namespace XF;
use XF\Db\AbstractAdapter;
use function array_key_exists, count, floatval, is_array, is_null;
class Language implements \ArrayAccess
protected $id;
protected $options = [
'title' => '',
'language_code' => '',
'date_format' => 'M j, Y',
'time_format' => 'g:i A',
'currency_format' => '{symbol}{value}',
'decimal_point' => '.',
'thousands_separator' => ',',
'text_direction' => 'LTR',
'week_start' => 0,
'label_separator' => ':',
'comma_separator' => ', ',
'ellipsis' => '...',
'parenthesis_open' => '(',
'parenthesis_close' => ')',
'user_selectable' => true
protected static $modifierMap = [
':' => 'label_separator',
',' => 'comma_separator',
'...' => 'ellipsis',
'(' => 'parenthesis_open',
')' => 'parenthesis_close'
* @var Db\AbstractAdapter
protected $db;
protected $groupPath;
* @var array
protected $phraseCache = [];
protected $phrasesToLoad = [];
protected $groupsCached = [];
* @var \DateTime
protected $date;
protected $dayStartTimestamps = null;
* Translate a numeric day of the week to representation that will be used in phrases.
* @var array
protected $dowTranslation = [
0 => 'sunday',
1 => 'monday',
2 => 'tuesday',
3 => 'wednesday',
4 => 'thursday',
5 => 'friday',
6 => 'saturday'
public function __construct($id, array $options, AbstractAdapter $db, $groupPath, array $phrases = null)
if (isset($options['phrase_cache']))
$cache = $options['phrase_cache'];
if (is_array($cache) && $phrases === null)
$phrases = $cache;
$this->id = $id;
$this->options = array_merge($this->options, $options);
$this->options['language_code'] = $this->getLanguageCode();
$this->db = $db;
$this->groupPath = $groupPath;
if (is_array($phrases))
$this->phraseCache = $phrases;
$this->date = new \DateTime('now', new \DateTimeZone('UTC'));
public function getId()
return $this->id;
public function phrase($name, array $params = [], $preLoad = true, $allowHtml = true)
$effectiveName = $this->getEffectivePhraseName($name);
if ($preLoad
&& !isset($this->phraseCache[$effectiveName])
&& !isset($this->phrasesToLoad[$effectiveName])
&& strpos($effectiveName, '.') === false
$this->phrasesToLoad[$effectiveName] = true;
return new Phrase($this, $name, $params, $allowHtml);
public function renderPhrase($name, array $params = [], $context = 'html', array $options = [])
$options = array_replace([
'fallback' => null,
'fallbackRaw' => false,
'nameOnInvalid' => true
], $options);
$name = $this->getEffectivePhraseName($name, $prefixes, $suffixes);
$text = $this->getPhraseText($name);
if ($text === false)
// phrase not found
if ($options['fallback'] !== null)
if ($options['fallbackRaw'])
$text = $options['fallback'];
$text = \XF::escapeString($options['fallback'], $context);
else if ($options['nameOnInvalid'])
$text = \XF::escapeString($name, $context);
// if not returning anything, don't apply any prefixes/suffixes
return '';
else if ($params)
$text = preg_replace_callback('/\{([a-z0-9_-]+)\}/i', function(array $match) use ($params, $context)
$paramName = $match[1];
if (!array_key_exists($paramName, $params))
return $match[0];
$param = $params[$paramName];
if ($param instanceof Phrase)
return $param->render($context);
return \XF::escapeString($param, $context);
}, $text);
if ($prefixes)
$text = implode('', $prefixes) . $text;
if ($suffixes)
// we process these right to left so invert them
$suffixes = array_reverse($suffixes);
$text .= implode('', $suffixes);
return $text;
protected function getEffectivePhraseName(string $name, &$prefixes = [], &$suffixes = []): string
// Process phrase name prefixes/suffixes.
// Note that there is very similar code in XF\Template\Compiler\Func\Phrase. It should correspond.
$prefixes = [];
$suffixes = [];
if ($name[0] == '(')
$prefixes[] = $this->options['parenthesis_open'];
$name = substr($name, 1);
$matchedSuffix = false;
if (substr($name, -3) == '...')
$suffixes[] = $this->options['ellipsis'];
$name = substr($name, 0, -3);
$matchedSuffix = true;
$lastChar = substr($name, -1);
switch ($lastChar)
case ':':
case ',':
case ')':
case '(':
if (isset(self::$modifierMap[$lastChar]))
$suffixes[] = $this->options[self::$modifierMap[$lastChar]];
$matchedSuffix = true;
$name = substr($name, 0, -1);
while ($matchedSuffix);
return $name;
public function getPhraseText($name)
if (isset($this->phraseCache[$name]))
return $this->phraseCache[$name];
$parts = explode('.', $name, 2);
if (isset($parts[1]) && $this->loadPhraseGroup($parts[0]))
// group has been cached so everything should be in it - if it's not, it's invalid
if (!isset($this->phraseCache[$name]))
$this->phraseCache[$name] = false;
return $this->phraseCache[$name];
$this->phrasesToLoad[$name] = true;
if (!isset($this->phraseCache[$name]))
$this->phraseCache[$name] = false;
return $this->phraseCache[$name];
protected function loadPhraseGroup($group)
if (isset($this->groupsCached[$group]))
return $this->groupsCached[$group];
if (preg_match('/[^a-z0-9_]/i', $group))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Phrase group $group is not a valid format");
$file = $this->groupPath . "/l$this->id/$group.php";
$phrases = @include($file);
catch (\Throwable $e)
$phrases = false;
if (is_array($phrases))
$this->phraseCache = array_merge($this->phraseCache, $phrases);
$this->groupsCached[$group] = true;
$this->groupsCached[$group] = false;
return $this->groupsCached[$group];
protected function getPhraseCacheRaw($name)
if (isset($this->phraseCache[$name]))
return $this->phraseCache[$name];
return $name;
public function cachePhrase($name, $value)
$this->phraseCache[$name] = $value;
public function cachePhrases(array $phrases)
$this->phraseCache = array_merge($this->phraseCache, $phrases);
public function uncachePhrase($name)
if (strpos($name, '.') === false)
public function isGroupCached($group)
return isset($this->groupsCached[$group]);
public function uncacheGroup($group)
public function requirePhrases(array $phrases)
foreach ($phrases AS $name)
if (!isset($this->phraseCache[$name])
&& !isset($this->phrasesToLoad[$name])
&& strpos($name, '.') === false
$this->phrasesToLoad[$name] = true;
protected function loadPhrases()
if (!$this->phrasesToLoad)
$phrases = $this->db->fetchPairs("
SELECT title, phrase_text
FROM xf_phrase_compiled
WHERE language_id = ?
AND title IN (" . $this->db->quote(array_keys($this->phrasesToLoad)) . ")
", $this->id);
foreach ($phrases AS $title => $text)
$this->phraseCache[$title] = $text;
$this->phrasesToLoad = [];
public function getTitle()
return $this->options['title'];
public function getLanguageCode()
return $this->options['language_code'];
public function getTextDirection()
return $this->options['text_direction'];
public function isRtl()
return ($this->options['text_direction'] == 'RTL');
public function isUsable(\XF\Entity\User $user)
if ($this->options['user_selectable'])
return true;
return $user->is_admin ? true : false;
public function offsetGet($key)
return $this->options[$key];
public function __get($key)
return $this->offsetGet($key);
public function offsetExists($key)
return isset($this->options[$key]);
public function __isset($key)
return $this->offsetExists($key);
public function offsetSet($key, $value)
throw new \LogicException("Language object cannot be written to.");
public function offsetUnset($key)
throw new \LogicException("Language object cannot be written to.");
public function setTimeZone($tz)
if (!($tz instanceof \DateTimeZone))
$tz = new \DateTimeZone($tz);
catch (\Exception $e)
return false;
return true;
* @return \DateTimeZone
public function getTimeZone()
return $this->date->getTimezone();
protected function formatDateTime(\DateTime $date, $format)
if (!$date)
$date = $this->date;
$dateParts = explode('|', $date->format('j|w|W|n|Y|G|i|s|S'));
list($dayOfMonth, $dayOfWeek, $weekOfYear, $month, $year, $hour, $minute, $second, $ordinalSuffix) = $dateParts;
$output = '';
$formatters = str_split($format);
$formatterCount = count($formatters);
for ($i = 0; $i < $formatterCount; $i++)
$identifier = $formatters[$i];
switch ($identifier)
// day of month
case 'd': $output .= sprintf('%02d', $dayOfMonth); break;
case 'j': $output .= $dayOfMonth; break;
// day of week
case 'D': $output .= $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('day_' . $this->dowTranslation[$dayOfWeek] . '_short'); break;
case 'l': $output .= $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('day_' . $this->dowTranslation[$dayOfWeek]); break;
// week
case 'w': $output .= $dayOfWeek; break;
case 'W': $output .= $weekOfYear; break;
// month
case 'm': $output .= sprintf('%02d', $month); break;
case 'n': $output .= $month; break;
case 'F': $output .= $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('month_' . $month); break;
case 'M': $output .= $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('month_' . $month . '_short'); break;
// year
case 'Y': $output .= $year; break;
case 'y': $output .= substr($year, 2); break;
// am/pm
case 'a': $output .= $this->getPhraseCacheRaw(($hour >= 12 ? 'time_pm_lower' : 'time_am_lower')); break;
case 'A': $output .= $this->getPhraseCacheRaw(($hour >= 12 ? 'time_pm_upper' : 'time_am_upper')); break;
// hour
case 'H': $output .= sprintf('%02d', $hour); break;
case 'h': $output .= sprintf('%02d', $hour % 12 ? $hour % 12 : 12); break;
case 'G': $output .= $hour; break;
case 'g': $output .= ($hour % 12 ? $hour % 12 : 12); break;
// minute
case 'i': $output .= $minute; break;
// second
case 's': $output .= $second; break;
// ordinal
case 'S': $output .= $ordinalSuffix; break;
case '\\':
if ($i < $formatterCount)
$output .= $formatters[$i];
// fallback to PHP formatter directly - shouldn't be used regularly
case 'N':
case 'z':
case 't':
case 'L':
case 'o':
case 'B':
case 'u':
case 'v':
case 'e':
case 'I':
case 'O':
case 'P':
case 'T':
case 'Z':
case 'c':
case 'r':
case 'U':
$output .= $date->format($identifier);
// anything else is printed
default: $output .= $identifier;
return $output;
public function date($timestamp, $format = null)
if ($timestamp instanceof \DateTime)
$date = $timestamp;
$date = $this->date->setTimestamp($timestamp);
switch ($format)
case 'year':
$dateFormat = 'Y';
case 'monthDay':
$dateFormat = 'F j';
case 'picker':
$dateFormat = 'Y-m-d';
case 'absolute':
case '':
$dateFormat = $this->options['date_format'];
$dateFormat = $format;
return $this->formatDateTime($date, $dateFormat);
public function time($timestamp, $format = null)
if ($timestamp instanceof \DateTime)
$date = $timestamp;
$date = $this->date->setTimestamp($timestamp);
switch ($format)
case 'absolute':
case '':
$dateFormat = $this->options['time_format'];
$dateFormat = $format;
return $this->formatDateTime($date, $dateFormat);
public function dateTime($timestamp)
list($date, $time) = $this->getDateTimeParts($timestamp);
return $this->getDateTimeOutput($date, $time);
public function getDateTimeParts($timestamp)
if ($timestamp instanceof \DateTime)
$date = $timestamp;
$date = $this->date->setTimestamp($timestamp);
$dateTimeFormat = $this->options['date_format'] . '|' . $this->options['time_format'];
return explode('|', $this->formatDateTime($date, $dateTimeFormat));
public function getDateTimeOutput($date, $time)
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('date_x_at_time_y'), [
'{date}' => $date,
'{time}' => $time
protected function getRelativeDateTimeInternal($timestamp, $date, $time, $getFullDate = false)
$timeRef = $this->getDayStartTimestamps();
$dateObj = new \DateTime('@' . $timestamp);
$interval = $timeRef['now'] - $timestamp;
if ($interval < -2)
// future date
$futureInterval = $timestamp - $timeRef['now'];
if ($futureInterval < 60)
return $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('in_a_moment');
else if ($futureInterval < 120)
return $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('in_a_minute');
else if ($futureInterval < 3600)
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('in_x_minutes'), [
'{minutes}' => floor($futureInterval / 60)
else if ($timestamp < $timeRef['tomorrow'])
// today
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('later_today_at_x'), [
'{time}' => $time
else if ($timestamp < $dateObj->setTimestamp($timeRef['tomorrow'])->modify('+1 day')->format('U')) // day after tomorrow
// tomorrow
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('tomorrow_at_x'), [
'{time}' => $time
else if ($futureInterval < ($dateObj->setTimestamp(\XF::$time)->modify('+1 week')->format('U') - \XF::$time)) // one week in the future
// after tomorrow but within the next week
return $this->getDateTimeOutput($date, $time);
else if ($getFullDate)
// more than a week in the future
return $this->getDateTimeOutput($date, $time);
// after the next 7 days
return $date;
else if ($interval <= 60)
return $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('a_moment_ago');
else if ($interval <= 120)
return $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('one_minute_ago');
else if ($interval < 3600)
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('x_minutes_ago'), [
'{minutes}' => floor($interval / 60)
else if ($timestamp >= $timeRef['today'])
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('today_at_x'), [
'{time}' => $time
else if ($timestamp >= $timeRef['yesterday'])
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('yesterday_at_x'), [
'{time}' => $time
else if ($timestamp >= $timeRef['week'])
$dow = $dateObj->setTimestamp($timestamp)->format('w');
$day = $this->getPhraseCacheRaw('day_' . $this->dowTranslation[$dow]);
return strtr($this->getPhraseCacheRaw('day_x_at_time_y'), [
'{day}' => $day,
'{time}' => $time
else if ($getFullDate)
return $this->getDateTimeOutput($date, $time);
return $date;
/** @var array Relative date output cache */
protected $rdc = [];
public function getRelativeDateTimeOutput($timestamp, $date, $time, $getFullDate = false)
if (!isset($this->rdc[$timestamp][$getFullDate]))
$this->rdc[$timestamp][$getFullDate] = $this->getRelativeDateTimeInternal($timestamp, $date, $time, $getFullDate);
return $this->rdc[$timestamp][$getFullDate];
public function getDayStartTimestamps()
if (!$this->dayStartTimestamps)
$date = new \DateTime('@' . \XF::$time);
$date->setTime(0, 0, 0);
list($todayStamp, $todayDow) = explode('|', $date->format('U|w'));
$date->modify('+1 day');
$tomorrowStamp = $date->format('U');
$date->modify('-2 days');
$yesterdayStamp = $date->format('U');
$date->modify('-5 days');
$weekStamp = $date->format('U');
$this->dayStartTimestamps = [
'tomorrow' => $tomorrowStamp,
'now' => \XF::$time,
'today' => $todayStamp,
'todayDow' => $todayDow,
'yesterday' => $yesterdayStamp,
'week' => $weekStamp
return $this->dayStartTimestamps;
protected function _getDatePresets()
return [
'1day' => ['-1 day', '1_day_ago'],
'1week' => ['-1 week', '1_week_ago'],
'2weeks' => ['-2 weeks', '2_weeks_ago'],
'1month' => ['-1 month', '1_month_ago'],
'3months' => ['-3 months', '3_months_ago'],
'6months' => ['-6 months', '6_months_ago'],
'9months' => ['-9 months', '9_months_ago'],
'1year' => ['-1 year', '1_year_ago'],
'2years' => ['-2 years', '2_years_ago'],
public function getDatePresets($timeStamp = null)
if (is_null($timeStamp))
$timeStamp = \XF::$time;
$presets = [];
foreach ($this->_getDatePresets() AS $period => $presetData)
$date = new \DateTime('@' . $timeStamp);
$presets[$date->format('Y-m-d')] = \XF::phrase($presetData[1]);
return $presets;
* Formats the given number for a language/locale. Also used for file size formatting.
* @param mixed $number Number to format
* @param integer|string $precision Number of places to show after decimal point or word "size" for file size
* @return string Formatted number
public function numberFormat($number, $precision = 0)
return number_format(floatval($number), $precision,
$this->options['decimal_point'], $this->options['thousands_separator']
public function shortNumberFormat($number, $precision = 0)
$originalNumber = $number;
$decimalSep = $this->options['decimal_point'];
$thousandsSep = $this->options['thousands_separator'];
if ($number >= 1000)
// Round number to the nearest 1000 with relevant precision
$basePrecision = -3;
$number = round($number, $basePrecision + $precision);
$phrase = null;
if ($number >= 1000000000) // 1B
$number = number_format($number / 1000000000, $precision, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_b';
elseif ($number >= 1000000) // 1M - 999M
$number = number_format($number / 1000000, $precision, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_m';
elseif ($number >= 1000) // 1K - 999K
$number = number_format($number / 1000, $precision, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_k';
// This is the original full-form formatted number
// we can return this if the number is unphrased anyway and also
// pass it into the phrase to allow user to opt out of the short format.
$default = $this->numberFormat($originalNumber, $precision);
// return $number, not $number.0 when the decimal is 0.
if (substr($number, -2) === "{$decimalSep}0")
$number = substr($number, 0, -2);
if (substr($default, -2) === "{$decimalSep}0")
$default = substr($default, 0, -2);
if ($phrase)
return str_replace(['{number}', '{default}'], [$number, $default], $this->getPhraseCacheRaw($phrase));
return $default;
public function currencyFormat($value, $symbol, $precision = 2, $format = null)
$format = $format ?: $this->options['currency_format'];
return strtr($format, [
'{symbol}' => $symbol,
'{value}' => $this->numberFormat($value, $precision)
public function fileSizeFormat($number)
$decimalSep = $this->options['decimal_point'];
$thousandsSep = $this->options['thousands_separator'];
if ($number >= 1099511627776) // 1 TB
$number = number_format($number / 1099511627776, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_tb';
else if ($number >= 1073741824) // 1 GB
$number = number_format($number / 1073741824, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_gb';
else if ($number >= 1048576) // 1 MB
$number = number_format($number / 1048576, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_mb';
else if ($number >= 1024) // 1 KB
$number = number_format($number / 1024, 1, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_kb';
$number = number_format($number, 0, $decimalSep, $thousandsSep);
$phrase = 'x_bytes';
// return $number, not $number.0 when the decimal is 0.
if (substr($number, -2) === "{$decimalSep}0")
$number = substr($number, 0, -2);
return str_replace('{size}', $number, $this->getPhraseCacheRaw($phrase));