namespace XF\Service\User;
use XF\Entity\User;
use function count, in_array, intval;
class Avatar extends \XF\Service\AbstractService
* @var User
protected $user;
protected $logIp = true;
protected $logChange = true;
protected $fileName;
protected $width;
protected $height;
protected $cropX;
protected $cropY;
protected $type;
protected $error = null;
protected $sizeMap;
protected $throwErrors = true;
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, User $user)
$this->sizeMap = $this->app->container('avatarSizeMap');
protected function setUser(User $user)
if ($user->user_id)
$this->user = $user;
throw new \LogicException("User must be saved");
public function logIp($logIp)
$this->logIp = $logIp;
public function logChange($logChange)
$this->logChange = $logChange;
public function getError()
return $this->error;
public function silentRunning($runSilent)
$this->throwErrors = !$runSilent;
public function setImage($fileName)
if (!$this->validateImageAsAvatar($fileName, $error))
$this->error = $error;
$this->fileName = null;
return false;
$this->fileName = $fileName;
return true;
public function setImageFromUpload(\XF\Http\Upload $upload)
if (!$upload->isValid($errors))
$this->error = reset($errors);
return false;
return $this->setImage($upload->getTempFile());
public function setImageFromExisting()
$path = $this->user->getAbstractedCustomAvatarPath('o');
if (!$this->app->fs()->has($path))
return $this->throwException(new \InvalidArgumentException("User does not have an 'o' avatar ($path)"));
$tempFile = \XF\Util\File::copyAbstractedPathToTempFile($path);
return $this->setImage($tempFile);
* Sets the cropping values. These coordinates must be scaled to the medium size avatar (default 96px)!
* Using null will automatically crop at the middle.
* @param int|null $x
* @param int|null $y
public function setCrop($x, $y)
if ($x === null || $y === null)
$this->cropX = $x;
$this->cropY = $y;
$this->cropX = intval($x);
$this->cropY = intval($y);
public function getCrop()
return [$this->cropX, $this->cropY];
public function validateImageAsAvatar($fileName, &$error = null)
$error = null;
if (!file_exists($fileName))
return $this->throwException(new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid file '$fileName' passed to avatar service"));
if (!is_readable($fileName))
return $this->throwException(new \InvalidArgumentException("'$fileName' passed to avatar service is not readable"));
$imageInfo = filesize($fileName) ? @getimagesize($fileName) : false;
if (!$imageInfo)
$error = \XF::phrase('provided_file_is_not_valid_image');
return false;
$type = $imageInfo[2];
if (!in_array($type, $this->allowedTypes))
$error = \XF::phrase('provided_file_is_not_valid_image');
return false;
$width = $imageInfo[0];
$height = $imageInfo[1];
if (!$this->app->imageManager()->canResize($width, $height))
$error = \XF::phrase('uploaded_image_is_too_big');
return false;
$this->width = $width;
$this->height = $height;
$this->type = $type;
return true;
public function updateAvatar()
if (!$this->fileName)
return $this->throwException(new \LogicException("No source file for avatar set"));
if (!$this->user->exists())
return $this->throwException(new \LogicException("User does not exist, cannot update avatar"));
$imageManager = $this->app->imageManager();
$outputFiles = [];
$baseFile = $this->fileName;
$origSize = $this->sizeMap['o'];
$shortSide = min($this->width, $this->height);
if ($shortSide > $origSize)
$image = $imageManager->imageFromFile($this->fileName);
if (!$image)
return false;
$newTempFile = \XF\Util\File::getTempFile();
if ($newTempFile && $image->save($newTempFile, null, 95))
$outputFiles['o'] = $newTempFile;
$baseFile = $newTempFile;
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
return $this->throwException(new \RuntimeException("Failed to save image to temporary file; check internal_data/data permissions"));
$outputFiles['o'] = $this->fileName;
$width = $this->width;
$height = $this->height;
$crop = [
'm' => [0, 0]
foreach ($this->sizeMap AS $code => $size)
if (isset($outputFiles[$code]))
$image = $imageManager->imageFromFile($baseFile);
if (!$image)
$crop[$code] = $this->resizeAvatarImage($image, $size);
$newTempFile = \XF\Util\File::getTempFile();
if ($newTempFile && $image->save($newTempFile))
$outputFiles[$code] = $newTempFile;
if (count($outputFiles) != count($this->sizeMap))
return $this->throwException(new \RuntimeException("Failed to save image to temporary file; image may be corrupt or check internal_data/data permissions"));
foreach ($outputFiles AS $code => $file)
$dataFile = $this->user->getAbstractedCustomAvatarPath($code);
\XF\Util\File::copyFileToAbstractedPath($file, $dataFile);
$user = $this->user;
'avatar_date' => \XF::$time,
'avatar_width' => $width,
'avatar_height' => $height,
'avatar_highdpi' => ($width >= self::HIGH_DPI_THRESHOLD && $height >= self::HIGH_DPI_THRESHOLD),
'gravatar' => ''
$profile = $user->getRelationOrDefault('Profile');
'avatar_crop_x' => $crop['m'][0],
'avatar_crop_y' => $crop['m'][1]
if ($this->logChange == false)
$user->getBehavior('XF:ChangeLoggable')->setOption('enabled', false);
if ($this->logIp)
$ip = ($this->logIp === true ? $this->app->request()->getIp() : $this->logIp);
$this->writeIpLog('update', $ip);
return true;
protected function resizeAvatarImage(\XF\Image\AbstractDriver $image, $size)
$sizeMap = $this->sizeMap;
$cropX = $this->cropX;
$cropY = $this->cropY;
$cropScaleRef = $sizeMap['m'];
if ($cropX === null || $cropY === null)
$cropScale = $sizeMap['o'] / $cropScaleRef;
$width = $image->getWidth();
$height = $image->getHeight();
$cropX = floor(
(($width - $sizeMap['o']) / 2) / $cropScale
$cropY = floor(
(($height - $sizeMap['o']) / 2) / $cropScale
$cropX = max($cropX, 0);
$cropY = max($cropY, 0);
$image->resizeShortEdge($size, true);
$cropScale = $size / $cropScaleRef;
$thisCropX = floor($cropScale * $cropX);
$thisCropY = floor($cropScale * $cropY);
$widthOverage = $image->getWidth() - $size;
if ($widthOverage)
$thisCropX = min($thisCropX, $widthOverage);
$heightOverage = $image->getHeight() - $size;
if ($heightOverage)
$thisCropY = min($thisCropY, $heightOverage);
$image->crop($size, $size, $thisCropX, $thisCropY);
return [$thisCropX, $thisCropY];
public function createOSizeAvatarFromL()
$user = $this->user;
$l = $user->getAbstractedCustomAvatarPath('l');
$o = $user->getAbstractedCustomAvatarPath('o');
$fs = $this->app->fs();
if (!$fs->has($l) || $fs->has($o))
return true;
$fs->copy($l, $o);
$imageManager = $this->app->imageManager();
$lSize = $this->sizeMap['l'];
// temp file has original L image content
$tempFile = \XF\Util\File::copyAbstractedPathToTempFile($l);
$success = false;
$image = $imageManager->imageFromFile($tempFile);
if ($image)
$this->resizeAvatarImage($image, $lSize);
// temp file has new L image content
$success = true;
// have to remove the avatar
$success = false;
catch (\Exception $e)
\XF::logException($e, false, "Failed to update avatar for user {$user->user_id}: ");
if ($success)
\XF\Util\File::copyFileToAbstractedPath($tempFile, $l);
return true;
public function setGravatar($gravatar, $verify = true)
$user = $this->user;
if ($gravatar !== '' && $verify)
$validator = $this->app->validator('Gravatar');
if (!$validator->isValid($gravatar, $errorKey))
$this->error = $validator->getPrintableErrorValue($errorKey);
return false;
'gravatar' => $gravatar
if (!$user->preSave())
$errors = $user->getErrors();
$this->error = reset($errors);
return false;
if ($this->logIp)
$ip = ($this->logIp === true ? $this->app->request()->getIp() : $this->logIp);
$this->writeIpLog('set_gravatar', $ip);
return true;
public function removeGravatar()
$this->user->gravatar = '';
if ($changed && $this->logIp)
$ip = ($this->logIp === true ? $this->app->request()->getIp() : $this->logIp);
$this->writeIpLog('remove_gravatar', $ip);
return true;
public function deleteAvatar()
$user = $this->user;
'avatar_date' => 0,
'avatar_width' => 0,
'avatar_height' => 0,
'avatar_highdpi' => false,
'gravatar' => ''
$profile = $user->getRelationOrDefault('Profile');
'avatar_crop_x' => 0,
'avatar_crop_y' => 0
if ($this->logIp)
$ip = ($this->logIp === true ? $this->app->request()->getIp() : $this->logIp);
$this->writeIpLog('delete', $ip);
return true;
public function deleteAvatarForUserDelete()
return true;
protected function deleteAvatarFiles()
if ($this->user->avatar_date)
foreach ($this->sizeMap AS $code => $size)
protected function writeIpLog($action, $ip)
$user = $this->user;
/** @var \XF\Repository\Ip $ipRepo */
$ipRepo = $this->repository('XF:Ip');
$ipRepo->logIp(\XF::visitor()->user_id, $ip, 'user', $user->user_id, 'avatar_' . $action);
* @param \Exception $error
* @return bool
* @throws \Exception
protected function throwException(\Exception $error)
if ($this->throwErrors)
throw $error;
return false;