namespace XF\BbCode\ProcessorAction;
use XF\BbCode\Processor;
use XF\Http\Metadata;
use function array_key_exists, count, is_array, ord, strlen;
class AutoLink implements FiltererInterface
* @var \XF\App
protected $app;
protected $autoEmbed = true;
protected $autoEmbedLink = '';
protected $maxEmbed = PHP_INT_MAX;
protected $embedSites = [];
protected $embedRemaining = PHP_INT_MAX;
protected $urlToPageTitle = false;
protected $urlToTitleFormat = '';
protected $urlToTitleTimeLimit = 10;
protected $urlToRichPreview = true;
* @var Metadata[]
protected $unfurlCache = [];
protected $startTime;
public function __construct(\XF\App $app, array $config = [])
$this->app = $app;
$baseConfig = [
'autoEmbed' => true,
'autoEmbedLink' => '',
'maxEmbed' => PHP_INT_MAX,
'embedSites' => [],
'urlToPageTitle' => false,
'urlToTitleFormat' => '',
'urlToTitleTimeLimit' => 10,
'urlToRichPreview' => true,
'urlUnfurl' => true
$config = array_replace($baseConfig, $config);
$this->autoEmbed = $config['autoEmbed'];
$this->autoEmbedLink = $config['autoEmbedLink'];
$this->maxEmbed = $config['maxEmbed'];
$this->embedSites = $config['embedSites'];
$this->urlToPageTitle = $config['urlToPageTitle'];
$this->urlToTitleFormat = $config['urlToTitleFormat'];
$this->urlToTitleTimeLimit = $config['urlToTitleTimeLimit'];
$this->urlToRichPreview = $config['urlToRichPreview'];
$this->urlUnfurl = $config['urlUnfurl'];
$this->startTime = microtime(true);
public function addFiltererHooks(FiltererHooks $hooks)
->addTagHook('url', 'filterUrlTag');
public function enableUnfurling($enable = true)
$this->urlToRichPreview = (bool)$enable;
return $this;
public function filterSetup(array $ast)
$this->embedRemaining = $this->maxEmbed;
$mediaTotal = 0;
$f = function(array $tree) use (&$mediaTotal, &$f)
foreach ($tree AS $entry)
if (is_array($entry))
if ($entry['tag'] == 'media')
$this->embedRemaining -= $mediaTotal;
public function filterUrlTag(array $tag, array $options, Processor $processor)
if ($this->autoEmbed)
$url = $processor->renderSubTreePlain($tag['children']);
if (empty($tag['option']) || $tag['option'] == $url)
$output = $this->autoLinkUrl($url);
if ($output)
return $output;
return null;
public function filterString($string, array $options, Processor $processor)
if (!empty($options['stopAutoLink']))
return $string;
$autoLinkRegex = '(?<=[^a-z0-9@/\.-]|^)(?<!\]\(|url=(?:"|\')|url\]|url\sunfurl=(?:"|\')true(?:"|\')\]|img\])(https?://|www\.)(?!\.)[^\s"<>{}`]+';
$unfurlLinkRegex = '^' . $autoLinkRegex . '$';
$placeholders = [];
if ($this->urlToRichPreview)
// attempt to unfurl URLs if enabled
$string = preg_replace_callback(
'#' . $unfurlLinkRegex . '#ium',
function ($match) use ($processor, &$placeholders)
$output = $this->unfurlLinkUrl($match[0]);
if (!$output)
// cannot be unfurled, will be auto linked as normal.
return $match[0];
$this->incrementMatchedTag($processor, $output);
$replace = "\x1A" . count($placeholders) . "\x1A";
$placeholders[$replace] = $output;
return $replace;
$string = preg_replace_callback(
'#' . $autoLinkRegex . '#iu',
function ($match) use ($processor, &$placeholders)
$output = $this->preAutoLinkUrl($match[0], $processor);
if (!$output)
return $match[0];
$this->incrementMatchedTag($processor, $output);
$replace = "\x1A" . count($placeholders) . "\x1A";
$placeholders[$replace] = $output;
return $replace;
if (strpos($string, '@') !== false)
// assertion to prevent matching email in url matched above (user:pass@example.com)
$string = preg_replace_callback(
function ($match) use ($processor)
$this->incrementTagUsageCount($processor, 'email');
return '[email]' . $match[0] . '[/email]';
if ($placeholders)
$string = strtr($string, $placeholders);
return $string;
public function preAutoLinkUrl($url, Processor $processor)
// if we have a limit tags filterer and auto embed is enabled, disable
// auto embedding if the media tag is disabled, otherwise auto linking
// may bypass the limiting of the tag.
$limit = $processor->getFilterer('limit');
if ($limit && $limit instanceof LimitTags && $this->autoEmbed)
if ($limit->isTagDisabled('media'))
$this->autoEmbed = false;
return $this->autoLinkUrl($url);
public function autoLinkUrl($url)
$link = $this->app->stringFormatter()->prepareAutoLinkedUrl($url);
if (!$link['url'])
return null;
if ($link['url'] === $link['linkText'])
$mediaTag = $this->getMediaTagIfPermitted($link['url']);
if ($mediaTag)
$tag = $mediaTag;
$tag = $this->getUrlBbCode($link['url']);
$tag = '[URL="' . $link['url'] . '"]' . $link['linkText'] . '[/URL]';
return $tag . $link['suffixText'];
protected function getMediaTagIfPermitted($url)
if (!$this->autoEmbed || !$this->embedRemaining)
return false;
return $this->getEmbedBbCode($url);
protected function getUrlBbCode($url)
if ($this->urlToPageTitle)
$title = $this->getUrlTitle($url);
if ($title)
$format = $this->urlToTitleFormat ?: '{title}';
$tokens = [
'{title}' => $title,
'{url}' => $url
$linkTitle = strtr($format, $tokens);
$tag = '[URL="' . $url . '"]' . $linkTitle . '[/URL]';
$tag = '[URL]' . $url . '[/URL]';
$tag = '[URL]' . $url . '[/URL]';
return $tag;
* @deprecated use MetadataFetcher and Metadata objects instead
* @param $url
* @return bool|mixed|null|string|string[]
protected function getValidRequestUrl($url)
$requestUrl = preg_replace('/#.*$/', '', $url);
if (preg_match_all('/[^A-Za-z0-9._~:\/?#\[\]@!$&\'()*+,;=%-]/', $requestUrl, $matches))
foreach ($matches[0] AS $match)
$requestUrl = str_replace($match[0], '%' . strtoupper(dechex(ord($match[0]))), $requestUrl);
if ($this->canFetchUrlHtml($requestUrl))
return $requestUrl;
return false;
* @deprecated use MetadataFetcher and Metadata objects instead
* @param $requestUrl
* @return bool
protected function canFetchUrlHtml($requestUrl)
if ($requestUrl != $this->app->stringFormatter()->censorText($requestUrl))
return false;
if ($this->urlToTitleTimeLimit && microtime(true) - $this->startTime > $this->urlToTitleTimeLimit)
return false;
return true;
protected function fetchMetadataFromUrl($requestUrl)
if (array_key_exists($requestUrl, $this->unfurlCache))
return $this->unfurlCache[$requestUrl];
$fetcher = $this->app->http()->metadataFetcher();
$metadata = $fetcher->fetch($requestUrl, $null, $this->startTime, $this->urlToTitleTimeLimit);
if (!$metadata)
return null;
$this->unfurlCache[$requestUrl] = $metadata;
return $metadata;
* @deprecated use MetadataFetcher and Metadata objects instead
* @param $requestUrl
* @return array|bool
protected function fetchUrlHtml($requestUrl)
$response = $this->app->http()->reader()->getUntrusted(
'time' => 5,
'bytes' => 1.5 * 1024 * 1024
if (!$response || $response->getStatusCode() != 200)
return false;
$contentType = $response->getHeader('Content-type');
$charset = $this->app->http()->reader()->getCharset($contentType);
return [
'body' => $response->getBody()->read(50 * 1024),
'charset' => $charset
protected function getUrlTitle($url)
$metadata = $this->fetchMetadataFromUrl($url);
if (!$metadata)
return false;
$title = $metadata->getTitle();
if (!strlen($title))
return false;
$bbCodeContainer = $this->app->bbCode();
/** @var \XF\BbCode\ProcessorAction\AnalyzeUsage $usage */
$usage = $bbCodeContainer->processorAction('usage');
->addProcessorAction('usage', $usage)
->render($title, $bbCodeContainer->parser(), $bbCodeContainer->rules('base'));
if ($usage->getSmilieCount() || $usage->getTotalTagCount())
$title = "[PLAIN]{$title}[/PLAIN]";
return $title;
public function unfurlLinkUrl($url)
$link = $this->app->stringFormatter()->prepareAutoLinkedUrl($url, ['processTrailers' => false]);
if ($link['url'] !== $link['linkText'])
return false;
$mediaTag = $this->getMediaTagIfPermitted($link['url']);
if ($mediaTag)
// can't unfurl as matches as media, autolinking will pick it up
return false;
return $this->getUnfurlBbCode($link['url']) . $link['suffixText'];
protected function getUnfurlBbCode($url)
/** @var \XF\Repository\Unfurl $unfurlRepo */
$unfurlRepo = $this->app->repository('XF:Unfurl');
$result = $unfurlRepo->logPendingUnfurl($url);
if ($result)
return '[URL unfurl="true"]' . $result->url . '[/URL]';
return false;
protected function getUnfurlData($url)
$metadata = $this->fetchMetadataFromUrl($url);
$title = $metadata->getTitle();
if (!strlen($title))
// if we can't get a title, there's not much point in looking for anything else
return false;
return [
'title' => $title,
'description' => $metadata->getDescription(),
'image_url' => $metadata->getImage(),
'favicon_url' => $metadata->getFavicon()
protected function getEmbedBbCode($url)
$match = $this->app->repository('XF:BbCodeMediaSite')->urlMatchesMediaSiteList($url, $this->embedSites);
if (!$match)
return null;
$matchBbCode = '[MEDIA=' . $match['media_site_id'] . ']' . $match['media_id'] . '[/MEDIA]';
if (!empty($match['site']->oembed_enabled))
$this->cacheOembedResponse($match['site'], $match['media_id']);
if ($this->autoEmbedLink)
$matchBbCode .= "\n" . str_replace('{$url}', "{$url}", $this->autoEmbedLink) . "\n";
return $matchBbCode;
protected function cacheOembedResponse($site, $mediaId)
/** @var \XF\Service\Oembed $oEmbedService */
$oEmbedService = $this->app->service('XF:Oembed');
$oEmbedService->getOembed($site->media_site_id, $mediaId);
protected function incrementMatchedTag(Processor $processor, $output)
if (preg_match('#^\[(\w+)#i', $output, $match))
$this->incrementTagUsageCount($processor, strtolower($match[1]));
protected function incrementTagUsageCount(Processor $processor, $tag)
$this->adjustTagUsageCount($processor, $tag, 1);
protected function adjustTagUsageCount(Processor $processor, $tag, $adjust)
$usage = $processor->getAnalyzer('usage');
if ($usage && $usage instanceof AnalyzeUsage)
$usage->adjustTagCount($tag, $adjust);
public static function factory(\XF\App $app, array $config = [])
$options = $app->options();
$autoEmbed = $options->autoEmbedMedia;
$baseConfig = [
'autoEmbed' => (bool)$autoEmbed['embedType'], // 0 is false, otherwise true
'autoEmbedLink' => $autoEmbed['embedType'] == 2 ? $autoEmbed['linkBbCode'] : '',
'maxEmbed' => ($options->messageMaxMedia ? $options->messageMaxMedia : PHP_INT_MAX),
'embedSites' => null,
'urlToPageTitle' => $options->urlToPageTitle['enabled'],
'urlToTitleFormat' => $options->urlToPageTitle['format'],
'urlToRichPreview' => $options->urlToRichPreview
$config = array_replace($baseConfig, $config);
if ($config['embedSites'] === null)
$config['embedSites'] = $app->repository('XF:BbCodeMediaSite')->findActiveMediaSites()->fetch();
return new static($app, $config);