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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/christian-riesen/otp/src/GoogleAuthenticator.php

namespace Otp;


 * Google Authenticator
 * Can be easy used with Google Authenticator
 * @link
 * @author Christian Riesen <>
 * @link
 * @license MIT License see LICENSE file

class GoogleAuthenticator
    protected static
$allowedTypes = array('hotp', 'totp');

    protected static
$height = 200;
    protected static
$width = 200;

     * Returns the Key URI
     * Format of encoded url is here:
     * Should be done in a better fashion
     * @param string $type totp or hotp
     * @param string $label Label to display this as to the user
     * @param string $secret Base32 encoded secret
     * @param integer $counter Required by hotp, otherwise ignored
     * @param array $options Optional fields that will be set if present
     * @return string Key URI
public static function getKeyUri($type, $label, $secret, $counter = null, $options = array())
// two types only..
if (!in_array($type, self::$allowedTypes)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException('Type has to be of allowed types list');

// Label can't be empty
$label = trim($label);

        if (
strlen($label) < 1) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException('Label has to be one or more printable characters');

        if (
substr_count($label, ':') > 2) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException('Account name contains illegal colon characters');

// Secret needs to be here
if (strlen($secret) < 1) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException('No secret present');

// check for counter on hotp
if ($type == 'hotp' && is_null($counter)) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException('Counter required for hotp');

// This is the base, these are at least required
$otpauth = 'otpauth://' . $type . '/' . rawurlencode($label) . '?secret=' . rawurlencode($secret);

        if (
$type == 'hotp' && !is_null($counter)) {
$otpauth .= '&counter=' . intval($counter);

// Now check the options array

        // algorithm (currently ignored by Authenticator)
        // Defaults to SHA1
if (array_key_exists('algorithm', $options)) {
$otpauth .= '&algorithm=' . rawurlencode($options['algorithm']);

// digits (currently ignored by Authenticator)
        // Defaults to 6
if (array_key_exists('digits', $options) && intval($options['digits']) !== 6 && intval($options['digits']) !== 8) {
            throw new \
InvalidArgumentException('Digits can only have the values 6 or 8, ' . $options['digits'] . ' given');
        } elseif (
array_key_exists('digits', $options)) {
$otpauth .= '&digits=' . intval($options['digits']);

// period, only for totp (currently ignored by Authenticator)
        // Defaults to 30
if ($type == 'totp' && array_key_exists('period', $options)) {
$otpauth .= '&period=' . rawurlencode($options['period']);

// issuer
        // Defaults to none
if (array_key_exists('issuer', $options)) {
$otpauth .= '&issuer=' . rawurlencode($options['issuer']);

// image (to accept images for freeotp)
if (array_key_exists('image', $options)) {
$otpauth .= '&image=' . $options['image'];


     * Returns the QR code url
     * Format of encoded url is here:
     * Should be done in a better fashion
     * @param string $type totp or hotp
     * @param string $label Label to display this as to the user
     * @param string $secret Base32 encoded secret
     * @param integer $counter Required by hotp, otherwise ignored
     * @param array $options Optional fields that will be set if present
     * @return string URL to the QR code
public static function getQrCodeUrl($type, $label, $secret, $counter = null, $options = array())
// Width and height can be overwritten
$width = self::$width;

        if (
array_key_exists('width', $options) && is_numeric($options['width'])) {
$width = $options['width'];

$height = self::$height;

        if (
array_key_exists('height', $options) && is_numeric($options['height'])) {
$height = $options['height'];

$otpauth = self::getKeyUri($type, $label, $secret, $counter, $options);

$url = '' . $width . 'x'
. $height . '&cht=qr&chld=M|0&chl=' . urlencode($otpauth);


     * Creates a pseudo random Base32 string
     * This could decode into anything. It's located here as a small helper
     * where code that might need base32 usually also needs something like this.
     * @param integer $length Exact length of output string
     * @return string Base32 encoded random
public static function generateRandom($length = 16)
$keys = array_merge(range('A','Z'), range(2,7)); // No padding char

$string = '';

        for (
$i = 0; $i < $length; $i++) {
$string .= $keys[random_int(0, 31)];


     * Create recovery codes
     * A pure helper function to make your life easier. Generates a list of codes, guaranteed to be unique in the set
     * @param integer $count How many codes to return
     * @param integer $length How long each code should be
     * @return array Array of codes
public static function generateRecoveryCodes($count = 1, $length = 9)
$count = intval($count);
$length = intval($length);
$codes = [];

        do {
// Generate codes
$code = '';
            for (
$i = 1; $i <= $length; $i++) {
$code .= random_int(0, 9);

// To make sure no duplicates get in
if (!in_array($code, $codes)) {
$codes[] = $code;
        } while (
count($codes) < $count);
