Seditio Source
Root |

namespace Jodit;

defined('_ELXIS_') or die ('Direct access to this location is not allowed');


abstract class
Application {
     * @var Config
public $config;

     * Check whether the user has the ability to view files
     * You can define JoditCheckPermissions function in config.php and use it
abstract public function checkAuthentication ();

corsHeaders() {
        if (isset(
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: {$_SERVER['HTTP_ORIGIN']}");
        } else {
header("Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *");

header('Access-Control-Allow-Credentials: true');
header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin,X-Requested-With,Content-Type,Accept');
header('Access-Control-Max-Age: 86400');    // cache for 1 day

            if (isset(
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, POST, OPTIONS");



display () {
        if (!
$this->config->debug) {
header('Content-Type: application/json');

// replace full path from message
foreach ($this->config->sources as $source) {
            if (isset(
$this->response->data->messages)) {
                foreach (
$this->response->data->messages as &$message) {
$message = str_replace($source->root, '/', $message);

json_encode($this->response, $this->config->debug ? JSON_PRETTY_PRINT | JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES: 0));

     * Get user role
     * @return string
function getUserRole() {
        return isset(
$_SESSION[$this->config->roleSessionVar]) ? $_SESSION[$this->config->roleSessionVar] : $this->config->defaultRole;

execute () {
$methods =  get_class_methods($this);

        if (
in_array('action' . ucfirst($this->action), $methods)) {
$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action);
$this->response->data =  (object)call_user_func_array([$this, 'action' . $this->action], []);
        } else {
            throw new \
Exception('Action "' . $this->action . '" not found', 404);

$this->response->success = true;
$this->response->data->code = 220;

     * Constructor FileBrowser
     * @param {array} $config
     * @throws \Exception

     * @var \Jodit\AccessControl
public $accessControl;
__construct ($config) {

//        set_error_handler([$this, 'errorHandler'], E_ALL);
set_exception_handler([$this, 'exceptionHandler']);

$this->config  = new Config($config);

        if (
$this->config->allowCrossOrigin) {

$this->response  = new Response();
$this->request  = new Request();

$this->action  = $this->request->action;

        if (
$this->config->debug) {
error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT);
ini_set('display_errors', 'on');
        } else {
ini_set('display_errors', 'off');

        if (
$this->request->source && $this->request->source !== 'default' && empty($this->config->sources[$this->request->source])) {
            throw new \
Exception('Need valid parameter source key', 400);

$this->accessControl = new AccessControl();

     * Get default(first) source or by $_REQUEST['source']
     * @return Source
public function getSource() {
        if (!
$this->request->source || empty($this->config->sources[$this->request->source])) {
            foreach (
$this->config->sources as $k => $src) { return $src; }

     * @property Response $response
public $response;

     * @property Request $request
public $request;

     * @property string $action
public $action;

     * Check file extension
     * @param {string} $file
     * @param {Source} $source
     * @return bool
private function isGoodFile($file, Source $source) {
$info = pathinfo($file);

        if (!isset(
$info['extension']) or (!in_array(strtolower($info['extension']), $source->extensions))) {

        if (
in_array(strtolower($info['extension']), $source->imageExtensions) and !Helper::isImage($file)) {


    protected function
getImageEditorInfo() {
$source = $this->getSource();
$path = $source->getPath();

$file = $this->request->name;

$box = (object)[
'w' => 0,
'h' => 0,
'x' => 0,
'y' => 0,

        if (
$this->request->box && is_array($this->request->box)) {
            foreach (
$box as $key=>&$value) {
$value = isset($this->request->box[$key]) ? $this->request->box[$key] : 0;

$newName = $this->request->newname ?  Helper::makeSafe($this->request->newname) : '';

        if (!
$path || !$file || !file_exists($path . $file) || !is_file($path . $file)) {
            throw new \
Exception('Source file not set or not exists', 404);

$img = new SimpleImage();

$img->load($path . $file);

        if (
$newName) {
$info = pathinfo($path . $file);

// if has not same extension
if (!preg_match('#\.(' . $info['extension'] . ')$#i', $newName)) {
$newName = $newName . '.' . $info['extension'];

            if (!
$this->config->allowReplaceSourceFile and file_exists($path . $newName)) {
                throw new \
Exception('File ' . $newName . ' already exists', 400);
        } else {
$newName = $file;

        if (
file_exists($path . $this->config->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $newName)) {
unlink($path . $this->config->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $newName);

$info = $img->get_original_info();

        return (object)[
'path' => $path,
'file' => $file,
'box' => $box,
'newname' => $newName,
'img' => $img,
'width' => $info['width'],
'height' => $info['height'],

     * Error handler
     * @param {int} errno contains the level of the error raised, as an integer.
     * @param {string} errstr contains the error message, as a string.
     * @param {string} errfile which contains the filename that the error was raised in, as a string.
     * @param {string} errline which contains the line number the error was raised at, as an integer.
public function errorHandler ($errorNumber, $errorMessage, $file, $line) {
$this->response->success = false;
$this->response->data->code = $errorNumber;
$this->response->data->messages[] = $errorMessage . ($this->config->debug ? ' - file:' . $file . ' line:' . $line : '');


     * @param \Exception $exception
public function exceptionHandler ($exception) {
$this->errorHandler($exception->getCode(), $exception->getMessage(), $exception->getFile(), $exception->getLine());

     * Load all files from folder ore source or sources
protected function actionFiles() {
$sources = [];
        foreach (
$this->config->sources as $key => $source) {
            if (
$this->request->source && $this->request->source !== 'default' && $key !== $this->request->source && $this->request->path !== './') {

$path = $source->getPath();

            try {
$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $path);
            } catch (\
Exception $e) {

$sourceData = (object)[
'baseurl' => $source->baseurl,
'path' =>  str_replace(realpath($source->getRoot()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $path),
'files' => [],

$dir = opendir($path);

            while (
$file = readdir($dir)) {
                if (
$file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_file($path . $file)) {
                    if (
$this->isGoodFile($path . $file, $source)) {
$item = [
'file' => $file,

                        if (
$this->config->createThumb) {
                            if (!
is_dir($path . $this->config->thumbFolderName)) {
mkdir($path . $this->config->thumbFolderName, 0777);
                            if (!
file_exists($path . $this->config->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file)) {
                                try {
$img = new SimpleImage($path . $file);
->best_fit(150, 150)
save($path . $this->config->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file, $this->config->quality);
                                } catch (\
Exception $e) {
$item['thumb'] = $this->config->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;

$item['changed'] = date($this->config->datetimeFormat, filemtime($path.$file));
$item['size'] = Helper::humanFileSize(filesize($path.$file));
$sourceData->files[] = $item;

$sources[$key] = $sourceData;

        return [
'sources' => $sources

     * Load all folders from folder ore source or sources
protected function actionFolders() {
$sources = [];
        foreach (
$this->config->sources as $key => $source) {
            if (
$this->request->source && $this->request->source !== 'default' && $key !== $this->request->source && $this->request->path !== './') {

$path = $source->getPath();

            try {
$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $path);
            } catch (\
Exception $e) {

$sourceData = (object)[
'baseurl' => $source->baseurl,
'path' =>  str_replace(realpath($source->getRoot()) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '', $path),
'folders' => [],

$sourceData->folders[] = $path == $source->getRoot() ? '.' : '..';

$dir = opendir($path);
            while (
$file = readdir($dir)) {
                if (
$file != '.' && $file != '..' && is_dir($path . $file) and (!$this->config->createThumb || $file !== $this->config->thumbFolderName) and !in_array($file, $this->config->excludeDirectoryNames)) {
$sourceData->folders[] = $file;

$sources[$key] = $sourceData;

        return [
'sources' => $sources

     * Load remote image by URL to self host
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionFileUploadRemote() {
$url = $this->request->url;

        if (!
$url) {
            throw new \
Exception('Need url parameter', 400);

$result = parse_url($url);

        if (!isset(
$result['host']) || !isset($result['path'])) {
            throw new \
Exception('Not valid URL', 400);

$filename = Helper::makeSafe(basename($result['path']));

        if (!
$filename) {
            throw new \
Exception('Not valid URL', 400);

Helper::downloadRemoteFile($url, $this->getSource()->getRoot() . $filename);
$extension = pathinfo($this->getSource()->getRoot() . $filename, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);

        try {
$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $this->getSource()->getRoot(), $extension);
        } catch (\
Exception $e) {
unlink($this->getSource()->getRoot() . $filename);

        return [
'newfilename' => $filename,
'baseurl' => $this->getSource()->baseurl,

     * Upload images
     * @return array
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionFileUpload() {

$source = $this->getSource();
$root = $source->getRoot();
$path = $source->getPath();

$messages = [];
$files = [];

        if (isset(
$_FILES['files']) and is_array($_FILES['files']) and isset($_FILES['files']['name']) and is_array($_FILES['files']['name']) and count($_FILES['files']['name'])) {
            foreach (
$_FILES['files']['name'] as $i => $file) {
                if (
$_FILES['files']['error'][$i]) {
                    throw new \
Exception(isset(Helper::$upload_errors[$_FILES['files']['error'][$i]]) ? Helper::$upload_errors[$_FILES['files']['error'][$i]] : 'Error', $_FILES['files']['error'][$i]);

$tmp_name = $_FILES['files']['tmp_name'][$i];

                if (
$source->maxFileSize and filesize($tmp_name) > Helper::convertToBytes($source->maxFileSize)) {
                    throw new \
Exception('File size exceeds the allowable', 403);

                if (
move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $file = $path . Helper::makeSafe($_FILES['files']['name'][$i]))) {
                    try {
$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $source->getRoot(), pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION));
                    } catch (\
Exception $e) {

                    if (!
$this->isGoodFile($file, $source)) {
                        throw new \
Exception('File type is not in white list', 403);

$messages[] = 'File ' . $_FILES['files']['name'][$i] . ' was upload';
$files[] = str_replace($root, '', $file);
                } else {
                    if (!
is_writable($path)) {
                        throw new \
Exception('Destination directory is not writeble', 424);

                    throw new \
Exception('No files have been uploaded', 422);

        if (!
count($files)) {
            throw new \
Exception('No files have been uploaded', 422);

        return [
'baseurl' => $source->baseurl,
'messages' => $messages,
'files' => $files

     * Remove file
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionFileRemove() {
$source = $this->getSource();

$file_path = false;

$path = $source->getPath();

$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $path);

$target = $this->request->name;

        if (
realpath($path . $target) && strpos(realpath($path . $target), $source->getRoot()) !== false) {
$file_path = realpath($path . $target);

        if (
$file_path && file_exists($file_path)) {
            if (
is_file($file_path)) {
$result = unlink($file_path);
                if (
$result) {
$file = basename($file_path);
$thumb = dirname($file_path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $source->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $file;
                    if (
file_exists($thumb)) {
                        if (!
count(glob(dirname($thumb) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "*"))) {
                } else {
$error = (object)error_get_last();
                    throw new \
Exception('Delete failed! ' . $error->message, 424);
            } else {
                throw new \
Exception('It is not a file!', 424);

        } else {
            throw new \
Exception('File or directory not exists' . $path . $target, 400);

     * Remove folder
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionFolderRemove() {
$source = $this->getSource();

$file_path = false;

$path = $source->getPath();

$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $path);

$target = $this->request->name;

        if (
realpath($path . $target) && strpos(realpath($path . $target), $source->getRoot()) !== false) {
$file_path = realpath($path . $target);

        if (
$file_path && file_exists($file_path)) {
            if (
is_dir($file_path)) {
$thumb = $file_path . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $source->thumbFolderName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                if (
is_dir($thumb)) {
            } else {
                throw new \
Exception('It is not a directory!', 424);
        } else {
            throw new \
Exception('Directory not exists', 400);

     * Create directory
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionFolderCreate() {
$source = $this->getSource();
$destinationPath = $source->getPath();

$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $destinationPath);

$folderName = Helper::makeSafe($this->request->name);

        if (
$destinationPath) {
            if (
$folderName) {
                if (!
realpath($destinationPath . $folderName)) {
mkdir($destinationPath . $folderName, $source->defaultPermission);
                    if (
is_dir($destinationPath . $folderName)) {
                        return [
'messages' => ['Directory successfully created']];
                    throw new \
Exception('Directory was not created', 404);
                throw new \
Exception('Directory already exists', 406);
            throw new \
Exception('The name for new directory has not been set', 406);
        throw new \
Exception('The destination directory has not been set', 406);

     * Move file or directory to another folder
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionMove() {
$source = $this->getSource();
$destinationPath = $source->getPath();
$sourcePath = $source->getPath($this->request->from);

$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $destinationPath);
$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $sourcePath);

        if (
$sourcePath) {
            if (
$destinationPath) {
                if (
is_file($sourcePath) or is_dir($sourcePath)) {
rename($sourcePath, $destinationPath . basename($sourcePath));
                } else {
                    throw new \
Exception('Not file', 404);
            } else {
                throw new \
Exception('Need destination path', 400);
        } else {
            throw new \
Exception('Need source path', 400);

     * Resize image
     * @throws \Exception
protected function actionImageResize() {
$source = $this->getSource();

$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $source->getPath());

$info = $this->getImageEditorInfo();

        if (!
$info->box || (int)$info->box->w <= 0) {
            throw new \
Exception('Width not specified', 400);

        if (!
$info->box || (int)$info->box->h <= 0) {
            throw new \
Exception('Height not specified', 400);

->resize((int)$info->box->w, (int)$info->box->h)
save($info->path . $info->newname, $source->quality);

    protected function
actionImageCrop() {
$source = $this->getSource();

$this->accessControl->checkPermission($this->getUserRole(), $this->action, $source->getPath());

$info = $this->getImageEditorInfo();

        if ((int)
$info->box->x < 0 || (int)$info->box->x > (int)$info->width) {
            throw new \
Exception('Start X not specified', 400);

        if ((int)
$info->box->y < 0 || (int)$info->box->y > (int)$info->height) {
            throw new \
Exception('Start Y not specified', 400);

        if ((int)
$info->box->w <= 0) {
            throw new \
Exception('Width not specified', 400);

        if ((int)
$info->box->h <= 0) {
            throw new \
Exception('Height not specified', 400);

->crop((int)$info->box->x, (int)$info->box->y, (int)$info->box->x + (int)$info->box->w, (int)$info->box->y + (int)$info->box->h)
save($info->path . $info->newname, $source->quality);


     * Get filepath by URL for local files
     * @metod actionGetFileByURL
function actionGetLocalFileByUrl() {
$url = $this->request->url;
        if (!
$url) {
            throw new \
Exception('Need full url', 400);

$parts = parse_url($url);

        if (empty(
$parts['path'])) {
            throw new \
Exception('Empty url', 400);

$found = false;
$path = '';
$root = '';

$key = 0;

        foreach (
$this->config->sources as $key => $source) {
            if (
$this->request->source && $this->request->source !== 'default' && $key !== $this->request->source && $this->request->path !== './') {

$base = parse_url($source->baseurl);

$path = preg_replace('#^(/)?' . $base['path'] . '#', '', $parts['path']);

$root = $source->getPath();

            if (
file_exists($root . $path) && is_file($root . $path) && $this->isGoodFile($root . $path, $source)) {
$found = true;

        if (!
$found) {
            throw new \
Exception('File does not exist or is above the root of the connector', 424);

        return [
'path' => str_replace($root, '', dirname($root . $path) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR),
'name' => basename($path),
'source' => $key