namespace XF\Api\Docs;
use function count, is_int, strlen, strval;
class AnnotationParser
const BLOCK_ROUTE = 'route';
const BLOCK_TYPE = 'type';
protected $currentBlockStyle;
protected $currentClassName;
* @var ClassParser|null
protected $classParser;
public function setClassParser(ClassParser $classParser)
$this->classParser = $classParser;
* @param string $blockStyle
* @param string $annotation
* @param string|null $className
* @return Annotation\AbstractBlock
public function parse($blockStyle, $annotation, $className = null)
switch ($blockStyle)
case self::BLOCK_ROUTE:
$block = new Annotation\RouteBlock();
case self::BLOCK_TYPE:
$block = new Annotation\TypeBlock();
throw new \LogicException("Block style must be a defined BLOCK_xxx constant");
$originalBlockStyle = $this->currentBlockStyle;
$this->currentBlockStyle = $blockStyle;
$originalClassName = $this->currentClassName;
$this->currentClassName = $className;
$annotation = preg_replace('#^\s*/\*+#', '', $annotation);
$annotation = preg_replace('#\*+/\s*$#', '', $annotation);
$annotation = trim($annotation);
$lines = explode("\n", $annotation);
$totalLines = count($lines);
for ($i = 0; $i < $totalLines; $i++)
$line = $lines[$i];
$line = preg_replace('#^\*+\s*#', '', trim($line));
if (!strlen($line))
if (preg_match('#^@api-([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)#', $line, $startMatch))
$lineType = strtolower($startMatch[1]);
$lineValue = $this->trimOffStartMatch($line, $startMatch[0]);
$continuePeeking = false;
if (isset($lines[$i + 1]))
$peekLine = trim($lines[$i + 1]);
if (preg_match('#^\*[ \t]( |\t)\s*(?!@)(?=\S)#', $peekLine, $peekLineMatch))
$peekLine = trim(substr($peekLine, strlen($peekLineMatch[0])));
$lineValue .= ' ' . $peekLine;
$continuePeeking = true;
while ($continuePeeking);
$lineResult = $this->parseLine($lineType, $lineValue);
if ($lineResult)
if ($lineResult->applyToBlock($block) === false)
$this->currentBlockStyle = $originalBlockStyle;
$this->currentClassName = $originalClassName;
return $block;
* @param string $type
* @param string $value
* @return Annotation\AbstractLine|null
protected function parseLine($type, $value)
switch ($type)
case 'route': return $this->parseLineRoute($value);
case 'type': return $this->parseLineType($value);
case 'desc': return $this->parseLineDescription($value);
case 'group': return $this->parseLineGroup($value);
case 'incomplete': return $this->parseLineIncomplete($value);
case 'in': return $this->parseLineIn($value);
case 'out': return $this->parseLineOut($value);
case 'error': return $this->parseLineError($value);
case 'see': return $this->parseLineSee($value);
default: return null;
protected function parseLineRoute($value)
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $value, 2);
if (count($parts) < 2)
// if only 1 part, then assume to be the route
$parts = [null, $value];
// make sure the method is always in caps
$parts[0] = strtoupper($parts[0]);
return new Annotation\RouteLine($parts[0], $parts[1]);
protected function parseLineType($value)
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $value, 2);
if (count($parts) <= 2)
$parts = [$value, ''];
return new Annotation\TypeLine($parts[0], $parts[1]);
protected function parseLineDescription($value)
return new Annotation\DescriptionLine($value);
protected function parseLineGroup($value)
return new Annotation\GroupLine($value);
protected function parseLineIncomplete($value)
return new Annotation\IncompleteLine();
protected function parseLineIn($value)
return $this->parseValueLine('In', $value);
protected function parseLineOut($value)
return $this->parseValueLine('Out', $value);
* @param string $classType
* @param string $value
* @return Annotation\AbstractValueLine
protected function parseValueLine($classType, $value)
if (preg_match('#^<([a-z0-9_\-\|]+)>#i', $value, $match))
$modifiers = explode('|', $match[1]);
$value = $this->trimOffStartMatch($value, $match[0]);
$modifiers = [];
if (preg_match('#^([a-z0-9_\-\|\[\]<>]+)#i', $value, $match))
$type = $match[1];
$value = $this->trimOffStartMatch($value, $match[0]);
$type = 'mixed';
if (preg_match('#^\$([a-z0-9_\-\|\[\]<>]+)#i', $value, $match))
$name = $match[1];
$value = $this->trimOffStartMatch($value, $match[0]);
// name omitted, so assume the type is the name without the $ and make the type be mixed
$name = $type;
$type = 'mixed';
if (!$modifiers)
if (preg_match('#^<([a-z0-9_\-\|]+)>#i', $value, $match))
$modifiers = explode('|', $match[1]);
$value = $this->trimOffStartMatch($value, $match[0]);
$modifiers = [];
$description = trim($value);
$types = explode('|', $type);
$class = '\XF\Api\Docs\Annotation\\' . $classType . 'Line';
return new $class($name, $description, $types, $modifiers);
protected function parseLineError($value)
$parts = preg_split('/\s+/', $value, 2);
if (count($parts) < 2)
$parts = [$value, ''];
return new Annotation\ErrorLine($parts[0], $parts[1]);
protected function parseLineSee($value)
if (!$this->classParser)
throw new \LogicException("A class parser must be available to parse @api-see");
if (!preg_match('#^([a-z0-9_\\\\]+)::([a-z0-9_]+)(\(\))?$#i', $value, $match))
return null;
$class = $match[1];
$method = $match[2];
if ($class == 'self')
if (!$this->currentClassName)
return null;
$class = $this->currentClassName;
$result = $this->classParser->parseClassMethod($this->currentBlockStyle, $class, $method);
if (!$result)
return null;
return new Annotation\SeeLine($result);
protected function trimOffStartMatch($line, $match)
if (is_int($match))
$length = $match;
$length = strlen($match);
return ltrim(strval(substr($line, $length)));