namespace XF\BbCode\Renderer;
use function count, intval, is_array, strlen;
class EditorHtml extends Html
protected $undisplayableTags = [
protected $blockTagsOpenRegex = '<p|<div|<blockquote|<ul|<ol|<table|<h\\d|<hr';
protected $blockTagsCloseRegex = '</p>|</div>|</blockquote>|</ul>|</ol>|</table>|</h\\d>|</hr>';
public function addDefaultTags()
$this->modifyTag('b', ['replace' => ['<strong>', '</strong>']]);
$this->addTag('i', ['replace' => ['<em>', '</em>']]);
$this->addTag('u', ['replace' => ['<u>', '</u>']]);
$this->addTag('s', ['replace' => ['<s>', '</s>']]);
$this->modifyTag('url', ['trimAfter' => 0]);
foreach ($this->undisplayableTags AS $tag)
$this->modifyTag($tag, [
'replace' => null,
'callback' => null,
'trimAfter' => 0,
'stopBreakConversion' => false
public function getCustomTagConfig(array $tag)
// custom tags are displayed
return [
'replace' => null,
'callback' => null
public function getDefaultOptions()
$options = parent::getDefaultOptions();
$options['noProxy'] = true;
$options['inList'] = false;
$options['lightbox'] = false;
return $options;
public function filterFinalOutput($output)
$debug = false;
$btOpen = $this->blockTagsOpenRegex;
$btClose = $this->blockTagsCloseRegex;
$debugNl = ($debug ? "\n" : '');
if ($debug) { echo '<hr /><b>Original:</b><br />'. nl2br(htmlspecialchars($output)); }
$output = $this->cleanUpInlineListWrapping($output);
$output = preg_replace('#\s*<break-start />(?>\s*)(?!' . $btOpen . '|' . $btClose . '|<break-start|$)#i', $debugNl . "<p>", $output);
$output = preg_replace('#\s*<break-start />#i', '', $output);
$output = preg_replace('#(' . $btClose . ')\s*<break />#i', "\\1", $output);
$output = preg_replace('#<break />\s*(' . $btOpen . '|' . $btClose . ')#i', "</p>" . ($debug ? "\n" : '') . "\\1", $output);
$output = preg_replace('#<break />\r?\n( )#i', "</p>" . $debugNl . "<p> ", $output);
$output = preg_replace('#<break />\s*#i', "</p>" . $debugNl . "<p>", $output);
if ($debug) { echo '<hr /><b>Post-break:</b><br />'. nl2br(htmlspecialchars($output)); }
$output = trim($output);
if (!preg_match('#^(' . $btOpen . ')#i', $output))
$output = '<p>' . $output;
if (!preg_match('#(' . $btClose . ')$#i', $output))
$output .= '</p>';
else if (preg_match('#(</blockquote>|</table>|</ol>|</ul>)$#i', $output))
$output .= $debugNl . '<p></p>';
$output = preg_replace_callback('#(<p[^>]*>)(.*)(</p>)#siU',
[$this, 'replaceEmptyContent'], $output
$output = str_replace('<empty-content />', '', $output); // just in case
$output = $this->fixListStyles($output);
if ($debug) { echo '<hr /><b>Final:</b><br />'. nl2br(htmlspecialchars($output)); }
return $output;
protected function cleanUpInlineListWrapping($text)
$originalText = $text;
$text = preg_replace_callback(
'#<(span|strong|em|u|s)([^>]*)><break-start />\s*<(ul|ol)(\s[^>]*)?>(.*)</\\3>\s*<break-start />\s*</\\1>#siU',
function (array $match)
$inlineTag = $match[1];
$inlineAttrs = $match[2];
$listTag = $match[3];
$listAttrs = $match[4];
$listContents = $match[5];
$listContents = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $elementMatch) use ($inlineTag, $inlineAttrs)
$elementContents = "<$inlineTag$inlineAttrs>$elementMatch[2]</$inlineTag>";
return $elementMatch[1] . $elementContents . $elementMatch[3];
return "<break-start /><$listTag$listAttrs>$listContents</$listTag><break-start />";
while ($originalText != $text);
return $text;
protected function replaceEmptyContent(array $match)
$emptyParaText = ''; // was <br /> -- Froala seems to handle this for us and removing this fixes some minor issues
if (strlen(trim($match[2])) == 0)
// paragraph is actually empty
$output = $emptyParaText;
$test = strip_tags($match[2], '<empty-content><img><br><hr>');
if (trim($test) == '<empty-content />')
$output = str_replace('<empty-content />', $emptyParaText, $match[2]);
// we had a break
$output = str_replace('<empty-content />', '', $match[2]);
return $match[1] . $output . $match[3];
protected function fixListStyles($output)
$fix = function(array $match)
$pAttrs = $match[1];
$listTag = $match[2];
$listAttrs = $match[3];
$listContent = $match[4];
if (!$listAttrs)
$listAttrs = $pAttrs;
// TODO: this is not actually correct as it doesn't merge style attributes, but it's likely to be uncommon
$listAttrs = $listAttrs . ' ' . $pAttrs;
return "<{$listTag}{$listAttrs}>{$listContent}</{$listTag}>";
$original = $output;
$output = preg_replace_callback(
while ($original != $output);
return $output;
public function filterString($string, array $options)
if (!empty($options['treatAsStructuredText']))
$string = $this->formatter->convertStructuredTextLinkToBbCode($string);
$string = $this->formatter->convertStructuredTextMentionsToBbCode($string);
if (empty($options['stopSmilies']))
$string = $this->formatter->replaceSmiliesHtml($string);
$string = $this->formatter->getEmojiFormatter()->formatEmojiToImage($string);
$string = htmlspecialchars($string);
$string = str_replace("\t", ' ', $string);
// doing this twice handles situations with 3 spaces
$string = str_replace(' ', ' ', $string);
$string = str_replace(' ', ' ', $string);
if (empty($options['stopLineBreakConversion']))
if (!empty($options['inList']) || !empty($options['inTable']))
$string = nl2br($string);
$string = preg_replace('/\r\n|\n|\r/', "<break />\n", $string);
return $string;
public function renderTagUrl(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$options['shortenUrl'] = false;
if (is_array($option)
&& !empty($option['unfurl'])
// we're inside a URL tag already
// don't treat what's inside it was structured text
// otherwise unfurled URLs will be wrapped in a further URL
$options['treatAsStructuredText'] = false;
return $this->renderUnparsedTag($tag, $options);
return parent::renderTagUrl($children, $option, $tag, $options);
protected function getRenderedLink($text, $url, array $options)
return $this->wrapHtml(
'<a href="' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '" target="_blank">',
protected function getDefaultImageDisplayOptions(array $renderOptions = []): array
return [
'leftAlignClass' => 'fr-fil',
'rightAlignClass' => 'fr-fir',
'allowIntrinsicDimensions' => false
protected function getRenderedImg($imageUrl, $validUrl, array $params = [])
$alt = $params['alt'] ?? '';
$styleAttr = $params['styleAttr'] ?? '';
$class = 'fr-fic fr-dii fr-draggable ' . ($params['alignClass'] ?? '');
return '<img src="' . htmlspecialchars($validUrl) . '"'
. ' alt="' . htmlspecialchars($alt) . '"'
. ' class="' . htmlspecialchars($class) . '"'
. ' style="' . htmlspecialchars($styleAttr) . '" />';
public function renderTagAttach(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$id = intval($this->renderSubTreePlain($children));
if (!$id)
return '';
// TODO: get the extra attributes for this - align, width etc.
$full = $this->isFullAttachView($option);
$type = $full ? 'full' : 'thumb';
$bbCode = '[ATTACH' . ($full ? '=full' : '') . ']' . $id . '[/ATTACH]';
if (empty($options['attachments'][$id]))
return $bbCode;
/** @var \XF\Entity\Attachment $attachment */
$attachment = $options['attachments'][$id];
$url = htmlspecialchars($attachment->direct_url);
$align = $this->hasAlignOption($option);
if ($attachment->is_video)
switch ($align)
case 'R': $alignClass = 'fr-fvr'; break;
case 'L': $alignClass = 'fr-fvl'; break;
default: $alignClass = '';
return '<span contenteditable="false" draggable="true"'
. ' class="fr-video fr-dvi fr-draggable fr-deletable ' . $alignClass . '">'
. '<video data-xf-init="video-init" data-attachment="full:' . $id . '"'
. ' src="' . $url . '" controls></video></span>';
else if ($attachment->is_audio)
switch ($align)
case 'R': $alignClass = 'fr-fvr'; break;
case 'L': $alignClass = 'fr-fvl'; break;
default: $alignClass = '';
return '<span contenteditable="false" draggable="true"'
. ' class="fr-audio fr-dvi fr-draggable fr-deletable ' . $alignClass . '">'
. '<audio data-attachment="full:' . $id . '" src="' . $url . '" controls></audio></span>';
else if ($attachment->has_thumbnail)
if ($type == 'thumb')
$url = $attachment->thumbnail_url;
switch ($align)
case 'R': $alignClass = 'fr-fir'; break;
case 'L': $alignClass = 'fr-fil'; break;
default: $alignClass = '';
$displayAttrs = $this->processImageDisplayModifiers(
$styleAttr = htmlspecialchars($displayAttrs['style'] ?? '');
$alt = $displayAttrs['alt'] ?? '';
$alt = htmlspecialchars($alt ?: ($attachment ? $attachment->filename : ''));
$url = htmlspecialchars($url);
return "<img src=\"{$url}\" data-attachment=\"{$type}:{$id}\" alt=\"{$alt}\" class=\"{$alignClass}\" style=\"{$styleAttr}\" />";
return $bbCode;
public function renderTagAlign(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
switch (strtolower($tag['tag']))
case 'left':
case 'center':
case 'right':
case 'justify':
$wrapped = $this->wrapHtml('<p style="text-align: ' . $tag['tag'] . '">', $output, '</p>');
return "{$wrapped}<break-start />\n";
return $this->wrapHtml('<p>', $output, '</p>') . "<break-start />\n";
public function renderTagList(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$wasInList = !empty($options['inList']);
$options['inList'] = true;
$output = parent::renderTagList($children, $option, $tag, $options);
$output = preg_replace('#\s*<break-start />\s*#i', "\n", $output);
if (!$wasInList)
$output = "<break-start />\n$output<break-start />\n";
return $output;
public function renderTagIndent(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
$amount = $option ? intval($option) : 1;
$amount = max(1, min($amount, 5));
$side = \XF::language()->isRtl() ? 'right' : 'left';
$css = 'margin-' . $side . ': ' . ($amount * 20) . 'px';
$wrapped = $this->wrapHtml(
'<p style="' . $css . '">',
return "{$wrapped}<break-start />\n";
public function renderTagHeading(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$align = null;
$output = null;
if (count($children) == 1 && is_array($children[0]))
$alignTag = $children[0];
switch ($alignTag['tag'])
case 'left':
case 'center':
case 'right':
case 'justify':
$align = $alignTag['tag'];
$output = $this->renderSubTree($alignTag['children'], $options);
if ($align === null)
$output = $this->renderSubTree($children, $options);
$type = $option ? intval($option) : 0;
$tag = $this->getHeadingTagMap($type);
if ($tag == 'div')
$tag = 'p';
if ($align)
$styleAttr = ' style="text-align: ' . $align . '"';
$styleAttr = '';
$wrapped = $this->wrapHtml("<{$tag}{$styleAttr}>", $output, "</$tag>");
return "<break-start />{$wrapped}<break-start />\n";
public function renderTagHr(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$output = trim($this->renderSubTree($children, $options));
return "<break-start /><hr /><break-start />\n{$output}";
public function renderTagQuote(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
if (!$children)
return '';
$quoteParams = $this->parseQuoteTagParams($option, $options);
$quoteAttributeParts = [];
if ($quoteParams['name'])
$quoteAttributeParts[] = 'data-quote="' . htmlspecialchars($quoteParams['name']) . '"';
if ($quoteParams['source'])
$source = $quoteParams['source'];
$quoteAttributeParts[] = 'data-source="' . htmlspecialchars("$source[type]: $source[id]") . '"';
unset($quoteParams['attributes'][$source['type']]); // will double output otherwise
if ($quoteParams['attributes'])
$attributes = $quoteParams['attributes'];
$parts = [];
foreach ($attributes AS $k => $v)
$parts[] = "$k: $v";
$quoteAttributeParts[] = 'data-attributes="' . htmlspecialchars(implode(', ', $parts)) . '"';
$quoteAttributes = $quoteAttributeParts ? ' ' . implode(' ', $quoteAttributeParts) : '';
$output = trim($this->renderSubTree($children, $options));
if (!preg_match('#^(' . $this->blockTagsOpenRegex . ')#si', $output))
$output = '<p>' . $output;
if (!preg_match('#(' . $this->blockTagsCloseRegex . '|<break />|<break-start />)$#si', $output))
$output .= '</p>';
$output = preg_replace('#\s*<break-start />$#si', '', $output);
return "<blockquote{$quoteAttributes}>{$output}</blockquote><break-start />\n";
public function renderTagTable(array $children, $option, array $tag, array $options)
$wasInTable = !empty($options['inTable']);
$options['inTable'] = true;
$output = parent::renderTagTable($children, $option, $tag, $options);
$output = preg_replace('#\s*<break-start />\s*#i', "\n", $output);
if (!$wasInTable)
$output = "<break-start />\n$output<break-start />\n";
return $output;
protected function renderFinalTableHtml($tableHtml, $tagOption, $extraContent)
$output = "<table style='width: 100%'>$tableHtml</table>";
if (strlen($extraContent))
$output .= "<p>$extraContent</p>";
return $output;
public function wrapHtml($open, $inner, $close, $option = null)
if ($option !== null)
$open = sprintf($open, $option);
$close = sprintf($close, $option);
$btOpen = $this->blockTagsOpenRegex;
$btClose = $this->blockTagsCloseRegex;
$inner = preg_replace('#(<break />\s*)(?=<break />|$)#i', '\\1<empty-content />', $inner);
if (preg_match('#^(' . $btOpen . ')#i', $open))
$inner = preg_replace(
'#<break-start />(?>\s*)(?!' . $btOpen . '|' . $btClose . '|$)#i',
$inner = preg_replace(
'#<break />(?>\s*)(?!' . $btOpen . ')#i',
if (preg_match('#^<break />#i', $inner))
$inner = '<empty-content />' . $inner;
$inner = preg_replace('#<break />\s*((' . $btOpen . ')[^>]*>)?#i', "$close\\0$open", $inner);
return $open . $inner . $close;