namespace XF\Mvc;
use XF\Http;
use XF\Mvc\Renderer\AbstractRenderer;
use XF\Mvc\Reply\AbstractReply;
use XF\PrintableException;
use function get_class, is_string, strlen;
class Dispatcher
* @var \XF\App
protected $app;
* @var \XF\Http\Request
protected $request;
* @var \XF\Mvc\Router
protected $router;
protected $eventPrefix = 'dispatcher';
* @var \XF\Mvc\Reply\AbstractReply
protected $fallbackReply;
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, Http\Request $request = null)
$this->app = $app;
$this->request = $request ? $request : $app->request();
public function run($routePath = null)
if ($routePath === null)
$routePath = $this->request->getRoutePath();
$match = $this->route($routePath);
$earlyResponse = $this->beforeDispatch($match);
if ($earlyResponse)
return $earlyResponse;
$reply = $this->dispatchLoop($match);
$responseType = $reply->getResponseType() ? $reply->getResponseType() : $match->getResponseType();
$response = $this->render($reply, $responseType);
return $response;
public function route($routePath)
$match = $this->getRouter()->routeToController($routePath, $this->request);
if (!($match instanceof RouteMatch) || !$match->getController())
$match = $this->app->getErrorRoute('DispatchError', [
'code' => 'invalid_route',
'match' => $match
if (strlen($routePath) > 1 && substr($routePath, -1, 1) != '/')
// this is a route path that does not have a trailing slash which can be ambiguous
// is it a controller action or is it a URL that contains a string param?
// if it fails then we should retry the same route path with a trailing slash
return $match;
protected function beforeDispatch(RouteMatch $match)
$this->app->fire($this->eventPrefix . '_pre_dispatch', [$this, $match]);
return $this->app->preDispatch($match);
public function dispatchLoop(RouteMatch $match)
$i = 1;
$attemptErrorReroute = true;
$originalMatch = $match;
$reply = null;
$this->app->fire($this->eventPrefix . '_match', [$this, &$match]);
$controllerClass = $match->getController();
$action = $match->getAction();
$responseType = $match->getResponseType();
$sectionContext = $match->getSectionContext();
$params = $match->getParameterBag();
$controller = null;
$reply = $this->dispatchFromMatch($match, $controller, $reply);
catch (\Throwable $e)
$reply = $this->handleControllerError($e, $attemptErrorReroute, $controller, [
'responseType' => $responseType,
'sectionContext' => $sectionContext,
'action' => $action,
'params' => $params
$attemptErrorReroute = false;
catch (\Exception $e)
// this will only be hit in PHP 5.x
$reply = $this->handleControllerError($e, $attemptErrorReroute, $controller, [
'responseType' => $responseType,
'sectionContext' => $sectionContext,
'action' => $action,
'params' => $params
$attemptErrorReroute = false;
if (!$reply instanceof Reply\AbstractReply)
$reply = new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('DispatchError', [
'code' => 'no_reply',
'controller' => $controllerClass,
'action' => $action
], $responseType)
if (!($reply instanceof Reply\Reroute) && $attemptErrorReroute)
// if we might be debugging, move this up so that we can display an error instead of the page results.
// not doing this can hide errors
catch (\Throwable $e)
$attemptErrorReroute = false;
$reply = new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('Exception', ['exception' => $e], $responseType)
catch (\Exception $e)
// this will only be hit in PHP 5.x
$attemptErrorReroute = false;
$reply = new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('Exception', ['exception' => $e], $responseType)
if ($reply instanceof Reply\Reroute)
$match = $reply->getMatch();
if (!$match->getResponseType())
if (!$match->getSectionContext())
while ($i++ < 10);
if ($reply instanceof Reply\Reroute)
// rerouted too many times
$reply = new Reply\Error(
'An error occurred while the page was being generated. Please try again later.'
$this->app->postDispatch($reply, $match, $originalMatch);
$this->app->fire($this->eventPrefix . '_post_dispatch', [$this, &$reply, $match, $originalMatch]);
return $reply;
protected function handleControllerError($e, $attemptErrorReroute, $controller, array $state = [])
/** @var \Throwable $e */
$state = array_replace([
'responseType' => null,
'sectionContext' => '',
'action' => '',
'params' => null
], $state);
if ($attemptErrorReroute)
\XF::logException($e, true); // rollback as don't know the state
$reply = new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('Exception', ['exception' => $e], $state['responseType'])
$reply = new Reply\Error(
'An error occurred while the page was being generated. Please try again later.'
if ($controller instanceof \XF\Mvc\Controller)
$controller->applyReplyChanges($state['action'], $state['params'] ?: new ParameterBag(), $reply);
return $reply;
public function dispatchFromMatch(RouteMatch $match, &$controller = null, AbstractReply $previousReply = null)
return $this->dispatchClass(
public function dispatchClass(
$controllerClass, $action, RouteMatch $match, &$controller = null, AbstractReply $previousReply = null
$params = $match->getParameterBag();
if (!$params)
$params = new ParameterBag();
$responseType = $match->getResponseType();
if (!$controllerClass)
return new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('DispatchError', [
'code' => 'no_controller',
'controller' => $controllerClass,
'action' => is_string($action) ? $action : null,
'match' => $match
], $responseType)
$controller = $this->app->controller($controllerClass, $this->request);
if (!$controller)
return new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('DispatchError', [
'code' => 'invalid_controller',
'controller' => $controllerClass,
'action' => is_string($action) ? $action : null,
'match' => $match
], $responseType)
if ($previousReply)
if ($action instanceof \Closure)
$action = $action($controller, $responseType, $params);
$action = preg_replace('#[^a-z0-9]#i', ' ', $action);
$action = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords($action));
$method = 'action' . $action;
if (!is_callable([$controller, $method]))
$reply = new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('DispatchError', [
'code' => 'invalid_action',
'controller' => $controllerClass,
'action' => $action,
'match' => $match
], $responseType)
// the original route path failed to resolve to a valid controller action
// but we have a path to retry - typically the same path but with a trailing slash
// if the retry path results in a 404 we will fallback to this original invalid_action reply
$retryPath = $match->getPathRetry();
if ($retryPath)
$retryMatch = $this->route($retryPath);
if ($retryMatch)
$this->fallbackReply = $reply;
$reply = new Reply\Reroute($retryMatch);
return $reply;
$controller->preDispatch($action, $params);
$reply = $controller->$method($params);
// this looks like a retry that failed (404) and we have a fallback reply
// so return that original reply in order to maintain the expected reply
if ($reply instanceof AbstractReply
&& $reply->getResponseCode() == 404
&& $this->fallbackReply
$reply = $this->fallbackReply;
$this->fallbackReply = null;
catch (PrintableException $e)
$reply = new Reply\Error($e->getMessages());
catch (Reply\Exception $e)
$reply = $e->getReply();
if (!$reply)
$reply = new Reply\Reroute(
$this->app->getErrorRoute('DispatchError', [
'code' => 'no_reply',
'controller' => $controllerClass,
'action' => $action
], $responseType)
$controller->postDispatch($action, $params, $reply);
return $reply;
public function render(AbstractReply $reply, $responseType)
$this->app->fire($this->eventPrefix . '_pre_render', [$this, $reply, $responseType]);
$this->app->preRender($reply, $responseType);
$renderer = $this->app->renderer($responseType);
$this->setupRenderer($renderer, $reply);
$content = $this->renderReply($renderer, $reply);
$content = $this->app->renderPage($content, $reply, $renderer);
$content = $renderer->postFilter($content, $reply);
$response = $renderer->getResponse();
$this->app->fire($this->eventPrefix . '_post_render', [$this, &$content, $reply, $renderer, $response]);
return $response;
protected function setupRenderer(AbstractRenderer $renderer, AbstractReply $reply)
$renderer->getResponse()->header('Last-Modified', gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', \XF::$time) . ' GMT');
protected function renderReply(AbstractRenderer $renderer, AbstractReply $reply)
if ($reply instanceof Reply\Error)
return $renderer->renderErrors($reply->getErrors());
else if ($reply instanceof Reply\Message)
return $renderer->renderMessage($reply->getMessage());
else if ($reply instanceof Reply\Redirect)
$url = $this->request->convertToAbsoluteUri($reply->getUrl());
return $renderer->renderRedirect($url, $reply->getType(), $reply->getMessage());
else if ($reply instanceof Reply\View)
return $this->renderView($renderer, $reply);
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Unknown reply type: " . get_class($reply));
public function renderView(AbstractRenderer $renderer, Reply\View $reply)
$params = $reply->getParams();
$template = $reply->getTemplateName();
if ($template && !strpos($template, ':'))
$template = $this->app['app.defaultType'] . ':' . $template;
return $renderer->renderView($reply->getViewClass(), $template, $params);
* @return Http\Request
public function getRequest()
return $this->request;
* @return Router
public function getRouter()
if (!$this->router)
$this->router = $this->app->router();
return $this->router;
* @param Router $router
public function setRouter(Router $router)
$this->router = $router;