namespace XF\Sitemap;
use XF\App;
use XF\Entity\SitemapLog;
use XF\Util\Arr;
use function count, is_array, strlen;
class Builder
/** @var App */
protected $app;
/** @var \XF\Entity\User */
protected $actor;
/** @var BuildState */
protected $buildState;
protected $file;
protected $tempFileName;
protected $jobMap = [
'file_set' => 'fileSet',
'file_count' => 'fileCount',
'file_size' => 'fileSize',
'file_entry_count' => 'fileEntryCount',
'total_entry_count' => 'totalEntryCount',
'pending_types' => 'pendingTypes',
'current_type' => 'currentType',
'last_type_id' => 'lastTypeId',
'coreWritten' => 'coreWritten'
const MAX_FILE_SIZE = 10000000;
const MAX_FILE_ENTRIES = 50000;
public function __construct(App $app, \XF\Entity\User $actor, array $types)
$this->app = $app;
$this->actor = $actor;
$this->buildState = new BuildState($types);
public function setActor(\XF\Entity\User $actor)
$this->actor = $actor;
public function getActor()
return $this->actor;
public function getBuildState()
return $this->buildState;
public function build($maxRunTime = null)
$state = $this->buildState;
$originalVisitor = \XF::visitor();
$buildType = $state->getActiveType();
if (!$buildType)
$hasMore = false;
if (!$state->coreWritten)
$state->coreWritten = true;
$this->buildType($buildType, $maxRunTime);
$hasMore = true;
return $hasMore;
public function buildIndex(SitemapLog $sitemap)
$output = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . "\n"
. '<sitemapindex xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9">' . "\n";
$sitemapBase = $this->app->options()->boardUrl . '/sitemap.php?c=';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $sitemap->file_count; $i++)
$url = $sitemapBase . $i;
$output .= "\t"
. '<sitemap>'
. '<loc>' . htmlspecialchars($url) . '</loc>'
. '<lastmod>' . gmdate(\DateTime::W3C, $sitemap->complete_date) . '</lastmod>'
. '</sitemap>' . "\n";
$output .= '</sitemapindex>';
return $output;
protected function writeCoreData()
$app = $this->app;
$entries = [];
$entries[] = Entry::create($app->router('public')->buildLink('canonical:index'));
$options = $this->app->options();
$extras = Arr::stringToArray($options->sitemapExtraUrls, '/\r?\n/');
foreach ($extras AS $extra)
$url = \XF::canonicalizeUrl($extra);
if (strpos($url, $options->boardUrl) === 0)
// right prefix
$entries[] = Entry::create($extra);
foreach ($entries AS $entry)
protected function buildType($contentType, $maxRunTime)
$state = $this->buildState;
$buildResult = $this->writeContentTypeData($contentType, $state->lastTypeId, $maxRunTime);
if ($buildResult === null)
// finished the type, move on
$state->lastTypeId = $buildResult;
protected function writeContentTypeData($contentType, $lastId, $maxRunTime)
$start = microtime(true);
$handler = $this->getHandler($contentType);
if (!$handler || !$handler->basePermissionCheck())
return null;
$records = $handler->getRecords($lastId);
if (!$records || !count($records))
return null;
$indexUrl = $this->app->router('public')->buildLink('canonical:index');
$newLast = null;
foreach ($records AS $key => $record)
$newLast = $key;
if ($handler->isIncluded($record))
/** @var Entry[] $entries */
$entries = $handler->getEntry($record);
if (!is_array($entries))
$entries = [$entries];
if ($entries)
foreach ($entries AS $entry)
if ($entry->loc == $indexUrl)
if ($maxRunTime && microtime(true) - $start > $maxRunTime)
return $newLast;
protected function writeEntry(Entry $entry)
$state = $this->buildState;
if ($state->fileEntryCount >= self::MAX_FILE_ENTRIES)
$content = $this->buildEntryXml($entry);
$this->writeToFile("\t" . trim($content) . "\n");
protected function buildEntryXml(Entry $entry)
$content = '<url>' . $this->buildSimpleTag($entry, 'loc');
if ($entry->lastmod)
$content .= $this->buildSimpleTag($entry, 'lastmod', gmdate(\DateTime::W3C, $entry->lastmod));
if ($entry->priority)
$content .= $this->buildSimpleTag($entry, 'priority');
if ($entry->changefreq)
$content .= $this->buildSimpleTag($entry, 'changefreq');
if ($entry->image)
if (!is_array($entry->image) || isset($entry->image['loc']))
$images = [$entry->image];
$images = $entry->image;
foreach ($images AS $image)
if (!is_array($image))
$image = ['loc' => $image];
$content .= '<image:image>';
foreach ($image AS $tag => $value)
$content .= $this->buildSimpleTag($entry, "image:$tag", $value);
$content .= '</image:image>';
$content .= '</url>';
return $content;
protected function buildSimpleTag(Entry $entry, $property, $value = null)
return "<$property>" . htmlspecialchars($value ?: $entry->{$property}, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8') . "</$property>";
protected function writeToFile($content, $allowComplete = true)
if (!$this->file)
$state = $this->buildState;
if ($state->fileSize == 0)
$preamble = $this->getPreamble();
fwrite($this->file, $preamble);
$state->fileSize += strlen($preamble);
fwrite($this->file, $content);
$state->fileSize += strlen($content);
if ($state->fileSize > self::MAX_FILE_SIZE && $allowComplete)
protected function openFile()
if (!$this->file)
$persistentTempFile = $this->getCurrentPersistentTempFileName();
$fs = $this->app->fs();
if ($fs->has($persistentTempFile))
$tempFileName = \XF\Util\File::copyAbstractedPathToTempFile($persistentTempFile);
$tempFileName = \XF\Util\File::getTempFile();
$this->tempFileName = $tempFileName;
$this->file = fopen($tempFileName, 'a');
flock($this->file, LOCK_EX);
protected function getCurrentPersistentTempFileName()
$state = $this->buildState;
return $this->getSitemapRepo()->getAbstractedSitemapFileName(
$state->fileSet, $state->fileCount, false, true
protected function completeFile()
$state = $this->buildState;
if ($state->fileSize == 0)
$this->writeToFile($this->getPostamble(), false);
$tempFile = $this->tempFileName;
$persistentTempFile = $this->getCurrentPersistentTempFileName();
$canCompress = $this->canCompress();
if ($canCompress)
$tempFile = $this->compressTempFile($tempFile); // old file removed by this
$fileName = $this->getSitemapRepo()->getAbstractedSitemapFileName(
$state->fileSet, $state->fileCount, $canCompress
\XF\Util\File::copyFileToAbstractedPath($tempFile, $fileName);
$this->tempFileName = null;
protected function compressTempFile($tempFile)
$readFile = fopen($tempFile, 'rb');
$compressedFileName = $tempFile . '.gz';
$compressedFile = gzopen($compressedFileName, 'wb1');
$blockSize = 512 * 1024;
while (!feof($readFile))
gzwrite($compressedFile, fread($readFile, $blockSize));
return $compressedFileName;
protected function closeFile()
if ($this->file)
flock($this->file, LOCK_UN);
$this->file = null;
protected function saveTempFile()
if ($this->tempFileName)
$persistentTempFile = $this->getCurrentPersistentTempFileName();
\XF\Util\File::copyFileToAbstractedPath($this->tempFileName, $persistentTempFile);
protected function completeBuild()
$state = $this->buildState;
$siteMapRepo = $this->getSitemapRepo();
$state->fileCount - 1, // because we just completed a file, this will be 1 too high
protected function canCompress()
return function_exists('gzopen');
protected function getPreamble()
return '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>'
. "\n" . '<urlset xmlns="http://www.sitemaps.org/schemas/sitemap/0.9"'
. ' xmlns:image="http://www.google.com/schemas/sitemap-image/1.1">' . "\n";
protected function getPostamble()
return '</urlset>';
public function getDataForJob()
$state = $this->buildState;
$output = [];
foreach ($this->jobMap AS $dataKey => $stateField)
$output[$dataKey] = $state->{$stateField};
return $output;
public function setupFromJobData(array $data)
$state = $this->buildState;
foreach ($this->jobMap AS $dataKey => $stateField)
if (isset($data[$dataKey]))
$state->{$stateField} = $data[$dataKey];
protected function logPending()
$state = $this->buildState;
protected function sendPing()
$options = $this->app->options();
$autoSubmit = $options->sitemapAutoSubmit;
if (!$autoSubmit || !$autoSubmit['enabled'] || $this->buildState->totalEntryCount <= 1)
// an entry count of 1 really just means the main URL, so it's almost certainly
// a totally private board
$sitemapUrl = urlencode($options->boardUrl . '/sitemap.php');
$pingUrls = Arr::stringToArray($autoSubmit['urls']);
foreach ($pingUrls AS $pingUrl)
$url = str_replace('{$url}', $sitemapUrl, $pingUrl);
catch(\GuzzleHttp\Exception\RequestException $e)
\XF::logException($e, false, "Error submitting sitemap to $url: ");
* @param $contentType
* @return \XF\Sitemap\AbstractHandler|null
protected function getHandler($contentType)
return $this->getSitemapRepo()->getSitemapHandler($contentType);
* @return \XF\Repository\SitemapLog
protected function getSitemapRepo()
return $this->app->repository('XF:SitemapLog');