namespace XF\Api\Controller;
use XF\Mvc\Entity\Entity;
use XF\Mvc\ParameterBag;
* @api-group Attachments
class Attachments extends AbstractController
protected function preDispatchController($action, ParameterBag $params)
* @api-desc Gets the attachments associated with the provided API attachment key. Only returns attachments that have not been associated with content.
* @api-in <req> str $key The API attachment key
* @api-out Attachment[] $attachments List of matching attachments.
public function actionGet()
$keyValue = $this->filter('key', 'str');
$key = $this->assertRecordExists('XF:ApiAttachmentKey', $keyValue);
if (!$key->temp_hash)
return $this->noPermission();
$attachments = $this->getAttachmentRepo()->findAttachmentsByTempHash($key->temp_hash)->fetch();
return $this->apiResult([
'attachments' => $attachments->toApiResults()
* @api-desc Uploads an attachment. An API attachment key must be created first. Must be submitted using multipart/form-data encoding.
* @api-in <req> str $key The API attachment key to associated with
* @api-in <req> file $attachment The attachment file
* @api-out Attachment $attachment The attachment record of the successful upload
* @api-error attachment_key_user_wrong Triggered if the user making the request does not match the user that created the attachment key.
public function actionPost()
$keyValue = $this->filter('key', 'str');
$key = $this->assertRecordExists('XF:ApiAttachmentKey', $keyValue);
$upload = $this->request->getFile('attachment', false, false);
if (!$upload)
return $this->requiredInputMissing('attachment');
$handler = $this->getAttachmentRepo()->getAttachmentHandler($key->content_type);
if (!$handler)
return $this->notFound();
if (\XF::isApiCheckingPermissions() && !$handler->canManageAttachments($key->context, $error))
return $this->noPermission($error);
if ($key->user_id !== \XF::visitor()->user_id)
return $this->apiError(
['expected' => \XF::visitor()->user_id]
$attachment = $this->uploadFile($upload, $handler, $key->context, $key->temp_hash);
return $this->apiResult([
'attachment' => $attachment->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE)
* @api-desc Creates a new attachment key, allowing attachments to be uploaded separately from the related content.
* @api-in <req> str $type The content type of the attachment. Default types include post, conversation_message. Add-ons may add more.
* @api-in str[] $context Key-value pairs representing the context of the attachment. This will vary depending on content type and the action being taken. See relevant actions for further details.
* @api-in file $attachment The first attachment to be associated with the new key.
* @api-out str $key The attachment key created. This should be used to upload additional files or to associate uploaded attachments with other content.
* @api-out Attachment $attachment If a file was provided and the upload was successful, this will describe the new attachment.
public function actionPostNewKey()
$type = $this->filter('type', 'str');
$handler = $this->getAttachmentRepo()->getAttachmentHandler($type);
if (!$handler)
return $this->notFound();
$context = $this->filter('context', 'array-str');
if (\XF::isApiCheckingPermissions() && !$handler->canManageAttachments($context, $error))
if ($error)
return $this->noPermission('No permission to manage attachments or no context set: ' . $error);
return $this->noPermission('No permission to manage attachments or no context set.');
$key = $this->em()->create('XF:ApiAttachmentKey');
$key->content_type = $type;
$key->context = $context;
$upload = $this->request->getFile('attachment', false, false);
$attachment = $upload ? $this->uploadFile($upload, $handler, $context, $key->temp_hash) : null;
$result = [
'key' => $key->attachment_key
if ($attachment)
$result['attachment'] = $attachment->toApiResult(Entity::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE);
return $this->apiResult($result);
protected function uploadFile(
\XF\Http\Upload $upload, \XF\Attachment\AbstractHandler $handler, array $context, $tempHash
/** @var \XF\Api\ControllerPlugin\Attachment $plugin */
$plugin = $this->plugin('XF:Api:Attachment');
return $plugin->uploadFile($upload, $handler, $context, $tempHash);
* @return \XF\Repository\Attachment
protected function getAttachmentRepo()
return $this->repository('XF:Attachment');