namespace XF\Service\User;
use XF\Entity\User;
use function is_null, is_string;
class ContentChange extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
use \XF\MultiPartRunnerTrait;
protected $originalUserId = 0;
protected $originalUserName = '';
protected $newUserId = null;
protected $newUserName = null;
protected $steps = [
protected $updates = [
'xf_admin_log' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_attachment_data' => ['user_id'],
'xf_ban_email' => ['create_user_id'],
'xf_bookmark_item' => ['user_id'],
'xf_bookmark_label' => ['user_id'],
'xf_content_vote' => [
'xf_conversation_master' => [
['user_id', 'username'],
['last_message_user_id', 'last_message_username']
'xf_conversation_message' => ['user_id', 'username'],
'xf_conversation_recipient' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_conversation_user' => [
['owner_user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
['last_message_user_id', 'last_message_username']
'xf_deletion_log' => ['delete_user_id', 'delete_username'],
'xf_edit_history' => ['edit_user_id'],
'xf_error_log' => ['user_id'],
'xf_feed' => ['user_id'],
'xf_forum' => ['last_post_user_id', 'last_post_username'],
'xf_forum_watch' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_ip' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_ip_match' => ['create_user_id'],
'xf_moderator_log' => [
['content_user_id', 'content_username']
'xf_news_feed' => ['user_id', 'username'],
'xf_poll_vote' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_post' => ['user_id', 'username'], // skip last edit user ID (performance reasons, minor benefit)
'xf_profile_post' => [
['profile_user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
['user_id', 'username']
'xf_profile_post_comment' => ['user_id', 'username'],
'xf_reaction_content' => [
'xf_report' => [
['last_modified_user_id', 'last_modified_username']
'xf_report_comment' => ['user_id', 'username'],
'xf_spam_cleaner_log' => [
['user_id', 'username'],
['applying_user_id', 'applying_username']
'xf_spam_trigger_log' => ['user_id'],
'xf_tag_content' => ['add_user_id'],
'xf_thread' => [
['user_id', 'username'],
['last_post_user_id', 'last_post_username']
'xf_thread_reply_ban' => [
['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_thread_question' => ['solution_user_id'],
'xf_thread_user_post' => ['user_id'], // this is combined with queries below to do a "merge"
'xf_thread_watch' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_user_alert' => ['user_id', 'username'],
'xf_user_ban' => ['ban_user_id'],
'xf_user_follow' => [
['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
['follow_user_id', 'emptyable' => false]
'xf_user_ignored' => [
['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
['ignored_user_id', 'emptyable' => false]
'xf_user_trophy' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_user_upgrade_active' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false], // TODO: not merging change records, so can't really do this
'xf_user_upgrade_expired' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_username_change' => ['user_id', 'emptyable' => false],
'xf_warning' => [
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, $originalUserId, $originalUsername = null)
if ($originalUserId instanceof User)
if ($originalUsername === null)
$originalUsername = $originalUserId->username;
$originalUserId = $originalUserId->user_id;
if ($originalUsername === '' || is_null($originalUsername))
throw new \LogicException("Must provide an original username explicitly or a User entity");
$this->originalUserId = $originalUserId;
$this->originalUserName = $originalUsername;
$app->fire('user_content_change_init', [$this, &$this->updates]);
public function getOriginalUserId()
return $this->originalUserId;
public function getOriginalUserName()
return $this->originalUserName;
public function getNewUserId()
return $this->newUserId;
public function getNewUserName()
return $this->newUserName;
public function setupForDelete()
$this->newUserId = 0;
$this->newUserName = $this->originalUserName; // ensure the values are correct
return $this;
public function setupForNameChange($newUsername)
$this->newUserId = null;
$this->newUserName = $newUsername;
return $this;
public function setupForMerge(User $newUser)
$this->newUserId = $newUser->user_id;
$this->newUserName = $newUser->username;
return $this;
public function setupRaw($newUserId, $newUserName)
$this->newUserId = $newUserId;
$this->newUserName = $newUserName;
return $this;
protected function getSteps()
return $this->steps;
public function apply($maxRunTime = 0)
if ($this->newUserId === null && $this->newUserName === null)
// no work to do
return \XF\ContinuationResult::completed();
$result = $this->runLoop($maxRunTime);
return $result;
protected function stepReassignContent($lastOffset, $maxRunTime)
$db = $this->db();
$originalUserId = $this->originalUserId;
$newUserId = $this->newUserId;
$newUsername = $this->newUserName;
$lastOffset = $lastOffset === null ? -1 : $lastOffset;
$thisOffset = -1;
$start = microtime(true);
foreach ($this->updates AS $table => $changes)
if ($thisOffset <= $lastOffset)
if (is_string($changes[0]))
// changes the simple ['user_id'] format to a consistent [['user_id']] format
$changes = [$changes];
foreach ($changes AS $change)
$userIdColumn = $change[0];
$usernameColumn = !empty($change[1]) ? $change[1] : null;
$sqlUpdates = [];
if ($newUserId !== null)
if (!$newUserId && isset($change['emptyable']) && !$change['emptyable'])
// trying to update user ID to 0 and this is set to be ignored
$sqlUpdates[] = "`{$userIdColumn}` = " . $db->quote($newUserId);
if ($newUsername !== null && $usernameColumn)
$sqlUpdates[] = "`{$usernameColumn}` = " . $db->quote($newUsername);
if ($sqlUpdates)
" . implode(', ', $sqlUpdates) . "
WHERE `{$userIdColumn}` = ?
", $originalUserId);
$lastOffset = $thisOffset;
if ($maxRunTime && microtime(true) - $start > $maxRunTime)
return $lastOffset; // continue at this position
return null; // finished
protected function stepMergeThreadUserPost()
if ($this->newUserId === null)
// merge the post counts here for accurate values
UPDATE xf_thread_user_post AS source, xf_thread_user_post AS target
SET target.post_count = target.post_count + source.post_count
WHERE source.user_id = ?
AND source.thread_id = target.thread_id
AND target.user_id = ?
", [$this->originalUserId, $this->newUserId]);
$this->db()->delete('xf_thread_user_post', 'user_id = ?', $this->originalUserId);
protected function stepRebuildLikes($lastOffset, $maxRunTime)
$newLikeUserId = $this->newUserId !== null ? $this->newUserId : $this->originalUserId;
$newLikeUsername = $this->newUserName !== null ? $this->newUserName : $this->originalUserName;
$lastOffset = $lastOffset === null ? -1 : $lastOffset;
$thisOffset = -1;
$start = microtime(true);
/** @var \XF\Repository\LikedContent $likeRepo */
$likeRepo = $this->repository('XF:LikedContent');
foreach ($likeRepo->getLikeHandlers() AS $contentType => $likeHandler)
if ($thisOffset <= $lastOffset)
$this->originalUserId, $newLikeUserId,
$this->originalUserName, $newLikeUsername
$lastOffset = $thisOffset;
if ($maxRunTime && microtime(true) - $start > $maxRunTime)
return $lastOffset; // continue at this position
return null;
protected function stepRebuildReactions($lastOffset, $maxRunTime)
$newReactionUserId = $this->newUserId !== null ? $this->newUserId : $this->originalUserId;
$newReactionUsername = $this->newUserName !== null ? $this->newUserName : $this->originalUserName;
$lastOffset = $lastOffset === null ? -1 : $lastOffset;
$thisOffset = -1;
$start = microtime(true);
/** @var \XF\Repository\Reaction $reactionRepo */
$reactionRepo = $this->repository('XF:Reaction');
foreach ($reactionRepo->getReactionHandlers() AS $contentType => $reactionHandler)
if ($thisOffset <= $lastOffset)
$this->originalUserId, $newReactionUserId,
$this->originalUserName, $newReactionUsername
$lastOffset = $thisOffset;
if ($maxRunTime && microtime(true) - $start > $maxRunTime)
return $lastOffset; // continue at this position
return null;
protected function stepConversationRecipientCache()
$newUserId = $this->newUserId !== null ? $this->newUserId : $this->originalUserId;
$newUserName = $this->newUserName !== null ? $this->newUserName : $this->originalUserName;
/** @var \XF\Repository\Conversation $convRepo */
$convRepo = $this->repository('XF:Conversation');
$this->originalUserId, $newUserId,
$this->originalUserName, $newUserName
protected function stepApplyWarningGroupChanges()
$newUserId = $this->getNewUserId();
if (!$newUserId)
// user has been deleted or it's just a name change, so no action needed
$userGroupChanges = $this->db()->fetchPairs("
SELECT change_key, group_ids
FROM xf_user_group_change
WHERE user_id = ?
AND change_key REGEXP BINARY '^warning_[0-9]+$'
", $this->getOriginalUserId());
foreach ($userGroupChanges AS $changeKey => $groupIds)
$userGroupChangeService = \XF::service('XF:User\UserGroupChange');
$userGroupChangeService->addUserGroupChange($newUserId, $changeKey, $groupIds);
protected function stepReassignSearchIndex()
if ($this->newUserId === null)
$this->app->search()->reassignContent($this->originalUserId, $this->newUserId);
protected function stepRebuildFinalCaches()
if ($this->newUserId === null)