namespace XF\Template\Compiler\Syntax;
use XF\Template\Compiler;
use function count;
class Func extends AbstractSyntax
public $name = '';
* @var AbstractSyntax[]
public $arguments = [];
public function __construct($name, array $arguments, $line)
$this->name = $name;
$this->arguments = $arguments;
$this->line = $line;
public function compile(Compiler $compiler, array $context, $inlineExpected)
$specialFunction = $compiler->getFunction($this->name);
if ($specialFunction)
return $specialFunction->compile($this, $compiler, $context);
$escape = $context['escape'];
$context['escape'] = false;
$code = [$compiler->templaterVariable . '->func(' . $compiler->getStringCode($this->name) . ', array('];
foreach ($this->arguments AS $argument)
$code[] = $argument->compile($compiler, $context, true);
$code[] = ', ';
$code[] = '), ' . ($escape ? 'true' : 'false') . ')';
return implode('', $code);
public function compileFunctionPreEscaped(Compiler $compiler, array $context)
$context['escape'] = true;
$code = [$compiler->templaterVariable . '->func(' . $compiler->getStringCode($this->name) . ', array('];
foreach ($this->arguments AS $argument)
$code[] = $argument->compile($compiler, $context, true);
$code[] = ', ';
$code[] = '), false)';
return implode('', $code);
public function assertArgumentCount($min, $max = null)
if ($max !== null && $max < $min)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Max number of arguments must be greater than or equal to min");
$count = count($this->arguments);
if ($max === null)
if ($count != $min)
throw $this->exception(\XF::phrase('function_x_expected_y_arguments', ['name' => $this->name, 'min' => $min]));
else if ($count < $min || $count > $max)
throw $this->exception(\XF::phrase('function_x_expects_between_y_and_z_arguments', ['name' => $this->name, 'min' => $min, 'max' => $max]));