namespace XF\Job;
class AddOnData extends AbstractJob
protected $defaultData = [
'addon_id' => null,
'data_dir' => null,
'data_types' => null,
'current_type' => null,
'start' => 0
protected $currentType = null;
protected $lastIndex = 0;
protected $totalEntries = 0;
public function run($maxRunTime)
if ($this->data['addon_id'] != 'XF')
$addOnManager = $this->app->addOnManager();
$addOn = $addOnManager->getById($this->data['addon_id']);
if (!$addOn)
// add-on isn't installed, can't do anything
return $this->complete();
if ($this->data['data_dir'] === null)
$this->data['data_dir'] = $addOn->getDataDirectory();
$addOn = null; // don't populate this for XF since it wouldn't be the same type of object
if ($this->data['data_dir'] === null)
$ds = \XF::$DS;
$this->data['data_dir'] = \XF::getAddOnDirectory() . $ds . 'XF' . $ds . '_data';
$dataManager = $this->app->addOnDataManager();
$addOnId = $this->data['addon_id'];
$dataDir = $this->data['data_dir'];
if ($this->data['data_types'] === null)
$dataTypes = $dataManager->getDataTypeClasses();
foreach ($dataTypes AS $key => $dataType)
$handler = $dataManager->getDataTypeHandler($dataType);
$xml = $handler->openTypeFile($dataDir);
if (!$xml || !$xml->count())
// We can skip this type entirely, but clean up any existing data first
$this->data['data_types'] = $dataTypes;
if (!$this->data['current_type'])
$this->data['current_type'] = array_shift($this->data['data_types']);
if (!$this->data['current_type'])
if ($addOn)
/** @var \XF\Repository\Style $repo */
$repo = $this->app->repository('XF:Style');
return $this->complete();
$this->data['start'] = 0;
$start = $this->data['start'];
$type = $this->data['current_type'];
$handler = $dataManager->getDataTypeHandler($type);
$this->currentType = $handler->getContainerTag();
$this->lastIndex = $start;
$xml = $handler->openTypeFile($dataDir);
if (!$xml || !$xml->count())
// No data so skip and delete existing data for type (if any)
$this->data['current_type'] = null;
return $this->resume();
$this->totalEntries = $xml->count();
$last = $handler->importAddOnData($addOnId, $xml, $start, $maxRunTime);
if (!$last)
// finished type, delete any existing data not in the XML file for this type
$handler->deleteOrphanedAddOnData($addOnId, $xml);
$this->data['current_type'] = null;
return $this->resume();
$this->data['start'] = $last;
return $this->resume();
public function getStatusMessage()
// TODO: These (and the types) probably should be phrased
$actionPhrase = 'Importing';
if ($this->data['addon_id'] == 'XF')
$typePhrase = 'Master data';
$typePhrase = 'Add-on data';
$currentType = null;
if ($this->currentType)
$currentType = ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $this->currentType));
if ($currentType && $this->lastIndex)
$percentage = $this->app->language()->numberFormat(($this->lastIndex / $this->totalEntries) * 100, 1);
return sprintf('%s... %s (%s: %s%%)', $actionPhrase, $typePhrase, $currentType, $percentage);
else if ($currentType)
return sprintf('%s... %s (%s)', $actionPhrase, $typePhrase, $currentType);
return sprintf('%s... %s', $actionPhrase, $typePhrase);
public function canCancel()
return false;
public function canTriggerByChoice()
return false;