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./othercms/PHPFusion 9.10.20/includes/classes/PHPFusion/Installer/Batch.php
| PHPFusion Content Management System
| Copyright (C) PHP Fusion Inc
| Filename: Batch.php
| Author: Core Development Team
| This program is released as free software under the
| Affero GPL license. You can redistribute it and/or
| modify it under the terms of this license which you
| can read by viewing the included agpl.txt or online
| at Removal of this
| copyright header is strictly prohibited without
| written permission from the original author(s).
namespace PHPFusion\Installer;

 * Class Batch_Core
 * Batching of the installation process
 ** PHPFusion will compare existing tables with the package contents and build
 * according to identified requirements of a non-destructive approach.
 * - Should the table is missing, the batch process will auto create the table.
 * - Should the table is found, and the batch process will check against table columns and create new column.
 * - Should the table is of the wrong type, to alter the type.
 * The batch will also generate differences in a log in the end of the batch run.
 * @package PHPFusion\Installer\Lib
class Batch extends InstallCore {

CREATE_TABLE_STATEMENT = "CREATE TABLE {%table%} ({%table_attr%}) {%collation%}";

// Column name and datatypes
const TABLE_ATTR_STATEMENT = "{%col_name%}{%type%}{%length%}{%unsigned%}{%null%}{%default%}{%auto_increment%}";

// Adding missing column - we do not need to check column order
const ADD_COLUMN_STATEMENT = "ALTER TABLE {%table%} ADD COLUMN {%table_attr%} AFTER {%column_before%}"; // we do not need to drop column.

    // Modification of column data-types
const ALTER_COLUMN_STATEMENT = "ALTER TABLE {%table%} MODIFY COLUMN {%table_attr%}"; // we do not need to drop column.

const INSERT_STATEMENT = "INSERT INTO {%table%} {%key%} VALUES {%values%}";

UPDATE_STATEMENT = "UPDATE {%table%} SET {%values%} WHERE {%where%}";

ADD_INDEX_STATEMENT = "ALTER TABLE {%table%} ADD INDEX {%column_name%} ({%column_name%})";

     * Defines the PHPFusion Package and to be developed with the PHPFusion sql-handler
     * - The Latest build is 0902
     * Array key as table name
     * Array values as field_name and field types
     * Field Type Array Indexes as following:
     * - type : the type of the column
     * - length: the length/values of the column
     * - default: default values if defined
     * - null: TRUE if is null (default not null)
     * - auto_increment - 1
     * - key - 1 for Unique Primary Key (Non-Clustered Index), 2 for Key (Clustered Index)
     * - index - TRUE if index (primary key do not need to be indexed)
     * - unsigned - TRUE if column is unsigned (default no unsigned)

     * Note on types assignment:
     * tinyint: 1 byte, -128 to +127 / 0 to 255 (unsigned)
     * smallint: 2 bytes, -32,768 to +32,767 / 0 to 65,535 (unsigned)
     * mediumint: 3 bytes, -8,388,608 to 8,388,607 / 0 to 16,777,215 (unsigned)
     * int/integer: 4 bytes, -2,147,483,648 to +2,147,483,647 / 0 to 4,294,967,295 (unsigned)
     * bigint: 8 bytes, -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 / 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 (unsigned)
     * The "unsigned" types are only available in MySQL, and the rest just use the signed ranges, with one notable exception:
     * tinyint in SQL Server is unsigned and has a value range of 0 to 255
private static $batch = NULL;
    private static
$table_name = '';
    private static
$table_cols = [];

     * Generate the statements required
private static $required_default = [];

     * The batch runtime will generate two kinds of results.
     * It runs silently and does not return anything except generation $batched_results and $batch_updated_results;
     * Therefore, it shall return last state of this instance, so we can fetch its last state in the core installer
private static $runtime_results = NULL;

    private static
$schema_storage = [];

     * Non mutator static interpretation of the table packages
     * pure straightforward get default inserts only
     * Use Infusions Core installer to perform upgrades
private static $upgrade_runtime = [];

     * Return the instance for the Batcher
     * @return static
public static function getInstance() {

        if (
self::$batch === NULL) {
self::$batch = new static();
self::$required_default = array_flip(['INT', 'BIGINT', 'MEDIUMINT', 'SMALLINT', 'TINYINT']);


     * Get the runtime results
     * @param null $key
     * @return null
public function batchRuntime($key = NULL) {

        if (
self::$runtime_results === NULL) {

            if (
dbconnect(self::$connection['db_host'], self::$connection['db_user'], self::$connection['db_pass'], self::$connection['db_name'], TRUE)) {

                foreach (\
PHPFusion\Installer\Lib\CoreTables::get_core_tables(self::$localeset) as self::$table_name => self::$table_cols) {

                    if (
db_exists(self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name)) {
                         * Existing Installation
$this->checkExistingTable(); //where is the one that runs upgrade?

} else {
                         * New Installation

            } else {
// failing to connect will result in an installer crash.
exit('Illegal operations');

// end runtime null

return ($key != NULL && isset(self::$runtime_results[$key]) ? self::$runtime_results[$key] : NULL);

     * When table exists, need to be checked for data-types consistencies and column name consistencies
private function checkExistingTable() {

        if (
$schema_check = $this->getTableSchema(self::$table_name)) {

// Iterate checks on every column of the table for consistency
foreach (self::$table_cols as $col_name => $col_attr) {

                if (!isset(
$last_column_name)) {
$last_column_name = key(self::$table_cols);
                 * If column exist in table, compare with column
                 * If column does not exist, add the column
if (isset($schema_check[$col_name])) {

// has column and proceed to compare
$schema_compare[self::$table_name][$col_name] = array_diff($schema_check[$col_name], $col_attr);

// There is a difference in column data-types structures
if (!empty($schema_compare[self::$table_name][$col_name])) {

// Register column primary_keys and keys - @todo: have a check on this as well
if (isset($col_attr['key'])) {
$keys[$col_attr['key']] = $col_name;

self::$runtime_results['alter_column'][self::$table_name][$col_name] = strtr(self::ALTER_COLUMN_STATEMENT, [
'{%table%}'      => self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name,
'{%table_attr%}' => $this->getTableAttr($col_name, $col_attr)

                } else {

self::$runtime_results['add_column'][self::$table_name][$col_name] = strtr(self::ADD_COLUMN_STATEMENT, [
'{%table%}'         => self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name,
'{%table_attr%}'    => $this->getTableAttr($col_name, $col_attr),
'{%column_before%}' => $last_column_name

$last_column_name = $col_name;


     * Fetches Existing Database Table Schema for comparisons
     * @param string $table_name
     * @return null
private function getTableSchema($table_name) {

        if (empty(
self::$schema_storage[$table_name])) {

$schema_result = dbquery("DESC ".self::$connection['db_prefix'].$table_name);

            if (
dbrows($schema_result)) {

                while (
$schemaData = dbarray($schema_result)) {
$schema = []; //resets
                    // need to format the type and
if (isset($schemaData['Type'])) {
$schema_type = preg_split('/\s+/', $schemaData['Type']); // for unsigned

                        // Get Auto Increments
if ($schemaData['Extra'] == "auto_increment") {
$schema['auto_increment'] = TRUE;

                        if (!empty(
$schema_type[1]) && $schema_type[1] == 'unsigned' && !isset($schema['auto_increment'])) {
$schema['unsigned'] = TRUE;

$regex = "/([a-zA-Z\\s]*)\\((.*)\\)$/iu";
preg_match($regex, $schema_type[0], $matches);

                        if (!empty(
$matches)) {

                            if (isset(
$matches[1])) {
$schema['type'] = strtoupper($matches[1]);
                            if (isset(
$matches[2])) {
$schema['length'] = $matches[2];

                        } else {
// This field has no Length to extract
$schema['type'] = strtoupper($schema_type[0]);
// Get default
if (!empty($schemaData['Default'])) {
$schema['default'] = $schemaData['Default'];
// Get key
if (!empty($schemaData['Key'])) {
$schema['key'] = $schemaData['Key'] == "PRI" ? 1 : 2;

self::$schema_storage[$table_name][$schemaData['Field']] = $schema;




     * Get table column data-type attributes
     * @param string $col_name
     * @param array  $col_attr
     * @return string
private function getTableAttr($col_name, $col_attr) {

// Register column primary_keys and keys
        /*if (isset($col_attr['key'])) {
            $keys[$col_attr['key']] = $col_name;

        // Default Attr
$default_create = '';
        if (
array_key_exists('default', $col_attr) || isset(self::$required_default[$col_attr['type']]) && empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) {
$default_create = 'DEFAULT \'0\'';
            if (
array_key_exists('default', $col_attr) && $col_attr['default'] !== NULL) {
$default_create = 'DEFAULT \''.$col_attr['default'].'\'';

$unsigned = '';
$auto_increment = '';
        if (!empty(
$col_attr['unsigned']) || !empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) {
$unsigned = 'UNSIGNED ';
            if (!empty(
$col_attr['auto_increment'])) {
$auto_increment = 'AUTO_INCREMENT';

// Generate lines
return trim(strtr(self::TABLE_ATTR_STATEMENT, [
'{%col_name%}'       => $col_name." ",
'{%type%}'           => $col_attr['type'],
'{%length%}'         => (isset($col_attr['length']) ? "(".$col_attr['length'].") " : ''), // TEXT dont have length
'{%default%}'        => $default_create." ",
'{%null%}'           => (isset($col_attr['null']) && $col_attr['null'] ? ' NULL ' : ' NOT NULL '),
'{%unsigned%}'       => $unsigned,
'{%auto_increment%}' => $auto_increment,

     * Auto function - Table does not exist, and create new table and rows
private function createNewTable() {
self::$runtime_results['create'][self::$table_name] = $this->batchCreateTable();
// Will only set and create on current locale only
$batch_inserts = self::batchInsertRows(self::$table_name, self::$localeset);
        if (!empty(
$batch_inserts)) {
self::$runtime_results['insert'][self::$table_name] = $batch_inserts;

     * Create codes generation
     * @return string
private function batchCreateTable() {
// No table found, just create the table as new
$line = [];
$keys = [];
$statement_type = self::TABLE_ATTR_STATEMENT;

        if (!empty(
self::$table_cols)) {

            foreach (
self::$table_cols as $col_name => $col_attr) {

// Register column primary_keys and keys
if (isset($col_attr['key'])) {
$keys[$col_attr['key']] = $col_name;
// Register column full text
if (!empty($col_attr['full_text'])) {
$full_texts[] = $col_name;

// Default Attr
$default_create = '';
                if (
array_key_exists('default', $col_attr) || isset(self::$required_default[$col_attr['type']]) && empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) {
$default_create = 'DEFAULT \'0\'';
                    if (
array_key_exists('default', $col_attr) && $col_attr['default'] !== NULL) {
$default_create = 'DEFAULT \''.$col_attr['default'].'\'';

$unsigned = '';
$auto_increment = '';
                if (!empty(
$col_attr['unsigned']) || !empty($col_attr['auto_increment'])) {
$unsigned = 'UNSIGNED ';
                    if (!empty(
$col_attr['auto_increment'])) {
$auto_increment = 'AUTO_INCREMENT';

// Generate lines
$line[] = trim(strtr($statement_type, [
'{%col_name%}'       => $col_name." ",
'{%type%}'           => $col_attr['type'],
'{%length%}'         => (isset($col_attr['length']) ? "(".$col_attr['length'].") " : ''), // TEXT dont have length
'{%default%}'        => $default_create." ",
'{%null%}'           => (isset($col_attr['null']) && $col_attr['null'] ? ' NULL ' : ' NOT NULL '),
'{%unsigned%}'       => $unsigned,
'{%auto_increment%}' => $auto_increment,

            if (!empty(
$keys)) {
                foreach (
$keys as $key_type => $key_col_name) {
$line[] = $key_type > 1 ? "KEY $key_col_name ($key_col_name)" : "PRIMARY KEY ($key_col_name)";

            if (!empty(
$full_texts)) {
$line[] = "FULLTEXT(".implode(',', $full_texts).")";


'{%table%}'      => self::$connection['db_prefix'].self::$table_name,
'{%table_attr%}' => implode(', ', $line),
'{%collation%}'  => Batch::FUSION_TABLE_COLLATION


     * Add default row records
     * @param string $table_name
     * @param string $localeset
     * @return null|string
public static function batchInsertRows($table_name, $localeset) {

        if (
$table_rows = \PHPFusion\Installer\Lib\CoreSettings::get_table_rows($table_name, $localeset)) {
            if (isset(
$table_rows['insert'])) {
$values = [];
// get column pattern
$key = "`".implode("`, `", array_keys($table_rows['insert'][0]))."`";
                foreach (
$table_rows['insert'] as $inserts) {
$values[] = "('".implode("', '", array_values($inserts))."')";

// return this
return strtr(self::INSERT_STATEMENT, [
'{%table%}'  => DB_PREFIX.$table_name,
'{%key%}'    => "($key)",
'{%values%}' => implode(",\n", array_values($values))


     * Checks for Upgrade Files
     * @return array
public function checkUpgrades() {

        if (empty(
self::$upgrade_runtime)) {

            if (
version_compare(self::BUILD_VERSION, fusion_get_settings('version'), ">")) {

// find the correct version to do
$upgrade_folder_path = BASEDIR."upgrade/";

                if (
file_exists($upgrade_folder_path)) {

$upgrade_files = makefilelist($upgrade_folder_path, ".|..|index.php", TRUE);

                    if (!empty(
$upgrade_files) && is_array($upgrade_files)) {

                        foreach (
$upgrade_files as $upgrade_file) {

$filename = rtrim($upgrade_file, '');

                            if (
version_compare($filename, fusion_get_settings('version'), ">")) {
                                 * Use Infusions Core to load upgrade statements
$upgrades = self::loadUpgrade($upgrade_folder_path, $upgrade_folder_path.$upgrade_file);

// Remove unnecessary APIs

self::$upgrade_runtime[$filename] = $upgrades;


