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 * @brief        File Storage Extension: Emoticons
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        23 Sep 2013

namespace IPS\core\extensions\core\FileStorage;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * File Storage Extension: Emoticons
class _Emoticons
     * Count stored files
     * @return    int
public function count()
        return \
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'COUNT(*)', 'core_emoticons' )->first();
     * Move stored files
     * @param    int            $offset                    This will be sent starting with 0, increasing to get all files stored by this extension
     * @param    int            $storageConfiguration    New storage configuration ID
     * @param    int|NULL    $oldConfiguration        Old storage configuration ID
     * @throws    \UnderflowException                    When file record doesn't exist. Indicating there are no more files to move
     * @return    void|int                            An offset integer to use on the next cycle, or nothing
public function move( $offset, $storageConfiguration, $oldConfiguration=NULL )
$emoticon = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_emoticons', array(), 'id', array( $offset, 1 ) )->first();
$file = \IPS\File::get( $oldConfiguration ?: 'core_Emoticons', $emoticon['image'] )->move( $storageConfiguration );

$image_2x = NULL;
            if (
$emoticon['image_2x'] )
$image_2x = \IPS\File::get( $oldConfiguration ?: 'core_Emoticons', $emoticon['image_2x'] )->move( $storageConfiguration );

            if ( (string)
$file != $emoticon['image'] or (string) $image_2x != $emoticon['image_2x'] )
IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_emoticons', array( 'image' => (string) $file, 'image_2x' => (string) $image_2x ), array( 'id=?', $emoticon['id'] ) );
IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => time() ), array( 'conf_key=?', 'emoji_cache' ) );
            unset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings );
        catch( \
Exception $e )
/* Any issues are logged */
     * Fix all URLs
     * @param    int            $offset                    This will be sent starting with 0, increasing to get all files stored by this extension
     * @return void
public function fixUrls( $offset )
$emoticon = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_emoticons', array(), 'id', array( $offset, 1 ) )->first();

$fixed = array();
            foreach( array(
'image', 'image_2x' ) as $location )
                if (
$new = \IPS\File::repairUrl( $emoticon[ $location ] ) )
$fixed[ $location ] = $new;

            if (
count( $fixed ) )
IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_emoticons', $fixed, array( 'id=?', $emoticon['id'] ) );

IPS\Db::i()->update( 'core_sys_conf_settings', array( 'conf_value' => time() ), array( 'conf_key=?', 'emoji_cache' ) );
                unset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->settings );
        catch( \
Exception $e ) { }
     * Check if a file is valid
     * @param    string    $file        The file path to check
     * @return    bool
public function isValidFile( $file )
$emoticon    = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_emoticons', array( 'image=? or image_2x=?', (string) $file, (string) $file ) )->first();

        catch ( \
UnderflowException $e )

     * Delete all stored files
     * @return    void
public function delete()
        foreach( \
IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_emoticons', 'image IS NOT NULL' ) as $emoticon )
IPS\File::get( 'core_Emoticons', $emoticon['image'] )->delete();
IPS\File::get( 'core_Emoticons', $emoticon['image_2x'] )->delete();
            catch( \
Exception $e ){}