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/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )

cms_hook_Lang extends _HOOK_CLASS_
     * Set words
     * @return    void
public function languageInit()
/* Language, is it? */
/* Don't do this during setup */
if ( \IPS\Dispatcher::hasInstance() AND \IPS\Dispatcher::i()->controllerLocation == 'setup' )

/* Ensure applications set up correctly before task is executed. Pages, for example, needs to set up spl autoloaders first */
/* Add in the database specific language bits and bobs */
foreach( \IPS\cms\Databases::getDatabaseDataFromStore() as $database )
$this->words['__indefart_content_record_comments_title_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( '__indefart_content_record_comments_title' );
$this->words['__indefart_content_record_reviews_title_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( '__indefart_content_record_reviews_title' );
$this->words['__indefart_content_db_lang_su_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_ia_' . $database['database_id'] );
$this->words['__defart_content_record_comments_title_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( '__defart_content_record_comments_title' );
$this->words['__defart_content_record_reviews_title_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( '__defart_content_record_reviews_title' );
$this->words['__defart_content_db_lang_su_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_sl_' . $database['database_id'] );

$this->words['content_record_comments_title_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_record_comment_title', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->recordWord( 1, TRUE, $database['database_id'] ) ) ) );
$this->words['content_record_reviews_title_' . $database['database_id'] ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_record_review_title', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->recordWord( 1, TRUE, $database['database_id'] ) ) ) );
$this->words['content_record_comments_title_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl' ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_record_comments_title', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->recordWord( 1, TRUE, $database['database_id'] ) ) ) );
$this->words['content_record_comments_title_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl_lc' ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_record_comments_title_lc', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->recordWord( 1, FALSE, $database['database_id'] ) ) ) );
$this->words['content_record_reviews_title_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl' ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_record_reviews_title', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->recordWord( 1, TRUE, $database['database_id'] ) ) ) );
$this->words['content_record_reviews_title_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl_lc' ] = $this->addToStack( 'content_record_reviews_title_lc', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $this->recordWord( 1, FALSE, $database['database_id'] ) ) ) );
$this->words['content_db_lang_su_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl' ] =  $this->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_pu_' . $database['database_id'] );
$this->words['content_db_lang_su_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl_lc' ] =  $this->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_pl_' . $database['database_id'] );
$this->words['content_db_lang_sl_' . $database['database_id'] . '_pl_lc' ] =  $this->addToStack( 'content_db_lang_pl_' . $database['database_id'] );

$fieldsClass = '\IPS\cms\Fields' . $database['database_id'];
$customFields = $fieldsClass::databaseFieldIds();

            foreach (
$customFields AS $id )
$this->words['sort_field_' . $id] = $this->addToStack( 'content_field_' . $id );
     * "Records" / "Record" word
     * @param    int        $number    Number
     * @param   bool    $upper  ucfirst string
     * @return    string
public function recordWord( $number = 2, $upper = FALSE, $databaseId )
$case = $upper ? 'u' : 'l';
$number == 1 ? $this->addToStack("content_db_lang_s{$case}_{$databaseId}") : $this->addToStack("content_db_lang_p{$case}_{$databaseId}");
