namespace XF\Db\Schema;
use XF\Db\SchemaManager;
class Alter extends AbstractDdl
protected $engine;
protected $renameTo;
protected $columnDefinitions;
protected $indexDefinitions;
protected $convertCharset;
protected $convertCollation;
* @var Column[]
protected $changeColumns = [];
* @var Index[]
protected $changeIndexes = [];
protected $conflictRenames = [];
public function __construct(\XF\Db\AbstractAdapter $db, SchemaManager $sm, $tableName)
parent::__construct($db, $sm, $tableName);
$sm = $db->getSchemaManager();
$tableStatus = $sm->getTableStatus($tableName);
if (!$tableStatus)
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Table '$tableName' does not exist so cannot be altered");
$this->columnDefinitions = $sm->getTableColumnDefinitions($tableName);
$this->indexDefinitions = $sm->getTableIndexDefinitions($tableName);
public function engine($engine)
$this->engine = $engine;
return $this;
public function renameTo($newName)
$this->renameTo = $newName;
return $this;
public function convertCharset($charset, $collation = null)
$this->convertCharset = $charset;
$this->convertCollation = $collation;
return $this;
public function changeColumn($columnName, $type = null, $length = null)
$column = new Column($this->db, $this, $columnName, null, $this->forceChanges);
if ($type !== null)
if ($length !== null)
$this->changeColumns[] = $column;
return $column;
public function dropColumns($columnNames)
foreach ((array)$columnNames AS $columnName)
$columnDef = $this->getColumnDefinition($columnName);
if (!$columnDef)
// column already dropped/doesn't exist so skip it
$column = $this->changeColumn($columnName);
return $this;
public function renameColumn($columnName, $newColumnName)
$column = $this->changeColumn($columnName);
return $column;
public function changeIndex($indexName)
$index = new Index($this->db, $this, $indexName, null, $this->forceChanges);
$this->changeIndexes[] = $index;
return $index;
public function dropPrimaryKey()
public function dropIndexes($indexNames)
foreach ((array)$indexNames AS $indexName)
if ($indexName == 'primary')
$indexName = 'PRIMARY';
$indexDef = $this->getIndexDefinition($indexName);
if (!$indexDef)
// index already dropped/doesn't exist so skip it
$index = $this->changeIndex($indexName);
public function getColumnDefinition($columnName)
$definitions = $this->columnDefinitions;
return $definitions[$columnName] ?? null;
public function getColumnDefinitions()
return $this->columnDefinitions;
public function forgetColumn($columnName)
public function registerColumnRename($oldName, $newName)
// forget the column exists
// look for any existing indexes using the old column, they will implicitly use the new one
foreach ($this->indexDefinitions AS $index => $columns)
foreach ($columns AS $id => $column)
if ($column['Column_name'] == $oldName)
$this->indexDefinitions[$index][$id]['Column_name'] = $newName;
public function registerConflictRename($oldName, $newName)
$this->conflictRenames[$oldName] = $newName;
public function getConflictRenames()
return $this->conflictRenames;
public function getIndexDefinition($indexName)
$definitions = $this->indexDefinitions;
return $definitions[$indexName] ?? null;
public function getIndexDefinitions()
return $this->indexDefinitions;
public function forgetIndex($indexName)
public function getQueries()
$tableName = $this->tableName;
$query = "ALTER TABLE `$tableName`\n";
$tableDefinition = [];
if ($this->engine)
$tableDefinition[] = 'ENGINE ' . $this->engine;
if ($this->convertCharset)
$convert = "CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET `{$this->convertCharset}`";
if ($this->convertCollation)
$convert .= " COLLATE `{$this->convertCollation}`";
$tableDefinition[] = $convert;
foreach ($this->changeColumns AS $column)
$definition = $column->getDefinition(true);
if ($definition)
$tableDefinition[] = $definition;
foreach ($this->addColumns AS $column)
$definition = $column->getDefinition();
if ($definition)
$tableDefinition[] = $definition;
foreach ($this->changeIndexes AS $index)
$definition = $index->getDefinition(true);
if ($definition)
$tableDefinition[] = $definition;
foreach ($this->addIndexes AS $index)
$definition = $index->getDefinition();
if ($definition)
$tableDefinition[] = $definition;
if ($this->autoIncrementIndex !== null)
$tableDefinition[] = 'AUTO_INCREMENT=' . $this->autoIncrementIndex;
if (!$tableDefinition && !$this->renameTo)
return [];
if ($this->renameTo)
$oldExists = $this->sm->tableExists($this->tableName);
$newExists = $this->sm->tableExists($this->renameTo);
if ($oldExists && !$newExists)
$query .= "RENAME TO `{$this->renameTo}`";
if ($tableDefinition)
$query .= ",\n";
$this->renameTo = false;
$query .= implode(",\n", $tableDefinition);
return $query ? [$query] : [];