namespace XF\Repository;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Finder;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Repository;
use XF\Util\Arr;
use function intval, is_array, strlen;
class Bookmark extends Repository
* @param $userId
* @return Finder
public function findBookmarksForUser($userId)
return $this->finder('XF:BookmarkItem')
->where('user_id', $userId)
->setDefaultOrder('bookmark_date', 'DESC');
* @param $userId
* @param $labels
* @return Finder
public function findBookmarksForUserByLabel($userId, $label)
return $this->finder('XF:BookmarkLabelUse')
->with('Label', true)
->with('Bookmark', true)
->where('Label.user_id', $userId)
->where('Label.label', $label)
->setDefaultOrder('Bookmark.bookmark_date', 'DESC')
* @param $userId
* @return Finder
public function findLabelsForUser($userId)
return $this->finder('XF:BookmarkLabel')
->where('user_id', $userId)
->where('use_count', '>', 0)
->setDefaultOrder('use_count', 'DESC');
* @param \XF\Mvc\Entity\ArrayCollection|\XF\Entity\BookmarkItem[] $bookmarks
public function addContentToBookmarks($bookmarks)
$contentMap = [];
foreach ($bookmarks AS $key => $bookmark)
$contentType = $bookmark->content_type;
if (!isset($contentMap[$contentType]))
$contentMap[$contentType] = [];
$contentMap[$contentType][$key] = $bookmark->content_id;
foreach ($contentMap AS $contentType => $contentIds)
$handler = $this->getBookmarkHandler($contentType);
if (!$handler)
$data = $handler->getContent($contentIds);
foreach ($contentIds AS $bookmarkId => $contentId)
$content = $data[$contentId] ?? null;
public function fastDeleteBookmarksForContent($contentType, $contentId)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:BookmarkItem')
'content_type' => $contentType,
'content_id' => $contentId
protected function deleteBookmarksInternal(Finder $matches)
$delete = $matches->fetchColumns('bookmark_id');
$db = $this->db();
if ($delete)
$db->delete('xf_bookmark_item', 'bookmark_id IN (' . $db->quote($delete) . ')');
$labelIds = $db->fetchAllColumn('
SELECT label_id
FROM xf_bookmark_label_use
WHERE bookmark_id IN(' . $db->quote($delete) . ')
if ($labelIds)
$db->delete('xf_bookmark_label_use', 'bookmark_id IN(' . $db->quote($delete) . ')');
* @param $type
* @param bool $throw
* @return \XF\Bookmark\AbstractHandler|null
* @throws \Exception
public function getBookmarkHandler($type, $throw = false)
$handlerClass = \XF::app()->getContentTypeFieldValue($type, 'bookmark_handler_class');
if (!$handlerClass)
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("No Bookmark handler for '$type'");
return null;
if (!class_exists($handlerClass))
if ($throw)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Bookmark handler for '$type' does not exist: $handlerClass");
return null;
$handlerClass = \XF::extendClass($handlerClass);
return new $handlerClass($type);
public function splitLabels($tagList)
return Arr::stringToArray($tagList, '/\s*,\s*/');
public function generateLabelUrlVersion($label, \XF\Entity\User $user = null)
if ($user === null)
$user = \XF::visitor();
$urlVersion = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9_ -]/', '', utf8_romanize(utf8_deaccent($label)));
$urlVersion = preg_replace('/[ -]+/', '-', $urlVersion);
$db = $this->db();
if (!strlen($urlVersion))
$urlVersion = 1 + intval($db->fetchOne("
SELECT MAX(label_id)
FROM xf_bookmark_label
WHERE user_id = ?
", $user->user_id));
$existing = $db->fetchRow("
FROM xf_bookmark_label
WHERE (label_url = ?
OR (label_url LIKE ? AND label_url REGEXP ?))
AND user_id = ?
ORDER BY label_id DESC
", [$urlVersion, "$urlVersion-%", "^{$urlVersion}-[0-9]+\$", $user->user_id]);
if ($existing)
$counter = 1;
if ($existing['label_url'] != $urlVersion && preg_match('/-(\d+)$/', $existing['label_url'], $match))
$counter = $match[1];
$testExists = true;
while ($testExists)
$testExists = $db->fetchOne("
SELECT label_id
FROM xf_bookmark_label
WHERE label_url = ?
AND user_id = ?
", ["$urlVersion-$counter", $user->user_id]);
$urlVersion .= "-$counter";
return $urlVersion;
public function getLabelsForUser(array $labelNames, \XF\Entity\User $user, &$notFound = [])
$notFound = [];
$labels = $this->finder('XF:BookmarkLabel')
->where('label', array_values($labelNames))
->where('user_id', $user->user_id)
return $this->getNamedLabelsInList($labelNames, $labels->toArray(), $notFound);
public function getNamedLabelsInList(array $named, array $list, &$notFound = [])
$found = [];
$notFound = [];
$duplicateTest = [];
foreach ($named AS $labelName)
$testLabelName = utf8_deaccent(utf8_strtolower($labelName));
if (isset($duplicateTest[$testLabelName]))
$duplicateTest[$testLabelName] = true;
$foundKey = null;
foreach ($list AS $key => $label)
if ($testLabelName == utf8_deaccent(utf8_strtolower($label->label)))
$foundKey = $key;
if ($foundKey === null)
$notFound[$testLabelName] = $labelName;
$found[$foundKey] = $list[$foundKey];
$notFound = array_values($notFound); // prevent the same label potentially being not found multiple times
return $found;
public function getLabelAutoCompleteResults($search, \XF\Entity\User $user = null, $maxResults = 10)
if ($user === null)
$user = \XF::visitor();
$finder = $this->finder('XF:BookmarkLabel');
$labels = $finder
->where('label', 'like', $finder->escapeLike($search, '?%'))
->where('user_id', $user->user_id)
->where('use_count', '>', 0)
if ($labels->count() < $maxResults)
$finder = $this->finder('XF:BookmarkLabel');
$extraTags = $finder
->where('label', 'like', $finder->escapeLike($search, '%?%'))
->where('label', 'not like', $finder->escapeLike($search, '?%'))
->where('user_id', $user->user_id)
->where('use_count', '>', 0)
->fetch($maxResults - $labels->count());
$labels = $labels->merge($extraTags);
return $labels;
public function createLabelForUser($labelName, \XF\Entity\User $user)
/** @var \XF\Entity\BookmarkLabel $label */
$label = $this->em->create('XF:BookmarkLabel');
$label->label = $labelName;
$label->user_id = $user->user_id;
if ($label->hasErrors())
return $this->finder('XF:BookmarkLabel')
->where('label', $labelName)
->where('user_id', $user->user_id)
return $label;
public function modifyBookmarkLabelUses(\XF\Entity\BookmarkItem $bookmark, array $addIds, array $removeIds)
$db = $this->db();
if ($removeIds)
$this->removeLabelUsesFromBookmark($removeIds, $bookmark->bookmark_id);
if ($addIds)
$this->addLabelIdsToBookmark($addIds, $bookmark->bookmark_id);
$cache = $this->getLabelUseCache($bookmark->bookmark_id);
$bookmark->labels = $cache;
return $cache;
protected function removeLabelUsesFromBookmark(array $labelIds, $bookmarkId)
if ($labelIds)
$db = $this->db();
DELETE FROM xf_bookmark_label_use
WHERE label_id IN (" . $db->quote($labelIds) . ")
AND bookmark_id = ?
", $bookmarkId);
public function recalculateLabelUsageCache($labelIds)
if (!$labelIds)
if (!is_array($labelIds))
$labelIds = [$labelIds];
$db = $this->db();
$labels = $db->fetchAllColumn("
SELECT label_id
FROM xf_bookmark_label
WHERE label_id IN (" . $db->quote($labelIds) . ")
$results = $db->fetchAllKeyed("
SELECT label_id,
COUNT(*) AS use_count,
use_date AS last_use_date
FROM xf_bookmark_label_use
WHERE label_id IN (" . $db->quote($labelIds) . ")
GROUP BY label_id
", 'label_id');
foreach ($labels AS $labelId)
$delete = false;
if (isset($results[$labelId]))
$result = $results[$labelId];
if (!$result['use_count'])
// this shouldn't actually happen since there shouldn't be a row
$delete = true;
$db->update('xf_bookmark_label', [
'use_count' => $result['use_count'],
'last_use_date' => $result['last_use_date']
], 'label_id = ?', $labelId);
$delete = true;
if ($delete)
$db->delete('xf_bookmark_label', 'label_id = ?', $labelId);
protected function addLabelIdsToBookmark(array $labelIds, $bookmarkId)
$db = $this->db();
$insertedIds = [];
foreach ($labelIds AS $addId)
$inserted = $db->insert('xf_bookmark_label_use', [
'bookmark_id' => $bookmarkId,
'label_id' => $addId,
'use_date' => \XF::$time,
], false, false, 'IGNORE');
$contentLabelId = $db->lastInsertId();
UPDATE xf_bookmark_label
SET use_count = use_count + 1,
last_use_date = ?
WHERE label_id = ?
", [\XF::$time, $addId]);
if ($inserted)
$insertedIds[$contentLabelId] = $addId;
return $insertedIds;
public function rebuildBookmarkLabelCache($bookmarkId)
$bookmark = $this->em->find('XF:BookmarkItem', $bookmarkId);
if (!$bookmark)
return false;
$cache = $this->getLabelUseCache($bookmark->bookmark_id);
$bookmark->labels = $cache;
return true;
public function getLabelUseCache($bookmarkId)
$labels = $this->db()->fetchAll("
FROM xf_bookmark_label_use AS lu
INNER JOIN xf_bookmark_label AS l ON (lu.label_id = l.label_id)
WHERE lu.bookmark_id = ?
ORDER BY l.label
", $bookmarkId);
$cache = [];
foreach ($labels AS $label)
$cache[$label['label_id']] = [
'label' => $label['label'],
'label_url' => $label['label_url']
return $cache;