namespace Croogo\FileManager\View\Helper;
use Cake\Utility\Hash;
use Croogo\Core\Croogo;
use Croogo\Core\View\Helper\ImageHelper;
class AssetsImageHelper extends ImageHelper
public function resize($path, $width, $height, $options = [], $htmlAttributes = [], $return = false)
$filename = basename($path);
$uploadsDir = dirname(basename($path));
if ($uploadsDir === '.') {
$uploadsDir = '';
$cacheDir = dirname($path);
$options = Hash::merge([
'aspect' => true,
'adapter' => false,
'cacheDir' => $cacheDir,
'uploadsDir' => $uploadsDir,
], $options);
$adapter = $options['adapter'];
if ($adapter === 'LegacyLocalAttachment') {
$options['cacheDir'] = 'resized';
$options['resizedInd'] = '.resized-';
$options['uploadsDir'] = 'uploads';
$result = parent::resize($path, $width, $height, $options, $htmlAttributes, $return);
$record = compact('result', 'path', 'width', 'height', 'aspect', 'htmlAttributes', 'adapter');
Croogo::dispatchEvent('Assets.AssetsImageHelper.resize', $this->_View, compact('record'));
return $result;
* Looks upon $data and extract FeaturedImage tag or value
* By default, this method will return the generated <img> tag. Pass
* array('tag' => false) in the $options array to get the value.
* If you have multiple versions of image, you can retrieve a specific image
* by passing an integer value in the `maxWidth` key.
* Example:
* echo $this->AssetsImage->featured($node, array(
* 'class' => 'gallery featured-image',
* 'tag' => true,
* 'maxWidth' => 500,
* ));
* @param array $data Array of record containing `LinkedAssets` key
* @param array $options Array of options
public function featured($data, $options = [])
if (empty($data['LinkedAssets']['FeaturedImage'])) {
return null;
$options = Hash::merge([
'class' => 'featured-image',
'tag' => true,
], $options);
$tag = $options['tag'];
$image = $data['LinkedAssets']['FeaturedImage'];
$path = $image['path'];
if (isset($options['maxWidth'])) {
$maxWidth = $options['maxWidth'];
if ($image['width'] > $maxWidth && !empty($image['Versions'])) {
$found = false;
foreach ($image['Versions'] as $version) {
$smallest = $version['path'];
if ($version['width'] <= $maxWidth) {
$path = $version['path'];
$found = true;
if (!$found && isset($smallest)) {
$path = $smallest;
if ($tag) {
return $this->Html->image($path, $options);
} else {
return $path;