* CakePHP(tm) : Rapid Development Framework (https://cakephp.org)
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice.
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (https://cakefoundation.org)
* @link https://cakephp.org CakePHP(tm) Project
* @since 2.0.0
* @license https://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Cake\Console;
use InvalidArgumentException;
* Object wrapper for outputting information from a shell application.
* Can be connected to any stream resource that can be used with fopen()
* Can generate colorized output on consoles that support it. There are a few
* built in styles
* - `error` Error messages.
* - `warning` Warning messages.
* - `info` Informational messages.
* - `comment` Additional text.
* - `question` Magenta text used for user prompts
* By defining styles with addStyle() you can create custom console styles.
* ### Using styles in output
* You can format console output using tags with the name of the style to apply. From inside a shell object
* ```
* $this->out('<warning>Overwrite:</warning> foo.php was overwritten.');
* ```
* This would create orange 'Overwrite:' text, while the rest of the text would remain the normal color.
* See ConsoleOutput::styles() to learn more about defining your own styles. Nested styles are not supported
* at this time.
class ConsoleOutput
* Raw output constant - no modification of output text.
* @var int
const RAW = 0;
* Plain output - tags will be stripped.
* @var int
const PLAIN = 1;
* Color output - Convert known tags in to ANSI color escape codes.
* @var int
const COLOR = 2;
* Constant for a newline.
* @var string
const LF = PHP_EOL;
* File handle for output.
* @var resource
protected $_output;
* The current output type.
* @see setOutputAs() For manipulation.
* @var int
protected $_outputAs = self::COLOR;
* text colors used in colored output.
* @var array
protected static $_foregroundColors = [
'black' => 30,
'red' => 31,
'green' => 32,
'yellow' => 33,
'blue' => 34,
'magenta' => 35,
'cyan' => 36,
'white' => 37,
* background colors used in colored output.
* @var array
protected static $_backgroundColors = [
'black' => 40,
'red' => 41,
'green' => 42,
'yellow' => 43,
'blue' => 44,
'magenta' => 45,
'cyan' => 46,
'white' => 47,
* Formatting options for colored output.
* @var array
protected static $_options = [
'bold' => 1,
'underline' => 4,
'blink' => 5,
'reverse' => 7,
* Styles that are available as tags in console output.
* You can modify these styles with ConsoleOutput::styles()
* @var array
protected static $_styles = [
'emergency' => ['text' => 'red'],
'alert' => ['text' => 'red'],
'critical' => ['text' => 'red'],
'error' => ['text' => 'red'],
'warning' => ['text' => 'yellow'],
'info' => ['text' => 'cyan'],
'debug' => ['text' => 'yellow'],
'success' => ['text' => 'green'],
'comment' => ['text' => 'blue'],
'question' => ['text' => 'magenta'],
'notice' => ['text' => 'cyan'],
* Construct the output object.
* Checks for a pretty console environment. Ansicon and ConEmu allows
* pretty consoles on windows, and is supported.
* @param string $stream The identifier of the stream to write output to.
public function __construct($stream = 'php://stdout')
$this->_output = fopen($stream, 'wb');
if (
(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR === '\\' && !(bool)env('ANSICON') && env('ConEmuANSI') !== 'ON') ||
(function_exists('posix_isatty') && !posix_isatty($this->_output))
) {
$this->_outputAs = self::PLAIN;
* Outputs a single or multiple messages to stdout or stderr. If no parameters
* are passed, outputs just a newline.
* @param string|string[] $message A string or an array of strings to output
* @param int $newlines Number of newlines to append
* @return int|bool The number of bytes returned from writing to output.
public function write($message, $newlines = 1)
if (is_array($message)) {
$message = implode(static::LF, $message);
return $this->_write($this->styleText($message . str_repeat(static::LF, $newlines)));
* Apply styling to text.
* @param string $text Text with styling tags.
* @return string String with color codes added.
public function styleText($text)
if ($this->_outputAs == static::RAW) {
return $text;
if ($this->_outputAs == static::PLAIN) {
$tags = implode('|', array_keys(static::$_styles));
return preg_replace('#</?(?:' . $tags . ')>#', '', $text);
return preg_replace_callback(
[$this, '_replaceTags'],
* Replace tags with color codes.
* @param array $matches An array of matches to replace.
* @return string
protected function _replaceTags($matches)
/** @var array $style */
$style = $this->styles($matches['tag']);
if (empty($style)) {
return '<' . $matches['tag'] . '>' . $matches['text'] . '</' . $matches['tag'] . '>';
$styleInfo = [];
if (!empty($style['text']) && isset(static::$_foregroundColors[$style['text']])) {
$styleInfo[] = static::$_foregroundColors[$style['text']];
if (!empty($style['background']) && isset(static::$_backgroundColors[$style['background']])) {
$styleInfo[] = static::$_backgroundColors[$style['background']];
unset($style['text'], $style['background']);
foreach ($style as $option => $value) {
if ($value) {
$styleInfo[] = static::$_options[$option];
return "\033[" . implode(';', $styleInfo) . 'm' . $matches['text'] . "\033[0m";
* Writes a message to the output stream.
* @param string $message Message to write.
* @return int|bool The number of bytes returned from writing to output.
protected function _write($message)
return fwrite($this->_output, $message);
* Get the current styles offered, or append new ones in.
* ### Get a style definition
* ```
* $output->styles('error');
* ```
* ### Get all the style definitions
* ```
* $output->styles();
* ```
* ### Create or modify an existing style
* ```
* $output->styles('annoy', ['text' => 'purple', 'background' => 'yellow', 'blink' => true]);
* ```
* ### Remove a style
* ```
* $this->output->styles('annoy', false);
* ```
* @param string|null $style The style to get or create.
* @param array|false|null $definition The array definition of the style to change or create a style
* or false to remove a style.
* @return array|true|null If you are getting styles, the style or null will be returned. If you are creating/modifying
* styles true will be returned.
public function styles($style = null, $definition = null)
if ($style === null && $definition === null) {
return static::$_styles;
if (is_string($style) && $definition === null) {
return isset(static::$_styles[$style]) ? static::$_styles[$style] : null;
if ($definition === false) {
return true;
static::$_styles[$style] = $definition;
return true;
* Get the output type on how formatting tags are treated.
* @return int
public function getOutputAs()
return $this->_outputAs;
* Set the output type on how formatting tags are treated.
* @param int $type The output type to use. Should be one of the class constants.
* @return void
* @throws \InvalidArgumentException in case of a not supported output type.
public function setOutputAs($type)
if (!in_array($type, [self::RAW, self::PLAIN, self::COLOR], true)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('Invalid output type "%s".', $type));
$this->_outputAs = $type;
* Get/Set the output type to use. The output type how formatting tags are treated.
* @deprecated 3.5.0 Use getOutputAs()/setOutputAs() instead.
* @param int|null $type The output type to use. Should be one of the class constants.
* @return int|null Either null or the value if getting.
public function outputAs($type = null)
'ConsoleOutput::outputAs() is deprecated. ' .
'Use ConsoleOutput::setOutputAs()/getOutputAs() instead.'
if ($type === null) {
return $this->_outputAs;
$this->_outputAs = $type;
* Clean up and close handles
public function __destruct()
if (is_resource($this->_output)) {