namespace XF\Service\Tag;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use function count, intval, is_array, is_string;
class Changer extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
* @var \XF\Repository\Tag
protected $tagRepo;
* @var \XF\Tag\AbstractHandler
protected $handler;
protected $contentType;
protected $contentId;
protected $permissions = [];
* @var \XF\Entity\TagContent[]
protected $existingTags = [];
protected $createTags = [];
protected $addTags = [];
protected $removeTags = [];
protected $invalidCreateTags = [];
protected $errors = null;
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, $contentType, Entity $context)
$this->tagRepo = $this->repository('XF:Tag');
$this->handler = $this->tagRepo->getTagHandler($contentType, true);
$this->contentType = $contentType;
$this->permissions = array_merge(
$expectedEntityType = $app->getContentTypeEntity($contentType);
if ($app->em()->entityIsA($context, $expectedEntityType))
$id = $context->getIdentifierValues();
if (!$id || count($id) != 1)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Entity does not have an ID or does not have a simple key");
public function setContentId($id, $newlyCreated = false)
$id = intval($id);
if (!$id)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid ID provided");
if (!$newlyCreated)
if ($this->createTags || $this->addTags || $this->removeTags)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Content must be set before you attempt to manipulate tags");
$finder = $this->tagRepo->findContentTags($this->contentType, $id);
$this->existingTags = $finder->keyedBy('tag_id')->fetch()->toArray();
$this->contentId = $id;
return $this;
public function getContentId()
return $this->contentId;
public function getExistingTagsByEditability()
$editable = [];
$uneditable = [];
$editOthers = $this->getPermission('removeOthers');
$userId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
if ($this->existingTags)
foreach ($this->existingTags AS $id => $contentTag)
if ($editOthers || $contentTag->add_user_id == $userId)
$editable[$id] = $contentTag;
$uneditable[$id] = $contentTag;
return [
'editable' => $editable,
'uneditable' => $uneditable
public function setEditableTags($tagList)
if (!is_array($tagList))
$tagList = $this->splitTags($tagList);
$editability = $this->getExistingTagsByEditability();
foreach ($editability['uneditable'] AS $uneditable)
// sanity check to make sure it doesn't get removed
if (is_string($uneditable->tag))
$tagList[] = $uneditable->tag;
$this->setTags($tagList, true);
public function setTags($tagList, $ignoreNonRemovable = false)
$this->errors = null; // need to check after changing
if (!is_array($tagList))
$tagList = $this->splitTags($tagList);
$this->addTagsInternal($tagList, $existingAdded);
$removeExisting = $this->existingTags;
foreach ($existingAdded AS $id)
$visitorUserId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
foreach ($removeExisting AS $tag)
if ($ignoreNonRemovable
&& !$this->getPermission('removeOthers')
&& $tag->add_user_id != $visitorUserId
// can't remove but told to ignore
$this->removeTags[$tag->tag_id] = $tag->tag;
protected function addTagsInternal(array $tagList, &$existingAdded = [])
$existingAdded = [];
$addTags = $this->tagRepo->getTags($tagList, $createTags);
foreach ($addTags AS $tag)
$id = $tag->tag_id;
if (isset($this->existingTags[$id]))
// tag already applied
$existingAdded[$id] = $id;
if (isset($this->removeTags[$id]))
// already removing
$this->addTags[$id] = $tag->tag;
foreach ($createTags AS $create)
$this->createTags[$create] = $create;
if (!$this->tagRepo->isValidTag($create))
$this->invalidCreateTags[$create] = $create;
protected function removeTagsInternal(array $removeTags, $ignoreNonRemovable = true)
$visitorUserId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
foreach ($removeTags AS $tag)
$id = $tag->tag_id;
if (isset($this->existingTags[$id]))
$tagContent = $this->existingTags[$id];
if ($ignoreNonRemovable
&& !$this->getPermission('removeOthers')
&& $tagContent->add_user_id != $visitorUserId
// can't remove but told to ignore
$this->removeTags[$tag->tag_id] = $tag->tag;
if (isset($this->addTags[$tag->tag_id]))
public function addTags($tagList)
if (!is_array($tagList))
$tagList = $this->splitTags($tagList);
public function removeTags($tagList, $ignoreNonRemovable = true)
if (!is_array($tagList))
$tagList = $this->splitTags($tagList);
$removeTags = $this->tagRepo->getTags($tagList);
$this->removeTagsInternal($removeTags, $ignoreNonRemovable);
protected function splitTags($tagList)
return $this->tagRepo->splitTagList($tagList);
protected function getDefaultPermissions()
$options = $this->app->options();
$visitor = \XF::visitor();
return [
'edit' => $options->enableTagging,
'create' => $visitor->hasPermission('general', 'createTag'),
'removeOthers' => false,
'maxUser' => $visitor->hasPermission('general', 'bypassUserTagLimit') ? 0 : $options->maxContentTagsPerUser,
'maxTotal' => $options->maxContentTags,
'minTotal' => 0
public function getPermissions()
return $this->permissions;
public function getPermission($key)
return $this->permissions[$key];
public function canEdit()
return $this->getPermission('edit');
public function save($performValidations = true)
if ($performValidations)
if ($this->errors === null)
if ($this->errors)
throw new \LogicException("There are outstanding errors, cannot save.");
foreach ($this->createTags AS $create)
$tag = $this->tagRepo->createTag($create);
if ($tag)
$this->addTags[$tag->tag_id] = $tag->tag;
$cache = $this->tagRepo->modifyContentTags(
$this->contentType, $this->contentId,
array_keys($this->addTags), array_keys($this->removeTags)
return $cache;
public function tagsChanged()
return count($this->addTags) || count($this->removeTags) || count($this->createTags);
public function getErrors()
if ($this->errors === null)
return $this->errors;
public function hasErrors()
if ($this->errors === null)
return count($this->errors) > 0;
protected function checkForErrors()
$errors = [];
$userId = \XF::visitor()->user_id;
$permissions = $this->permissions;
$totalTags = 0;
$totalUser = 0;
if (!$permissions['edit'])
$errors['edit'] = \XF::phrase('do_not_have_permission');
if ($this->createTags && !$permissions['create'])
$errors['create'] = \XF::phrase(
['tags' => implode(', ', $this->createTags)]
if ($this->invalidCreateTags && $this->getPermission('create'))
$errors['invalidCreate'] = \XF::phrase(
['tags' => implode(', ', $this->invalidCreateTags)]
foreach ($this->existingTags AS $id => $tag)
if (isset($this->removeTags[$id]))
if ($tag->add_user_id == $userId)
foreach ($this->addTags AS $tag)
foreach ($this->createTags AS $tag)
$removeFail = [];
foreach ($this->removeTags AS $id => $tag)
if (!isset($this->existingTags[$id]))
$existing = $this->existingTags[$id];
if (!$this->getPermission('removeOthers') && $existing->add_user_id != $userId)
$removeFail[] = $tag;
// removed tags are already ignored for totals
if ($removeFail)
$errors['create'] = \XF::phrase(
['tags' => implode(', ', $removeFail)]
if ($permissions['maxUser'] > 0 && $totalUser > $permissions['maxUser'])
$errors['maxUser'] = \XF::phrase(
['count' => $permissions['maxUser']]
if ($permissions['maxTotal'] > 0 && $totalTags > $permissions['maxTotal'])
$errors['maxTotal'] = \XF::phrase(
['count' => $permissions['maxTotal']]
$minRequired = $permissions['minTotal'];
if ($permissions['maxUser'] > 0 && $permissions['maxUser'] < $minRequired)
// if the user can only add 1 tag but you require 3, they could never continue
$minRequired = $permissions['maxUser'];
if ($totalTags < $minRequired)
$errors['minTotal'] = \XF::phrase(
['min' => $minRequired]
$this->errors = $errors;