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 * @brief        Known Member Device Model
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        10 Mar 2017

namespace IPS\Member;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Known Member Device Model
class _Device extends \IPS\Patterns\ActiveRecord
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Multiton Store
protected static $multitons;
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] Database Table
public static $databaseTable = 'core_members_known_devices';
     * @brief    [ActiveRecord] ID Database Column
public static $databaseColumnId = 'device_key';
     * @brief    Is this a known device?
public $known = TRUE;
     * Load device for current request, or create one if there isn't one
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member                The member being authenticated
     * @param    bool        $sendNewDeviceEmail    If true, and the associated setting is enabled, and this is a new device, an email will be sent to the member. Only set to FALSE if the user is registering where the email would be redundant.
     * @return    \IPS\Member\Device
public static function loadOrCreate( \IPS\Member $member, $sendNewDeviceEmail=TRUE )
        if ( isset( \
IPS\Request::i()->cookie['device_key'] ) and mb_strlen( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['device_key'] ) === 32 )
$device = static::loadAndAuthenticate( \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['device_key'], $member );
            catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
$device = new static;
$device->known = FALSE;
$device->device_key = \IPS\Request::i()->cookie['device_key'];
$device->member_id = $member->member_id;
                if (
$sendNewDeviceEmail )
$device = static::createNew();
$device->known = FALSE;
$device->member_id = $member->member_id;
            if (
$sendNewDeviceEmail )
IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'device_key', $device->device_key, ( new \IPS\DateTime )->add( new \DateInterval( 'P1Y' ) ) );
     * Load, but only if it is valid for a particular member and optionally login key
     * @param    string        $deviceId    The device ID
     * @param    \IPS\Member    $member        The member
     * @param    string|null    $loginKey    If you also want to authenticate by login key, the login key to check
     * @return    \IPS\Member\Device
     * @throws    \OutOfRangeException
public static function loadAndAuthenticate( $deviceId, \IPS\Member $member, $loginKey = NULL )
/* Load the device */
$device = static::load( $deviceId, NULL, array( 'member_id=?', $member->member_id ) );
/* Check the login key is valid */
if ( $loginKey !== NULL )
/* Login keys expire after 3 months - if it has been more than 3 months since it was generted, do not authenticate */
if ( $device->last_seen < ( new \IPS\DateTime )->sub( new \DateInterval( static::LOGIN_KEY_VALIDITY ) )->getTimestamp() )
                throw new \
/* Validate login key is valid - if there is no login_key set for the device, it is because the device has been deauthorized */
if ( !$device->login_key OR !\IPS\Login::compareHashes( (string) $device->login_key, (string) $loginKey ) )
                throw new \
/* Return */        
return $device;
     * Create a new device with unique key
     * @return    \IPS\Member\Device
public static function createNew()
$deviceKey = \IPS\Login::generateRandomString();
IPS\Db::i()->select( 'device_key', 'core_members_known_devices', array( 'device_key=?', $deviceKey ) )->first();
$generatedDeviceKeyInUse = TRUE;
            catch ( \
UnderflowException $e )
$generatedDeviceKeyInUse = FALSE;
        while (
$generatedDeviceKeyInUse );
$object = new self;
$object->device_key = $deviceKey;
     * Update after logging in / automatic authentication with current request's user agent / IP address, etc.
     * @param    bool|null            $rememberMe            Remember me? NULL can be provided if the login is being processed from somewhere that doesn't ask
     * @param    \IPS\Login\Handler    $loginHandler        The login handler which processed the login, or NULL if updating an existing login. Can also be empty string for logins that weren't processed by any handler (such as after registration or using the lost password feature)
     * @param    bool                $refreshLoginKey    If login key should be refreshed (FALSE for automatic logins which will need the same login key subsequently)
     * @return    void
public function updateAfterAuthentication( $rememberMe, \IPS\Login\Handler $loginHandler=NULL, $refreshLoginKey=TRUE )
$this->user_agent = isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] ) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : NULL;
        if (
$refreshLoginKey )
$this->login_key = $rememberMe ? \IPS\Login::generateRandomString() : NULL;
$this->last_seen = time();
        if (
$loginHandler !== NULL )
$this->login_handler = $loginHandler->id;
$this->logIpAddress( \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress() );
$cookieExpiration = ( new \IPS\DateTime )->add( new \DateInterval( static::LOGIN_KEY_VALIDITY ) );
        if (
$rememberMe === NULL )
IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'member_id', $this->member_id, $cookieExpiration );
        elseif (
$rememberMe === TRUE )
IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'member_id', $this->member_id, $cookieExpiration );
IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'login_key', $this->login_key, $cookieExpiration );
IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'member_id', $this->member_id, NULL ); // Just tells the guest caching mechanism that we are logged in, so it can expire on the session end
\IPS\Request::i()->setCookie( 'login_key', NULL ); // Clear it in case they previously had chosen "Remember Me"
     * Log an IP address as been having used by this devuce
     * @param    string    $ipAddress    The IP Address
     * @return    void
public function logIpAddress( $ipAddress )
IPS\Db::i()->insert( 'core_members_known_ip_addresses', array(
'device_key'    => $this->device_key,
'member_id'        => $this->member_id,
'ip_address'    => $ipAddress,
'last_seen'        => time()
     * Get user agent data
     * @return    \IPS\Http\UserAgent
public function userAgent()
        return \
IPS\Http\UserAgent::parse( $this->user_agent );
     * Get login method
     * @return    \IPS\Login\Handler|NULL
public function loginMethod()
        if (
is_numeric( $this->login_handler ) )
                return \
IPS\Login\Handler::load( $this->login_handler );
            catch ( \
OutOfRangeException $e )
     * Send email to user notifying them about the new device
     * @return    void
protected function sendNewDeviceEmail()
$member = \IPS\Member::load( $this->member_id );
        if ( \
IPS\Settings::i()->new_device_email )
$location = \IPS\GeoLocation::getByIp( \IPS\Request::i()->ipAddress() );
            catch ( \
Exception $e )
$location = NULL;
IPS\Email::buildFromTemplate( 'core', 'new_device', array( $member, $this, $location ) )->send( $member );
$member->logHistory( 'core', 'login', array( 'type' => 'new_device', 'device' => $this->device_key ), FALSE );
     * Get the WHERE clause for save()
     * @return    void
protected function _whereClauseForSave()
        return array(
'device_key=? AND member_id=?', $this->device_key, $this->member_id );