namespace XF\Util;
use function chr, count, is_array, is_string, ord, strlen;
class Ip
* Converts a string based IP (v4 or v6) to a 4 or 16 byte string.
* This tries to identify not only and 2001::1:2:3:4 style IPs,
* but integer encoded IPv4 and already binary encoded IPs. IPv4
* embedded in IPv6 via things like ::ffff: is also detected.
* @param string|int $ip
* @return bool|string False on failure, binary data otherwise
public static function convertIpStringToBinary($ip)
$originalIp = $ip;
if (strlen($ip) == 4)
// already encoded IPv4
return $ip;
if (strlen($ip) == 16 && preg_match('/[^0-9a-f.:]/i', $ip))
// already encoded IPv6
return $ip;
$ip = trim($ip, " \t");
if (strpos($ip, ':') !== false)
// IPv6
if (preg_match('#:(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})$#i', $ip, $match))
// embedded IPv4, just treat as IPv4
$long = ip2long($match[1]);
if (!$long)
return false;
return self::convertHexToBin(
str_pad(dechex($long), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
if (strpos($ip, '::') !== false)
if (substr_count($ip, '::') > 1)
// ambiguous
return false;
$delims = substr_count($ip, ':');
if ($delims > 7)
return false;
$ip = str_replace('::', str_repeat(':0', 8 - $delims) . ':', $ip);
if ($ip[0] == ':')
$ip = '0' . $ip;
$ip = strtolower($ip);
$parts = explode(':', $ip);
if (count($parts) != 8)
return false;
foreach ($parts AS &$part)
$len = strlen($part);
if ($len > 4 || preg_match('/[^0-9a-f]/', $part))
return false;
if ($len < 4)
$part = str_repeat('0', 4 - $len) . $part;
$hex = implode('', $parts);
if (strlen($hex) != 32)
return false;
if (preg_match('/^00000000000000000000ffff([0-9a-f]{8})$/', $hex, $match))
// ::ffff:IPv4 address that was written in pure IPv6 form, treat as an IPv4 address
return self::convertHexToBin($match[1]);
return self::convertHexToBin($hex);
if (strpos($ip, '.'))
// IPv4
if (!preg_match('#(\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})#', $ip, $match))
return false;
$long = ip2long($match[1]);
if ($long === false)
return false;
return self::convertHexToBin(
str_pad(dechex($long), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
if (strlen($ip) == 4 || strlen($ip) == 16)
// already binary encoded
return $ip;
if (is_numeric($originalIp) && $originalIp < pow(2, 32))
// IPv4 as integer
return self::convertHexToBin(
str_pad(dechex($originalIp), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT)
return false;
* Converts a hex string to binary
* @param string $hex
* @return string
public static function convertHexToBin($hex)
if (function_exists('hex2bin'))
return hex2bin($hex);
$len = strlen($hex);
if ($len % 2)
trigger_error('Hexadecimal input string must have an even length', E_USER_WARNING);
if (strspn($hex, '0123456789abcdefABCDEF') != $len)
trigger_error('Input string must be hexadecimal string', E_USER_WARNING);
return pack('H*', $hex);
* Converts a binary string containing IPv4 or v6 data to a printable/human
* readable version. If shortening is enabled, IPv6 data will be collapsed
* as much as possible.
* @param string $ip Binary IP data
* @param bool $shorten
* @return bool|string
public static function convertIpBinaryToString($ip, $shorten = true)
if (strlen($ip) == 4)
// IPv4
$parts = [];
foreach (str_split($ip) AS $char)
$parts[] = ord($char);
return implode('.', $parts);
if (strlen($ip) == 16)
// IPv6
$parts = [];
$chunks = str_split($ip);
for ($i = 0; $i < 16; $i += 2)
$char1 = $chunks[$i];
$char2 = $chunks[$i + 1];
$part = sprintf('%02x%02x', ord($char1), ord($char2));
if ($shorten)
// reduce this to the shortest length possible, but keep 1 zero if needed
$part = ltrim($part, '0');
if (!strlen($part))
$part = '0';
$parts[] = $part;
$output = implode(':', $parts);
if ($shorten)
$output = preg_replace_callback(
return ':' . (strlen($matches[3]) ? $matches[3] : ':');
if ($output == ':')
// correct way of writing an IPv6 address of all zeroes
$output = '::';
if (preg_match('/^::ffff:([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2}):([0-9a-f]{2})([0-9a-f]{2})$/i', $output, $match))
// IPv4-mapped IPv6
$output = '::ffff:' . hexdec($match[1]) . '.' . hexdec($match[2]) . '.'
. hexdec($match[3]) . '.' . hexdec($match[4]);
return strtolower($output);
if (preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $ip))
return long2ip($ip + 0);
return false;
* Gets the range of binary-encoded IPs that match the given
* CIDR block size. Supports IPv4 and v6. Ranges can be checked
* via >= lower and <= upper.
* @param string $ip Binary IP
* @param integer $cidr CIDR range
* @return array|string If no CIDR is specified or if the CIDR specifies only one address, a string with that address.
* Otherwise, an array with a lower and upper bound.
public static function getIpCidrMatchRange($ip, $cidr)
if (!$cidr)
return $ip;
$bytes = strlen($ip);
$bits = $bytes * 8;
if ($cidr >= $bits)
return $ip; // exact match
$prefixBytes = (int)floor($cidr / 8);
$remainingBits = ($cidr - $prefixBytes * 8);
$prefix = substr($ip, 0, $prefixBytes);
if ($remainingBits)
$partialByteOrd = ord($ip[$prefixBytes]); // first character after full prefix bytes
$mask = (1 << 8 - $remainingBits) - 1;
$upperBound = chr($partialByteOrd | $mask);
$lowerBound = chr($partialByteOrd & ~$mask);
$boundLength = 1;
$upperBound = '';
$lowerBound = '';
$boundLength = 0;
$suffixBytes = $bytes - $prefixBytes - $boundLength;
if ($suffixBytes)
$lowerSuffix = str_repeat(chr(0), $suffixBytes);
$upperSuffix = str_repeat(chr(255), $suffixBytes);
$lowerSuffix = '';
$upperSuffix = '';
return [$prefix . $lowerBound . $lowerSuffix, $prefix . $upperBound . $upperSuffix];
* Determines if a particular IP matches a IP CIDR range.
* Both IPs must be binary encoded
* @param string $testIp Binary encoded IP to test if within range
* @param string $rangeIp Binary encoded IP to make the range from
* @param integer $cidr CIDR block size
* @return bool
public static function ipMatchesCidrRange($testIp, $rangeIp, $cidr)
$range = self::getIpCidrMatchRange($rangeIp, $cidr);
if (is_string($range))
return ($testIp == $range);
return self::ipMatchesRange($testIp, $range[0], $range[1]);
* Simplifies checking if an IP is within a range.
* All IPs and ranges must be binary encoded.
* @param string $testIp
* @param string $lowerBound
* @param string $upperBound
* @return bool
public static function ipMatchesRange($testIp, $lowerBound, $upperBound)
return ($testIp >= $lowerBound AND $testIp <= $upperBound AND strlen($testIp) == strlen($lowerBound));
* @param array|string $checkIps List of IPs to check for a match
* @param array $firstByteRangeList List of binary IP ranges [start, end] keyed by [binary first byte]
* @return bool
public static function checkIpsAgainstBinaryRangeList($checkIps, array $firstByteRangeList)
if (!is_array($checkIps))
$checkIps = [$checkIps];
foreach ($checkIps AS $ip)
$binary = self::convertIpStringToBinary($ip);
if (!$binary)
$firstByte = $binary[0];
if (empty($firstByteRangeList[$firstByte]))
foreach ($firstByteRangeList[$firstByte] AS $range)
if (self::ipMatchesRange($binary, $range[0], $range[1]))
return $range;
return null;
* Parses a human readable IP range string into a machine processable version.
* IPv4 can be specified with CIDR or 192.168.* style ranges. IPv6 supports CIDR only.
* @param string $ip Human readable IPv4 or v6 IP
* @return array|bool False on failure, Otherwise array with following keys:
* - printable: human readable version of the IP range. May be adjusted to standardize display slightly
* - binary: binary version of provided IP. IPv4 missing octets are considered to be 0.
* - cidr: the final CIDR range found/used. If a IPv4 partial is provided, this will be determined from number of missing octets. 0 for exact.
* - isRange: true if the provided IP actually spans a range
* - startRange: binary version of lower bound IP
* - endRange: binary version of upper bound IP
public static function parseIpRangeString($ip)
$ip = trim($ip);
$niceIp = $ip;
if (preg_match('#/(\d+)$#', $ip, $match))
$ip = substr($ip, 0, -strlen($match[0]));
$cidr = $match[1];
if ($cidr && $cidr < 8)
$cidr = 8;
$niceIp = $ip . "/$cidr";
$cidr = 0;
if (strpos($ip, ':') !== false)
// IPv6 -- no partials, only CIDR
$binary = self::convertIpStringToBinary($ip);
if ($binary === false)
return false;
$ip = preg_replace('/\.+$/', '', $ip);
if (!preg_match('/^\d+(\.\d+){0,2}(\.\d+|\.\*)?$/', $ip))
return false;
if (substr($ip, -2) == '.*')
$ip = substr($ip, 0, -2);
$ipParts = explode('.', $ip);
foreach ($ipParts AS $part)
if ($part < 0 || $part > 255)
return false;
$localCidr = 32;
while (count($ipParts) < 4)
$ipParts[] = 0;
$localCidr -= 8;
if (!$cidr && $localCidr != 32)
$cidr = $localCidr;
$niceIp = $ip . '.*';
$binary = self::convertIpStringToBinary(implode('.', $ipParts));
if (!$binary)
return false;
$range = self::getIpCidrMatchRange($binary, $cidr);
return [
'printable' => $niceIp,
'binary' => $binary,
'cidr' => $cidr,
'isRange' => is_array($range),
'startRange' => is_string($range) ? $range : $range[0],
'endRange' => is_string($range) ? $range : $range[1]
protected static $lookupCache = [];
* Resolves the host name of an IP address
* @param string $ip
* @return string
public static function getHost($ip)
if (isset(self::$lookupCache[$ip]))
return self::$lookupCache[$ip];
$decompressed = self::convertIpBinaryToString($ip, false);
if ($decompressed !== false)
$ip = $decompressed;
if (strpos($ip, ':') !== false)
// we need to uncompress the hex address to split this up
$binary = self::convertIpStringToBinary($ip);
if (!$binary)
return '';
$checkIp = self::convertIpBinaryToString($binary, false);
if (!$checkIp)
return false;
$checkIp = str_replace(':', '', $checkIp);
$parts = str_split($checkIp);
$dnsRecord = implode('.', array_reverse($parts)) . '.ip6.arpa';
$parts = explode('.', $ip);
if (count($parts) != 4)
return '';
$dnsRecord = implode('.', array_reverse($parts)) . '.in-addr.arpa';
$lookup = false;
if (function_exists('dns_get_record'))
$host = @dns_get_record($dnsRecord, DNS_PTR);
if (isset($host[0]['target']))
$lookup = $host[0]['target'];
$lookup = gethostbyaddr($ip);
catch (\Exception $e) { } // bad lookup
if (!$lookup)
$lookup = $ip;
self::$lookupCache[$ip] = $lookup;
return $lookup;