* Chunk Exception
* @package Less
* @subpackage exception
class Less_Exception_Chunk extends Less_Exception_Parser{
protected $parserCurrentIndex = 0;
protected $emitFrom = 0;
protected $input_len;
* Constructor
* @param string $input
* @param Exception $previous Previous exception
* @param integer $index The current parser index
* @param Less_FileInfo|string $currentFile The file
* @param integer $code The exception code
public function __construct($input, Exception $previous = null, $index = null, $currentFile = null, $code = 0){
$this->message = 'ParseError: Unexpected input'; //default message
$this->index = $index;
$this->currentFile = $currentFile;
$this->input = $input;
$this->input_len = strlen($input);
* See less.js chunks()
* We don't actually need the chunks
protected function Chunks(){
$level = 0;
$parenLevel = 0;
$lastMultiCommentEndBrace = null;
$lastOpening = null;
$lastMultiComment = null;
$lastParen = null;
for( $this->parserCurrentIndex = 0; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++ ){
$cc = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if ((($cc >= 97) && ($cc <= 122)) || ($cc < 34)) {
// a-z or whitespace
switch ($cc) {
// (
case 40:
$lastParen = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
continue 2;
// )
case 41:
if( $parenLevel < 0 ){
return $this->fail("missing opening `(`");
continue 2;
// ;
case 59:
//if (!$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); }
continue 2;
// {
case 123:
$lastOpening = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
continue 2;
// }
case 125:
if( $level < 0 ){
return $this->fail("missing opening `{`");
//if (!$level && !$parenLevel) { $this->emitChunk(); }
continue 2;
// \
case 92:
if ($this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1) { $this->parserCurrentIndex++; continue 2; }
return $this->fail("unescaped `\\`");
// ", ' and `
case 34:
case 39:
case 96:
$matched = 0;
$currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) {
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if ($cc2 > 96) { continue; }
if ($cc2 == $cc) { $matched = 1; break; }
if ($cc2 == 92) { // \
if ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1) {
return $this->fail("unescaped `\\`");
if ($matched) { continue 2; }
return $this->fail("unmatched `" . chr($cc) . "`", $currentChunkStartIndex);
// /, check for comment
case 47:
if ($parenLevel || ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1)) { continue 2; }
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1);
if ($cc2 == 47) {
// //, find lnfeed
for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) {
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if (($cc2 <= 13) && (($cc2 == 10) || ($cc2 == 13))) { break; }
} else if ($cc2 == 42) {
// /*, find */
$lastMultiComment = $currentChunkStartIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
for ($this->parserCurrentIndex = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 2; $this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1; $this->parserCurrentIndex++) {
$cc2 = $this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex);
if ($cc2 == 125) { $lastMultiCommentEndBrace = $this->parserCurrentIndex; }
if ($cc2 != 42) { continue; }
if ($this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1) == 47) { break; }
if ($this->parserCurrentIndex == $this->input_len - 1) {
return $this->fail("missing closing `*/`", $currentChunkStartIndex);
continue 2;
// *, check for unmatched */
case 42:
if (($this->parserCurrentIndex < $this->input_len - 1) && ($this->CharCode($this->parserCurrentIndex+1) == 47)) {
return $this->fail("unmatched `/*`");
continue 2;
if( $level !== 0 ){
if( ($lastMultiComment > $lastOpening) && ($lastMultiCommentEndBrace > $lastMultiComment) ){
return $this->fail("missing closing `}` or `*/`", $lastOpening);
} else {
return $this->fail("missing closing `}`", $lastOpening);
} else if ( $parenLevel !== 0 ){
return $this->fail("missing closing `)`", $lastParen);
//chunk didn't fail
public function CharCode($pos){
return ord($this->input[$pos]);
public function fail( $msg, $index = null ){
if( !$index ){
$this->index = $this->parserCurrentIndex;
$this->index = $index;
$this->message = 'ParseError: '.$msg;
function emitChunk( $force = false ){
$len = $this->parserCurrentIndex - $this->emitFrom;
if ((($len < 512) && !$force) || !$len) {
$chunks[] = substr($this->input, $this->emitFrom, $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1 - $this->emitFrom );
$this->emitFrom = $this->parserCurrentIndex + 1;