namespace XF\BbCode\Renderer;
use XF\Str\Formatter;
use XF\Template\Templater;
use XF\Util\Arr;
use function call_user_func, count, in_array, intval, is_array, is_string, strlen, strval;
class Html extends AbstractRenderer
protected $trimAfter = 0;
protected $mediaSites = [];
protected $allowedUrlProtocolRegex = '#^(https?|ftp)://#i';
protected $allowedCodeLanguages;
* @var Formatter
protected $formatter;
* @var Templater
protected $templater;
public function __construct(Formatter $formatter, Templater $templater)
$this->formatter = $formatter;
$this->templater = $templater;
public function getTemplater()
return $this->templater;
public function setTemplater(Templater $templater)
$this->templater = $templater;
public function addDefaultTags()
$this->addTag('b', ['replace' => ['<b>', '</b>']]);
$this->addTag('i', ['replace' => ['<i>', '</i>']]);
$this->addTag('u', ['replace' => ['<u>', '</u>']]);
$this->addTag('s', ['replace' => ['<s>', '</s>']]);
$this->addTag('color', ['callback' => 'renderTagColor']);
$this->addTag('font', ['callback' => 'renderTagFont']);
$this->addTag('size', ['callback' => 'renderTagSize']);
$this->addTag('url', [
'callback' => 'renderTagUrl',
'trimAfter' => function($option, array $tag)
if (is_array($option) && isset($option['unfurl']) && $option['unfurl'] === 'true')
return 1;
return null;
$this->addTag('email', ['callback' => 'renderTagEmail']);
$this->addTag('left', [
'callback' => 'renderTagAlign',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('center', [
'callback' => 'renderTagAlign',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('right', [
'callback' => 'renderTagAlign',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('justify', [
'callback' => 'renderTagAlign',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('indent', [
'callback' => 'renderTagIndent',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('heading', [
'callback' => 'renderTagHeading',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('hr', [
'callback' => 'renderTagHr',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('img', [
'callback' => 'renderTagImage'
$this->addTag('quote', [
'callback' => 'renderTagQuote',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('code', [
'callback' => 'renderTagCode',
'stopBreakConversion' => true,
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('icode', [
'callback' => 'renderTagInlineCode',
'stopBreakConversion' => true,
$this->addTag('php', [
'callback' => 'renderTagPhp',
'stopBreakConversion' => true,
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('html', [
'callback' => 'renderTagHtml',
'stopBreakConversion' => true,
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('list', [
'callback' => 'renderTagList',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('plain', [
'replace' => ['', '']
$this->addTag('media', [
'callback' => 'renderTagMedia',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('spoiler', [
'callback' => 'renderTagSpoiler',
'trimAfter' => 1
$this->addTag('ispoiler', [
'callback' => 'renderTagInlineSpoiler'
$this->addTag('attach', [
'callback' => 'renderTagAttach',
$this->addTag('user', [
'callback' => 'renderTagUser'
$this->addTag('table', [
'callback' => 'renderTagTable',
'trimAfter' => 1
public function getCustomTagConfig(array $tag)
$output = [];
if ($tag['bb_code_mode'] == 'replace')
$output['replace'] = $tag['replace_html'];
else if ($tag['bb_code_mode'] == 'callback')
$output['callback'] = [$tag['callback_class'], $tag['callback_method']];
if ($tag['trim_lines_after'])
$output['trimAfter'] = $tag['trim_lines_after'];
if ($tag['disable_nl2br'])
$output['stopBreakConversion'] = true;
if ($tag['allow_empty'])
$output['keepEmpty'] = true;
return $output;
public function addMediaSite($siteId, array $config)
$this->mediaSites[$siteId] = $config;
public function addMediaSites(array $sites)
foreach ($sites AS $siteId => $site)
$this->addMediaSite($siteId, $site);
public function getDefaultOptions()
return [
'stopSmilies' => 0,
'stopBreakConversion' => 0,
'shortenUrl' => true,
'noFollowUrl' => true,
'noProxy' => false,
'attachments' => [],
'viewAttachments' => false,
'user' => null,
'entity' => null,
'lightbox' => true,
'treatAsStructuredText' => false,
'plain' => false,
'allowUnfurl' => true,
'simpleUnfurl' => false
protected function setupRenderOptions(array $ast, array &$options)
if (
&& $options['user'] instanceof \XF\Entity\User
&& $options['user']->isLinkTrusted()
$options['noFollowUrl'] = false;
if (!empty($options['treatAsStructuredText']))
if (count($ast) > 1 || !$ast || is_array($ast[0]))
// contains BB code, not legacy
$options['treatAsStructuredText'] = false;
else if (
preg_match('#(?<=[^a-z0-9@-]|^)(https?://|www\.)[^\s"<>{}`]#i', $ast[0])
|| preg_match('#(?<=^|\s|[\](,/\'"]|--|@)@\[\d+:#i', $ast[0])
// a link that hasn't been converted to BB code or a structured text mention means legacy
// nothing to indicate it as legacy, so assume not
$options['treatAsStructuredText'] = false;
protected function setupRender(array $ast, array $options)
$this->trimAfter = 0;
public function renderTag(array $tag, array $options)
$this->trimAfter = 0;
$tagName = $tag['tag'];
if (!isset($this->tags[$tagName]))
return $this->renderUnparsedTag($tag, $options);
$renderRule = $this->tags[$tagName];
$rule = $this->rules->getTag($tagName);
if ($rule && !empty($rule['stopSmilies']))
if (!empty($renderRule['stopBreakConversion']))
if (!empty($rule['plain']))
$options['plain'] = true;
if (!empty($renderRule['callback']))
if (is_string($renderRule['callback']))
$renderRule['callback'] = [$this, $renderRule['callback']];
if (is_callable($renderRule['callback']))
$output = call_user_func($renderRule['callback'],
$tag['children'], $tag['option'], $tag, $options, $this
$output = $this->renderUnparsedTag($tag, $options);
else if (!empty($renderRule['replace']))
$text = $this->renderSubTree($tag['children'], $options);
if (empty($renderRule['keepEmpty']) && trim($text) === '')
return $text;
if ($tag['option'] !== null)
$optionOutput = $this->filterString($tag['option'], [
'stopSmilies' => 1,
'stopBreakConversion' => 1,
'plain' => true
] + $options);
$optionOutput = '';
if (is_array($renderRule['replace']))
list($prepend, $append) = $renderRule['replace'];
$output = $this->wrapHtml($prepend, $text, $append, $optionOutput);
$output = strtr($renderRule['replace'], [
'{text}' => $text,
'{option}' => $optionOutput
$output = $this->renderUnparsedTag($tag, $options);
if (!empty($renderRule['trimAfter']))
if (is_callable($renderRule['trimAfter']))
$this->trimAfter = $renderRule['trimAfter']($tag['option'], $tag);
$this->trimAfter = $renderRule['trimAfter'];
return $output;
public function renderString($string, array $options)
if ($this->trimAfter)
$string = preg_replace('#^([ \t]*\r?\n){1,' . $this->trimAfter . '}#i', '', $string);
$this->trimAfter = 0;
return $this->filterString($string, $options);
public function filterString($string, array $options)
$string = $this->formatter->censorText($string);
if (
|| !empty($options['plain'])
|| !empty($options['treatAsStructuredText']) // smilie conversion can break mentions
$allowSmilies = false;
$allowSmilies = true;
if ($allowSmilies)
$string = $this->formatter->replaceSmiliesHtml($string);
$string = $this->formatter->getEmojiFormatter()->formatEmojiToImage($string);
$string = htmlspecialchars($string);
if (!empty($options['treatAsStructuredText']) && empty($options['plain']))
$string = $this->formatter->autoLinkStructuredText($string);
$string = $this->formatter->linkStructuredTextMentions($string);
if (empty($options['stopBreakConversion']))
$string = nl2br($string);
return $string;
public function filterFinalOutput($output)
return '<div class="bbWrapper">' . trim($output) . '</div>';
public function wrapHtml($open, $inner, $close, $option = null)
if ($option !== null)
$open = sprintf($open, $option);
$close = sprintf($close, $option);
return $open . $inner . $close;
protected function endsInBlockTag($text)
return preg_match('#</(p|div|blockquote|pre|ol|ul)>$#i', substr(rtrim($text), -20));
public function renderTagAlign(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = trim($this->renderSubTree($children, $options));
$invisibleSpace = $this->endsInBlockTag($output) ? '' : '​';
switch (strtolower($tag['tag']))
case 'left':
case 'center':
case 'right':
case 'justify':
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<div style="text-align: ' . $tag['tag'] . '">',
$output . $invisibleSpace,
return $this->wrapHtml('<div>', $output . $invisibleSpace, '</div>');
public function renderTagAttach(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$id = intval($this->renderSubTreePlain($children));
if (!$id)
return '';
/** @var \XF\Entity\Attachment|null $attachment */
$attachment = $options['attachments'][$id] ?? null;
$canView = !empty($options['viewAttachments']);
$full = $this->isFullAttachView($option);
$processOptions = $this->getDefaultImageDisplayOptions($options);
if ($full && !$canView)
$processOptions['skipDimensions'] = true;
if ($attachment)
$intrinsicDims = null;
if ($full)
$intrinsicDims = [$attachment->width, $attachment->height];
else if ($attachment->has_thumbnail)
$intrinsicDims = [$attachment->thumbnail_width, $attachment->thumbnail_height];
$processOptions['intrinsicDimensions'] = $intrinsicDims;
$displayAttrs = $this->processImageDisplayModifiers($option, $processOptions);
$alt = $displayAttrs['alt'] ?? '';
$viewParams = [
'id' => $id,
'attachment' => $attachment,
'canView' => $canView,
'full' => $full,
'alignClass' => $displayAttrs['class'] ?? '',
'styleAttr' => $displayAttrs['style'] ?? '',
'alt' => $alt ?: ($attachment ? $attachment->filename : ''),
'displayAttrs' => $displayAttrs
if (empty($options['lightbox']))
$viewParams['noLightbox'] = true;
return $this->getRenderedAttachment($attachment, $viewParams);
protected function getRenderedAttachment($attachment, array $viewParams)
return $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:bb_code_tag_attach', $viewParams);
protected function isFullAttachView($option)
if ($option)
if (is_array($option) && isset($option['type']) && strtolower($option['type']) == 'full')
return true;
else if (is_string($option) && strtolower($option) == 'full')
return true;
return false;
public function renderTagCode(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$content = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
// a bit like ltrim, but only remove blank lines, not leading tabs on the first line
$content = preg_replace('#^([ \t]*\r?\n)+#', '', $content);
$content = rtrim($content);
/** @var \XF\Data\CodeLanguage $codeLanguages */
$codeLanguages = \XF::app()->data('XF:CodeLanguage');
$allowedLanguages = $codeLanguages->getSupportedLanguages(true);
if ($option)
$language = strtolower(preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9_-]#i', '-', $option));
$language = null;
if ($language && isset($allowedLanguages[$language]))
$config = $allowedLanguages[$language];
$config = [];
if ($language == 'rich')
$config['phrase'] = \XF::phrase('code_language.rich');
$language = '';
if (!is_array($this->allowedCodeLanguages))
$this->allowedCodeLanguages = Arr::stringToArray(\XF::options()->allowedCodeLanguages,'/\r?\n/');
if (!in_array($language, $this->allowedCodeLanguages))
$language = '';
return $this->getRenderedCode($content, $language, $config);
protected function getRenderedCode($content, $language, array $config = [])
return $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:bb_code_tag_code', [
'content' => new \XF\PreEscaped($content),
'language' => $language,
'config' => $config
public function renderTagInlineCode(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$content = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
return $this->wrapHtml('<code class="bbCodeInline">', $content, '</code>');
public function renderTagEmail(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
if ($option !== null)
$options['lightbox'] = false;
$email = $option;
$text = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
$email = $this->renderSubTreePlain($children);
$text = $this->filterString($email, $options);
if (strpos($email, '@') === false)
// invalid URL, ignore
return $text;
$censored = $this->formatter->censorText($email);
if ($censored !== $email)
return $text;
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<a href="mailto:' . htmlspecialchars($email) . '">',
public function renderTagHtml(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
return $this->renderTagCode($children, 'html', $tag, $options);
public function renderTagImage(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$url = $this->renderSubTreePlain($children);
$censored = $this->formatter->censorText($url);
if ($censored !== $url)
return $this->filterString($url, $options);
$validUrl = $this->getValidUrl($url);
if (!$validUrl)
return $this->filterString($url, $options);
if ($options['noProxy'])
$imageUrl = $validUrl;
$linkInfo = $this->formatter->getLinkClassTarget($validUrl);
if ($linkInfo['local'])
$imageUrl = $validUrl;
$imageUrl = $this->formatter->getProxiedUrlIfActive('image', $validUrl);
if (!$imageUrl)
$imageUrl = $validUrl;
$displayAttrs = $this->processImageDisplayModifiers(
$alt = $displayAttrs['alt'] ?? '';
$altFallback = $alt;
if ($alt === '')
$urlPath = @parse_url($validUrl, PHP_URL_PATH);
if ($urlPath)
$altFallback = basename($urlPath);
$params = [
'lightbox' => !empty($options['lightbox']),
'alignClass' => $displayAttrs['class'] ?? '',
'styleAttr' => $displayAttrs['style'] ?? '',
'alt' => $alt,
'altFallback' => $altFallback,
'width' => $displayAttrs['width'] ?? '',
'height' => $displayAttrs['height'] ?? '',
'displayAttrs' => $displayAttrs
return $this->getRenderedImg($imageUrl, $validUrl, $params);
protected function getRenderedImg($imageUrl, $validUrl, array $params = [])
$params['imageUrl'] = $imageUrl;
$params['validUrl'] = $validUrl;
return $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:bb_code_tag_img', $params);
protected function getDefaultImageDisplayOptions(array $renderOptions = []): array
return [];
protected function processImageDisplayModifiers($modifiers, array $processOptions = []): array
if (!is_array($modifiers))
return [];
$processOptions = array_replace([
'leftAlignClass' => 'bbImageAligned--left',
'rightAlignClass' => 'bbImageAligned--right',
'allowIntrinsicDimensions' => true,
'intrinsicDimensions' => null,
'skipDimensions' => false
], $processOptions);
$output = [];
$alignOption = $this->hasAlignOption($modifiers);
if ($alignOption)
switch ($alignOption)
case 'L':
$output['class'] = $processOptions['leftAlignClass'];
case 'R':
$output['class'] = $processOptions['rightAlignClass'];
if (!empty($modifiers['alt']))
$output['alt'] = $modifiers['alt'];
else if (!empty($modifiers['title']))
// always going into alt
$output['alt'] = $modifiers['title'];
if ($processOptions['skipDimensions'])
$width = null;
$height = null;
if (isset($modifiers['width']) && preg_match('/^[\d\.]+(px|%)$/i', $modifiers['width']))
$width = $modifiers['width'];
$width = null;
if (isset($modifiers['height']) && preg_match('/^[\d\.]+(px|%)$/i', $modifiers['height']))
$height = $modifiers['height'];
$height = null;
if (
&& $width !== null
&& preg_match('/px$/i', $width)
&& $height !== null
&& preg_match('/px$/i', $height)
// we have pixel values for height and width. Use them for intrinsic sizing
$output['width'] = substr($width, 0, -2);
$output['height'] = substr($height, 0, -2);
// without this, we'll use the intrinsic values but our width: auto CSS with prevent the resize
// from actually applying
$output['style'] = "width: $width";
$style = [];
if ($width !== null)
$style[] = "width: $width";
if ($height !== null)
$style[] = "height: $height";
if ($width === null && $processOptions['intrinsicDimensions'])
// if we have intrinsic dimensions, outputting just height is unlikely to
// resize as expected (see XF-192612).
$style[] = "width: auto";
if ($style)
$output['style'] = implode('; ', $style);
return $output;
* Returns R, L or false
protected function hasAlignOption($option)
if (is_array($option) && isset($option['align']) && strlen($option['align']))
return strtoupper($option['align'][0]);
return false;
public function renderTagIndent(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = trim($this->renderSubTree($children, $options));
$amount = $option ? intval($option) : 1;
$amount = max(1, min($amount, 5));
$invisibleSpace = $this->endsInBlockTag($output) ? '' : '​';
$side = \XF::language()->isRtl() ? 'right' : 'left';
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<div style="margin-' . $side . ': ' . ($amount * 20) . 'px">',
$output . $invisibleSpace,
public function renderTagHeading(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = trim($this->renderSubTree($children, $options));
$invisibleSpace = $this->endsInBlockTag($output) ? '' : '​';
$type = $option ? intval($option) : 0;
$tag = $this->getHeadingTagMap($type);
return $this->wrapHtml("<$tag>", $output . $invisibleSpace, "</$tag>");
public function renderTagHr(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = trim($this->renderSubTree($children, $options));
return '<hr />' . (strlen($output) ? "\n$output" : '');
protected function getHeadingTagMap(int $type): string
switch ($type)
case 1: return 'h2';
case 2: return 'h3';
case 3: return 'h4';
default: return 'div';
public function renderTagList(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$listType = ($option && $option === '1' ? 'ol' : 'ul');
$elements = [];
$lastElement = '';
foreach ($children AS $child)
if (is_array($child))
$childText = $this->renderTag($child, $options);
if (preg_match('#^<(ul|ol)#', $childText))
$lastElement = rtrim($lastElement);
if (substr($lastElement, -6) == '<br />')
$lastElement = substr($lastElement, 0, -6);
$lastElement .= $childText;
if (strpos($child, '[*]') !== false)
$parts = explode('[*]', $child);
$beforeFirst = array_shift($parts);
if ($lastElement !== '' || trim($beforeFirst) !== '')
$lastElement .= $this->renderString($beforeFirst, $options);
foreach ($parts AS $part)
$this->appendListElement($elements, $lastElement);
$lastElement = $this->renderString($part, $options);
$lastElement .= $this->renderString($child, $options);
$this->appendListElement($elements, $lastElement);
if (!$elements)
return '';
return $this->renderFinalListOutput($listType, $elements);
protected function appendListElement(array &$elements, $appendString)
if ($appendString !== '')
$appendString = rtrim($appendString);
if (substr($appendString, -6) == '<br />')
$appendString = substr($appendString, 0, -6);
$elements[] = $appendString;
protected function renderFinalListOutput($listType, array $elements)
$output = "<$listType>";
foreach ($elements AS $element)
$output .= "\n<li data-xf-list-type=\"$listType\">$element</li>";
$output .= "\n</$listType>";
return $output;
public function renderTagMedia(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$mediaKey = trim($this->renderSubTreePlain($children));
if (preg_match('#[&?"\'<>\r\n]#', $mediaKey) || strpos($mediaKey, '..') !== false)
return '';
$censored = $this->formatter->censorText($mediaKey);
if ($censored != $mediaKey)
return '';
$mediaSiteId = strtolower($option);
if (!isset($this->mediaSites[$mediaSiteId]))
return '';
$site = $this->mediaSites[$mediaSiteId];
$embedHtml = '';
if (!empty($site['callback']) && is_callable($site['callback']))
$embedHtml = call_user_func($site['callback'], $mediaKey, $site, $mediaSiteId);
if (!$embedHtml)
$keyDigits = preg_replace('/[^0-9]/', '', $mediaKey);
$keyEncoded = rawurlencode($mediaKey);
$keySlash = str_replace('%2F', '/', $keyEncoded);
if ($site['oembed_enabled'])
$embedHtml = $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:_media_site_embed_oembed', [
'provider' => $mediaSiteId,
'id' => $mediaKey,
'site' => $site,
'jsState' => $mediaSiteId,
'url' => strtr($site['oembed_url_scheme'], [
'{$id}' => $keyEncoded,
'{$idSlash}' => $keySlash,
'{$idDigits}' => $keyDigits
$embedHtml = $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:_media_site_embed_' . $mediaSiteId, [
'id' => $keyEncoded,
'idRaw' => $mediaKey,
'idSlash' => $keySlash,
'idDigits' => $keyDigits
return $embedHtml;
public function renderTagPhp(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
return $this->renderTagCode($children, 'php', $tag, $options);
public function renderTagQuote(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
if (!$children)
return '';
$content = $this->renderSubTree($children, array_merge($options, [
'noFollowUrl' => true
if ($content === '')
return '';
$quoteParams = $this->parseQuoteTagParams($option, $options);
return $this->getRenderedQuote(
protected function parseQuoteTagParams($params, array $options)
$name = null;
$attributes = [];
$source = [];
if ($params !== null && strlen($params))
$parts = explode(',', $params);
$name = $this->filterString(array_shift($parts), array_merge($options, [
'stopSmilies' => 1,
'stopBreakConversion' => 1
foreach ($parts AS $part)
$attributeParts = explode(':', $part, 2);
if (isset($attributeParts[1]))
$attrName = trim($attributeParts[0]);
$attrValue = trim($attributeParts[1]);
if ($attrName !== '' && $attrValue !== '')
$attributes[$attrName] = $attrValue;
if ($attributes)
$firstValue = reset($attributes);
$firstName = key($attributes);
if ($firstName != 'member')
$source = ['type' => $firstName, 'id' => intval($firstValue)];
return [
'name' => $name,
'source' => $source,
'attributes' => $attributes
protected function getRenderedQuote($content, $name, array $source, array $attributes)
return $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:bb_code_tag_quote', [
'content' => new \XF\PreEscaped($content),
'name' => $name ? new \XF\PreEscaped($name) : null,
'source' => $source,
'attributes' => $attributes
public function renderTagColor(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$text = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
if (trim($text) === '')
return $text;
if (!$this->isUsableColor($option))
return $text;
$color = htmlspecialchars($option);
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<span style="color: ' . $color . '">',
protected function isUsableColor(string $color): bool
switch (strtolower($color))
case 'transparent':
// a special case, not really appropriate in most cases; spoilers are better
return false;
case 'activeborder':
case 'activecaption':
case 'activetext':
case 'appworkspace':
case 'background':
case 'buttonface':
case 'buttonhighlight':
case 'buttonshadow':
case 'buttontext':
case 'canvas':
case 'canvastext':
case 'captiontext':
case 'field':
case 'fieldtext':
case 'graytext':
case 'highlight':
case 'highlighttext':
case 'inactiveborder':
case 'inactivecaption':
case 'inactivecaptiontext':
case 'infobackground':
case 'infotext':
case 'linktext':
case 'mark':
case 'marktext':
case 'menu':
case 'menutext':
case 'scrollbar':
case 'threeddarkshadow':
case 'threedface':
case 'threedhighlight':
case 'threedlightshadow':
case 'threedshadow':
case 'window':
case 'windowframe':
case 'windowtext':
case 'visitedtext':
// all system colors which may not be consistent, many are deprecated
return false;
return true;
public function renderTagFont(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$text = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
if (trim($text) === '')
return $text;
$font = htmlspecialchars($option);
if (strtolower(trim($font)) != 'inherit')
$font = "'{$font}'";
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<span style="font-family: ' . $font . '">',
public function renderTagSize(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$text = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
if (trim($text) === '')
return $text;
$size = $this->getTextSize($option);
if ($size)
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<span style="font-size: ' . htmlspecialchars($size) . '">',
return $text;
protected function getTextSize($inputSize)
if (strval(intval($inputSize)) == strval($inputSize))
// int only, translate size
if ($inputSize <= 0)
return null;
switch ($inputSize)
case 1: return '9px';
case 2: return '10px';
case 3: return '12px';
case 4: return '15px';
case 5: return '18px';
case 6: return '22px';
default: return '26px';
// int and unit
if (!preg_match('/^([0-9]+)px$/i', $inputSize, $match))
return null;
$size = intval($match[1]);
$size = max(8, min($size, 36));
return $size . 'px';
public function renderTagSpoiler(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
if (!$children)
return '';
$content = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
if ($content === '')
return '';
if ($option)
$title = $this->filterString($option, array_merge($options, [
'stopSmilies' => 1,
'stopBreakConversion' => 1
$title = null;
return $this->getRenderedSpoiler($content, $title);
protected function getRenderedSpoiler($content, $title = null)
return $this->templater->renderTemplate('public:bb_code_tag_spoiler', [
'content' => new \XF\PreEscaped($content),
'title' => $title ? new \XF\PreEscaped($title) : null
public function renderTagInlineSpoiler(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$content = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
return $this->getRenderedInlineSpoiler($content);
protected function getRenderedInlineSpoiler($content)
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<span class="bbCodeInlineSpoiler" data-xf-click="toggle-class" data-class="bbCodeInlineSpoiler">',
public function renderTagUrl(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$unfurl = false;
if ($option !== null && !is_array($option))
$options['lightbox'] = false;
$url = $option;
$text = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
if ($text === '')
$text = $this->prepareTextFromUrlExtended($url, $options);
else if (is_array($option)
&& isset($option['unfurl'])
&& $option['unfurl'] === 'true'
&& !empty($options['allowUnfurl'])
$url = $this->renderSubTreePlain($children);
$text = '<div>' . $this->prepareTextFromUrlExtended($url, $options) . '</div>';
$unfurl = true;
$url = $this->renderSubTreePlain($children);
$text = $this->prepareTextFromUrlExtended($url, $options);
$censored = $this->formatter->censorText($url);
if ($censored !== $url)
return $text;
$url = $this->getValidUrl($url);
if (!$url)
return $text;
if ($unfurl)
return $this->getRenderedUnfurl($url, $options);
return $this->getRenderedLink($text, $url, $options);
* @param $url
* @deprecated use method prepareTextFromUrlExtended
* @return string
protected function prepareTextFromUrl($url)
return $this->prepareTextFromUrlExtended($url, []);
protected function prepareTextFromUrlExtended($url, array $options)
$text = rawurldecode($url);
if (!preg_match('/./su', $text))
$text = $url;
$text = $this->formatter->censorText($text);
if (!empty($options['shortenUrl']))
$length = utf8_strlen($text);
if ($length > 100)
$text = utf8_substr_replace($text, '...', 35, $length - 35 - 45);
return htmlspecialchars($text);
protected function getRenderedLink($text, $url, array $options)
$linkInfo = $this->formatter->getLinkClassTarget($url);
$rels = [];
$classAttr = $linkInfo['class'] ? " class=\"$linkInfo[class]\"" : '';
$targetAttr = $linkInfo['target'] ? " target=\"$linkInfo[target]\"" : '';
if (!$linkInfo['trusted'] && !empty($options['noFollowUrl']))
$rels[] = 'nofollow';
$rels[] = 'ugc';
if ($linkInfo['target'])
$rels[] = 'noopener';
$proxyAttr = '';
if (empty($options['noProxy']))
$proxyUrl = $this->formatter->getProxiedUrlIfActive('link', $url);
if ($proxyUrl)
$proxyAttr = ' data-proxy-href="' . htmlspecialchars($proxyUrl) . '"';
if ($rels)
$relAttr = ' rel="' . implode(' ', $rels) . '"';
$relAttr = '';
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '"' . $targetAttr . $classAttr . $proxyAttr . $relAttr . '>',
protected function getRenderedUnfurl($url, array $options)
$result = $this->getUnfurlResultFromUrl($url, $options);
if (!$result)
$text = $this->prepareTextFromUrlExtended($url, $options);
return '<div>' . $this->getRenderedLink($text, $url, $options) . '</div>';
return $this->templater->renderUnfurl($result, $options);
protected function getUnfurlResultFromUrl($url, array $options)
$urlHash = md5($url);
if (isset($options['unfurls'][$urlHash]))
$result = $options['unfurls'][$urlHash];
/** @var \XF\Repository\Unfurl $unfurlRepo */
$unfurlRepo = \XF::app()->repository('XF:Unfurl');
$result = $unfurlRepo->getUnfurlResultByUrl($url);
return $result;
* Returns a version of the passed in URL that is valid for use in a message or false
* if the URL is definitively unusable. Note that this is distinct from the URL being valid
* from an RFC perspective, as users may submit URLs that don't always have all components
* URL encoded as needed. We generally defer to the browsers to handle this for us rather
* than rejecting the URL.
* @param string $url
* @return false|string
protected function getValidUrl($url)
$url = trim($url);
if (preg_match('/^(\?|\/|#|:)/', $url))
return false;
if (strpos($url, "\n") !== false)
return false;
if (preg_match('#^(data|https?://data|javascript|about):#i', $url))
return false;
if (preg_match('/proxy\.php\?\w+=(http[^&]+)&/i', $url, $match))
// proxy link of some sort, adjust to the original one
$proxiedUrl = urldecode($match[1]);
if (preg_match('/./su', $proxiedUrl))
$url = $proxiedUrl;
if (preg_match($this->allowedUrlProtocolRegex, $url))
return $url;
return 'http://' . $url;
public function renderTagUser(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$content = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
if ($content === '')
return '';
$userId = intval($option);
if ($userId <= 0)
return $content;
return $this->getRenderedUser($content, $userId);
protected function getRenderedUser($content, int $userId)
$link = \XF::app()->router('public')->buildLink('full:members', ['user_id' => $userId]);
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($link) . '" class="username" data-xf-init="member-tooltip" data-user-id="' . $userId . '" data-username="' . $content . '">',
public function renderTagTable(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$rows = [];
$columnCounts = [];
$lostAndFound = [];
foreach ($children as $child)
if (is_array($child))
if ($child['tag'] === 'tr')
$rows[] = $this->renderTableRow($child, $options, $columnCount, $lostAndFound);
$columnCounts[] = $columnCount;
$lostAndFound[] = $this->renderSubTree([$child], $options);
else if (trim($child) !== '')
$lostAndFound[] = $this->renderSubTree([$child], $options);
$maxColumnCount = max($columnCounts ?: [0]);
foreach ($columnCounts as $i => $columnCount)
if ($columnCount < $maxColumnCount)
$td = strpos($rows[$i], '<th') !== false ? 'th' : 'td';
$filler = str_repeat("<$td></$td>", $maxColumnCount - $columnCount);
$rows[$i] = preg_replace('#</tr>$#', "$filler\0", $rows[$i]);
return $this->renderFinalTableHtml(implode('', $rows), $option, implode("\n", $lostAndFound));
protected function renderFinalTableHtml($tableHtml, $tagOption, $extraContent)
return "<div class=\"bbTable\">\n<table style='width: 100%'>$tableHtml</table>\n$extraContent</div>";
protected function renderTableRow(array $tag, array $options, &$columnCount, array &$lostAndFound)
$output = '';
$columnCount = 0;
foreach ($tag['children'] as $child)
if (is_array($child))
if ($child['tag'] === 'td' || $child['tag'] === 'th')
$output .= $this->renderTableCell($child, $options);
$lostAndFound[] = $this->renderSubTree([$child], $options);
else if (trim($child) !== '')
$lostAndFound[] = $this->renderSubTree([$child], $options);
return "<tr>$output</tr>";
protected function renderTableCell(array $tag, array $options)
$output = $this->renderSubTree($tag['children'], $options);
return "<$tag[tag]>$output</$tag[tag]>";
protected function trimChildrenList(array &$children)
$keys = array_keys($children);
$firstKey = reset($keys);
$lastKey = end($keys);
if (is_string($children[$firstKey]))
$children[$firstKey] = ltrim($children[$firstKey]);
if (is_string($children[$lastKey]))
$children[$lastKey] = rtrim($children[$lastKey]);
public static function factory(\XF\App $app)
$renderer = new static($app->stringFormatter(), $app->templater());
return $renderer;