $sep . "do=findComment&comment=$1", $m );
$me = \IPS\Text\Parser::embeddableMedia( \IPS\Http\Url::createFromString( $url, FALSE, TRUE ) );
catch( \Exception $e ){}
if( $me )
$c = count( $urls );
$urls[ $c ] = $me ?: "<a href='{$m}'>{$m}</a>";
$value = str_replace( $matches[1][ $k ], '<!--url{' . $c . '}-->', $value );
foreach( $urls as $k => $v )
$value = str_replace( '<!--url{' . $k . '}-->', $v, $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/\<a href=([^>]+?)\>\<a href=([^>]+?)\>(.+?)\<\/a\>\<\/a\>/ims", "<a href=$1>$3</a>", $value );
/* Now fix attachments */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/\[attachment=(.+?):(.+?)\]/ims", function( $matches ) {
$attachment = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_attachments', array( 'attach_id=?', (int) $matches[1] ) )->first();
catch( \UnderflowException $e )
$attachment = array( 'attach_is_image' => 0, 'attach_location' => '' );
if( $attachment['attach_is_image'] )
$attachment['attach_thumb_location'] = $attachment['attach_thumb_location'] ?: $attachment['attach_location'];
$return = "<a class='ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image' href='{fileStore.core_Attachment}/{$attachment['attach_location']}'><img src='{fileStore.core_Attachment}/{$attachment['attach_thumb_location']}' data-fileid='" . \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url . "applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id={$attachment['attach_id']}' class='ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed'></a>";
$return = $attachment['attach_location'] ? "<a href='" . \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url . "applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id={$attachment['attach_id']}'>{$attachment['attach_file']}</a>" : '';
return $return;
}, $value );
/* Some old posts might have used <br> instead of <p>, which can cause severe parsing issues, so try to catch this and adapt */
if( mb_substr( $value, 0, 3 ) !== '<p>' AND mb_substr( $value, 0, 3 ) !== '<p ' AND mb_substr( $value, 0, 5 ) !== '<div>' AND mb_substr( $value, 0, 5 ) !== '<div ' AND ( mb_strpos( $value, '<br>' ) !== FALSE OR mb_strpos( $value, '<br />' ) !== FALSE ) )
$value = '<p>' . $value . '</p>';
$value = str_replace( array( '<br>', '<br />' ), '</p><p>', $value );
$value = preg_replace( '/<p>\s*<\/p>/i', '<p> </p>', $value );
/* But that may break blockquotes, which are block elements */
$value = str_replace( "<p><blockquote", "<blockquote", $value );
$value = str_replace( "</blockquote></p>", "</blockquote>", $value );
/* Fix lists */
$value = str_replace( "[list]", "</p><ul data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\">", $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/\[list=['\"]?(.+?)['\"]?\](.+?)\[\/list\]/ims", function( $matches ){
switch( $matches[1] )
case '1':
return "</p><ol data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\" style='list-style-type: decimal'>{$matches[2]}</ol><p>";
case '0':
return "</p><ol data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\" style='list-style-type: decimal-leading-zero'>{$matches[2]}</ol><p>";
case 'a':
return "</p><ol data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\" style='list-style-type: lower-alpha'>{$matches[2]}</ol><p>";
case 'A':
return "</p><ol data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\" style='list-style-type: upper-alpha'>{$matches[2]}</ol><p>";
case 'i':
return "</p><ol data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\" style='list-style-type: lower-roman'>{$matches[2]}</ol><p>";
case 'I':
return "</p><ol data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\" style='list-style-type: upper-roman'>{$matches[2]}</ol><p>";
return "</p><ul data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\">{$matches[2]}</ul>";
}, $value );
$value = str_replace( "[/list]", "</ul><p>", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/(<[u|o]l data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\"(?:.+?)?>)\s*?<br \/>\s*?\[\*\]/", "$1\n[*]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/(<[u|o]l data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\"(?:.+?)?>)\s*?<br>\s*?\[\*\]/", "$1\n[*]", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/(<br \/>|<br>)\s*?\[\*\]/", "\n[*]", $value );
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/<[u|o]l data-ipsBBCode-list=\"true\"(?:.*?)>.+?<\/[u|o]l>/ims", function( $matches )
$v = str_replace( '</p><p>', '<br>', $matches[0] );
$v = str_replace( array( '<p>', '</p>' ), '', $v );
$v = str_replace( '[*]', '</li><li>', $v );
$v = str_replace( '<ul></li>', '<ul>', $v );
$v = str_replace( '<ol></li>', '<ol>', $v );
$v = str_replace( '</ul>', '</li></ul>', $v );
$v = str_replace( '</ol>', '</li></ol>', $v );
$v = str_replace( ' data-ipsBBCode-list="true"', '', $v );
return $v;
}, $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/(\<[u|o]l(?:.*?)?\>)\s*?\<\/li\>/ims", "$1", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/(\<[u|o]l(?:.*?)?\>)\<br\>\<li\>/ims", "$1<li>", $value );
/* Put codeboxes back */
foreach( $codeboxes as $k => $v )
$value = str_replace( '<!--codeboxes{' . $k . '}-->', $v, $value );
/* Block level tags */
$value = preg_replace( "/\[(code|codebox|sql|php|xml|html)(.*?)\](.+?)\[\/(code|codebox|sql|php|xml|html)\]/ims", "</p><div>[$1$2]$3[/$4]</div><p>", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/\[(indent|left|center|right|spoiler|page)\](.+?)\[\/(indent|left|center|right|spoiler|page)\]/ims", "</p><p>[$1]$2[/$3]</p><p>", $value );
$value = preg_replace( "/\<p\>\s*?\[page\]\s*?\<\/p\>/ims", "[page]", $value );
/* Fix old code class names */
$value = preg_replace_callback( "/<pre\s+?class=['\"](.+?)[\"']>/i", function( $matches ) {
$classes = explode( ' ', $matches[1] );
$newClasses = array();
foreach( $classes as $class )
if( $class == '_prettyXprint' )
$class = 'prettyprint';
if( mb_substr( $class, 0, 1 ) == '_' )
$class = mb_substr( $class, 1 );
$newClasses[] = $class;
return "<pre class='ipsCode " . implode( ' ', $newClasses ) . "'>";
}, $value );
/* Put the dynamic replacements back now */
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(href|src|srcset)=(\'|")(?:{|%7B)fileStore\.([\d\w\_]+?)(?:}|%7D)/#i', '<\1\2=\3<fileStore.\4>/', $value );
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(srcset)=(\'|")(?:{|%7B)fileStore\.([\d\w\_]+?)(?:}|%7D)/#i', '<\1\2=\3<fileStore.\4>/', $value );
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(href|src|srcset)=(\'|")(?:{|%7B)___base_url___(?:}|%7D)/#i', '<\1\2=\3<___base_url___>/', $value );
$value = preg_replace( '#<([^>]+?)(data-fileid)=(\'|")(?:{|%7B)___base_url___(?:}|%7D)/#i', '<\1\2=\3<___base_url___>/', $value );
//print htmlspecialchars( $value );print "<hr style='color:red;'>";print $value;print "<hr style='color:red;'>";
/* Return */
if ( mb_stristr( $value, '<fileStore.' ) )
\IPS\Output::i()->parseFileObjectUrls( $value );
$result = $this->parser->parse( $value );
/* If they are not using UTF8MB4, we need to convert emoji back to html entities as HTMLPurifier will have converted them on us */
if ( \IPS\Settings::i()->getFromConfGlobal('sql_utf8mb4') !== TRUE )
$result = preg_replace_callback( '/[\x{10000}-\x{10FFFF}]/u', function( $mb4Character ) {
return mb_convert_encoding( $mb4Character[0], 'HTML-ENTITIES', 'UTF-8' );
}, $result );
/* URLs that are turned into embeds end up as <a href=''><iframe ...></a> */
$result = preg_replace( "/\<a href=[\"']{2}.*?\>(?:>)?(\<iframe.+?\>)\<\/a\>/i", "$1", $result );
return $result;
* Parse new quotes
* @param array Data from preg_replace callback
* @return string Converted text
protected function _parseOldQuote( $matches=array() )
if ( !$matches[1] )
return '[quote]';
$return = array();
preg_match( "#\(post=(.+?)?:date=(.+?)?:name=(.+?)?\)#", $matches[1], $match );
if ( $match[3] )
$return[] = " name='" . static::_cleanQuoteName( $match[3] ) . "'";
if ( $match[1] )
$return[] = " post='" . intval($match[1]) . "'";
if ( $match[2] )
$return[] = " date='{$match[2]}'";
return str_replace( ' ', ' ', '[quote' . implode( ' ', $return ).']' );
* Parse new quotes #2
* @param array Data from preg_replace callback
* @return string Converted text
protected function _parseOldBlockquote( $matches=array() )
$parameters = array( 'data-ipsQuote' => '', 'class' => 'ipsQuote' );
if( count( $matches[1] ) )
preg_match( "/data-author=['\"](.+?)[\"']/i", static::_cleanQuoteName( $matches[1] ), $author );
preg_match( "/data-cid=['\"](.+?)[\"']/i", $matches[1], $cid );
preg_match( "/data-time=['\"](.+?)[\"']/i", $matches[1], $time );
if( isset( $cid[1] ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentcommentid'] = $cid[1];
if( $this->attachClass and $this->itemClass )
$pieces = explode( '_', $this->attachClass );
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentapp'] = $pieces[0];
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contenttype'] = mb_strtolower( $pieces[1] );
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentclass'] = str_replace( '\\', '_', mb_substr( $this->itemClass, 4 ) );
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentid'] = $this->idOne;
if( isset( $author[1] ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-username'] = $author[1];
$parameters['data-cite'] = $author[1];
if( isset( $time[1] ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-timestamp'] = $time[1];
$_parameterString = '';
foreach( $parameters as $key => $value )
$_parameterString .= ' ' . $key . '="' . str_replace( '"', '\\"', $value ) . '"';
return "<blockquote{$_parameterString}><div>";
* Parse new quotes #3
* @param array Data from preg_replace callback
* @return string Converted text
protected function _parseOldQuoteBbcode( $matches=array() )
$parameters = array( 'data-ipsQuote' => '', 'class' => 'ipsQuote' );
if( count( $matches[1] ) )
preg_match( "/name=['\"](.+?)[\"']/i", $matches[1], $author );
preg_match( "/post=['\"](.+?)[\"']/i", $matches[1], $cid );
preg_match( "/timestamp=['\"](.+?)[\"']/i", $matches[1], $time );
if( isset( $cid[1] ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentcommentid'] = $cid[1];
if( isset( $author[1] ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-username'] = $author[1];
$parameters['data-cite'] = $author[1];
if( isset( $time[1] ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-timestamp'] = $time[1];
/* Try to set the other parameters */
if( isset( $this->attachClass ) )
$attachBits = explode( '_', $this->attachClass );
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentapp'] = $attachBits[0];
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contenttype'] = mb_strtolower( $attachBits[1] );
/* This is not perfect - if you quoted from another topic this would be wrong, however in most cases
this is the best guess so we'll use it */
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentid'] = $this->idOne;
if( isset( $this->itemClass ) )
$parameters['data-ipsquote-contentclass'] = str_replace( '\\', '_', mb_substr( $this->itemClass, 4 ) );
$_parameterString = '';
foreach( $parameters as $key => $value )
$_parameterString .= ' ' . $key . '="' . str_replace( '"', '\\"', $value ) . '"';
return "<blockquote{$_parameterString}><div>";
* Convert flash HTML back into BBCode
* @param array Data from preg_replace callback
* @return string Converted text
protected function _parseOldFlash( $matches=array() )
$f_arr = explode( "+", $matches[1] );
return '[flash=' . $f_arr[0] . ',' . $f_arr[1] . ']' . $f_arr[2] . '[/flash]';
* Convert old code tags back into bbcode
* @param array Data from preg_replace callback
* @return string Converted text
protected function _parseOldCode( $matches=array() )
return '[code]' . rtrim( str_replace( "</span>", '', preg_replace( "#<span style='.+?'>#is", "", stripslashes( $matches[2] ) ) ) ) . '[/code]';
* Convert download manager screenshot URLs
* @param array Data from preg_replace callback
* @return string Converted text
protected function _fixDownloadsScreenshots( $matches )
if( isset( $matches[1] ) )
$screenshot = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'record_location, record_realname', 'downloads_files_records', array( "record_file_id=? and record_type IN('sslink','ssupload')", (int) $matches[1] ), 'record_id ASC', array( 0, 1 ) )->first();
return "<img src='{$screenshot['record_location']}' alt='{$screenshot['record_realname']}'>";
catch( \Exception $e )
return $matches[0];
return $matches[0];
* Legacy names can have things like $ and ' which break new parser
* @param string Name
* @return string Converted name
protected static function _cleanQuoteName( $name )
$name = str_replace( "'", ''', $name );
$name = str_replace( '$', '$', $name );
$name = str_replace( '[', '[', $name );
$name = str_replace( ']', ']', $name );
return $name;