namespace XF\Cli\Command\Development;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Command\Command;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputArgument;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface;
use Symfony\Component\Console\Output\OutputInterface;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use function count, is_array, is_bool, is_string;
class GenerateSchemaEntity extends Command
use RequiresDevModeTrait;
protected function configure()
->setDescription('Generates schema code from an entity')
'Identifier for the Entity (Prefix:Type format)'
protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
$id = $input->getArgument('id');
if (!$id || !preg_match('#^[a-z0-9_\\\\]+:[a-z0-9_\\\\]+$#i', $id))
$output->writeln("Identifier in the form of Prefix:Type must be provided.");
return 1;
$entity = \XF::em()->create($id);
catch (\Exception $e)
$class = \XF::stringToClass($id, '%s\Entity\%s');
$output->writeln("Entity class for $id ($class) could not be created.");
return 2;
$structure = $entity->structure();
$table = $structure->table;
$primaryKey = $structure->primaryKey;
$columns = $structure->columns;
$primaryKeySet = false;
$columnStrings = [];
foreach ($columns AS $columnName => $column)
$type = $this->resolveTypeDefaults($entity, $column['type'], $unsigned, $allowedDefault);
$length = null;
if (isset($column['maxLength']))
$length = $column['maxLength'];
if ($type == 'varchar')
$type = 'text';
$allowedDefault = false;
$values = null;
if (isset($column['allowedValues']))
$type = 'enum';
if (count($column['allowedValues']) > 1)
$values = '[\'' . implode('\', \'', $column['allowedValues']) . '\']';
$values = '\'' . $column['allowedValues'] . '\'';
$length = null;
$string = '$table->addColumn(\'' . $columnName . '\', \'' . $type . '\'' . ($length ? ', ' . $length : '') . ')';
if ($values)
$string .= '->values(' . $values . ')';
if ($unsigned !== null)
if ($unsigned === false)
$string .= '->unsigned(false)';
if (isset($column['nullable']) && !isset($column['autoIncrement']))
$string .= '->nullable()';
if (isset($column['default']) && $allowedDefault)
if ($column['default'] === \XF::$time)
$default = 0;
else if (is_string($column['default']))
$default = '\'' . $column['default'] . '\'';
else if (is_bool($column['default']))
$default = ($column['default'] === true) ? 1 : 0;
$default = $column['default'];
$string .= '->setDefault(' . $default . ')';
if (isset($column['autoIncrement']))
$string .= '->autoIncrement()';
$primaryKeySet = true;
$string .= ';';
$columnStrings[] = $string;
$primaryKeyString = '';
if (!$primaryKeySet && $primaryKey)
$primaryKeyString = "\n\t";
if (is_array($primaryKey) && count($primaryKey) > 1)
$primaryKeyString .= '$table->addPrimaryKey([\'' . implode('\', \'', $primaryKey) . '\']);';
$primaryKeyString .= '$table->addPrimaryKey(\'' . $primaryKey . '\');';
$columnOutput = implode("\n\t", $columnStrings);
$sm = <<< FUNCTION
\$this->createTable('$table', function (\\XF\Db\Schema\Create \$table)
$output->writeln(["", $sm, ""]);
return 0;
protected function resolveTypeDefaults(Entity $entity, $type, &$unsigned = null, &$allowedDefault = true)
$unsigned = null;
$allowedDefault = true;
switch ($type)
case $entity::INT:
$unsigned = false;
return 'int';
case $entity::UINT:
return 'int';
case $entity::FLOAT:
return 'float';
case $entity::BOOL:
return 'tinyint';
case $entity::STR:
return 'varchar';
case $entity::BINARY:
return 'varbinary';
case $entity::SERIALIZED:
case $entity::SERIALIZED_ARRAY:
case $entity::JSON:
case $entity::JSON_ARRAY:
case $entity::LIST_LINES:
case $entity::LIST_COMMA:
$allowedDefault = false;
return 'blob';
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Could not infer type.');