namespace XF\Repository;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Repository;
use function ord;
class ImageProxy extends Repository
* @return Finder
public function findImageProxyLogsForList()
return $this->finder('XF:ImageProxy')->setDefaultOrder('last_request_date', 'DESC');
* @param string $url
* @return null|\XF\Entity\ImageProxy
public function getImageByUrl($url)
$url = $this->cleanUrlForFetch($url);
$hash = md5($url);
return $this->finder('XF:ImageProxy')->where('url_hash', $hash)->fetchOne();
public function getTotalActiveFetches($activeLength = 60)
return $this->db()->fetchOne("
FROM xf_image_proxy
WHERE is_processing >= ?
", time() - $activeLength);
public function logImageView(\XF\Entity\ImageProxy $image)
UPDATE xf_image_proxy SET
views = views + 1,
last_request_date = ?
WHERE image_id = ?
", [\XF::$time, $image->image_id]);
public function logImageReferrer(\XF\Entity\ImageProxy $image, $referrer)
if (!preg_match('#^https?://#i', $referrer))
return false;
$this->db()->insert('xf_image_proxy_referrer', [
'image_id' => $image->image_id,
'referrer_hash' => md5($referrer),
'referrer_url' => $referrer,
'hits' => 1,
'first_date' => \XF::$time,
'last_date' => \XF::$time
], false, 'hits = hits + 1, last_date = VALUES(last_date)');
catch (\XF\Db\DeadlockException $e)
// ignore deadlocks here -- we're likely triggering a race condition within MySQL
return true;
public function cleanUrlForFetch($url)
$url = preg_replace('/#.*$/s', '', $url);
if (preg_match_all('/[^A-Za-z0-9._~:\/?#\[\]@!$&\'()*+,;=%-]/', $url, $matches))
foreach ($matches[0] AS $match)
$url = str_replace($match[0], '%' . strtoupper(dechex(ord($match[0]))), $url);
$url = preg_replace('/%(?![a-fA-F0-9]{2})/', '%25', $url);
return $url;
* @return \XF\Entity\ImageProxy
public function getPlaceholderImage()
// TODO: ability to customize path
$path = \XF::getRootDirectory() . '/styles/default/xenforo/missing-image.png';
/** @var \XF\Entity\ImageProxy $image */
$image = $this->em->create('XF:ImageProxy');
$image->setAsPlaceholder($path, 'image/png', 'missing-image.png');
return $image;
* Prunes images from the file system cache that have expired
* @param integer|null $pruneDate
public function pruneImageCache($pruneDate = null)
if ($pruneDate === null)
if (!$this->options()->imageCacheTTL)
$pruneDate = \XF::$time - (86400 * $this->options()->imageCacheTTL);
/** @var \XF\Entity\ImageProxy[] $images */
$images = $this->finder('XF:ImageProxy')
->where('fetch_date', '<', $pruneDate)
->where('pruned', 0)
->where('is_processing', 0)
foreach ($images AS $image)
* Prunes unused image proxy log entries.
* @param null|int $pruneDate
* @return int
public function pruneImageProxyLogs($pruneDate = null)
if ($pruneDate === null)
$options = $this->options();
if (!$options->imageLinkProxyLogLength)
return 0;
if (!$options->imageCacheTTL)
// we're keeping images forever - can't prune
return 0;
$maxTtl = max($options->imageLinkProxyLogLength, $options->imageCacheTTL);
$pruneDate = \XF::$time - (86400 * $maxTtl);
// we can only remove logs where we've pruned the image
return $this->db()->delete('xf_image_proxy',
'pruned = 1 AND last_request_date < ?', $pruneDate
public function pruneImageReferrerLogs($pruneDate = null)
if ($pruneDate === null)
$options = $this->options();
if (empty($options->imageLinkProxyReferrer['length']))
// we're keeping referrer data forever
return 0;
$pruneDate = \XF::$time - (86400 * $options->imageLinkProxyReferrer['length']);
return $this->db()->delete('xf_image_proxy_referrer',
'last_date < ?', $pruneDate