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 * @brief        Notification Options
 * @author        <a href=''>Invision Power Services, Inc.</a>
 * @copyright    (c) Invision Power Services, Inc.
 * @license
 * @package        Invision Community
 * @since        15 Apr 2013

namespace IPS\core\extensions\core\Notifications;

/* To prevent PHP errors (extending class does not exist) revealing path */
if ( !defined( '\IPS\SUITE_UNIQUE_KEY' ) )
header( ( isset( $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] ) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_PROTOCOL'] : 'HTTP/1.0' ) . ' 403 Forbidden' );

 * Notification Options
class _Content
     * Get configuration
     * @param    \IPS\Member|null    $member    The member
     * @return    array
public function getConfiguration( $member )
$return = array(
'new_content'        => array( 'default' => array( 'email' ), 'disabled' => array() ),
'new_comment'        => array( 'default' => array( 'email' ), 'disabled' => array() ),
'new_review'        => array( 'default' => array( 'email' ), 'disabled' => array() ),
'follower_content'    => array( 'default' => array(), 'disabled' => array() ),
'quote'                => array( 'default' => array( 'inline' ), 'disabled' => array() ),
'mention'            => array( 'default' => array( 'inline' ), 'disabled' => array() ),
        if (
$member === NULL or \IPS\Settings::i()->reputation_enabled )
$return['new_likes'] = array( 'default' => array( 'inline' ), 'disabled' => array() );
        if (
$member === NULL or $member->modPermission( 'mod_see_warn' ) )
$return['warning_mods'] = array( 'default' => array( 'inline' ), 'disabled' => array(), 'icon' => 'lock' );
        if (
$member === NULL or $member->modPermission( 'can_view_reports' ) )
$return['report_center'] = array( 'default' => array( 'inline', 'email' ), 'disabled' => array(), 'icon' => 'lock' );
$return['automatic_moderation'] = array( 'default' => array( 'inline', 'email' ), 'disabled' => array(), 'icon' => 'lock' );
        if (
$member === NULL or $member->modPermission( 'can_view_hidden_content' ) )
$return['unapproved_content'] = array( 'default' => array( 'email' ), 'disabled' => array(), 'icon' => 'lock' );
            foreach ( \
IPS\Content::routedClasses( TRUE, TRUE ) as $class )
                if (
in_array( 'IPS\Content\Hideable', class_implements( $class ) ) )
                    if (
$member->modPermission( 'can_view_hidden_' . $class::$title ) )
$return['unapproved_content'] = array( 'default' => array( 'email' ), 'disabled' => array(), 'icon' => 'lock' );
     * Parse notification: new_content
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_new_content( $notification )
$item = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$item )
            throw new \

/* If the content item is queued for deletion, add the query string parameter so we can see it */
$url = $notification->item->url();

$notification->item->hidden() == -2 )
$url = $url->setQueryString( 'showDeleted', 1 );

        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__new_content', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $item->author()->name, mb_strtolower( $item->indefiniteArticle() ), $item->searchIndexContainerClass()->_title, $item->mapped('title') ) ) ),
'url'        => $url,
'content'    => $notification->item->content(),
'author'    => $notification->item->author(),
'unread'    => (bool) ( $item->unread() )
     * Parse notification: new_content_bulk
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
     return array(
     'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
     'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
     'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
     // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
     // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
     'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_new_content_bulk( $notification )
$node = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$node )
            throw new \
        if (
$notification->extra )
/* \IPS\Notification->extra will always be an array, but for bulk content notifications we are only storing a single member ID,
                so we need to grab just the one array entry (the member ID we stored) */
$memberId = $notification->extra;

is_array( $memberId ) )
$memberId = array_pop( $memberId );

$author = \IPS\Member::load( $memberId );
$author = new \IPS\Member;
$contentClass = $node::$contentItemClass;
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__new_content_bulk', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $author->name, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( $contentClass::$title . '_pl_lc' ), $node->_title ) ) ),
'url'        => $node->url(),
'author'    => $author
     * Parse notification: unapproved_content_bulk
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
     return array(
     'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
     'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
     'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
     // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
     // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
     'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_unapproved_content_bulk( $notification )
$node = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$node )
            throw new \
        if (
$notification->extra )
/* \IPS\Notification->extra will always be an array, but for bulk content notifications we are only storing a single member ID,
                so we need to grab just the one array entry (the member ID we stored) */
$memberId = $notification->extra;

is_array( $memberId ) )
$memberId = array_pop( $memberId );

$author = \IPS\Member::load( $memberId );
$author = new \IPS\Member;
$contentClass = $node::$contentItemClass;
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__unapproved_content_bulk', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $author->name, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( $contentClass::$title . '_pl_lc' ), $node->_title ) ) ),
'url'        => $node->url(),
'author'    => $author
     * Parse notification: new_content
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_new_comment( $notification )
$item = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$item )
            throw new \
$idColumn = $item::$databaseColumnId;
$commentClass = $item::$commentClass;
$between = time();
/* Is there a newer notification for this item? */
$between = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'sent_time', 'core_notifications', array( 'member=? AND item_id=? AND item_class=? AND sent_time>? AND notification_key=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $item->$idColumn, get_class( $item ), $notification->sent_time->getTimestamp(), $notification->notification_key ) )->first();
        catch( \
UnderflowException $e ) {}
$commenters = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'DISTINCT ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['author'], $commentClass::$databaseTable, array( $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['item'] . '=? AND ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['date'] . '>=? AND ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['date'] . '<? AND ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['author'] . ' !=?', $item->$idColumn, $notification->sent_time->getTimestamp(), $between, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) );
$names = array();
        foreach (
$commenters as $member )
            if (
count( $names ) > 2 )
$names[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'x_others', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( count( $commenters ) - 3 ) ) );
$names[] = \IPS\Member::load( $member )->name;
$comment = $commentClass::loadAndCheckPerms( $notification->item_sub_id );

/* If the comment is in the deletion queue, add the showDeleted=1 parameter otherwise it just won't show up */
$url = $comment->url('find');

$comment->hidden() == -2 )
$url = $url->setQueryString( 'showDeleted', 1 );
/* Unread? */
$unread = false;
        if (
$item->timeLastRead() instanceof \IPS\DateTime )
$unread = (bool) ( $item->timeLastRead()->getTimestamp() > $notification->updated_time->getTimestamp() );
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__new_comment', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( count( $commenters ) ), 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( $names ), $item->mapped('title') ) ) ),
'url'        => $url,
'content'    => $comment->content(),
'author'    => $comment->author(),
'unread'    => $unread,
     * Parse notification: new_review
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_new_review( $notification )
$item = $notification->item;

        if ( !
$item )
            throw new \
$idColumn = $item::$databaseColumnId;
$between = time();
/* Is there a newer notification for this item? */
$between = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'sent_time', 'core_notifications', array( 'member=? AND item_id=? AND item_class=? AND sent_time>?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $item->$idColumn, get_class( $item ), $notification->sent_time->getTimestamp() ) )->first();
        catch( \
UnderflowException $e ) {}
$commentClass = $item::$reviewClass;
$commenters = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'DISTINCT ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['author'], $commentClass::$databaseTable, array( $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['item'] . '=? AND ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['date'] . '>=? AND ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['date'] . '<? AND ' . $commentClass::$databasePrefix . $commentClass::$databaseColumnMap['author'] . ' !=?', $item->$idColumn, $notification->sent_time->getTimestamp(), $between, \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id ) );
$names = array();
        foreach (
$commenters as $member )
            if (
count( $names ) > 2 )
$names[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'x_others', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( count( $commenters ) - 3 ) ) );
$names[] = \IPS\Member::load( $member )->name;
$review = $commentClass::loadAndCheckPerms( $notification->item_sub_id );
/* Unread? */
$unread = false;
        if (
$item->timeLastRead() instanceof \IPS\DateTime )
$unread = (bool) ( $item->timeLastRead()->getTimestamp() > $notification->updated_time->getTimestamp() );
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__new_review', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( count( $commenters ) ), 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( $names ), $item->mapped('title') ) ) ),
'url'        => $review->url('find'),
'content'    => $review->content(),
'author'    => $review->author(),
'unread'    => $unread,
     * Parse notification: warning_mods
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_warning_mods( $notification )
        if ( !
$notification->item )
            throw new \
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__warning_mods', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( \IPS\Member::load( $notification->item->member )->name, \IPS\Member::load( $notification->item->moderator )->name ) ) ),
'url'        => $notification->item->url(),
'content'    => $notification->item->note_mods,
'author'    => \IPS\Member::load( $notification->item->moderator ),
     * Parse notification: report_center
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_report_center( $notification )
        if ( !
$notification->item_sub )
            throw new \

$reported = $notification->item_sub;
$item = ( $reported instanceof \IPS\Content\Item ) ? $reported : $reported->item();

        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__report_center', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $notification->item->author()->name, mb_strtolower( $reported->indefiniteArticle() ), $item->mapped('title' ) ) ) ),
'url'        => $notification->item->url(),
'content'    => NULL,
'author'    => $notification->item->author(),
     * Parse notification: automatic_moderation
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_automatic_moderation( $notification )
        if ( !
$notification->item_sub )
            throw new \

$reported = $notification->item_sub;
$item = ( $reported instanceof \IPS\Content\Item ) ? $reported : $reported->item();

        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__automatic_moderation', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( mb_strtolower( $reported->indefiniteArticle() ), $item->mapped('title' ) ) ) ),
'url'        => $notification->item->url(),
'content'    => NULL,
'author'    => $notification->item->author(),
     * Parse notification: unapproved_content
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
         return array(
             'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
             'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
             'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
                                                             // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
                                                             // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
             'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_unapproved_content( $notification )
        if ( !
$notification->item )
            throw new \
$item = $notification->item;
        if (
$item instanceof \IPS\Content\Comment OR $item instanceof \IPS\Content\Review )
$title = $item->item()->mapped('title');
$title = $item->mapped('title');
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__unapproved_content', FALSE, array( 'sprintf' => array( $item->author()->name, mb_strtolower( $item->indefiniteArticle() ), $title ) ) ),
'url'        => $item->url(),
'content'    => $item->content(),
'author'    => $item->author(),
     * Parse notification: mention
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
     return array(
     'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
     'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
     'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
     // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
     // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
     'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_mention( $notification )
$item = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$item )
            throw new \
$comment = $notification->item_sub ?: $item;
        if ( !
$comment )
            throw new \
        if (
$notification->extra )
$memberIds = array_unique( $notification->extra );
$andXOthers = NULL;
            if (
count( $memberIds ) > 3 )
$andXOthers = count( $memberIds ) - 2;
array_splice( $memberIds, 2 );
$quoters = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'name', 'core_members', \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_id', $memberIds ) ) );
            if (
$andXOthers )
$quoters[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'x_others', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $andXOthers ) ) );
$quoters = array( $comment->author()->name );
$count        = count( $quoters );
$quoters    = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( $quoters );
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__new_mention', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $count ), 'sprintf' => array( $quoters, mb_strtolower( $item->indefiniteArticle() ), $item->mapped('title') ) ) ),
'url'        => $comment instanceof \IPS\Content\Item ? $item->url() : $comment->url('find'),
'content'    => $comment->truncated(),
'author'    => $comment->author(),
'unread'    => (bool) ( $item->unread() ),
     * Parse notification: quote
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array
     * @code
     return array(
     'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
     'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
     'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
     // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
     // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
     'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_quote( $notification )
$item = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$item )
            throw new \
$comment = $notification->item_sub ?: $item;
        if ( !
$comment )
            throw new \
        if (
$notification->extra )
$memberIds = array_unique( $notification->extra );
$andXOthers = NULL;
            if (
count( $memberIds ) > 3 )
$andXOthers = count( $memberIds ) - 2;
array_splice( $memberIds, 2 );
$quoters = iterator_to_array( \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'name', 'core_members', \IPS\Db::i()->in( 'member_id', $memberIds ) ) );
            if (
$andXOthers )
$quoters[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'x_others', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $andXOthers ) ) );
$quoters = array( $comment->author()->name );
$count        = count( $quoters );
$quoters    = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( $quoters );
        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'notification__new_quote', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( $count ), 'sprintf' => array( $quoters, mb_strtolower( $item->indefiniteArticle() ), $item->mapped('title') ) ) ),
'url'        => $comment instanceof \IPS\Content\Item ? $item->url() : $comment->url('find'),
'content'    => $comment->truncated(),
'author'    => $comment->author(),
'unread'    => (bool) ( $item->unread() ),
     * Parse notification: new_likes
     * @param    \IPS\Notification\Inline    $notification    The notification
     * @return    array|NULL
     * @code
     return array(
     'title'        => "Mark has replied to A Topic",    // The notification title
     'url'        => \IPS\Http\Url::internal( ... ),    // The URL the notification should link to
     'content'    => "Lorem ipsum dolar sit",            // [Optional] Any appropriate content. Do not format this like an email where the text
     // explains what the notification is about - just include any appropriate content.
     // For example, if the notification is about a post, set this as the body of the post.
     'author'    =>  \IPS\Member::load( 1 ),            // [Optional] The user whose photo should be displayed for this notification
     * @endcode
public function parse_new_likes( $notification )
$comment = $notification->item;
        if ( !
$comment )
            throw new \

$item = ( $comment instanceof \IPS\Content\Item ) ? $comment : $comment->item();
$idColumn = $comment::$databaseColumnId;
$between = time();
/* Is there a newer notification for this item? */
$between = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'sent_time', 'core_notifications', array( 'member=? AND item_id=? AND item_class=? AND sent_time>? AND notification_key=?', \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->member_id, $comment->$idColumn, get_class( $comment ), $notification->sent_time->getTimestamp(), $notification->notification_key ) )->first();
        catch( \
UnderflowException $e ) {}
$likers = \IPS\Db::i()->select( 'DISTINCT member_id, rep_date', 'core_reputation_index', array( 'app=? AND type=? AND rep_date>=? AND rep_date<? AND type_id=?', $comment::$application, $comment::reactionType(), $notification->sent_time->getTimestamp(), $between, $comment->$idColumn ), 'rep_date desc' );

$names    = array();
$first    = array();
$likers AS $member )
            if( empty(
$first ) )
$first = $member;

            if (
count( $names ) > 2 )
$names[] = \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( 'x_others', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( count( $likers ) - 3 ) ) );
$names[] = \IPS\Member::load( $member['member_id'] )->name;

        if( empty(
$first ) )
            throw new \

        return array(
'title'        => \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->addToStack( \IPS\Content\Reaction::isLikeMode() ? 'notification__new_likes' : 'notification__new_react', FALSE, array( 'pluralize' => array( count( $likers ) ), 'sprintf' => array( ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['gbw_view_reps'] ) ? \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->formatList( $names ) : \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->pluralize( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->language()->get( \IPS\Content\Reaction::isLikeMode() ? 'notifications_user_count_like' : 'notifications_user_count_react' ), array( count( $likers ) ) ), mb_strtolower( $comment->indefiniteArticle() ) ) ) ) . ' ' . $item->mapped('title'),
'url'        => ( $comment instanceof \IPS\Content\Comment ) ? $comment->url('find') : $comment->url(),
'content'    => $comment->truncated(),
'author'    => ( \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->group['gbw_view_reps'] ) ? \IPS\Member::load( $first['member_id'] ) : new \IPS\Member