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 * @brief        Outgoing Email Class
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        17 Apr 2013

namespace IPS;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Outgoing Email
 * An object of this class represents an outgoing email preparing to be sent. An object is constructed either by:
 *    $email = \IPS\Email::buildFromTemplate( ... )
 * Or, less frequently:
 *    $email = \IPS\Email::buildFromContent( ... )
 * At the time of construction, no parsing (such as language parsing) is done. That is only done when the email is sent:
 *    $email->send( $member );
 * It is acceptable to construct a single object and send to multiple members:
 *    $email->send( $member1 );
 *    $email->send( $member2 );
 * Because no parsing is done until send() is called, these two members do not even need to be using the same language.
 * Although this is possible, if sending an email to lots of members, the mergeAndSend() method can be used, which assumes
 * tags in the {{tag}} format will be used, and provides a way to do a merge send. Though for most outgoing email methods
 * there is essentially no benefit to do this versus lots of ->send() calls, if using a service like SparkPost, a single
 * API call will be used, which is of course much more efficient. Unlike send(), mergeAndSend() requires each recipient
 * to be expecting the same language
 *    $email->mergeAndSend( [ '' => [ 'member_name' => "User 1" ], '' => [ 'member_name' => "User 2" ] ], $language );
 * A handy method for debugging is to output the compiled content:
 *    echo $email->compileContent( 'html', $member );
abstract class _Email
TYPE_TRANSACTIONAL = 'transactional'; // A single recipient messages that is used operationally, usually in response to a specific action. For example, to reset a password.
const TYPE_LIST = 'list'; // A notification about something in particular that the user has opted into, but may be sent to multiple users who have also opted to receive notifications for the same thing.
const TYPE_BULK = 'bulk'; // A bulk mail sent to multiple recipients that is not in response to something the user has opted in to.
    /* !Configuration */
     * @brief    The number of emails that can be sent in one "go"
     * @brief    If sending a bulk email to more than MAX_EMAILS_PER_GO - does this
     *            class require waiting between cycles? For "standard" classes like
     *            PHP and SMTP, this will be TRUE - and will cause bulk mails to go
     *            to a class. For APIs like SparkPost, this can be FALSE
/* !Factory Constructors */
     * Get the class to use
     * @param    string    $type    See TYPE_* constants
     * @return    string
public static function classToUse( $type )
        elseif ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->sendgrid_api_key and ( \IPS\Settings::i()->mail_method === 'sendgrid' or ( \IPS\Settings::i()->sendgrid_use_for == 2 ) or ( \IPS\Settings::i()->sendgrid_use_for and $type === static::TYPE_BULK ) ) )
        elseif ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->mail_method === 'smtp' )
        elseif ( \
     * Factory
     * @param    string    $type    See TYPE_* constants
     * @return    \IPS\Email
protected static function factory( $type )
$className = static::classToUse( $type );
        switch (
$className )
                return new \
IPS\Email\Outgoing\Debug( \IPS\EMAIL_DEBUG_PATH );
                return new \
IPS\Email\Outgoing\SendGrid( \IPS\Settings::i()->sendgrid_api_key );
                return new \
IPS\Email\Outgoing\Smtp( \IPS\Settings::i()->smtp_protocol, \IPS\Settings::i()->smtp_host, \IPS\Settings::i()->smtp_port, \IPS\Settings::i()->smtp_user, \IPS\Settings::i()->smtp_pass );
                return new
     * @brief    Type
protected $type;
     * @brief    HTML Content
protected $htmlContent = NULL;
     * @brief    Plaintext Content
protected $plaintextContent = NULL;
     * Initiate a new custom email based on raw email content.
     * @param    string        $subject            Subject
     * @param    string        $htmlContent        HTML Version
     * @param    string|NULL    $plaintextContent    Plaintext version. If not provided, one will be built automatically based off $htmlContent.
     * @param    string        $type                See TYPE_* constants. While it defaults to "transactional", this is to maintain backwards compatibility and a type should always be specified.
     * @param    bool        $useWrapper            If TRUE, the email will be wrapped in the default wrapper template
     * @return    \IPS\Email
     * @deprecated    Not specifying an argument for $type is deprecated
public static function buildFromContent( $subject, $htmlContent='', $plaintextContent=NULL, $type = 'transactional', $useWrapper=TRUE )
$email = static::factory( $type );
$email->type = $type;
$email->subject = $subject;
$email->htmlContent = $htmlContent;
$email->plaintextContent = ( $plaintextContent === NULL ) ? static::buildPlaintextBody( $htmlContent ) : $plaintextContent;
$email->useWrapper = $useWrapper;
     * @brief    Template App
protected $templateApp;
     * @brief    Template Key
protected $templateKey;
     * @brief    Template Params
protected $templateParams;

     * Initiate new email using a template
     * @param    string        $app                    Application key
     * @param    string        $key                    Email template key
     * @param    array         $parameters                Parameters for the template
     * @param    string        $type                    See TYPE_* constants. While it defaults to "transactional", this is to maintain backwards compatibility and a type should always be specified.
     * @param    bool        $useWrapper            If TRUE, the email will be wrapped in the default wrapper template
     * @return    \IPS\Email
     * @deprecated    Not specifying an argument for $type is deprecated
public static function buildFromTemplate( $app, $key, $parameters=array(), $type = 'transactional', $useWrapper=TRUE )
$email = static::factory( $type );
$email->type = $type;
$email->templateApp = $app;
$email->templateKey = $key;
$email->templateParams = $parameters;
$email->useWrapper = $useWrapper;
/* !Content Management */
     * @brief    Subject
protected $subject;
     * @brief    Should the default wrapper template be used?
protected $useWrapper = TRUE;
     * @brief    Unsubscribe Template App
protected $unsubscribeApp;
     * @brief    Unsubscribe Template Key
protected $unsubscribeKey;
     * @brief    Unsubscribe Template Parameyers
protected $unsubscribeParams = array();
     * Set the unsubscribe data
     * @param    string    $app            App name
     * @param    string    $template        Template name
     * @param    array    $$parameters    Parameters
     * @return    \IPS\Email
public function setUnsubscribe( $app, $template, $parameters = array() )
$this->unsubscribeApp = $app;
$this->unsubscribeKey = $template;
$this->unsubscribeParams = $parameters;
     * Compile the content which will actually be sent
     * @param    string                    $type        'html' or 'plaintext'
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL|FALSE    $member        If the email is going to a member, the member object. Ensures correct language is used and the email starts with "Hi {member}". NULL for no member, FALSE to use "Hi *|member_name|*" for mergeAndSend()
     * @param    \IPS\Lang|NULL            $language    If provided, will override the $member language
     * @return    string
public function compileContent( $type, $member = NULL, \IPS\Lang $language = NULL )
/* Setting $language as a property is a bit confusing because the email doesn't *have* a language - it could
            change for different recipients, but since the templates expect it as a property we set it here for
            backwards compatibility. Beware that this property should only be used for the sake of giving ::template()
            something to read */
if ( $language === NULL )
$language = $member ? $member->language() : \IPS\Lang::load( \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() );
$this->language = $language;
/* $htmlContent or $plaintextContent was set by buildFromContent() */
if ( $this->htmlContent !== NULL or $this->plaintextContent !== NULL )
$return = ( $type === 'html' ) ? $this->htmlContent : $this->plaintextContent;
/* Using a template */
elseif ( $this->templateApp )
$return = static::template( $this->templateApp, $this->templateKey, $type, array_merge( $this->templateParams, array( $this ) ) );
/* Wrap in the wrapper if necessary */
if ( $this->useWrapper )
/* Compile the unsubscribe link */
$unsubscribe = '';
            if (
$this->unsubscribeApp )
$unsubscribe = static::template( $this->unsubscribeApp, $this->unsubscribeKey, $type, array_merge( $this->unsubscribeParams, array( $member, $this ) ) );

/* Get our picks */
$ourPicks = NULL;
            if( \
IPS\Settings::i()->promote_community_enabled and \IPS\Settings::i()->our_picks_in_email and $this->type !== 'transactional' )
$ourPicks = \IPS\core\Promote::internalStream( 4 );

/* Wrap */
$return = static::template( 'core', 'emailWrapper', $type, array( $this->subject, $member ?: new \IPS\Member, $return, $unsubscribe, $member === FALSE, '', $this, $ourPicks ) );
/* Parse language */
$language->parseEmail( $return );
/* Parse URLs */
$this->parseFileObjectUrls( $return );
/* Return */
return $return;
     * Get subject
     * @param    \IPS\Member|NULL|FALSE    $member        If the email is going to a member, the member object. Ensures correct language is used and the email starts with "Hi {member}". NULL for no member, FALSE to use "Hi *|member_name|*" for mergeAndSend()
     * @param    \IPS\Lang|NULL            $language    If provided, will override the $member language
     * @return    string
public function compileSubject( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, \IPS\Lang $language = NULL )
/* Setting $language as a property is a bit confusing because the email doesn't *have* a language - it could
            change for different recipients, but since the templates expect it as a property we set it here for
            backwards compatibility. Beware that this property should only be used for the sake of giving ::template()
            something to read */
if ( $language === NULL )
$language = $member ? $member->language( TRUE ) : \IPS\Lang::load( \IPS\Lang::defaultLanguage() );
$this->language = $language;
/* Subject was set by buildFromContent() */
if ( $this->subject !== NULL )
$return = $this->subject;
/* Using a template */
elseif ( $this->templateApp )
$return = trim( static::devProcessTemplate( "email__{$this->templateApp}_{$this->templateKey}_subject_" . str_replace( array( ' ', '.', '-', '@' ), '_', $language->short ), $language->get( "mailsub__{$this->templateApp}_{$this->templateKey}" ), array_merge( $this->templateParams, array( $this ) ) ) );
/* Parse language */
$language->parseEmail( $return );
/* Return */
return $return;
/* !Sending */
     * Compile the raw email content
     * @param    mixed        $to                    The member or email address, or array of members or email addresses, to send to
     * @param    mixed        $cc                    Addresses to CC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    mixed        $bcc                Addresses to BCC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    NULL|string    $fromEmail            The email address to send from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    NULL|string    $fromName            The name the email should appear from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    array        $additionalHeaders    Additional headers to send
     * @param    string        $eol                EOL character to use
     * @param    int|NULL    $lineLimit            Maximum line length
     * @return    string
public function compileFullEmail( $to, $cc=array(), $bcc=array(), $fromEmail = NULL, $fromName = NULL, $additionalHeaders = array(), $eol = "\r\n", $lineLimit = 998 )
$boundary = "--==_mimepart_" . md5( mt_rand() );
$return = '';
        foreach (
$this->_compileHeaders( $this->compileSubject( static::_getMemberFromRecipients( $to ) ), $to, $cc, $bcc, $fromEmail, $fromName, $additionalHeaders, $boundary ) as $k => $v )
$line = "{$k}: {$v}";
            if (
$lineLimit )
$line = wordwrap( $line, $lineLimit, $eol );
$return .= $line . $eol;
$return .= $eol;
$return .= $eol;
$return .= $this->_compileMessage( static::_getMemberFromRecipients( $to ), $boundary, $eol, $lineLimit );
     * Compile the headers
     * @param    string        $subject            The subject
     * @param    mixed        $to                    The member or email address, or array of members or email addresses, to send to
     * @param    mixed        $cc                    Addresses to CC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    mixed        $bcc                Addresses to BCC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    NULL|string    $fromEmail            The email address to send from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    NULL|string    $fromName            The name the email should appear from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    array        $additionalHeaders    Additional headers to send
     * @param    string        $boundary            The boundary that will be used between parts
     * @return    string
public function _compileHeaders( $subject, $to, $cc=array(), $bcc=array(), $fromEmail, $fromName = NULL, $additionalHeaders = array(), $boundary )
/* Work out From details */
$fromEmail = $fromEmail ?: \IPS\Settings::i()->email_out;
$fromName = $fromName ?: \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name;
/* Basic headers */
$headers = array(
'MIME-Version'        => '1.0',
'To'                => static::_parseRecipients( $to, TRUE ),
'From'                => static::encodeHeader( $fromName, $fromEmail ),
'Subject'            => static::encodeHeader( $subject ),
'Date'                => date('r'),
        if (
$this->autoSubmitted )
$headers['Auto-Submitted'] = 'auto-generated'; // This is to try to prevent auto-responders and delivery failure notifications from responding]
/* CC/BCC */
if ( $cc )
$headers['Cc'] = static::_parseRecipients( $cc );
        if (
$bcc )
$headers['Bcc'] = static::_parseRecipients( $bcc );
/* Precedence */
if ( $this->type === static::TYPE_LIST )
$headers['Precedence'] = 'list';
        elseif (
$this->type === static::TYPE_BULK )
$headers['Precedence'] = 'bulk';
/* Content */
$headers['Content-Type'] = "multipart/alternative; boundary=\"{$boundary}\"; charset=UTF-8";
$headers['Content-Transfer-Encoding'] = "8bit";
/* Additional */
foreach ( $additionalHeaders as $k => $v )
            if ( !isset(
$headers[ $k ] ) ) // We deliberately don't allow overriding because when resending a failed email, it sets *all* the headers rather than just "additional" ones
$headers[ $k ] = $v;
/* Return */
return $headers;
     * Build the email message
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member        If the email is going to a member, the member object. Ensures correct language is used.
     * @param    string        $boundary    The boundary used in the Content-Type header
     * @param    string        $eol        EOL character to use
     * @param    int|NULL    $lineLimit    Maximum line length
     * @return    bool
     * @throws    \IPS\Email\Outgoing\Exception
protected function _compileMessage( \IPS\Member $member = NULL, $boundary, $eol, $lineLimit = 998 )
$return = '';
        foreach ( array(
'text/plain' => $this->compileContent( 'plaintext', $member ), 'text/html' => $this->compileContent( 'html', $member ) ) as $contentType => $content )
$return    .= "--{$boundary}{$eol}";
$return    .= "Content-Type: {$contentType}; charset=UTF-8{$eol}";
$return .= "{$eol}";
$content = preg_replace( "/(?<!\r)\n/", "{$eol}", $content );
            if (
$lineLimit )
                foreach (
explode( $eol, $content ) as $line )
$return .= wordwrap( $line, $lineLimit, $eol ) . $eol;
$return    .= $content . $eol;

$return .= "--{$boundary}--{$eol}";
     * @brief    Auto generated flag
protected $autoSubmitted = TRUE;

     * Send the email
     * @param    mixed    $to                    The member or email address, or array of members or email addresses, to send to
     * @param    mixed    $cc                    Addresses to CC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    mixed    $bcc                Addresses to BCC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    mixed    $fromEmail            The email address to send from. If NULL, default setting is used. NOTE: This should always be a site-controlled domin. Some services like Sparkpost require the domain to be validated.
     * @param    mixed    $fromName            The name the email should appear from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    array    $additionalHeaders    Additional headers to send
     * @param    boolean    $autoSubmitted        The email was auto-generated (yes for notification, bulk mail, no for contact us form)
     * @return    bool
public function send( $to, $cc=array(), $bcc=array(), $fromEmail = NULL, $fromName = NULL, $additionalHeaders = array(), $autoSubmitted = TRUE )
/* Check we have recipients */
if ( !static::_parseRecipients( $to, TRUE ) )
/* Send the email */
$this->autoSubmitted = $autoSubmitted;
/* Send */            
$this->_send( $to, $cc, $bcc, $fromEmail, $fromName, $additionalHeaders);
/* If it was successful, reset the failure count */
if ( !isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->failedMailCount ) OR \IPS\Data\Store::i()->failedMailCount >= 1 )
IPS\Data\Store::i()->failedMailCount = 0;
/* Return */
return TRUE;
/* Handle errors */
catch( \IPS\Email\Outgoing\Exception $e )
$subject = $this->compileSubject( static::_getMemberFromRecipients( $to ) );
$html = $this->compileContent( 'html', static::_getMemberFromRecipients( $to ) );
$plaintext = $this->compileContent( 'plaintext', static::_getMemberFromRecipients( $to ) );
$fromEmail = $fromEmail ?: \IPS\Settings::i()->email_out;
$fromName = $fromName ?: \IPS\Settings::i()->board_name;
$boundary = "--==_mimepart_" . md5( mt_rand() );

IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_mail_error_logs', array(
'mlog_date'            => time(),
'mlog_to'            => static::_parseRecipients( $to, TRUE ),
'mlog_from'            => $fromEmail,
'mlog_subject'        => $subject,
'mlog_content'        => $html ?: $plaintext,
'mlog_resend_data'    => json_encode( array( 'type' => $this->type, 'headers' => $this->_compileHeaders( $subject, $to, $cc, $bcc, $fromEmail, $fromName, $additionalHeaders, $boundary ), 'body' => array( 'html' => $html, 'plain' => $plaintext ), 'boundary' => $boundary ) ),
'mlog_msg'            => json_encode( array( 'message' => $e->getMessage(), 'details' => $e->extraDetails ) ),
'mlog_smtp_log'        => $this->getLog(),
            ) );

/* Update or set failure count */
$failedCount = 1;
            if( isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->failedMailCount ) )
$failedCount += \IPS\Data\Store::i()->failedMailCount;
IPS\Data\Store::i()->failedMailCount = $failedCount;
/* Return */
return FALSE;
     * Get full log if sending failed
     * @return    string
public function getLog()
     * Send the email
     * @param    mixed    $to                    The member or email address, or array of members or email addresses, to send to
     * @param    mixed    $cc                    Addresses to CC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    mixed    $bcc                Addresses to BCC (can also be email, member or array of either)
     * @param    mixed    $fromEmail            The email address to send from. If NULL, default setting is used. NOTE: This should always be a site-controlled domin. Some services like Sparkpost require the domain to be validated.
     * @param    mixed    $fromName            The name the email should appear from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    array    $additionalHeaders    Additional headers to send
     * @return    void
     * @throws    \IPS\Email\Outgoing\Exception
abstract public function _send( $to, $cc=array(), $bcc=array(), $fromEmail = NULL, $fromName = NULL, $additionalHeaders = array() );
     * Merge and Send
     * @param    array            $recipients            Array where the keys are the email addresses to send to and the values are an array of variables to replace
     * @param    mixed            $fromEmail            The email address to send from. If NULL, default setting is used. NOTE: This should always be a site-controlled domin. Some services like Sparkpost require the domain to be validated.
     * @param    mixed            $fromName            The name the email should appear from. If NULL, default setting is used
     * @param    array            $additionalHeaders    Additional headers to send. Merge tags can be used like in content.
     * @param    \IPS\Lang        $language            The language the email content should be in
     * @return    int                Number of successful sends
public function mergeAndSend( $recipients, $fromEmail = NULL, $fromName = NULL, $additionalHeaders = array(), \IPS\Lang $language )
$return = 0;

/* Get the current locale, and then set the language's locale so datetime formatting in templates is correct for this language */
$currentLocale = setlocale( LC_ALL, '0' );
        foreach (
$recipients as $address => $vars )
$member = \IPS\Member::load( $address, 'email' );
$subject = $this->compileSubject( $member, $language );
$htmlContent = $this->compileContent( 'html', $member, $language );
$plaintextContent = $this->compileContent( 'plaintext', $member, $language );
$_additionalHeaders = $additionalHeaders;
            foreach (
$vars as $k => $v )
$language->parseEmail( $v );

$htmlContent = str_replace( "*|{$k}|*", $v, $htmlContent );
$plaintextContent = str_replace( "*|{$k}|*", $v, $plaintextContent );
$subject = str_replace( "*|{$k}|*", $v, $subject );
                foreach (
$_additionalHeaders as $headerKey => $headerValue )
$_additionalHeaders[ $headerKey ] = str_replace( "*|{$k}|*", $v, $headerValue );
            if ( static::
buildFromContent( $subject, $htmlContent, $plaintextContent, $this->type, FALSE )->send( $address, array(), array(), $fromEmail, $fromName, $_additionalHeaders ) )

/* Now restore the locale we started with */
\IPS\Lang::restoreLocale( $currentLocale );
/* !Template Parsing */
     * Get template value
     * @param    string    $app        App name
     * @param    string    $template    Template name
     * @param    string    $type        'html' or 'plaintext'
     * @param    array    $params        Parameters
     * @return    string
public static function template( $app, $template, $type, $params )
        if ( \
$extension = $type === 'html' ? 'phtml' : 'txt';
            if (
mb_substr( $template, 0, 9 ) === 'digests__' )
$file = \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app}/dev/email/" . ( $type === 'html' ? 'html' : 'plain' ) . "/digests/" . mb_substr( $template, 9 ) . ".{$extension}";
$file = \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app}/dev/email/{$template}.{$extension}";
            return static::
devProcessTemplate( "email_{$type}_{$app}_{$template}", file_get_contents( $file ), $params );
$key = md5( "{$app};{$template}" ) . "_email_{$type}";
            if ( !isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$key ) )
$templateData = \IPS\Db::i()->select( '*', 'core_email_templates', array( "template_app=? AND template_name=?", $app, $template ), 'template_parent DESC' )->first();                
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$key = "namespace IPS\Theme;\n" . \IPS\Theme::compileTemplate( $templateData['template_content_html'], "email_html_{$app}_{$template}", $templateData['template_data'] ) . "\n" . \IPS\Theme::compileTemplate( $templateData['template_content_plaintext'], "email_plaintext_{$app}_{$template}", $templateData['template_data'] );
$functionName = "IPS\\Theme\\email_{$type}_{$app}_{$template}";
            if( !
function_exists( $functionName ) )
                eval( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$key );
call_user_func_array( $functionName, $params );
     * @brief    Temporary store needed in IN_DEV to remember what parameters a template has
protected static $matchesStore = '';
     * IN_DEV - load and run template
     * @param    string    $functionName        Function name to use
     * @param    string    $templateContents    Content to parse
     * @param    array    $params                Params
     * @return    string
protected static function devProcessTemplate( $functionName, $templateContents, $params )
        if( !
function_exists( 'IPS\\Theme\\' . $functionName ) )
preg_match( '/^<ips:template parameters="(.+?)?" \/>(\r\n?|\n)/', $templateContents, $matches );
            if ( isset(
$matches[0] ) )
$matchesStore = isset( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : '';
$templateContents = preg_replace( '/^<ips:template parameters="(.+?)?" \/>(\r\n?|\n)/', '', $templateContents );
/* Subjects do not contain the ips:template header, so we need a little magic */
if ( $params !== NULL and is_array( $params ) and count( $params ) )
/* Extract app and key from "email__{app}_{key}_subject" */
list( $app, $key ) = explode( '_', mb_substr( $functionName, 7, -( mb_strlen( $functionName ) - mb_strpos($functionName, '_subject' ) ) ), 2 );
                    if (
$app and $key )
/* Doesn't matter if it's HTML or TXT here, we just want the param list */
$md5Key      = md5( $app . ';' . $key ) . '_email_html';
$template = isset( \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$md5Key ) ? \IPS\Data\Store::i()->$md5Key : NULL;
                        if (
$template )
preg_match( "#function\s+?([^\(]+?)\(([^\)]+?)\)#", $template, $matches );
                            if ( isset(
$matches[2] ) )
$matchesStore = trim( $matches[2] );
/* Grab the param list from the database */
$template = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'template_name, template_data', 'core_email_templates', array( 'template_app=? AND template_name=?', $app, $key ), 'template_parent DESC' )->first();
                                if ( isset(
$template['template_name'] ) )
$matchesStore = $template['template_data'];
                            catch( \
UnderflowException $e )
                                if ( \
/* Try and get template file */
foreach( array( 'phtml', 'txt' ) AS $type )
/* We only need one */
if ( $file = @file_get_contents( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app}/dev/email/{$key}.{$type}" ) )
                                    if (
$file !== FALSE )
preg_match( '/^<ips:template parameters="(.+?)?" \/>(\r\n?|\n)/', $file, $matches );
$matchesStore = isset( $matches[1] ) ? $matches[1] : '';
                                        throw new \
BadMethodCallException( 'NO_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_FILE - ' . $app . '/' . $key . '.' . $type );
/* I can't really help you, sorry */
throw new \LogicException;
IPS\Theme::makeProcessFunction( $templateContents, $functionName, static::$matchesStore );
call_user_func_array( 'IPS\\Theme\\'.$functionName, $params );
     * Determine if we have a specific email template
     * @param    string        $app    Application key
     * @param    string        $key    Email template key
     * @return    bool
public static function hasTemplate( $app, $key )
        if( \
            foreach ( array(
'phtml', 'txt' ) as $type )
file_exists( \IPS\ROOT_PATH . "/applications/{$app}/dev/email/{$key}.{$type}" ) )

/* See if we found anything from the store */
$storeKey = md5( $app . ';' . $key ) . '_email_html';
            if ( isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$storeKey ) )
/* Check Database */
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'template_id', 'core_email_templates', array( 'template_app=? and template_name=?', $app, $key ) )->first();
                catch( \
Exception $e )
/* Nothing, it's OK to return false because there is not a separate row for plaintext */
return FALSE;

$storeKey = md5( $app . ';' . $key ) . '_email_plaintext';
            return isset( \
IPS\Data\Store::i()->$storeKey );
/* !Utilities */
     * Encode Header
     * Does not use mb_encode_mimeheader ad that does not encode special characters such as :
     * so if the site name has a colon in it but no UTF-8 characters, emails will fail
     * @param    string    $value
     * @param    string    $email    If this is an email address (for a From, To, etc. header) the email address to be appended un-encoded
     * @return    string
public static function encodeHeader( $value = NULL, $email = NULL )
$return = '';
        if (
$value )
$return .= '=?UTF-8?B?' . base64_encode( $value ) . '?=';
            if (
$email )
$return .= ' ';
        if (
$email )
$return .= '<' . $email . '>';
     * Turn an HTML email into a plaintext email
     * @param    string    $html     HTML email
     * @return    string
     * @note    We might find that using HTML Purifier to retain links in parenthesis is useful.
public static function buildPlaintextBody( $html )
/* Add newlines as needed */
$html    = str_replace( "</p>", "</p>\n", $html );
$html    = str_replace( array( "<br>", "<br />" ), "\n", $html );

/* Strip HTML and return */
return strip_tags( $html );
     * Convert a member object, email address, or array of either into a string to use in a header
     * @param    string|array|\IPS\Member    $data        The member or email address, or array of members or email addresses, to send to
     * @param    bool                        $emailOnly    If TRUE, will use email only rather than names too. Set to TRUE for the "To" header
     * @return    string
     * @see        <a href=''>RFC 2822</a>
protected static function _parseRecipients( $data, $emailOnly=FALSE )
$return = array();
        if ( !
is_array( $data ) )
$data = array( $data );
        foreach (
$data as $recipient )
            if (
$recipient instanceof \IPS\Member )
$return[] = $emailOnly ? $recipient->email : static::encodeHeader( $recipient->name, $recipient->email );
$return[] = $emailOnly ? $recipient : static::encodeHeader( NULL, $recipient );;
implode( ', ', $return );
     * Convert a member object, email address, or array of either into a member object
     * @param    string|array|\IPS\Member    $data        The member or email address, or array of members or email addresses, to send to
     * @return    \IPS\Member
protected function _getMemberFromRecipients( $data )
        if (
is_array( $data ) )
$data = array_shift( $data );
        if (
$data instanceof \IPS\Member )
            return \
IPS\Member::load( $data, 'email' );
     * Fix URLs before sending
     * @param    string    $return    The content
     * @return    string
protected static function parseFileObjectUrls( &$return )
/* Parse file URLs */
\IPS\Output::i()->parseFileObjectUrls( $return );
/* Fix any protocol-relative URLs */
$return = preg_replace_callback( "/\s+?(srcset|src)=(['\"])\/\/([^'\"]+?)(['\"])/ims", function( $matches ){
$baseUrl    = parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url );

/* Try to preserve http vs https */
if( isset( $baseUrl['scheme'] ) )
$url = $baseUrl['scheme'] . '://' . $matches[3];
$url = 'http://' . $matches[3];
" {$matches[1]}={$matches[2]}{$url}{$matches[2]}";
$return );
/* !Parsing for user-submitted content */
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails
     * @param    string    $text    The text
     * @param    \IPS\Lang        $language    Language
     * @return    string
public static function staticParseTextForEmail( $text, \IPS\Lang $language )
parseFileObjectUrls( $text );
$document = new \IPS\Xml\DOMDocument( '1.0', 'UTF-8' );
$document->loadHTML( \IPS\Xml\DOMDocument::wrapHtml( $text ) );
_parseNodeForEmail( $document, $language );

preg_replace( '/^<!DOCTYPE.+?>/', '', str_replace( array( '<html>', '</html>', '<head>', '</head>', '<body>', '</body>', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">' ), '', $document->saveHTML() ) );
        catch( \
Exception $e )
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails
     * @param    string    $text    The text
     * @param    \IPS\Lang        $language    Language. If not provided, will use whatever is set in $this->language - provided for backwards compatibility with templates not sending one
     * @return    string
public function parseTextForEmail( $text, \IPS\Lang $language = NULL )
        if (
$language === NULL )
$language = $this->language;
        return static::
staticParseTextForEmail( $text, $language );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails
     * @param    string        $text        The text
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseNodeForEmail( \DOMNode &$node, \IPS\Lang $language )
        if (
$node->hasChildNodes() )
/* Dom node lists are "live" and if you modify the tree, you may affect the index which also affects php foreach loops.  Subsequently we
                need to capture all the nodes in a loop and store them, and then loop over that store */
$_nodes = array();

            foreach (
$node->childNodes as $child )
$_nodes[]    = $child;

$_nodes as $_node )
_parseNodeForEmail( $_node, $language );

        if (
$node instanceof \DOMElement )
_parseElementForEmail( $node, $language );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Parse Element
     * @param    string        $text        The text
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmail( \DOMElement &$node, \IPS\Lang $language )
$parent = $node->parentNode;
        if (
$node->getAttribute('class') )
$classMap = static::_parseElementClassMap();
            foreach (
explode( ' ', $node->getAttribute('class') ) as $class )
                if (
array_key_exists( $class, $classMap ) )
$method = $classMap[ $class ];
$method( $node, $parent, $language );
        if (
$node->tagName == 'iframe' )
_parseElementForEmailIframe( $node, $parent, $language );
     * Get the map for which CSS classes need to be parsed
     * by which methods
     * @return    array
protected static function _parseElementClassMap()
        return array(
'ipsQuote'            => '_parseElementForEmailQuote',
'ipsCode'            => '_parseElementForEmailCode',
'ipsStyle_spoiler'    => '_parseElementForEmailSpoiler',
'ipsSpoiler'        => '_parseElementForEmailSpoiler',
'ipsEmbeddedVideo'    => '_parseElementForEmailEmbed',
'ipsImage'            => '_parseElementForEmailImage',
'ipsAttachLink'        => '_parseElementForEmailAttachment',
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Attachments
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailAttachment( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
        if (
$node->getAttribute('href') )
$url = $node->getAttribute('href');
$parsed = parse_url( $node->getAttribute('href') );
            if ( !isset(
$parsed['scheme'] ) )
$baseUrl = parse_url( \IPS\Settings::i()->base_url );
$url = $baseUrl['scheme'] . '://' . str_replace( '//', '', $url );
$node->setAttribute( 'href', $url );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Quotes
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailQuote( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
$cell = static::_createContainerTable( $parent, $node );
$cell->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; margin: 0;border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;border-left: 3px solid #adadad;position: relative;font-size: 13px;background: #fdfdfd" );
        if (
$node->getAttribute('data-cite') )
$citation = static::_createContainerTable( $cell );
$citation->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; background: #f5f5f5;padding: 8px 15px;color: #000;font-weight: bold;font-size: 13px;display: block;" );
$citation->appendChild( new \DOMText( $node->getAttribute('data-cite') ) );
$containerCell = static::_createContainerTable( $cell );
$containerCell->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; padding-left:15px" );
$node->childNodes->length )
            foreach (
$node->childNodes as $child )
                if (
$child instanceof \DOMElement and $child->getAttribute('class') == 'ipsQuote_citation' )
$child->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; background: #f3f3f3; margin: 0px 0px 0px -15px; padding: 5px 15px; color: #222; font-weight: bold; font-size: 13px; display: block;" );
$containerCell->appendChild( $child );

$parent->removeChild( $node );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Code boxes
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailCode( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
$cell = static::_createContainerTable( $parent, $node );
$cell->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: monospace; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; background: #fafafa; padding: 0; border-left: 4px solid #e0e0e0;" );
$p = new \DOMElement( 'pre' );
$cell->appendChild( $p );
$p->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: monospace; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; padding-left:15px" );

$node->childNodes->length )
            foreach (
$node->childNodes as $child )
$p->appendChild( $child );

$parent->removeChild( $node );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Spoilers
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailSpoiler( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
$cell = static::_createContainerTable( $parent, $node );
$cell->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; margin: 0;padding: 10px;background: #363636;color: #d8d8d8;" );
$cell->appendChild( new \DOMText( $language->addToStack('email_spoiler_line') ) );
$parent->removeChild( $node );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Embedded Video
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailEmbed( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
$cell = static::_createContainerTable( $parent, $node );
$cell->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px; padding: 10px; margin: 0;border: 1px solid #e0e0e0;border-left: 3px solid #adadad;position: relative;font-size: 13px;background: #fdfdfd" );
$cell->appendChild( new \DOMText( $language->addToStack('email_video_line') ) );
$parent->removeChild( $node );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: Image
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailImage( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
$maxImageDims    = \IPS\Settings::i()->attachment_image_size ? explode( 'x', \IPS\Settings::i()->attachment_image_size ) : array( 1000, 750 );
$node->setAttribute( 'style', "max-width:{$maxImageDims[0]}px;max-height:{$maxImageDims[1]}px;" );
     * Makes HTML acceptable for use in emails: iFrame
     * @param    \DOMElement    $node        The element
     * @param    \DOMElement    $parent        The element's parent node
     * @param    \IPS\Lang    $language    Language
     * @return    string
protected static function _parseElementForEmailIframe( \DOMElement &$node, \DOMNode $parent, \IPS\Lang $language )
        if (
$node->getAttribute('src') )
$url    = \IPS\Http\Url::createFromString( $node->getAttribute('src') );
/* If this is an external embed link, swap it for whatever is actually embedded */
if ( $url instanceof \IPS\Http\Url\Internal and isset( $url->queryString['app'] ) and $url->queryString['app'] == 'core' and isset( $url->queryString['module'] ) and $url->queryString['module'] == 'system' and isset( $url->queryString['controller'] ) and $url->queryString['controller'] == 'embed' and isset( $url->queryString['url'] ) )
$url = new \IPS\Http\Url( $url->queryString['url'] );
                catch ( \
Exception $e ) { }
/* Same for internal embeds */
if ( $url instanceof \IPS\Http\Url\Internal )
/* Strip "do" param, but only if it is set to "embed" */
if ( isset( $url->queryString['do'] ) AND $url->queryString['do'] == 'embed' )
$url = $url->stripQueryString( 'do' );
/* Convert embedDo and embedComment if present */
if ( isset( $url->queryString['embedDo'] ) )
$url = $url->setQueryString( 'do', $url->queryString['embedDo'] )->stripQueryString( 'embedDo' );
                if ( isset(
$url->queryString['embedComment'] ) )
$url = $url->setQueryString( 'comment', $url->queryString['embedComment'] )->stripQueryString( 'embedComment' );

/* Swap the iframe for a link */
$a        = new \DOMElement( 'a' );
$parent->insertBefore( $a, $node );
$a->setAttribute( 'href', (string) $url );
$a->appendChild( new \DOMText( (string) $url ) );
$parent->removeChild( $node );
     * Create container table as some email clients can't handle things if they're not in tables
     * @param    \DOMNode        $node        The node to put the table into
     * @param    \DOMNode|null    $replace    If the table should replace an existing node, the node to be replaced
     * @return    \DOMNode
protected static function _createContainerTable( $node, $replace=NULL )
$table = new \DOMElement( 'table' );
$row = new \DOMElement( 'tr' );
$cell = new \DOMElement( 'td' );
        if (
$replace )
$node->insertBefore( $table, $replace );
$node->appendChild( $table );
$table->appendChild( $row );
$row->appendChild( $cell );
$table->setAttribute( 'width', '100%' );
$table->setAttribute( 'cellpadding', '0' );
$table->setAttribute( 'cellspacing', '0' );
$table->setAttribute( 'border', '0' );
$cell->setAttribute( 'style', "font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', helvetica, sans-serif; line-height: 1.5; font-size: 14px;" );
/* !Deprecated */
     * Build an unsubscribe link
     * @deprecared    Use setUnsubscribe() instead
     * @param    string                $type    Type of unsubscribe link to automatically build.  Valid values are 'bulk' and 'notification'.
     * @param    string|\IPS\Member    $data    Data necessary for unsubscribe link.  For 'bulk' type this is a member object.  For 'notification' type this is the notification key.
     * @return    \IPS\Email
public function buildUnsubscribe( $type, $data )
        switch (
$type )
$this->setUnsubscribe( 'core', 'unsubscribeBulk', array() );
$this->setUnsubscribe( 'core', 'unsubscribeNotification', array( $data ) );
$this->setUnsubscribe( 'core', 'unsubscribeFollow', array( $data ) );