namespace XF;
use XF\Template\Templater;
use function is_array, is_scalar, is_string, strlen, strval;
class CssRenderer
* @var App
protected $app;
* @var Templater
protected $templater;
* @var Style
protected $style;
protected $renderParams = [];
* @var \Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider|null
protected $cache;
protected $allowCached = true;
protected $allowFinalCacheUpdate = true;
protected $useDevModeCache = false;
protected $cacheModifierKey = '';
protected $includeExtraParams = true;
protected $lastRenderedTemplate = null;
* @var \Less_Parser|null
protected $lessParser = null;
protected $lessPrepend = null;
public function __construct(App $app, Templater $templater, \Doctrine\Common\Cache\CacheProvider $cache = null)
$this->app = $app;
$this->templater = $templater;
$this->cache = $cache;
$config = $app->config();
if ($config['development']['enabled'] || $config['designer']['enabled'])
$this->allowCached = false;
$this->useDevModeCache = true;
if (\XF::$debugMode)
$this->cacheModifierKey = md5('debug');
$style = $templater->getStyle();
if (!$style)
$style = $this->app->get('style.fallback');
public function setStyle(\XF\Style $style)
if ($style->getId() === 0)
$hueShift = $this->app->config('adminColorHueShift');
if ($hueShift)
$properties = $this->app->service('XF:StyleProperty\Rebuild')->getMasterPropertiesWithHueShift($hueShift);
$this->cacheModifierKey = md5($this->cacheModifierKey . 'hueShift=' . $hueShift);
$this->style = $style;
public function render($templates, $includeExtraParams = true)
if (!is_array($templates))
$templates = [$templates];
$templates = $this->filterValidTemplates($templates);
if (!$templates)
return '';
$this->includeExtraParams = $includeExtraParams;
$output = $this->getFinalCachedOutput($templates);
if (!$output)
if ($this->allowCached)
$cached = $this->getIndividualCachedTemplates($templates);
$cached = [];
$output = $this->renderTemplates($templates, $cached, $errors);
$output = $this->prepareErrorOutput($errors) . $output;
$this->cacheFinalOutput($templates, $output);
return $output;
protected function filterValidTemplates(array $templates)
foreach ($templates AS $key => $template)
if (!preg_match('/^[a-z0-9_]+:[a-z0-9_.]+$/i', $template))
switch (strrchr($template, '.'))
case '.css':
case '.less':
return $templates;
protected function getFinalCachedOutput(array $templates)
if (!$this->allowCached || !$this->cache || !$this->includeExtraParams)
return false;
$key = $this->getFinalCacheKey($templates);
return $this->cache->fetch($key);
protected function cacheFinalOutput(array $templates, $output)
if (!is_string($output) || !strlen($output))
if ($this->allowCached && $this->allowFinalCacheUpdate && $this->cache && $this->includeExtraParams)
$this->cache->save($this->getFinalCacheKey($templates), $output, 3600);
protected function getFinalCacheKey(array $templates)
$elements = $this->getCacheKeyElements();
$templates = array_unique($templates);
return 'xfCssCache_' . md5(
'templates=' . implode(',', $templates)
. 'style=' . $elements['style_id']
. 'modified=' . $elements['style_last_modified']
. 'language=' . $elements['language_id']
. $elements['modifier']
protected function getCacheKeyElements()
$style = $this->style;
$modified = $style ? $style->getLastModified() : 0;
return [
'style_id' => $this->templater->getStyleId(),
'style_last_modified' => $modified,
'language_id' => $this->templater->getLanguage()->getId(),
'modifier' => $this->cacheModifierKey
protected function getIndividualCachedTemplates(array $templates)
if (!$templates)
return [];
$elements = $this->getCacheKeyElements();
$db = $this->app->db();
return $db->fetchPairs("
SELECT title, output
FROM xf_css_cache
WHERE title IN (" . $db->quote($templates) . ")
AND style_id = ?
AND language_id = ?
AND modifier_key = ?
AND cache_date >= ?
", [
protected function getIndividualCachedTemplate($template)
$output = $this->getIndividualCachedTemplates([$template]);
return $output[$template] ?? null;
protected function renderTemplates(array $templates, array $cached = [], array &$errors = null)
$output = [];
$errors = [];
$this->renderParams = $this->getRenderParams();
if ($this->useDevModeCache)
// If we're in dev mode, we need to look for changes to setup.less on its own.
// Doing this here will force them to be loaded first which will control whether we use the cache
// in this request.
foreach ($templates AS $template)
$templateIdentifier = "/********* $template ********/\n";
if (isset($cached[$template]))
$output[$template] = $templateIdentifier . $cached[$template];
$rendered = $this->renderTemplate($template, $error);
if (is_string($rendered))
if ($this->includeExtraParams && ($this->allowCached || $this->useDevModeCache))
$this->cacheTemplate($template, $rendered);
$output[$template] = $templateIdentifier . $rendered;
else if ($error)
$errors[$template] = $error;
return implode("\n\n", $output);
protected function getRenderParams()
$style = $this->templater->getStyle();
$language = $this->templater->getLanguage();
$params = [
'xf' => [
'versionId' => \XF::$versionId,
'version' => \XF::$version,
'app' => $this->app,
'time' => \XF::$time,
'debug' => \XF::$debugMode,
'language' => $language,
'style' => $style,
'isRtl' => $language->isRtl(),
'options' => $this->app->options()
if ($this->includeExtraParams)
$params['reactionColors'] = $this->app->container('reactionColors');
$params['reactionSprites'] = $this->app->container('reactionSprites');
catch (\Exception $e)
$params['reactionColors'] = [];
$params['reactionSprites'] = [];
$params['smilieSprites'] = $this->app->container('smilieSprites');
$params['displayStyles'] = $this->app->container('displayStyles');
return $params;
public function renderTemplate($template, &$error = null, &$updateCache = true)
if (!$this->templater->isKnownTemplate($template))
return false;
$this->lastRenderedTemplate = $template;
$error = null;
$output = $this->templater->renderTemplate($template, $this->renderParams, false);
$updateCache = true;
if (
&& !$this->allowCached
&& $this->useDevModeCache
&& !$this->templater->hasWatcherActionedTemplates()
// if we haven't touched any templates in this pipeline, we can look for a cached template
$rendered = $this->getIndividualCachedTemplate($template);
if (is_string($rendered))
$updateCache = false;
return $rendered;
return trim($this->renderToCss($template, $output));
catch (CssRenderException $e)
\XF::logException($e, false, "Error rendering template $template: ");
$error = $e->getMessage() . "\n" . implode("\n", $e->getContextLinesPrintable());
return false;
catch (\Exception $e)
\XF::logException($e, false, "Error rendering template $template: ");
$error = $e->getMessage();
return false;
* When given a color value which may contain a mix of XF and Less functions test and return the parsed color.
* If the provided Less is invalid, or no valid color found, returns null.
* @param $contents
* @return null|string
public function parseLessColorValue($value)
$parser = $this->getFreshLessParser();
$value = '@someVar: ' . $value . '; #test { color: @someVar; }';
$value = $this->prepareLessForRendering($value);
$css = $parser->parse($value)->getCss();
catch (\Exception $e)
return null;
preg_match('/color:\s*(#(?:[0-9a-f]{2}){2,4}|(#[0-9a-f]{3})|(rgb|hsl)a?\((-?\d+%?[,\s]+){2,3}\s*[\d\.]+%?\))/i', $css, $matches);
if (!$matches || !isset($matches[1]))
return null;
return $matches[1];
protected function renderToCss($template, $output)
switch (strrchr($template, '.'))
case '.less':
$parser = $this->getFreshLessParser();
$output = $this->prepareLessForRendering($output);
$output = $this->getLessPrepend() . $this->getLessPrependForPrefix($template) . $output;
$renderContents = $output;
$output = $parser->parse($output)->getCss();
catch (\Less_Exception_Parser $e)
throw CssRenderException::createFromLessException($e, $template, $renderContents);
$output = $this->prepareCssForRendering($output);
return $this->processRenderedCss($output);
protected function prepareLessForRendering($contents)
$contents = $this->processPropertyComments($contents);
$contents = $this->processStylePropertyShorthand($contents);
$contents = $this->processColorAdjustFunctions($contents);
$contents = $this->processColorFunctionSafety($contents);
$contents = $this->processAdditionalFunctions($contents);
return $contents;
protected function prepareCssForRendering($contents)
// note that we don't parse properties in CSS as they're likely to require LESS functions
return $contents;
protected function processRenderedCss($css)
$css = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match)
$color = trim($match[1]);
if (!$color)
return '';
$color = \XF::escapeString($color, 'datauri');
$url = "data:image/svg+xml,"
. "%3Csvg xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' viewBox='0 0 4.9 10'%3E"
. "%3Cstyle%3E._xfG%7Bfill:" . $color . ";%7D%3C/style%3E"
. "%3Cpath class='_xfG' d='M1.4 4.7l1.1-1.5 1 1.5m0 .6l-1 1.5-1.1-1.5'/%3E%3C/svg%3E";
return 'background-image: url("' . $url . '") !important' . $match[2];
return $css;
protected function processPropertyComments($contents)
$contents = preg_replace_callback('#//([^\n]+)#', function($match)
$comment = preg_replace('#(?<=[^a-z0-9-])xf-#i', '_xf-', $match[0]);
return $comment;
}, $contents);
return $contents;
protected function processStylePropertyShorthand($contents)
$contents = preg_replace_callback(
@xf-(?P<prop> [a-z0-9_]+(?!-[a-z0-9_]) (\--[a-z0-9_-]+)? )
(?P<fallback> (?> [^()]* (\( (?P>fallback) \))? )+ )
$prop = $this->style->getProperty($match['prop'], '');
if (!is_scalar($prop))
$prop = '';
$prop = strval($prop);
return strlen($prop) > 0 ? $prop : $match['fallback'];
$contents = preg_replace_callback('/@xf-([a-z0-9_]+(?!-[a-z0-9_])(\--[a-z0-9_-]+)?)/i', function($match)
$value = $this->style->getProperty($match[1], '');
return is_scalar($value) ? $value : '';
}, $contents);
$contents = preg_replace_callback('/@{xf-([a-z0-9_]+(\--[a-z0-9_-]+)?)}/i', function($match)
$value = $this->style->getProperty($match[1], '');
return is_scalar($value) ? $value : '';
}, $contents);
$contents = preg_replace_callback('/\.xf-([a-z0-9_]+)(\(([^)]+)*\))?(\s+?!important)?;?/i', function($match)
$filters = isset($match[3]) ? trim($match[3]) : null;
$retVal = $this->style->getCssProperty($match[1], $filters);
if (isset($match[4]))
$retVal .= "/* !important directive is not supported in CSS style properties! */";
return $retVal;
}, $contents);
return $contents;
protected function processColorAdjustFunctions($contents)
if ($this->style->getProperty('styleType', 'light') == 'light')
$intensify = 'darken';
$diminish = 'lighten';
$intensify = 'lighten';
$diminish = 'darken';
$contents = preg_replace('/(?<=[^a-z0-9-])xf-intensify\(/i', "{$intensify}(", $contents);
$contents = preg_replace('/(?<=[^a-z0-9-])xf-diminish\(/i', "{$diminish}(", $contents);
return $contents;
protected $adjustColorFunctions = [
protected function processColorFunctionSafety($contents)
$fns = implode('|', $this->adjustColorFunctions);
$contents = preg_replace('/(?<=[^a-z0-9-])(' . $fns . ')\s*\(\s*,/i', "\\1(transparent,", $contents);
return $contents;
protected function processAdditionalFunctions($contents)
$language = $this->templater->getLanguage();
$contents = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $match)
$options = \XF::options();
if (strpos($match[1], '.') !== false)
$keys = explode('.', $match[1], 2);
$result = $options[$keys[0]][$keys[1]] ?? null;
$result = $options[$match[1]] ?? null;
if ($result && isset($match[2], $match[3]))
$result .= trim($match[3]);
return $result;
$contents = preg_replace_callback(
function (array $match) use ($language)
if (strtolower($match[1]) == 'rtl')
return ($language->isRtl() ? 'true' : 'false');
return ($language->isRtl() ? 'false' : 'true');
return $contents;
* @return \Less_Parser
protected function getLessParser()
if (!$this->lessParser)
// TODO: option to enable source maps (has potential issues)
$isRtl = $this->templater->getLanguage()->isRtl();
$options = [
'import_callback' => [$this, 'handleLessImport'],
'compress' => \XF::$debugMode ? false : true,
'plugins' => [
new \XF\Less\RtlVisitorPre(),
new \XF\Less\RtlVisitor($isRtl)
$this->lessParser = new \Less_Parser($options);
return $this->lessParser;
* @return \Less_Parser
protected function getFreshLessParser()
if ($this->lessParser)
return $this->getLessParser();
protected function getLessPrepend()
if ($this->lessPrepend === null)
// this method will be more useful if we do parsed caching or source maps
//$this->lessPrepend = '@import "public:setup.less";' . "\n\n";
$prepend = trim($this->templater->renderTemplate('public:setup.less', $this->renderParams)) . "\n\n";
$prepend = $this->prepareLessForRendering($prepend);
$this->lessPrepend = $prepend;
return $this->lessPrepend;
protected $prefixPrepend = [];
protected function getLessPrependForPrefix(string $template): string
if (strpos($template, ':') === false)
return '';
$template = str_replace('.less', '', $template);
list($type, $template) = explode(':', $template, 2);
$prefix = strtok($template, '_');
if (!isset($this->prefixPrepend[$prefix]))
$prepend = '';
$prependTemplate = "$type:{$prefix}_prepend.less";
if ($this->templater->isKnownTemplate($prependTemplate))
$prepend = trim($this->templater->renderTemplate($prependTemplate, $this->renderParams)) . "\n\n";
$prepend = $this->prepareLessForRendering($prepend);
$this->prefixPrepend[$prefix] = $prepend;
return $this->prefixPrepend[$prefix];
public function handleLessImport(\Less_Tree_Import $import)
$template = $import->getPath();
$parts = explode(':', $template, 2);
if (!isset($parts[1]))
if ($this->lastRenderedTemplate)
$lastTemplate = explode(':', $this->lastRenderedTemplate, 2);
if (isset($lastTemplate[1]))
$template = "$lastTemplate[0]:$template";
throw new \Exception("Cannot process LESS import '$template' without a template type");
$tempFile = \XF\Util\File::getTempFile();
file_put_contents($tempFile, $this->prepareLessForRendering($this->templater->renderTemplate($template, $this->renderParams)));
return [$tempFile, $template];
public function cacheTemplate($title, $output)
$this->app->db()->insert('xf_css_cache', [
'style_id' => $this->style->getId(),
'language_id' => $this->getLanguageId(),
'title' => $title,
'modifier_key' => $this->cacheModifierKey,
'output' => $output,
'cache_date' => $this->style->getLastModified()
], false, 'output = VALUES(output), cache_date = VALUES(cache_date)');
public function prepareErrorOutput(array $errors)
if (!$errors || !\XF::$debugMode)
return '';
$errorOutput = [];
foreach ($errors AS $template => $error)
$errorOutput[] = strtr("* $template: $error", [
'\\' => '\\\\',
'\'' => '',
"\r" => '',
"\n" => '\A '
return 'body:before { display: block; content: \'Errors occurred when rendering CSS:\A ' . implode('\A \A ', $errorOutput)
. '\'; background: yellow; color: black; padding: 10px; margin: 10px; white-space: pre-wrap; }'
. "\n\n";
public function getTemplater()
return $this->templater;
public function setTemplater(Templater $templater)
$this->templater = $templater;
public function getStyleId()
return $this->templater->getStyleId();
public function getLanguageId()
return $this->templater->getLanguage()->getId();
public function getLastModifiedDate()
if ($this->style)
return $this->style->getLastModified();
return \XF::$time;
public function setAllowCached($value)
$this->allowCached = (bool)$value;
if (!$this->allowCached)
// if we're explicitly setting this, then don't allow the dev mode cache either
$this->useDevModeCache = false;
public function getAllowCached()
return $this->allowCached;
public function setAllowFinalCacheUpdate($value)
$this->allowFinalCacheUpdate = (bool)$value;
public function getAllowFinalCacheUpdate()
return $this->allowFinalCacheUpdate;