namespace XF\Util;
use function array_slice, count, strlen, strval;
class File
protected static $tempFiles = [];
protected static $tempCleanUpRegistered = false;
protected static $tempDirs = [];
protected static $tempDirCleanUpRegistered = false;
protected static $defaultFilePermissions = null;
public static function getCodeCachePath()
$config = \XF::app()->config();
return self::canonicalizePath(
sprintf($config['codeCachePath'], $config['internalDataPath'])
public static function getTempDir()
$config = \XF::app()->config();
$path = self::canonicalizePath(
sprintf($config['tempDataPath'], $config['internalDataPath'])
if (!is_dir($path))
return $path;
public static function getTempFile($autoCleanUp = true)
$dir = self::getTempDir();
$file = tempnam($dir, 'xf');
if ($autoCleanUp)
return $file;
public static function getNamedTempFile($fileName, $autoCleanUp = true)
$file = self::getTempDir() . \XF::$DS . $fileName;
if ($autoCleanUp)
return $file;
public static function createTempDir($autoCleanUp = true)
$dir = self::getTempDir() . \XF::$DS . 'xf' . substr(md5(uniqid()), 0, 6);
self::createDirectory($dir, false);
if ($autoCleanUp)
return $dir;
protected static function registerTempFile($file)
self::$tempFiles[] = $file;
if (!self::$tempCleanUpRegistered)
register_shutdown_function([__CLASS__, 'cleanUpTempFiles']);
self::$tempCleanUpRegistered = true;
protected static function registerTempDirectory($dir)
self::$tempDirs[] = $dir;
if (!self::$tempDirCleanUpRegistered)
register_shutdown_function([__CLASS__, 'cleanUpTempDirs']);
self::$tempDirCleanUpRegistered = true;
public static function cleanUpTempFiles()
foreach (self::$tempFiles AS $file)
catch (\Exception $e) {}
self::$tempFiles = [];
public static function cleanUpTempDirs()
foreach (self::$tempDirs AS $dir)
catch (\Exception $e) {}
self::$tempDirs = [];
public static function cleanUpPersistentTempFiles($cutOff = null)
$tempDir = self::getTempDir();
if (!file_exists($tempDir) || !is_dir($tempDir))
if ($cutOff === null)
$cutOff = \XF::$time - 3 * 86400;
$timer = new \XF\Timer(3);
$dir = new \DirectoryIterator($tempDir);
foreach ($dir AS $file)
if (!$file->isFile() || $file->getFilename() == 'index.html')
$mTime = $file->getMTime();
if ($mTime && $mTime < $cutOff)
if ($timer->limitExceeded())
public static function copyStreamToTempFile($sourceResource, $autoCleanUp = true)
$tempFile = self::getTempFile($autoCleanUp);
$tempResource = fopen($tempFile, 'w');
stream_copy_to_stream($sourceResource, $tempResource);
return $tempFile;
public static function copyAbstractedPathToTempFile($abstractedPath, $autoCleanUp = true)
$stream = \XF::app()->fs()->readStream($abstractedPath);
$tempFile = self::copyStreamToTempFile($stream, $autoCleanUp);
@fclose($stream); // some streams may close after reading
return $tempFile;
public static function copyFileToAbstractedPath($file, $abstractedPath, array $config = [])
$fp = fopen($file, 'r');
$result = \XF::app()->fs()->putStream($abstractedPath, $fp, $config);
@fclose($fp); // some streams may close after reading
return $result;
public static function writeToAbstractedPath($abstractedPath, $contents, array $config = [], $allowOverwrite = true)
$fs = \XF::app()->fs();
if ($allowOverwrite)
return $fs->put($abstractedPath, $contents, $config);
return $fs->write($abstractedPath, $contents, $config);
public static function deleteFromAbstractedPath($abstractedPath)
catch (\League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException $e) {}
public static function deleteAbstractedDirectory($abstractedDir)
catch (\League\Flysystem\FileNotFoundException $e) {}
public static function abstractedPathExists($abstractedPath)
return \XF::app()->fs()->has($abstractedPath);
public static function createDirectory($path, $createIndexHtml = true)
if (file_exists($path))
if (is_dir($path))
return true;
throw new \LogicException("Attempting to created directory $path but a non-directory already exists at $path");
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
$path = rtrim($path, '/');
$parts = explode('/', $path);
$pathPartCount = count($parts);
$partialPath = '';
$rootDir = str_replace('\\', '/', \XF::getRootDirectory());
// find the "lowest" part that exists (and is a dir)...
for ($i = $pathPartCount - 1; $i >= 0; $i--)
$partialPath = implode('/', array_slice($parts, 0, $i + 1));
if (file_exists($partialPath))
if (!is_dir($partialPath))
throw new \LogicException("Attempting to created directory $path but a non-directory already exists at $partialPath");
if ($partialPath == $rootDir)
return false; // can't go above the root dir
if ($i < 0)
return false;
$i++; // skip over the last entry (as it exists)
// ... now create directories for anything below it
for (; $i < $pathPartCount; $i++)
$partialPath .= '/' . $parts[$i];
if (!mkdir($partialPath))
return false;
if ($createIndexHtml)
if (@file_put_contents($partialPath . '/index.html', ' '))
self::makeWritableByFtpUser($partialPath . '/index.html');
return true;
public static function writeFile($file, $data, $createIndexHtml = true)
$dir = dirname($file);
if (self::createDirectory($dir, $createIndexHtml))
if (file_put_contents($file, $data) !== false)
return true;
return false;
return false;
public static function copyFile($source, $destination, $createIndexHtml = true)
$dir = dirname($destination);
if (self::createDirectory($dir, $createIndexHtml))
if (copy($source, $destination))
return true;
return false;
return false;
* Given a source and a destination, this function will iterate through the source directory, copying files and directories to destination.
* This function operates recursively.
* Generally shouldn't need to create index HTML files with this. But you may need to invalidate opcache.
* @param $source
* @param $destination
* @param bool $createIndexHtml
* @param bool $opcacheInvalidate
* @return bool
public static function copyDirectory($source, $destination, $opcacheInvalidate = true, $createIndexHtml = false)
if (!is_dir($destination))
if (!self::createDirectory($destination, $createIndexHtml))
return false;
foreach (new \DirectoryIterator($source) AS $file)
$newDestination = $destination . \XF::$DS . $file->getFilename();
if (!$file->isDot() && $file->isDir())
else if ($file->isFile())
if ($opcacheInvalidate)
return true;
* Performs a cross-stream/device safe rename by falling back
* to a copy+delete if needed.
* @param string $source
* @param string $destination
* @param bool $createIndexHtml
* @return bool
public static function renameFile($source, $destination, $createIndexHtml = true)
$dir = dirname($destination);
if (!self::createDirectory($dir, $createIndexHtml))
return false;
$success = rename($source, $destination);
catch (\Exception $e)
// possibly a perm problem, but may be an issue moving across streams, so copy+delete instead
$success = false;
if (!$success)
$success = copy($source, $destination);
if ($success)
if ($success)
return $success;
public static function getDefaultFilePermissions()
if (self::$defaultFilePermissions)
return self::$defaultFilePermissions;
$chmod = \XF::app()->config('chmodWritableValue');
if (!$chmod)
$selfWritable = null;
if (PHP_SAPI == 'cli' && function_exists('posix_getuid'))
$lock = self::canonicalizePath(\XF::app()->config('internalDataPath') . '/install-lock.php');
$uid = @posix_getuid();
if ($uid == 0)
// if we're root, just force w+w
$selfWritable = false;
else if (file_exists($lock))
// if we're running as who created the lock file,
// then the web access is likely running with the same user
$selfWritable = ($uid == fileowner($lock));
if ($selfWritable === null)
$selfWritable = @is_writable(__FILE__);
if ($selfWritable)
// writable - probably owned by ftp user already
$chmod = 0644;
// not writable, so file is probably owned by "nobody", need to w+w it
$chmod = 0666;
self::$defaultFilePermissions = [
'file' => $chmod,
'dir' => $chmod | 0111
return self::$defaultFilePermissions;
protected static $dirWritableCache = [];
* Determines if the named file is writable if it exists or if it can likely be created if it doesn't.
* Writable directory results will be cached and can be cleared via clearDirWritableCache().
* @param string $file
* @return bool
public static function isWritable($file)
$file = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', $file), '/');
if (file_exists($file))
return is_writable($file);
$rootDir = rtrim(str_replace('\\', '/', \XF::getRootDirectory()), '/');
$dir = dirname($file);
$originalDir = $dir;
if (isset(self::$dirWritableCache[$dir]))
return self::$dirWritableCache[$dir];
while ($dir)
if (isset(self::$dirWritableCache[$dir]))
$result = self::$dirWritableCache[$dir];
if (!isset(self::$dirWritableCache[$originalDir]))
self::$dirWritableCache[$originalDir] = $result;
return $result;
if (file_exists($dir))
$result = (is_dir($dir) && is_writable($dir));
if (!isset(self::$dirWritableCache[$dir]))
self::$dirWritableCache[$dir] = $result;
self::$dirWritableCache[$originalDir] = $result;
return $result;
if ($dir === $rootDir)
// can't go up a level
return false;
$dir = dirname($dir);
return false;
* Clears the writable directory cache values used by isWritable().
public static function clearDirWritableCache()
self::$dirWritableCache = [];
* Ensures that the specified file can be written to by the FTP user.
* This generally doesn't need to do anything if PHP is running via
* some form of suexec. It's primarily needed when running as apache.
* @param string $file
* @return boolean
public static function makeWritableByFtpUser($file)
if (@is_readable($file))
$permissions = self::getDefaultFilePermissions();
$chmod = @is_file($file) ? $permissions['file'] : $permissions['dir'];
return @chmod($file, $chmod);
return false;
public static function deleteDirectory($path)
$path = self::canonicalizePath($path);
if (!is_readable($path) || !is_dir($path))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$path is not readable or not a directory");
if (!is_writable($path))
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("$path is not writable");
$files = self::getRecursiveDirectoryIterator($path);
foreach ($files AS $file)
if ($file->isLink())
unlink($file->getPath() . \XF::$DS . $file->getFilename());
else if ($file->isDir())
public static function canonicalizePath($path, $root = null)
if (preg_match('#^(/|\\\\|[a-z0-9]+:)#i', $path))
return $path; // absolute already
if ($root === null)
$root = \XF::getRootDirectory();
if (\XF::$DS !== '/')
$path = str_replace('/', \XF::$DS, $path);
return $root . \XF::$DS . $path;
public static function stripRootPathPrefix($path, $root = null)
if ($root === null)
$root = \XF::getRootDirectory();
$root = rtrim($root, '/\\') . \XF::$DS;
if (\XF::$DS !== '/')
$root = str_replace('/', \XF::$DS, $root);
$realPath = realpath($path);
if ($realPath)
$path = realpath($path);
if (strpos($path, $root) === 0)
return strval(substr($path, strlen($root)));
return $path;
* @param $dir
* @param null $dirIteratorFlags
* @param null $iteratorMode
* @return \RecursiveIteratorIterator|\SplFileInfo[]
public static function getRecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, $iteratorMode = \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST, $dirIteratorFlags = \RecursiveDirectoryIterator::SKIP_DOTS)
if ($dirIteratorFlags === null)
$dirIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
$dirIterator = new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir, $dirIteratorFlags);
if ($iteratorMode === null)
return new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirIterator);
return new \RecursiveIteratorIterator($dirIterator, $iteratorMode);
* Method for writing out a file log.
* @param string $logName 'foo' will write to {tempDataPath}/foo.log
* @param string $logEntry The string to write into the log. Line break not required.
* @param boolean $append Append the log entry to the end of the existing log. Otherwise, start again.
* @return boolean True on successful log write
public static function log($logName, $logEntry, $append = true)
$logName = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9._-]/i', '', $logName);
$path = self::getTempDir();
$file = "$path/$logName.log";
if ($fp = @fopen($file, ($append ? 'a' : 'w')))
fwrite($fp, date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . ' ' . $logEntry . "\n");
return true;
return false;
public static function writeInstallLock()
$contents = '<?php header(\'Location: ../index.php\'); /* Installed: ' . date(DATE_RFC822) . ' */';
\XF::fs()->write('internal-data://install-lock.php', $contents);
public static function installLockExists()
// If this path doesn't exist, then this will throw an exception. We need to handle this elsewhere.
return \XF::fs()->has('internal-data://install-lock.php');
catch (\Exception $e)
return false;
* Gets a file's extension in lower case. This only includes the last
* extension (eg, x.tar.gz -> gz).
* @param string $filename
* @return string
public static function getFileExtension($filename)
return strtolower(pathinfo($filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
public static function getImageMimeType(string $filename): string
$types = \XF::app()->inlineImageTypes;
$extension = self::getFileExtension($filename);
return $types[$extension] ?? '';
public static function isImageInlineDisplaySafe($extension, &$contentType = null)
return self::isFileInlineDisplaySafe(
public static function isVideoInlineDisplaySafe($extension, &$contentType = null)
return self::isFileInlineDisplaySafe(
public static function isAudioInlineDisplaySafe($extension, &$contentType = null)
return self::isFileInlineDisplaySafe(
public static function isFileInlineDisplaySafe(array $types, string $extension, &$contentType = null)
if (!$extension)
return false;
$extension = strtolower($extension);
if (!isset($types[$extension]))
return false;
$contentType = $types[$extension];
return true;