namespace XF\Db\Schema;
use function in_array, is_array, strval;
class Column extends AbstractDefinition
protected $newName;
protected $type;
protected $length;
protected $values;
protected $unsigned = false;
protected $nullable = false;
protected $default;
protected $autoIncrement = false;
protected $comment;
protected $after;
protected function init()
if ($this->isAlter() && !$this->existingDefinition)
/** @var Alter $ddl */
$ddl = $this->ddl;
$this->existingDefinition = $ddl->getColumnDefinition($this->name);
public function renameTo($renameTo)
if (!$this->isAlter())
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"It is not possible to rename the column named {$this->name} during table create."
if ($renameTo !== $this->name)
$this->newName = $renameTo;
/** @var Alter $ddl */
$ddl = $this->ddl;
$ddl->registerColumnRename($this->name, $renameTo);
return $this;
protected function conflictRename()
if (!$this->isAlter())
throw new \InvalidArgumentException(
"It is not possible to trigger a conflict rename outside of alters."
/** @var Alter $ddl */
$ddl = $this->ddl;
$conflictName = $this->name . '__conflict';
if ($ddl->getColumnDefinition($conflictName))
$i = 2;
while ($ddl->getColumnDefinition($conflictName . $i))
$conflictName .= $i;
$this->nullable(); // we need to ensure that a lack of a default doesn't break things
$ddl->registerConflictRename($this->name, $conflictName);
return $conflictName;
public function isRename()
return ($this->newName ? true : false);
public function type($type, $length = null)
$type = strtoupper($type);
switch ($type)
case 'ENUM':
case 'SET':
if ($length !== null)
$length = null;
case 'DEC':
case 'FIXED':
case 'NUMERIC':
$type = 'DOUBLE';
$this->unsigned = true;
case 'REAL':
$sqlMode = $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT @@sql_mode');
if (strpos($sqlMode, 'REAL_AS_FLOAT') !== false)
$type = 'FLOAT';
$type = 'DOUBLE';
$this->unsigned = true;
case 'SERIAL': // this is an alias so this shouldn't happen
$type = 'BIGINT';
$this->unsigned = true;
$this->autoIncrement = true;
case 'BOOL':
case 'BOOLEAN':
$type = 'TINYINT';
$length = null;
case 'TINYINT':
case 'SMALLINT':
case 'INT':
case 'BIGINT':
case 'DECIMAL':
case 'DOUBLE':
case 'FLOAT':
$this->unsigned = true;
$this->type = $type;
if ($length)
$this->length = $length;
if ($this->isAlter())
if (!in_array($type, ['ENUM', 'SET']) && $this->values)
// if values already set and not an enum/set then remove them
$this->values = null;
if (!$this->isIntType($type) && $this->unsigned)
// if changing column to a non-int type, and unsigned is set, reset it
$this->unsigned = false;
return $this;
public function length($length)
if (in_array($this->type, ['ENUM', 'SET']))
$this->length = $length;
return $this;
public function values($values)
if (!is_array($values))
$values = [$values];
$this->values = $values;
$this->length = null;
return $this;
public function addValues($values)
if (!is_array($this->values))
throw new \LogicException("Cannot add values to a column when existing values are not loaded/do not apply");
if (!is_array($values))
$values = [$values];
foreach ($values AS $value)
if (!in_array($value, $this->values, true))
$this->values[] = $value;
return $this;
public function removeValues($values)
if (!is_array($this->values))
throw new \LogicException("Cannot add values to a column when existing values are not loaded/do not apply");
if (!is_array($values))
$values = [$values];
foreach ($values AS $value)
$index = array_search($value, $this->values, true);
if ($index !== false)
$this->values = array_values($this->values);
return $this;
public function unsigned($unsigned = null)
if ($unsigned === null)
$unsigned = true;
$this->unsigned = $unsigned;
return $this;
public function nullable($nullable = null)
if ($nullable === null)
$nullable = true;
$this->nullable = $nullable;
return $this;
public function setDefault($default)
$this->default = $default;
return $this;
public function autoIncrement($autoIncrement = null, $setAsPrimary = true)
if ($autoIncrement === null)
$autoIncrement = true;
$this->autoIncrement = $autoIncrement;
if ($setAsPrimary)
return $this;
public function primaryKey()
return $this;
public function comment($comment)
$this->comment = $comment;
return $this;
public function after($after)
$this->after = $after;
return $this;
public function drop()
if ($this->isAlter())
/** @var Alter $ddl */
$ddl = $this->ddl;
public function getDefinition($change = false)
if ($this->isRename() && !$change)
throw new \LogicException("It is only possible to rename the column '{$this->name}' when changing it");
$columnName = $this->isRename() ? $this->newName : $this->name;
$type = $this->type;
$length = $this->length;
$values = $this->values;
/** @var Alter|Create $ddl */
$ddl = $this->ddl;
if ($this->drop)
if ($this->existingDefinition)
return "DROP `$columnName`";
return '';
$definition = '';
if ($this->isAlter() && $this->existingDefinition && !$change)
// we should be creating a new column, check if we have an existing column...
$existing = new static($this->db, $ddl, $this->name, $this->existingDefinition);
if ($this->compare($existing))
// ...new column is identical to existing column so skip it
return '';
// new column exists but isn't the same schema, so try to adjust it instead
if ($this->isIntType($type) && $length === null)
// new column doesn't specify length and is an int so let it be inferred
$existing->length = null;
if ($length && $existing->length && $length < $existing->length)
throw new \LogicException("$columnName already exists in table, but cannot change length");
if (in_array($type, ['ENUM', 'SET']) && $existing->values !== $values)
throw new \LogicException("$columnName already exists in table, but cannot change enum/set values");
if ($this->forceChanges)
// adding a new column but one exists with an unexpected schema, we need to rename it
$conflictName = $existing->conflictRename();
$definition .= $existing->getDefinition(true) . ', ';
$errorMessage = sprintf(
"Renamed column %s.%s to %s to avoid schema conflict",
\XF::logError($errorMessage, true);
throw new \LogicException("$columnName already exists in table, but does not have the expected schema");
if ($change)
if ($this->isRename())
if ($this->isAlter() && $ddl->getColumnDefinition($this->newName))
// the column is being renamed to a name that already exists
return '';
$definition .= "CHANGE COLUMN `$this->name` ";
else if ($this->isAlter())
$definition .= "MODIFY COLUMN ";
if ($this->isAlter())
$definition .= "ADD ";
if ($this->isAlter() && !$this->existingDefinition && $change)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column definition '{$this->name}' does not exist therefore it cannot be changed.");
if (!$type)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column definition '$columnName' must include a type.");
$definition .= $this->getColumnDefinitionSql();
if ($this->isAlter() && $this->after)
$definition .= " AFTER `$this->after`";
return $definition;
protected function getColumnDefinitionSql()
$columnName = $this->isRename() ? $this->newName : $this->name;
$type = $this->type;
$length = $this->length;
$values = $this->values;
$default = $this->default;
$comment = $this->comment;
$definition = "`$columnName` $type";
if (in_array($type, ['VARCHAR', 'BINARY', 'VARBINARY']) && !$length)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column type '$type' for column '$columnName' must include a length.");
if (in_array($type, ['TINYBLOB', 'MEDIUMBLOB', 'LONGBLOB', 'BLOB', 'TINYTEXT', 'MEDIUMTEXT', 'LONGTEXT', 'TEXT']) && $length)
$length = 0;
if ($length && !$this->isIntType($type))
// note that we ignore the length for any integer type as it doesn't change how they work.
// different lengths are not incompatibilities
$definition .= "($length)";
if (in_array($type, ['ENUM', 'SET']) && !$values)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Column type '$type' for column '$columnName' must include values.");
if ($values)
$definition .= '(' . $this->db->quote($values) . ')';
if ($this->unsigned)
$definition .= ' UNSIGNED';
if (!$this->nullable)
$definition .= ' NOT NULL';
else if ($default === null)
$default = 'NULL';
if ($this->autoIncrement)
$definition .= ' AUTO_INCREMENT';
else if ($default !== null)
if (strtoupper($default) === 'NULL')
$definition .= ' DEFAULT NULL';
$definition .= ' DEFAULT ' . $this->db->quote(strval($default));
if ($comment)
$definition .= ' COMMENT ' . $this->db->quote(strval($comment));
return $definition;
public function setDefinition()
if (!$this->isAlter())
$definition = $this->existingDefinition;
if (!$definition)
public function setupFromExistingDefinition(array $definition)
list ($type, $length, $unsigned) = $this->inferColumnType($definition);
if ($type !== null)
if ($length !== null)
if (is_array($length))
$this->values = $length;
$this->length = $length;
if ($type && $unsigned !== null)
$this->unsigned = $unsigned;
if ($definition['Null'] == 'YES')
$this->nullable = true;
if ($definition['Default'] !== null)
$this->default = $definition['Default'];
if ($definition['Extra'] && $definition['Extra'] == 'auto_increment')
$this->autoIncrement = true;
if ($definition['Comment'])
$this->comment = $definition['Comment'];
public function resetDefinition()
$this->type = null;
$this->length = null;
$this->values = null;
$this->unsigned = false;
$this->nullable = false;
$this->default = null;
$this->autoIncrement = false;
$this->comment = null;
return $this;
public function inferColumnType($typeDefinition)
$type = null;
$length = null;
$unsigned = null;
if (preg_match('/^([a-z0-9]*)(?:\((.*)\))*(?:\s+([a-z0-9]*))*/i', $typeDefinition['Type'], $matches))
$type = $matches[1] ?? null;
if ($type)
if (in_array($type, ['enum', 'set']) && isset($matches[2]))
$length = str_replace('\'', '', explode(',', $matches[2]));
if (isset($matches[2]))
$length = $matches[2];
$unsigned = isset($matches[3]) ? true : false;
return [$type, $length, $unsigned];
public function isIntType($type)
switch (strtolower($type))
case 'tinyint':
case 'smallint':
case 'mediumint':
case 'int':
case 'integer':
case 'bigint':
return true;
return false;
public function getComparisonValue()
return 'column: ' . $this->getColumnDefinitionSql();
public function toArray()
$array = parent::toArray();
if ($this->isIntType($array['type']))
// int type lengths aren't really relevant for comparison so remove
return $array;