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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/classes/PHPFusion/BreadCrumbs.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: BreaCrumbs.php
| Author: Takács Ákos (Rimelek)
| Co-Author: Dan C. (JoiNNN)
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
namespace PHPFusion;

 * Class BreadCrumbs
 * Get instances by keys:
 * $bcDefault = BreadCrumbs::getInstance();
 * $bcCustom = BreadCrumbs::getInstance('custom');
 * Hide the home of $bcCustom->hideHome();
 * Set the last breadcrumb clickable (it is rendered as a simple text by default)
 * $bcCustom->setLastClicklable();
 * You can override the default CSS classes of the wrapper HTML node
 * $bcCustom->setCssClasses('breadcrumb-custom');
 * Be careful! If you want to add a new class, use this method
 * $bcCustom->addCssClasses('additional-class1 additional-class2');
 * Get the items as associative arrays
 * $itemsDefault = $bcDefault->toArray();
 * $itemsCustom = $bcCustom->toArray();
 * @package PHPFusion
class BreadCrumbs {

     * @var static[]
private static $instances = [];

     * @var array
private $breadcrumbs = [];

     * Whether to add the 'Home' link
     * @var bool
private $showHome = TRUE;

     * Whether to make last breadcrumb a link
     * @var bool
private $isLastClickable = FALSE;

     * The class wrapping the breacrumbs
     * @var string
private $cssClasses = 'breadcrumb';

    public function
__construct() {
'link'  => BASEDIR.'index.php',
'title' => fusion_get_locale('home'),
'class' => 'home-link crumb'

     * Add a link to the breadcrumb
     * @param array $link Keys: link, title
     * @return static
public function addBreadCrumb(array $link) {
$link += [
'title' => '',
'link'  => '',
'class' => 'crumb'
//$link['title'] = $link['title']; //trim(parse_textarea($link['title'], TRUE, TRUE, FALSE));
if (!empty($link['title']) && !empty($link['link'])) {
$this->breadcrumbs[] = $link;


     * Get an instance by key
     * @param string $key
     * @return static
public static function getInstance($key = 'default') {
        if (!isset(
self::$instances[$key])) {
self::$instances[$key] = new static();


     * @param string $classes
     * @return static
public function addCssClasses($classes) {
$this->setCssClasses($this->getCssClasses().' '.$classes);


     * @return string
public function getCssClasses() {

     * @param string $classes
     * @return static
public function setCssClasses($classes) {
$this->cssClasses = $classes;


     * Hide the link to home page
     * @return static
public function hideHome() {

     * Show or hide the link to home page
     * @param bool $state
     * @return static
public function showHome($state = TRUE) {
$this->showHome = (bool)$state;


     * @param bool $clickable
     * @return static
public function setLastClickable($clickable = TRUE) {
$this->isLastClickable = (bool)$clickable;


     * Get breadcrumbs
     * @return array Keys of elements: title, link
public function toArray() {
$breadcrumbs = $this->isHomeShown() ? $this->breadcrumbs : array_slice($this->breadcrumbs, 1);

$count = count($breadcrumbs);
        if (!
$this->isLastClickable() && $count) {
$breadcrumbs[$count - 1]['link'] = '';


     * @return bool
public function isHomeShown() {

     * @return bool
public function isLastClickable() {