namespace XF\Service\Stats;
use function intval;
class Grapher extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
protected $start;
protected $end;
protected $types;
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, $start, $end, array $types = [])
$this->setDateRange($start, $end);
$this->types = $types;
public function addType($type)
$this->types[] = $type;
public function setDateRange($start, $end)
$start = intval($start);
$start -= $start % 86400; // make sure we always get the start of the day
$end = intval($end);
if ($end < $start)
$end = $start;
$this->start = $start;
$this->end = $end;
protected function getRawData()
if (!$this->types)
throw new \LogicException("Must have at least one type selected");
$output = [];
$db = $this->db();
$stats = $db->query('
SELECT stats_date, stats_type, counter
FROM xf_stats_daily
WHERE stats_date BETWEEN ? AND ?
AND stats_type IN (' . $db->quote($this->types) . ')
ORDER BY stats_date
', [$this->start, $this->end]);
while ($stat = $stats->fetch())
$output[$stat['stats_date']][$stat['stats_type']] = $stat['counter'];
return $output;
protected function handleGroupingNotFound($groupValue, \XF\Stats\Grouper\AbstractGrouper $grouper)
throw new \LogicException("Grouping {$groupValue} not found. This should have been created internally. Report as a bug.");
public function getGroupedData(\XF\Stats\Grouper\AbstractGrouper $grouper)
$baseValues = [];
foreach ($this->types AS $type)
$baseValues[$type] = 0;
$groupings = [];
foreach ($grouper->getGroupingsInRange($this->start, $this->end) AS $k => $grouping)
$grouping['count'] = 0;
$grouping['values'] = $baseValues;
$grouping['averages'] = $baseValues;
$groupings[$k] = $grouping;
$rawData = $this->getRawData();
foreach ($rawData AS $timestamp => $typeValues)
$groupValue = $grouper->getGrouping($timestamp);
if (!isset($groupings[$groupValue]))
$this->handleGroupingNotFound($groupValue, $grouper);
foreach ($typeValues AS $type => $value)
if (isset($groupings[$groupValue]['values'][$type]))
$groupings[$groupValue]['values'][$type] += $value;
$groupings[$groupValue]['values'][$type] = $value;
if ($tip = $grouper->getTotalTooltip($timestamp, $type, $groupings[$groupValue]['values'][$type]))
$groupings[$groupValue]['values.tips'][$type] = $tip;
$typeHandlers = $this->repository('XF:Stats')->getStatsTypeHandlers($this->types);
foreach ($groupings AS $timestamp => $grouping)
foreach ($grouping['values'] AS $type => $value)
if (isset($typeHandlers[$type]))
$value = $typeHandlers[$type]->adjustStatValue($type, $value);
$groupings[$timestamp]['values'][$type] = $value;
$average = $value / $grouping['days'];
if ($grouping['days'] > 1)
$average = round($average, 2);
$groupings[$timestamp]['averages'][$type] = $average;
if ($tip = $grouper->getAverageTooltip($timestamp, $type, $average))
$groupings[$timestamp]['averages.tips'][$type] = $tip;
return $groupings;