namespace Aura\Intl;
class IntlFormatterTest extends BasicFormatterTest
protected function newFormatter()
return new IntlFormatter;
public function setUp()
if (! extension_loaded('intl')) {
$this->markTestSkipped('This test is skipped if the Intl Extension is not loaded.');
public function testIntlVersion()
$formatter = new IntlFormatter('4.7');
* This test fails on PHP 5.4.4
* The return value expected is No pages , but returns false
* var_dump( msgfmt_get_error_message($fmt) );
* It seems $fmt = msgfmt_create($locale, $string); is not creating with
* this string , so the msgfmt_format() throws expects parameter 1 to be
* MessageFormatter, null given error.
public function testFormat_plural()
$formatter = $this->newFormatter();
$locale = 'en_US';
$string = '{pages,plural,'
. '=0{No pages.}'
. '=1{One page only.}'
. 'other{Page {page} of # pages.}'
. '}';
$tokens_values = ['page' => 0, 'pages' => 0];
$expect = 'No pages.';
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, $tokens_values);
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
$tokens_values = ['page' => 1, 'pages' => 1];
$expect = 'One page only.';
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, $tokens_values);
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
$tokens_values = ['page' => 1, 'pages' => 2];
$expect = 'Page 1 of 2 pages.';
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, $tokens_values);
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
* @dataProvider provide_testFormat_select
public function testFormat_select($tokens_values, $expect)
$locale = 'en_US';
$string = "
{gender, select,
female {
{count, plural, offset:1
=0 {{from} does not give a party.}
=1 {{from} invites {to} to her party.}
=2 {{from} invites {to} and one other person to her party.}
other {{from} invites {to} as one of the # people invited to her party.}
male {
{count, plural, offset:1
=0 {{from} does not give a party.}
=1 {{from} invites {to} to his party.}
=2 {{from} invites {to} and one other person to his party.}
other {{from} invites {to} as one of the # other people invited to his party.}
other {
{count, plural, offset:1
=0 {{from} does not give a party.}
=1 {{from} invites {to} to their party.}
=2 {{from} invites {to} and one other person to their party.}
other {{from} invites {to} as one of the # other people invited to their party.}
$formatter = $this->newFormatter();
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, $tokens_values);
$this->assertSame(trim($expect), trim($actual));
public function provide_testFormat_select()
return [
[array('gender' => 'female', 'count' => 0, 'from' => 'Alice', 'to' => 'Bob'), 'Alice does not give a party.'],
[array('gender' => 'male', 'count' => 1, 'from' => 'Bob', 'to' => 'Alice'), 'Bob invites Alice to his party.'],
[array('gender' => 'none', 'count' => 2, 'from' => 'Alice', 'to' => 'Bob'), 'Alice invites Bob and one other person to their party.'],
[array('gender' => 'female', 'count' => 27, 'from' => 'Alice', 'to' => 'Bob'), 'Alice invites Bob as one of the 26 people invited to her party.'],
public function testFormat_cannotInstantiateFormatter()
$locale = 'en_US';
// uses {count} instead of #, which should fail
$string = "
{gender, select,
female {
{count, plural, offset:1
=0 {{from} does not give a party.}
=1 {{from} invites {to} to her party.}
=2 {{from} invites {to} and one other person to her party.}
other {{from} invites {to} as one of the {count} people invited to her party.}
male {
{count, plural, offset:1
=0 {{from} does not give a party.}
=1 {{from} invites {to} to his party.}
=2 {{from} invites {to} and one other person to his party.}
other {{from} invites {to} as one of the {count} other people invited to his party.}
other {
{count, plural, offset:1
=0 {{from} does not give a party.}
=1 {{from} invites {to} to their party.}
=2 {{from} invites {to} and one other person to their party.}
other {{from} invites {to} as one of the {count} other people invited to their party.}
$formatter = $this->newFormatter();
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, array('gender' => 'female', 'count' => 5, 'from' => 'Alice', 'to' => 'Bob'));
public function testFormat_cannotFormat()
$locale = 'en_US';
$string = 'Hello {foo}';
$tokens_values = ['bar' => 'baz']; // no 'foo' token
$formatter = $this->newFormatter();
$expect = 'Hello {foo}';
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, $tokens_values);
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
* @dataProvider provide_testIssue6
public function testIssue6($tokens_values, $expect)
$locale = 'en_US';
$string = '{gender, select, female{{name} is {gender} and she report bugs!} male{{name} is {gender} and he report bugs!} other{{name} report bugs!}}';
$formatter = $this->newFormatter();
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, $tokens_values);
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function testEmptyStringThrowsException()
$locale = 'en_US';
$string = '';
$formatter = $this->newFormatter();
if (! defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
$actual = $formatter->format($locale, $string, []);
if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) {
// HHVM will instantiate Formatter even if empty string is passed.
$expect = '';
$this->assertSame($expect, $actual);
public function provide_testIssue6()
return [
[array('gender' => 'female', 'name' => 'Alice'), 'Alice is female and she report bugs!'],
[array('gender' => 'male', 'name' => 'Alexander' ), 'Alexander is male and he report bugs!'],
[array('gender' => '', 'name' => 'Unknown'), 'Unknown report bugs!'],