namespace XF\Behavior;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Behavior;
use function is_array, is_string;
class CustomFieldsHolder extends Behavior
protected function getDefaultConfig()
return [
'column' => 'custom_fields',
'valueTable' => null,
'keyColumn' => null,
'checkForUpdates' => null,
'getAllowedFields' => null
protected function verifyConfig()
if (!$this->config['valueTable'])
throw new \LogicException("The valueTable configuration must be specified");
if (!$this->config['keyColumn'])
$key = $this->entity->structure()->primaryKey;
if (is_string($key))
$this->config['keyColumn'] = $key;
throw new \LogicException("The keyColumn configuration could not be derived and must be specified");
if ($this->config['checkForUpdates'] && !is_callable($this->config['getAllowedFields']))
throw new \LogicException("getAllowedFields must be specified to use checkForUpdates");
public function preSave()
$entity = $this->entity;
$checkForUpdates = $this->config['checkForUpdates'];
if ($checkForUpdates)
if ($entity->isUpdate() && $entity->isChanged($checkForUpdates))
/** @var \XF\CustomField\Set $fieldSet */
$fieldSet = $entity->get($this->config['column']);
if (!($fieldSet instanceof \XF\CustomField\Set))
throw new \LogicException("Primary column must return a XF\CustomField\Set object (via a getter)");
$getAllowedFields = $this->config['getAllowedFields'];
$allowedFields = $getAllowedFields($entity);
foreach ($fieldSet->getFieldValues() AS $fieldId => $null)
if (!isset($allowedFields[$fieldId]))
public function postSave()
$column = $this->config['column'];
$entity = $this->entity;
if ($entity->isChanged($column))
$newSet = $entity->getValue($column);
$oldSet = $entity->isUpdate() ? $entity->getExistingValue($column) : [];
if ($entity->isInsert() && !$newSet)
// nothing to do
$removedKeys = [];
$replacements = [];
foreach ($oldSet AS $key => $oldValue)
if (!isset($newSet[$key]))
$removedKeys[] = $key;
$newValue = $newSet[$key];
if ($oldValue !== $newValue)
// updated value
$replacements[$key] = $newValue;
foreach ($newSet AS $key => $newValue)
if (isset($oldSet[$key]))
// handled above
// new value
$replacements[$key] = $newValue;
$db = $entity->db();
$keyColumn = $this->config['keyColumn'];
$id = $entity->getEntityId();
if ($removedKeys)
"`$keyColumn` = ? AND field_id IN (" . $db->quote($removedKeys) . ")",
if ($replacements)
$insert = [];
foreach ($replacements AS $key => $value)
$insert[] = [
$keyColumn => $id,
'field_id' => $key,
'field_value' => is_array($value) ? serialize($value) : $value
$db->insertBulk($this->config['valueTable'], $insert, false, 'field_value = VALUES(field_value)');
public function postDelete()
$db = $this->entity->db();
$keyColumn = $this->config['keyColumn'];
"`$keyColumn` = ?",