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./othercms/xenForo 2.2.8/src/vendor/pelago/emogrifier/src/Emogrifier/Utilities/ArrayIntersector.php

namespace Pelago\Emogrifier\Utilities;

 * When computing many array intersections using the same array, it is more efficient to use `array_flip()` first and
 * then `array_intersect_key()`, than `array_intersect()`.  See the discussion at
 * {@link Stack Overflow} for more
 * information.
 * Of course, this is only possible if the arrays contain integer or string values, and either don't contain duplicates,
 * or that fact that duplicates will be removed does not matter.
 * This class takes care of the detail.
 * @internal
 * @author Jake Hotson <>
class ArrayIntersector
     * the array with which the object was constructed, with all its keys exchanged with their associated values
     * @var (int|string)[]
private $invertedArray;

     * Constructs the object with the array that will be reused for many intersection computations.
     * @param (int|string)[] $array
public function __construct(array $array)
$this->invertedArray = \array_flip($array);

     * Computes the intersection of `$array` and the array with which this object was constructed.
     * @param (int|string)[] $array
     * @return (int|string)[] Returns an array containing all of the values in `$array` whose values exist in the array
     *         with which this object was constructed.  Note that keys are preserved, order is maintained, but
     *         duplicates are removed.
public function intersectWith(array $array)
$invertedArray = \array_flip($array);

$invertedIntersection = \array_intersect_key($invertedArray, $this->invertedArray);

        return \