* CakePHP(tm) Tests <http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html>
* Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
* Licensed under The MIT License
* For full copyright and license information, please see the LICENSE.txt
* Redistributions of files must retain the above copyright notice
* @copyright Copyright (c) Cake Software Foundation, Inc. (http://cakefoundation.org)
* @link http://book.cakephp.org/2.0/en/development/testing.html CakePHP(tm) Tests
* @license http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php MIT License
namespace Acl\Test\Fixture;
use Cake\TestSuite\Fixture\TestFixture;
* Short description for class.
class AroTwosFixture extends TestFixture
* fields property
* @var array
public $fields = [
'id' => ['type' => 'integer'],
'parent_id' => ['type' => 'integer', 'length' => 10, 'null' => true],
'model' => ['type' => 'string', 'null' => true],
'foreign_key' => ['type' => 'integer', 'length' => 10, 'null' => true],
'alias' => ['type' => 'string', 'default' => ''],
'lft' => ['type' => 'integer', 'length' => 10, 'null' => true],
'rght' => ['type' => 'integer', 'length' => 10, 'null' => true],
'_constraints' => ['primary' => ['type' => 'primary', 'columns' => ['id']]]
* records property
* @var array
public $records = [
['parent_id' => null, 'model' => null, 'foreign_key' => null, 'alias' => 'root', 'lft' => '1', 'rght' => '20'],
['parent_id' => 1, 'model' => 'Group', 'foreign_key' => '1', 'alias' => 'admin', 'lft' => '2', 'rght' => '5'],
['parent_id' => 1, 'model' => 'Group', 'foreign_key' => '2', 'alias' => 'managers', 'lft' => '6', 'rght' => '9'],
['parent_id' => 1, 'model' => 'Group', 'foreign_key' => '3', 'alias' => 'users', 'lft' => '10', 'rght' => '19'],
['parent_id' => 2, 'model' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => '1', 'alias' => 'Bobs', 'lft' => '3', 'rght' => '4'],
['parent_id' => 3, 'model' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => '2', 'alias' => 'Lumbergh', 'lft' => '7', 'rght' => '8'],
['parent_id' => 4, 'model' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => '3', 'alias' => 'Samir', 'lft' => '11', 'rght' => '12'],
['parent_id' => 4, 'model' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => '4', 'alias' => 'Micheal', 'lft' => '13', 'rght' => '14'],
['parent_id' => 4, 'model' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => '5', 'alias' => 'Peter', 'lft' => '15', 'rght' => '16'],
['parent_id' => 4, 'model' => 'User', 'foreign_key' => '6', 'alias' => 'Milton', 'lft' => '17', 'rght' => '18'],